Soul Breaks


𝐋𝐎Crimson Cardsmagic ^15.0/5 fire w/ 99k cap scaling w/ LB pts and honing
DAAwoken Jackpot Triadmagic 21.35/7 fire+non w/ 19k cap, fire infuse w/ stacking 25s, self +50% MAG/MND 25s, dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x fire dmg 15s, 15s: [Dual Awoken Fire Mode I (Ace): Fire abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Fire abilities, casts Dual Fira RF after casting an equipped Fire ability]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Fire Mode II (Ace): Increases the damage/healing cap by 20000, Fire abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Fire abilities, casts Dual Fira SHG after using Fire attacks, lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Fire Mode I (Ace)] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
C+Bond (Ace)instant Type-0 chain 1.5x (max 150), party +30% ATK/MAG 25s, fastcast 1, self instacast 1, 15s: [Linked Burst Mode Type-0: Grants [Buff Prismatic 10% (15s)] to all allies after any Type-0 ally uses an elemental attack (excluding non-elemental), can only trigger once per element, removed after triggering three times]
CBeginning of the EndType-0 chain 1.5x (max 150), party Haste, +30% ATK/MAG 25s
ADApex Jackpot Shotinstant fire infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
thenmagic 63.0/20 - 70.0/20 - 77.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 34.6 - 38.06 - 41.52 w/ 99k cap, fire+non @ 0-100k-300k dmg dealt
SA2Volcano Cardmagic 22.5/15 fire+non, fire infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, party (hi fastcast 1) / (2x ATB 1) if 0-4+ Type-0 chars. alive, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.3x fire dmg 3 turns, status lvl +1
[B.Mag], w/ firem12.2/4 - 18.3/6 - 24.4/8 f+n w/ 0-1-2 uses
[B.Mag], w/ fireinstant party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, 1.5x dmg vs weak 1 turn @ 1 status lvl, self hi fastcast 1, dualcast fire 1 turn @ 0 status lvl, status lvl -1
SA1Assault Cardsmagic 22.5/15 fire+non, fire infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, Phys blink stacking 15s, Phys blink 1, 15s: (cmd 1/cmd 2 ⤇ 2x ATB 1 if Phys blink)
[B.Mag], w/ firem18.0/6 - 18.3/6 - 18.6/6 f+n @ 0/1/2 Phys blink
[B.Mag], w/ fireinstant self fastcast 2, Phys blink 2
AAWild Cardmagic 22.5/15 fire+non, fire infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (B.Mag ⤇ m4.08/2 f+n B.Mag, self fastzap 2), (Summon ⤇ m4.08/2 f+n B.Mag, self +10% fire dmg 15s), 15s: Awoken Fire: fire inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AOMonolith Beammagic 36.4/20, then 26.5 w/ 99k cap, fire
U2Firaga BOMmagic 17.0/10 fire+non, fire infuse 25s, self 1.3x B.Mag dmg 15s, for next 3 B.Mag: (1/2/3 B.Mag ⤇ m4.08/2 f+n B.Mag, self hi fastcast 2 – m4.08/2 f+n B.Mag, same row heal 1.5k – m16.32/8 f+n B.Mag)
U1Jackpot Triadmagic 17.0/10 fire+non, fire infuse 25s, 15s: (any ability ⤇ 74-25-1% m0.55-1.1/2-7.15/13 f+n B.Mag), 15s: EX: +30% MAG, fastcast
OMega Burstmagic 37.2 fire+non w/ 99k cap, or m42.8 if in front row
G+Support Handinstant fire infuse stacking 25s, fire infuse 25s, self instacast 1
GCut Cardsinstant fire infuse stacking 25s, fire infuse 25s, self hi fastcast 2
B2Firaga SHGmagic 14.0/8 fire+non, or m16.16/8 if in front row, party +30% ATK/MAG 25s
[B.Mag]m8.96/​4 f+n, self B.Mag fastcast 2
[B.Mag]AoE m7.8/​2 f+n, self +30% MAG, -30% DEF 20s
B1Firaga RFinstant magic 15.04/8 fire+non, party Phys blink 1
[B.Mag]fast m7.84/​4 f+n, or m9.8/​5 if in front row
[B.Mag]AoE m7.8/​2 f+n, self +30% MAG, -30% RES 20s
SJackpot Shotmagic 17.82/6, party heal 40% HP
LMR4Wielder of Power(fire dmg ⤇ 25% for m9.09/3 f+n, ally heal 1.5k)
LMR3Sleight of Hand25% dualcast fire
LMR2Chocobondfire infuse 25s at battle start
LMR1Spiral Breaker(BLK ⤇ 25% for Phys blink 1)
LM2Trump CardHaste, instacast 3 at battle start
LM1Hidden Zeal1.1x fire dmg
UPhoton Barrageparty h85, Autoheal 2k, Status blink 1
BReprogramparty h55, +30% ATK/MND 25s
[W.Mag]h80, Esuna
[W.Mag]party h25
SAngel Feathersparty h85, Haste
LMRGentle Bloom25% dualcast W.Mag
LM2Future Facing(ally W.Mag heal ⤇ 35% for ally Phys blink 1)
LM1New Song1.15x WHT healing
DA“Awoken White Materia”instant [Awoken White Materia: Cast time: 0.01s, Restores HP (105) capped at 19999, removes KO [Raise: 100%] capped at 19999, grants [Haste], [Regenga] and [Physical High Quick Cast 3], grants [Damage Cap +10000], [Dual Awoken Savior Mode I (Aerith)] and [White Magic Healing Resonance Boost +5%] to the user]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Savior Mode II (Aerith): Cast speed x9999999 for White Magic abilities, restores HP (55) to all allies after using White Magic abilities, grants [Physical Instant Cast 1] and [Last Stand] to all allies after using White Magic abilities, lasts for 1 turn]
SABlue-Eyed Sentinelinstant party h105, phys hi fastcast 3, Last stand, self dmg cap +10k 15s, status lvl +1
[W.Mag], w/ W.Maginstant h85, Autoheal 3k
[W.Mag], w/ W.Magparty h25, Last stand if status lvl, self +250 SB pts if status lvl, reset status lvl
AA2Planetary Pulseinstant party h105, revive @ 100% HP, Haste, Regenga, phys fastcast 15s, Esuna, 15s: Awoken Cetra Strength: W.Mag inf. hones, 2-3x W.Mag cast @ rank 1-5, (W.Mag ⤇ party h25, refill 1 abil. use per 3 uses)
AA1Star Pulseinstant party h105, revive @ 100% HP, Haste, phys hi fastcast 3, Last stand, 15s: Awoken Savior: W.Mag inf. hones, W.Mag hi fastcast, (W.Mag ⤇ party Autoheal 0.5k/1k/1.5k/2k/3k @ rank 1-5)
U2Innocent Cureinstant party h85, phys hi fastcast 3, Last stand
U1Hidden Bloominstant party h85, Shell, Autoheal 2k
G+2Star Whisperinstant party Autoheal 3k, Esuna
G+1Refreshing Breezeinstant party Haste, Protect, Shell
B2Prayer of Salvationparty h85, -10% dark vuln. 15s
[W.Mag]instant h105
[W.Mag]+30% ATK/RES 20s, Regen (hi)
B1White MateriaAoE white 9.5/5 holy, party h85
[W.Mag]h105, +30% MND 25s
[W.Mag]party h25
SPulse of Lifeparty h50, Reraise 40%
-Fury Brandparty Magic blink 1, crit =50% 25s
-Dragon Forceparty Phys blink 1
-Planet Protectorparty +50% ATK 25s
-Healing Wind (VII)party h56
LMRFlower of the Slums25% dualcast W.Mag
LM2Motherly Protector(W.Mag ⤇ 35% for party h25)
LM1Daughter of the Ancients1.15x WHT healing
𝐋𝐎Bestowed Bladephys ^5.0/5 holy w/ 99k cap @ +100% crit scaling w/ LB pts and honing
SALast Judgment Bladephys 9.0/15 holy+non, holy infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: [Princess's Guard Mode: Holy abilities deal 10%/20%/30%/40%/50% more damage if the target's Holy weakness is 20%/30%/40%/50%/60%+, removed if user hasn't Synchro Mode]
[Knight], w/ holyp5.4/6 h+n, +10% holy vuln. 5s
[Knight], w/ holyinstant self hi fastcast 1, dualcast holy 1 turn
AAHoly Cross Bladephys 9.0/15 holy+non, holy infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (2 Knight ⤇ +10% holy vuln. 15s), 15s: Awoken Knight: Knight inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AODivine Retributionphys 24.0/3 holy w/ 99k cap
U2Divine Devastationphys 6.7/10 holy+non, +20% holy vuln. 25s, 15s: (2 Knight ⤇ +10% holy vuln. 15s)
U1Loyal Bladephys 7.1/10 holy+non, -50% ATK/MAG 25s, holy infuse 25s, self 1.15x Knight dmg 25s
OHoly Bladephys 11.25 holy+non w/ 99k cap, or p12.75 vs. weak
BDivine RuinationAoE phys 5.88/4 holy rngd, +20% holy vuln. 25s
[Knight]p2.5/​2 h, taunt PHY/BLK, +200% DEF 25s
[Knight]p2.5/​2 h, self +40% RES 20s
S2Holy Knight Chargephys 7.77/7 holy+non, holy infuse 25s
S1Hallowed BoltAoE phys 6.0/4 rngd, 48% (15% × 4) Paralyze/Silence
-Cleansing Strikephys 5.13/3 rngd, -50% ATK/MAG 25s
LMR2Princess's Shieldholy infuse 25s at battle start
LMR1Unshakeable Faith25% dualcast Knight
LM2Knight's Finesse(Knight ⤇ 30% for +10% holy vuln. 15s)
LM1Knight's Devotion1.1x holy dmg
𝐋𝐎Vermillion Scourgemagic ^12.0/4 wind+lgt w/ 99k cap scaling w/ LB pts and honing
DAAwoken Vermagemagic 24.5/7 wind+lgt+non w/ 19k cap, -50% DEF/RES/MND if 0 XIV chars. alive 8s, party +15% A/D/M/R if ≥4 XIV chars. alive 8s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x wind/lgt dmg 15s, 1 turn: (wind/lgt ⤇ wind/lgt infuse w/ stacking), 15s: 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x B.Mag/W.Mag dmg @ rank 1-5, triplecast B.Mag/W.Mag, (B.Mag/W.Mag ⤇ status lvl +1), Finisher: [Dual Enchanted Riposte: Type: Magical, School: Black Magic, Element: (Wind,Lightning,NE), Cast time: 0.01s, Ten single attacks (0.01/2.12 each) if the user has Dual Black Mana level 0-3/4], [Dual Awoken Scion Red Mage Mode I (Alisaie) Ability Counter: Counts the number of Black Magic and White Magic abilities used while under Dual Awoken Scion Red Mage Mode I (Alisaie), removed if the user hasn't Dual Awoken Scion Red Mage Mode I (Alisaie)]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Scion Red Mage Mode II (Alisaie): Increases the damage/healing cap by 20000, Black and White Magic abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Black Magic and White Magic abilities, cast speed x2.00 for Black Magic and White Magic abilities, casts Dual Enchanted Zwerchhau after using equipped Black Magic and White Magic abilities, lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Scion Red Mage Mode I (Alisaie)] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
CPathforgerXIV chain 1.5x (max 150), party Haste, +30% ATK/MAG 25s
ADAetheric Severinstant self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (lgt/wind ⤇ lgt/wind infuse)
thenmagic 63.0/20 - 70.0/20 w/ 9k/19k cap, then 34.6 - 38.06 w/ 99k cap, wind+lgt+non @ 0-100k dmg dealt
SAHeart and Steelmagic 22.5/15 wind+lgt+non, self dmg cap +10k 15s, status lvl +1, 1 turn: (wind/lgt ⤇ wind/lgt infuse 2 w/ stacking), 15s: (4 cmd 1/cmd 2 ⤇ m15.75/15 wi+l+n B.Mag, self status lvl +1)
[B.Mag], w/ B.Mag (1 status lvl)m18.3/6, then 10.0 w/ 99k cap, f+wi+l+n, self status lvl -1
[B.Mag], w/ B.Mag (0 status lvl)m18.3/6 wi+l+n
[B.Mag], w/ B.Magm9.15/3 wi+l+n, self 1.3x B.Mag dmg 3 turns
AAEmbolden Combomagic 22.5/15 wind+lgt+non, party 1.3x dmg vs weak 1 turn, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (wind/lgt ⤇ wind/lgt infuse), 15s: (2 B.Mag/W.Mag ⤇ party 1.3x dmg vs weak 1 turn), 15s: Awoken Scion Red Mage: B.Mag/W.Mag inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
UVermagemagic 16.8/10 wind+lgt+non, self instacast 1, 1 turn: (wind/lgt ⤇ wind/lgt infuse w/ stacking), 15s: Finisher: magic 20.2/10 - 21.2/10 - 22.2/10 wind+lgt+non B.Mag w/ 0-1-2 uses
G+2Manaficationinstant self hi fastcast 1, 1 turn: (wind/lgt ⤇ wind/lgt infuse w/ stacking)
G+1Vercureinstant party h55, Autoheal 2k
LMR+Onslaught (Alisaie)(B.Mag/W.Mag ⤇ 50% for m? wi+l+n)
LM2Progeny of the Circle35% dualcast B.Mag/W.Mag
LM1Spirited Swimmer1.1x BLK dmg
SAChant of Devotioninstant party h105, revive @ 100% HP, hi fastcast 2, self dmg cap +10k 15s, status lvl +2, 15s: (cmd 2 ⤇ status lvl +1)
[W.Mag], w/ W.Maginstant party (10% Dmg barrier 1) / (Magic blink 1) / (50% Dmg barrier 1, Status blink 1) @ 0-1-2 status lvl, self status lvl -0/1/2
[W.Mag], w/ W.Magparty h25
AAHoly Sealinstant party Haste, Autoheal 6k, Regenga, Protect, Shell, Reraise 40%, 75% Dmg barrier 1, 15s: Awoken Love: W.Mag inf. hones, W.Mag hi fastcast, (W.Mag ⤇ party h10-15-25-35-45 @ rank 1-5)
U3Auracite Glowinstant party h85, 50% Dmg barrier 2, hi fastcast 2
U2Angelic Vesselinstant party h85, Negate dmg 100% (dark only), Autoheal 2k
U1Sacred Barrierparty Haste, Protect, Shell, Regen (hi), Status blink 1, Reraise 40%
G+Sister's Prayerinstant party Haste, Protect, Shell
BWisdom of Orbonneparty h85, Magic blink 1
[W.Mag]instant h105
[W.Mag]party h25
SCleric's Prayerparty -10% holy vuln. 15s, Autoheal 3k
LMR2Devout Cleric(W.Mag ⤇ 25% for party h25)
LMR1Brother's Keeper(ally W.Mag heal ⤇ 27% for ally Magic blink 1)
LM2Saint Reborn35% dualcast W.Mag
LM1Sanguine Sister1.15x WHT healing
𝐋𝐂“Parallel Bond: Alphinaud (Wind)”instant [Parallel Bond: Alphinaud (Wind): Type: Magical, Element: (Wind,NE), Cast time: 0.01s, Ten single attacks (2.60 each) capped at 19999, activates Wind Chain (max 150, field +0%) or adds 25 to the current Wind Chain maximum limit, grants [Chain Force Mode (Alphinaud)] and [Instant ATB 1] to the user]
DA“Awoken Aerial Blast”magic 21.35/7 wind+non w/ 19k cap (SUM), wind infuse w/ stacking 25s, self +50% MAG/MND 25s, dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x Summon dmg 15s, 15s: 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x Summon dmg @ rank 1-5, dualcast Summon, fastcast
theninstant self refill 3 Summon abil. use, instant ATB 1, 1 turn: 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x Summon dmg @ rank 1-5, dualcast Summon, Summon instacast, (Summon ⤇ party Autoheal 3k, 50% Dmg barrier 1), (Summon ⤇ dmg cap +10k 3 turns)
CAetherpactwind chain 1.5x (max 150), party +50% MAG 25s
ADLast Disasterinstant wind infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
thenmagic 63.0/20 - 70.0/20 - 77.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 34.6 - 38.06 - 41.52 w/ 99k cap, wind+non @ 0-100k-300k dmg dealt (SUM)
SA3Tri-Shacklemagic 22.5/15 wind+non (SUM), wind infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 40% Dmg barrier 1, 15s: [Scion's Calling Mode: Grants [Instant ATB 1], [40% Damage Reduction Barrier 1], restores one consumed ability use and Aetherflow II +1 (max. 5) when any Damage Reduction Barrier is removed, removed after triggering five times]
[Summon], w/ Summonm15.25/5 - 21.35/7 wi+n @ 0-1+ status lvl, self 1.3x wind dmg 1 turn @ 1+ status lvl, status lvl -1
[Summon], w/ Summonm16.4 wi+n w/ 99k cap, self instacast 1
SA2Summon Moonstoneinstant party h105, Last stand, self dmg cap +10k 15s
[W.Mag], w/ W.Mag/Summon (1 status lvl)instant party 75% Dmg barrier 1, self status lvl -1
[W.Mag], w/ W.Mag/Summon (0 status lvl)instant self +30% MAG/MND 25s, status lvl +1
[W.Mag], w/ W.Mag/Summon (1 status lvl)party h25, 10% Dmg barrier 1
[W.Mag], w/ W.Mag/Summon (0 status lvl)party h25
SA1Child of the Dawnmagic 22.5/15 wind+non (SUM), wind infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, status lvl +3
[Summon], w/ windm18.3/6 wi+n, self hi fastcast 1
[W.Mag], w/ wind (3 status lvl)instant party 75% Dmg barrier 1, self refill 1 abil. use, status lvl -1
[W.Mag], w/ wind (1/2 status lvl)instant h105, self refill 1 abil. use, status lvl -1
[W.Mag], w/ wind (0 status lvl)instant self status lvl +1, refill 1 abil. use
AAStarstormmagic 22.5/15 wind+non (SUM), wind infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (3 wind ⤇ m16.4 wi+n w/ 99k cap Summon), 15s: Awoken Summoning: Summon inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AODreadwyrm Trancemagic 36.4/20, then 26.5 w/ 99k cap, wind (SUM)
U3Excogitationinstant party h55, Regenga, Autoheal 3k, hi fastcast 2
BUGaruda Exoburstmagic 17.3/10 wind (SUM), party Reflect Dmg 75% as wind 30s, self hi fastcast 2
[Summon], +1 on windm7.92 – 11.64/3 – 19.32/6 – 29.64/12 wi, self refill 1 Summon abil. use at brv.2+
U1TeraflareAoE magic 16.1/7 wind+dark (SUM), wind infuse 25s, 15s: EX: 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x SUM dmg @ rank 1-5, Finisher: AoE magic 35% SUM/5 Summon, self refill 2 abil. use
G+2“Young Scholar”instant fastcast 3, +250 SB pts
G+1Shining Moonstoneinstant wind infuse stacking 25s, wind infuse 25s, self instacast 1
GShockwaveinstant magic 7.5/6 wind+non (SUM), wind infuse stacking 25s, wind infuse 25s
BAerial Blastmagic 15.04/8 wind+non (SUM), wind infuse 25s
[Summon]m7.64/​4 wi+n, self instacast 1
[Summon]m8.56/​2 wi+n, self refill 1 abil. use
SDeployment Tacticsparty +30% ATK/MAG 25s, Reflect Dmg 30s
LMR+Herald (Alphinaud)wind infuse 25s, fastcast 15s at battle start
LMRJourney of Discoverywind infuse 25s at battle start
LM2Salvation's Stratagem35% dualcast Summon
LM1Newfound Resolve1.1x SUM dmg
𝐋𝐂“Parallel Bond: Amarant (Fire)”instant [Parallel Bond: Amarant (Fire): Type: Physical, Element: (Fire,NE), Cast time: 0.01s, Ten single attacks (0.80 each) capped at 19999, activates Fire Chain (max 150, field +0%) or adds 25 to the current Fire Chain maximum limit, grants [Chain Force Mode (Amarant)] and [Instant ATB 1] to the user]
𝐋𝐎“Red-hot Knuckle Blow”phys ^5.0/5 fire w/ 99k cap @ +100% crit scaling w/ LB pts and honing
𝐋𝐆Bond Flash (Amarant)instant party fastcast 2, +30% A/D/M/R if ≥4 IX chars. alive 25s
DAAwoken Scarlet Elanphys 6.3/7 fire+non w/ 19k cap, +10/30% prism vuln. if 0-4+ IX chars. alive, fire infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x fire dmg 15s, 15s: 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x fire dmg @ rank 1-5, triplecast fire, fastcast
theninstant self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Fire Mode II (Amarant): Increases the damage/healing cap by 10000, Fire abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Fire abilities, critical chance =100%, grants [Weakness +9% Boost 1]/[Weakness +30% Boost 1] and [Quick Cast 1] to all allies after using Fire abilities if 0-3/4+ FF9 allies are alive, lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Fire Mode I (Amarant)] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
AD“Apex Counter”instant fire infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
thenphys 20.0/20 - 22.0/20 - 24.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 - 12.0 w/ 99k cap, fire+non @ 0-100k-300k dmg dealt
SAIronfire Countdownphys 9.0/15 fire+non, fire infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 10% Dmg barrier 1, (next 6 Dmg barrier lost ⤇ p^4.45 f+n Monk, party Autoheal 1k, self 10% Dmg barrier 1)
[Monk], w/ Monkp5.4/6 f+n @ +20% crit dmg
[Monk], w/ Monkinstant self crit =100% 2 turns, +30% ATK, -30% DEF 8s
AA2Blazing Godfistphys 9.0/15 fire+non, fire infuse w/ stacking 25s, self crit =100% 25s, dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: Awoken Power Throw: fire inf. hones, 2-3x fire cast @ rank 1-5, (fire ⤇ p4.32/6 f+n rngd Monk)
AA1Hidden Vocationphys 9.0/15 fire+non, fire infuse 25s, self Reflect Dmg 75% as overstrike fire 30s, +50% crit dmg 25s, dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (1/2/3+ fire ⤇ Reflect Dmg 125/200/300% as overstrike fire 30s), 15s: Awoken Fire: fire inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AOOutlaw Combophys 24.0/3 fire+lgt w/ 99k cap
U2Detonating Fistinstant phys 6.2/10 lgt+fire+non, +20% fire/lgt vuln. 25s, self Monk hi fastcast 2
U1Faithful Fistphys 7.1/10 fire+non, fire infuse 25s, party Reflect Dmg 75% as fire 30s
G+Outlaw Soulinstant fire infuse stacking 25s, fire infuse 25s, self instacast 1
GOutlaw Spiritinstant fire infuse stacking 25s, fire infuse 25s, self crit =100% 2 turns
BFists of FlameAoE phys 4.92/6 fire+non rngd, fire infuse 25s
[Monk]p1.96/​4 f+n rngd @ +50% crit dmg
[Monk]AoE p1.3/​2 f+n rngd @ +50% crit dmg
SPower Throwphys 7.44/8 rngd @ +50% crit dmg, self +30% ATK/DEF 25s
-Scarlet ElanAoE phys 4.17/3, party +30% ATK 25s
-Aura (IX)party Shell, Regen (hi)
LMR3Smoldering Flamefire infuse 25s at battle start
LMR2Stolid Bodyguard25% dualcast Monk
LMR1Below-the-Board(Monk ⤇ 35% for fastcast 1)
LM2Profound Awakening(<20% HP ⤇ heal 100% HP, Trance: +30% ATK/RES, (Monk ⤇ 50% for party heal 1.5k HP) 25s)
LM1Speak Softly1.1x fire dmg
𝐋𝐎True Unleashed Wrathphys ^4.0/4 wind+holy w/ 99k cap @ +100% crit scaling w/ LB pts and honing
DAAwoken Pride and Ambitionphys 6.3/7 wind+holy+non w/ 19k cap, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x wind/holy dmg 15s, 1 turn: (wind/holy ⤇ wind/holy infuse w/ stacking), 15s: [Dual Awoken Pride Mode I (Angeal): Wind and Holy abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Wind and Holy abilities, cast speed x2.00/x2.50/x3.00 and critical chance =50%/75%/100% for equipped Wind and Holy abilities after casting 1/2/3+ Wind and Holy abilities]
theninstant [Awoken Pride and Ambition (Dual Shift): Cast time: 0.01s, Grants [Instant ATB 1] and [Dual Awoken Pride Mode II (Angeal)], grant [100% Critical 3] and [Wind/Holy Ability Instant Cast 3] if 4+ FF7 allies are alive, removes [Dual Awoken Pride Mode I (Angeal)] from the user]
ADSuccessioninstant self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (wind/holy ⤇ wind/holy infuse)
thenphys 20.0/20 - 22.0/20 w/ 9k/19k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 w/ 99k cap, wind+holy+non @ 0-100k dmg dealt
SAWhite-Winged SOLDIERphys 9.0/15 wind+holy+non, party 40% Dmg barrier 2, Last stand, self dmg cap +10k 15s, status lvl +1, 1 turn: (wind/holy ⤇ wind/holy infuse 2 w/ stacking), 15s: (Dmg barrier lost ⤇ p2.0/4 wi+h+n Knight @ +100% crit)
[Knight], w/ wind/holyp5.4/6 wi+h+n @ +20% crit dmg, self 1.3x wind dmg 1 turn if Cloud or Zack alive
[Knight], w/ wind/holyp6.0 wi+h+n w/ 99k cap, party 40% Dmg barrier 2 @ 1 status lvl, self reset status lvl
AA2Burden of Pridephys 9.0/15 wind+holy+non, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (wind/holy ⤇ wind/holy infuse), 15s: (1/2/3+ wind ⤇ 1.15-1.3-1.5x wind dmg), or (1/2/3+ holy ⤇ 1.15-1.3-1.5x holy dmg), fastcast, +50% crit dmg, 15s: Awoken Pride: wind/holy inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AA1Pride and Ambitionphys 9.0/15 wind+holy+non, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.3x PHY dmg if Cloud or Zack alive 15s, 1 turn: (wind/holy ⤇ wind/holy infuse), 15s: (wind/holy ⤇ party 40% Dmg barrier 1), 15s: Awoken Pride: wind/holy inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AOWings of Atonementphys 24.0/3 wind+holy w/ 99k cap
UIdle Ragephys 7.1/10 holy+wind, party 50% Dmg barrier 2, Regenga, self crit =100% 25s
G+2Warrior's Dignityinstant self hi fastcast 1, 1 turn: (wind/holy ⤇ wind/holy infuse w/ stacking)
G+1You Owe Me Oneinstant phys 3.12/6 wind+holy+non, party Last stand
G2Blade Invocationinstant self hi fastcast 1, 1 turn: (wind/holy ⤇ wind/holy infuse w/ stacking)
G1Envious Thunderinstant party Negate dmg 30%, +100% RES 25s
BUnleashed Wrathphys 6.64/8 holy+wind, party crit =50% 25s
[Knight]ON, self fastcast 3
[Knight] (if ON)OFF, p3.42/​6 h+wi @ +50% crit dmg
[Knight]p2.28/​4 h+wi
[Knight] (if ON)p2.85/​5 h+wi
SWings of Pridephys 7.44/6 holy+non, party +100% DEF 25s, Regen (hi)
LMRBeating Wings25% dualcast holy/wind
LM2Respected Warrior(<20% HP ⤇ heal 100% HP, Trance: +50% ATK, -50% RES, fastcast 25s)
LM11st Uniter1.1x PHY dmg
DA“Awoken Realignment”instant [Awoken Realignment: Cast time: 0.01s, Restores HP (105) capped at 19999, removes KO [Raise: 100%] capped at 19999, grants [Haste] and [High Quick Cast 2], grants [Damage Cap +10000], [Dual Awoken Automaton Mode I (Aphmau)] and [White Magic Healing Resonance Boost +5%] to the user]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, 1 turn: W.Mag instacast, (W.Mag ⤇ party h25, PM blink 1, fastcast 1)
SAAutomaton Bandinstant party h105, Regenga, instacast 1, self dmg cap +10k 15s, (<20% HP ⤇ once only, party h85, Regenga)
[Monk], w/ W.Mag/Monkinstant h85 (NAT), Esuna
[W.Mag], w/ W.Magparty h25
AABenediction (XI)instant party h105 (NAT), revive @ 100% HP, Haste, PM blink 1, instacast 1, 15s: Awoken Automaton: W.Mag/Monk inf. hones, W.Mag/Monk hi fastcast, (W.Mag/Monk ⤇ party Autoheal 0.5k/1k/1.5k/2k/3k @ rank 1-5)
U2Imperial Healinstant AoE +20% holy vuln. 25s, party h85 (NAT), 15s: (W.Mag ⤇ same row fastcast 1), 15s: (2 W.Mag ⤇ +10% holy vuln. 15s)
U1Overdrive (XI)instant party h85 (NAT), Haste, instacast 1
G+2“First Aid (XI)”instant party PM blink 1, fastcast 1
G+1Instant Manipulationinstant party Haste, Protect, Shell
BRealignmentparty h55, +30% MAG/MND 25s
[W.Mag]ON, h60
[W.Mag] (if ON)OFF, w10.48/​4 l+n, ally h60
[W.Mag]party h25
[W.Mag] (if ON)w10.28/​2 l+n, party h25
SRemove & Resistparty Status blink 1, Regen (hi)
LMR+Re-action (Aphmau)dualcast W.Mag/Monk per 3 uses
LMR2Automaton Affinity(W.Mag/Monk ⤇ 25% for party heal 1k)
LMR1Court Secrets(ally W.Mag heal ⤇ 25% for ally Autoheal 2k)
LM2Empress of Peacestatus lvl =1 at battle start, (Reraise ⤇ PM blink 1)
LM1Caring Puppetmaster1.15x WHT healing
ADApex Highwindinstant lgt infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
thenphys 20.0/20 - 22.0/20 - 24.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 - 12.0 w/ 99k cap, lgt+dark+non jump @ 0-100k-300k dmg dealt
SASpearouettephys 9.0/15 lgt+dark+non jump, lgt infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (3 cmd 1/cmd 2 ⤇ p5.28 l+d+n rngd w/ 99k cap Dragoon, self dmg cap +20k 3 turns, crit =100% 3 turns, once only)
[Dragoon], w/ Dragoonp6.3/7 l+d+n jump, air time 2.50s
[Dragoon], w/ Dragooninstant self 1.3x lgt dmg 3 turns
AATrue Highwindphys 9.0/15 lgt+dark+non jump, lgt infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (1/2/3/4+ Dragoon ⤇ crit =30/50/75/100%), 15s: fastcast, 15s: Awoken Lightning: lgt inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AOHighwind OBphys 24.0/3 lgt+dark jump w/ 99k cap
U2Twice the Jumpphys 7.1/10 lgt+dark+non jump, lgt infuse w/ stacking 25s, self jump instacast 15s, 1.3x Dragoon dmg 15s
U1Dragon Leapphys 7.1/10 lgt+dark jump, lgt infuse 25s, self +30% ATK/DEF 25s, 15s: (Dragoon dmg ⤇ p1.9/5 l+d+n rngd Dragoon)
OHighwind (XV)phys 11.25 lgt+dark jump w/ 99k cap, or p12.75 vs. weak
G+2Soaring Heightsinstant lgt infuse w/ stacking 25s, self +250 SB pts
G+1Blitz Rushinstant phys 3.12/6 lgt+dark+non jump, lgt infuse 25s, lgt infuse stacking 25s
BAir Superiorityphys 6.64/8 lgt+dark jump, lgt infuse 25s
[Dragoon]p1.96/​2 l+d rngd, self no air time 2 turns
[Dragoon]p1.88/​4 l+d rngd, self 1.09x Dragoon dmg 3 turns
SAerial Spearouettephys 7.38/6 lgt+dark jump, party Magic blink 1
LMR+Onslaught (Aranea)(Dragoon ⤇ 50% for p1.15 l+d+n rngd Dragoon)
LMR2Magitek Dragoon25% dualcast Dragoon
LMR1Soaring Valkyrielgt infuse 25s at battle start
LM2Airborne Commander+2% ATK (max +50%) per Dragoon hit
LM1Edgy Mercenary1.1x lgt dmg
𝐋𝐂“Parallel Bond: Arc”instant [Parallel Bond: Arc: Type: Hybrid, Element: (Holy,NE), Cast time: 0.01s, Ten single hybrid attacks (2.70/2.60 each) capped at 19999, element of entry damage changes to Water/NE if the user has any Attach Water, activates III Chain (max 150, field +0%) or adds 25 to the current III Chain maximum limit, grants [Chain Force Mode (Arc)] and [Instant ATB 1] to the user]
𝐋𝐎“Seaglow Bible”m^12.0/4 (SUM) or w^12.68/4 holy+water w/ 99k cap @ +100% crit scaling w/ LB pts and honing
DA“Awoken Break of Valor”m21.35/7 - 21.7/7 (SUM) or wundefined holy+water+non w/ 19k cap, self +50% MAG/MND 25s, dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x holy/water dmg 15s, 1 turn: (holy/water ⤇ holy/water infuse w/ stacking), 15s: [Dual Awoken Altruist Mode I (Arc): Holy and Water abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Holy and Water abilities, casts Dual Saintly Splash after Holy and Water abilities]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Altruist Mode II (Arc): Increase the damage/healing cap by 20000, Holy and Water abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Holy and Water abilities, restores 2000 HP to all allies after using Holy and Water abilities, grants [Water/Holy Ability Quick Cast 1] to the user after using Holy and Water abilities, lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Altruist Mode I (Arc)] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
CLightbringersinstant III chain 1.5x (max 99), party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, instacast 1
AD“Apex Gentle Soul”instant self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (holy/water ⤇ holy/water infuse)
thenm64.0/20 - 71.0/20 (SUM) or w63.0/20 - 70.0/20 w/ 9k/19k cap, then 35.15 - 38.67 w/ 99k cap, holy+water+non @ 0-100k dmg dealt
SAInvoke Leviathm22.5/15 (SUM) or w24.0/15 holy+water+non, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (holy/water ⤇ holy/water infuse 2 w/ stacking), 15s: (2 cmd 1/cmd 2 ⤇ fastcast 1, 1.3x holy/water dmg 1 turn)
[Summon], w/ waterm18.3/6 or w18.6/6 wa+n, +10% water vuln. 5s
[W.Mag], w/ holym18.3/6 (SUM) or w18.6/6 h+n, +10% holy vuln. 5s
AA2Grace of Waterm22.5/15 (SUM) or w24.0/15 holy+water+non, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (holy/water ⤇ holy/water infuse w/ stacking), 15s: (2 h/wa ⤇ 1.3x holy/water dmg 1 turn, holy/water infuse 25s), 15s: Awoken Altruist: holy/water inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AA1Awaken Leviathmagic 22.5/15 holy+water+non (SUM), +20% holy/water vuln. 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (holy/water ⤇ holy/water infuse), 15s: (3 water/holy ⤇ +10% holy/water vuln. 15s), 15s: Awoken Altruist: holy/water inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AODivine Wavem36.4/20 (SUM) or w38.4/20, then m26.5 or w28.0 w/ 99k cap, holy+water+non
U3Summon Leviathmagic 17.0/10 water+non (SUM), water infuse 25s, 15s: EX: +30% MAG, (2 W.Mag/Summon ⤇ m7.95/5 wa+n Summon, party h25)
BUHeavenly Rainsinstant party h85, +100% RES 25s
[W.Mag], +1 on W.Maginstant h25 – party h25 – party h55 – party h55, Last stand at brv.3
U1Water's Gracewhite 18.0/10 holy+water, holy infuse 25s, self +30% RES/MND 25s, 15s: (holy ⤇ w3.26/2 - 4.89/3 - 6.52/4 - 8.15/5 - 9.78/6 h+wa+n W.Mag @ rank 1-5)
G+2Shimmerwave Songinstant self hi fastcast 1, 1 turn: (holy/water ⤇ holy/water infuse w/ stacking)
G+1Sacred Breathinstant +20% holy/water vuln. 25s, self instacast 1
GSoaring Melodyinstant Summon hi fastcast 15s, refill 2 Summon abil. use
B2Break of Valorwhite 16.0/8 holy+water, holy infuse 25s
[W.Mag]w10.4/​4 h+wa
[W.Mag]h105, +30% MND 25s
B1Auroral Gracewhite 11.7/5 holy+non, party h55, self +30% MND 25s
[W.Mag]h80, Esuna
[W.Mag]party h25
S2Word of Kindnessinstant party h85, Phys blink 1
S1Renewing Rainsparty Shell, Regen (hi), Magic blink 1
-Soothing Lightparty h50 (NAT), +50% RES 25s
LMR+Onslaught (Arc)(water/holy ⤇ 35% for m8.43/3 (SUM) or w8.94/3 wa+h+n, self refill 1 random abil. use)
LMR3Plucky Orphan25% dualcast Summon
LMR2Studious Orphanwater infuse 25s at battle start
LMR1Bookworm+1% MND (max +25%) per W.Mag hit
LM2Childhood's End35% dualcast W.Mag
LM1Youthful Embrace1.15x WHT healing
𝐋𝐆𝐒“Guardian Darrcuiln”instant summon Darrcuiln 5s w/ Haste, Protect, Shell, instant ATB 1, +200% DEF/RES 25s, 1 turn: (ice/lgt/water/wind ⤇ ice/lgt/water/wind infuse), dmg cap +20k 15s, +60% ice/lgt/water/wind dmg 15s, Last stand
[B.Mag]instant m84.0/6 i+l+wa+wi+n, self dmg cap +10k 1 turn
[B.Mag]instant m45.0 i+l+wa+wi+n w/ 99k cap, -50% DEF/RES 8s, self status lvl +1
Finisherinstant m180.5/10 - 199.5/10, then 57.95 - 64.05, i+l+wa+wi+n @ 0-1 status lvl, Arciela instacast 2
DA“Awoken Unceasing Dread”magic 21.35/7 ice+lgt+water+wind+non w/ 19k cap, self +50% MAG/MND 25s, dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x ice/lgt/water/wind dmg 15s, 1 turn: (ice/lgt/water/wind ⤇ ice/lgt/water/wind infuse w/ stacking), 15s: [Dual Awoken Magic Princess Mode I (Arciela): Ice, Lightning, Water and Wind abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Ice, Lightning, Water and Wind abilities, cast speed x2.00/x2.50/x3.00 for equipped Ice, Lightning, Water and Wind abilities after casting 1/2/3+ Ice, Lightning, Water or Wind abilities]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Magic Princess Mode II (Arciela): Ice, Lightning, Water and Wind abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, causes [Imperil Ice 20% (15s)], [Imperil Lightning 20% (15s)], [Imperil Water 20% (15s)] and [Imperil Wind 20% (15s)] after using Ice, Lightning, Water and Wind abilities, grants [Buff Ice 20% (15s)], [Buff Lightning 20% (15s)], [Buff Water 20% (15s)] and [Buff Wind 20% (15s)] to all allies after using Ice, Lightning, Water and Wind abilities, lasts for 1 turn]
AD“Naakual's Vengeance”instant self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (ice/lgt/water/wind ⤇ ice/lgt/water/wind infuse)
thenmagic 63.0/20 - 70.0/20 w/ 9k/19k cap, then 34.6 - 38.06 w/ 99k cap, ice+lgt+water+wind+non @ 0-100k dmg dealt
SA“Dignified Awe”magic 22.5/15 ice+lgt+water+wind+non, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (ice/lgt/water/wind ⤇ ice/lgt/water/wind infuse 2 w/ stacking), 15s: [Sweet Tooth Mode: Dualcasts Witch abilities, cast speed x9999999 for Witch abilities, casts Quick Cast after using Witch abilities, removes after casting Quick Cast, grants [200% ATB 1], [Instant Cast 1] and Amity +1 to the user when removed]
[B.Mag], w/ ice/lgt/water/windm18.3/6, then 16.4 w/ 99k cap, i+l+wa+wi+n @ 1 status lvl, self status lvl -1
[Witch], w/ ice/lgt/water/windm16.4 i+l+wa+wi+n w/ 99k cap, self 1.3x ice/lgt/water/wind dmg 3 turns
AA“Dynastic Gravitas”magic 22.5/15 ice+lgt+water+wind+non, party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (ice/lgt/water/wind ⤇ ice/lgt/water/wind infuse), 15s: [Forest Protector Mode: Casts Guiding Break after another ally casts an ability that deals Ice, Lightning, Water or Wind damage, removed after casting Guiding Break three times, grants [Instant Cast 2] and [Ice/Lightning/Water/Wind Ability +30% Boost 2] to the user when removed], 15s: Awoken Magic Princess: ice/lgt/water/wind inf. hones, 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x ice/lgt/water/wind dmg @ rank 1-5, dualcast ice/lgt/water/wind
G+“Inherited Blade”instant fastcast 3, +250 SB pts
LM2“Descendent of the First King”35% dualcast B.Mag/Witch
LM1“Blessing of Demons”(B.Mag/Witch ⤇ 30% for fastcast 3)
𝐋𝐂“Parallel Bond: Ardyn”instant [Parallel Bond: Ardyn: Type: Physical, Element: (Dark,NE), Cast time: 0.01s, Ten single attacks (0.80 each) capped at 19999, element of entry damage changes from Dark/NE to Fire/NE if the user has any Attach Fire, activates XV Chain (max 150, field +0%) or adds 25 to the current XV Chain maximum limit, grants [Chain Force Mode (Ardyn)] and [Instant ATB 1] to the user]
𝐋𝐆𝐒Guardian Ifritinstant summon Ifrit 5s w/ Haste, Protect, Shell, instant ATB 1, +200% DEF/RES 25s, fire infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, dmg cap +20k 15s
[Combat]instant AoE p35.1/6 f+d+n, self 1.3x dark/fire dmg 1 turn
[Combat]instant p17.55/3 f+d+n, +10% dark/fire vuln. 15s
Finisherinstant p190.0/10, then 61.0 w/ 99k cap, f+d+n, Ardyn fastcast 3, Ardyn 1.3x fire/dark dmg 3 turns
𝐋𝐎Evil Armigerphys ^4.0/4 dark+fire w/ 99k cap @ +100% crit scaling w/ LB pts and honing
DA“Awoken Shadow King's Might”[Awoken Shadow King's Might: Type: Physical, Element: (Dark,Fire,NE), Cast time: 2.5s, Seven attacks (0.90 each) capped at 19999, grants [Twin Element Mode II (Dark/Fire)], [Damage Cap +10000], [Dual Awoken Shadow King Mode I (Ardyn)], [Dual Accursed Avenger Mode] and [Dark/Fire Resonance +5% Boost] to the user]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, 1 turn: 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x dark/fire dmg @ rank 1-5, dark/fire instacast, (dark/fire ⤇ p2.81 d+f+n w/ 99k cap Darkness, self lose 99% curr HP)
ADAwakening Darknessinstant self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (dark/fire ⤇ dark/fire infuse)
thenphys 20.0/20 - 22.0/20 w/ 9k/19k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 w/ 99k cap, fire+dark+non @ 0-100k dmg dealt
SAMega Deathphys 9.0/15 dark+fire+non, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (dark/fire ⤇ dark/fire infuse 2 w/ stacking), 15s: (<20% HP ⤇ instant ATB 2, instacast 2, crit =100% 2 turns (once only))
[Darkness], w/ dark/firep3.6/4 - 5.4/6 - 7.2/8 d+f+n w/ 0-1-2 uses, cast time 1.650-1.100-0.825s w/ 0-1-2 uses
[Darkness], w/ dark/firefast p5.04 d+f+n w/ 99k cap, self 1.3x dark/fire dmg 3 turns
AAShadow King's Mightphys 9.0/15 dark+fire+non, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (dark/fire ⤇ dark/fire infuse), 15s: instacast, (next 3 dark/fire ⤇ +10% dark/fire vuln. 15s, self +10% fire/dark dmg 15s), 15s: Awoken Shadow King: dark/fire inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
UAura of Darkness (XV)instant phys 6.2/10 dark+fire+non, party instacast 1, Last stand, 1 turn: (dark/fire ⤇ dark/fire infuse)
G+2“Masked Intentions”instant fastcast 3, +250 SB pts
G+1Implacable Rulerinstant self hi fastcast 1, 1 turn: (dark/fire ⤇ dark/fire infuse w/ stacking)
LMR+Onslaught (Ardyn)(dark/fire dmg ⤇ 35% for p1.17/3 d+f+n, heal 20% of dmg)
LM2King in the Shadows35% dualcast dark/fire
LM1Elusive Cipher1.1x PHY dmg
SA2Rainbow Prayerinstant water infuse 25s, party h105, revive @ 100% HP, water fastcast 4, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (next 4 cmd 1/cmd 2 ⤇ [Maiden's Protection: Type: Magical, School: White Magic, Cast time: 0.01s, One single attack that deals 99999 damage, grants [HP Stock (2000)] to a random ally])
[W.Mag], w/ Bard/W.Mag[Maiden's Wonder: Type: Magical, School: White Magic, Element: (Water,NE), Cast time: 1.65s, Three single attacks (3.10 each), restores HP (17.50/20.00/25.00) to all allies if 0-1/2-3/4+ allies have any Attach Water]
[W.Mag], w/ Bard/W.Maginstant h55, fastcast 1, Pain -1
SA1Ephemeral Maideninstant party h105, instacast 1, Negate dmg 100%, self dmg cap +10k 15s
[W.Mag], w/ Bard/W.Maginstant h55 w/o Neg. Dmg., Negate dmg 50/100% w/o - w/ Neg. Dmg.
[W.Mag], w/ Bard/W.Magparty h25
AAMaiden's Miracleinstant party h105, revive @ 100% HP, Haste, instacast 1, Last stand, 15s: Awoken Maiden: W.Mag/Bard inf. hones, W.Mag/Bard hi fastcast, (W.Mag/Bard ⤇ party Autoheal 0.5k/1k/1.5k/2k/3k @ rank 1-5)
U2Prismatic Lightinstant party h85, Regenga, instacast 1
U1Seaborne Encounterinstant party h85, Negate dmg 100% (fire only), Regen (hi)
G+2Remnant Lightinstant party Negate dmg 100% (fire only), fastcast 1
G+1Divine Curtaininstant party Haste, Protect, Shell
BMaiden of Waterparty h85, -10% fire vuln. 15s
[W.Mag]instant h80, Regen (hi)
[W.Mag]party h25
SLife of Devotionparty Magic blink 1, Autoheal 2k
LMR3Maiden of the Wreck(W.Mag ⤇ 25% for party h25)
LMR2Duty First25% dualcast W.Mag
LMR1Crystal Prayer(WHT ⤇ 25% for 1.3x WHT healing 10s)
LM2Water Crystal's Boon-25% fire dmg taken
LM1Pure of Heart1.15x WHT healing
𝐋𝐎Northswain Boltmagic ^15.0/5 lgt w/ 99k cap scaling w/ LB pts and honing
𝐋𝐆Thunder Flash (Ashe)instant magic 7.5 lgt+non w/ 99k cap, self +250 LB pts
DAAwoken Northswain's Glowmagic 21.35/7 lgt+non w/ 19k cap, lgt infuse w/ stacking 25s, self +50% MAG/MND 25s, dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x lgt dmg 15s, 15s: [Dual Awoken Lightning Mode I (Ashe): Lightning abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Lightning abilities, casts Dual Thundering Heavens after using Lightning abilities (up to 3 times)]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Lightning Mode II (Ashe): Increases the damage/healing cap by 20000, Lightning abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Lightning abilities, grants [Quick Cast 1] and [Lightning Ability +30% Boost 1] to the user after using Lightning abilities, lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Lightning Mode I (Ashe)] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
ADApex Heaven's Wrathinstant lgt infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
thenmagic 63.0/20 - 70.0/20 - 77.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 34.6 - 38.06 - 41.52 w/ 99k cap, lgt+non @ 0-100k-300k dmg dealt
SA2Channeling Boltmagic 22.5/15 lgt+non, lgt infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, fastcast 15s, 15s: (4 cmd 1/cmd 2 ⤇ m9.2/4 - 23.0/10 - 23.0/10 l+n B.Mag @ 0-72k-240k dmg dealt, then m13.0 l+n w/ 99k cap B.Mag @ 240k dmg dealt, once only)
[B.Mag], w/ lgtm18.3/6 l+n
[B.Mag], w/ lgtm3.05 l+n, self 1.5x lgt dmg 1 turn, dmg cap +10k 1 turn
SA1Saintly Pridemagic 22.5/15 lgt+non, lgt infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (3 lgt ⤇ m16.4 l+n w/ 99k cap B.Mag)
[B.Mag], w/ lgtm16.4 l+n w/ 99k cap
[B.Mag], w/ lgtm9.15/3 l+n, self +10% lgt dmg 15s, fastcast 1
AANorthswain's Boltmagic 22.5/15 lgt+non, lgt infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (3 lgt ⤇ m16.4 l+n w/ 99k cap B.Mag), 15s: Awoken Lightning: lgt inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AOLodestar's Gleammagic 79.5/3 lgt w/ 99k cap
U2Inspiring Flashmagic 17.0/10 lgt+non, lgt infuse 25s, 15s: (lgt ⤇ back row hi fastzap 1), (3 lgt ⤇ party +10% lgt dmg 15s)
U1Empyrean's Edictmagic 17.0/10 lgt+non, lgt infuse 25s, self +30% MAG/RES 25s, 15s: (B.Mag dmg ⤇ m2.84/2 - 4.26/3 - 5.68/4 - 7.1/5 - 8.52/6 l+n B.Mag @ rank 1-5)
OThunder's Echomagic 40.0 lgt+non w/ 99k cap
G+2Liberator's Truthinstant fastcast 3, +250 SB pts
G+1Dynast-King's Scioninstant lgt infuse 25s, lgt infuse stacking 25s, self instacast 1
GDusk Moteinstant lgt infuse stacking 25s, lgt infuse 25s, self hi fastcast 2
BDusk's Decreemagic 17.6/8 lgt+non, lgt infuse 25s
[B.Mag]m10.52/​4 l, self h60
[B.Mag]AoE m6.28/​2 l+n
SMaelstrom's BoltAoE magic 14.0/4 lgt+non, party heal 25% HP
-Heaven's Wrathmagic 10.98/3 holy, 51% (21% × 3) Confuse/Sleep
-Northswain's GlowAoE magic 7.0, party h40
LMR2Chosen Future(lgt dmg ⤇ 25% for m9.09/3 l+n, ally heal 1.5k)
LMR1Fallen Pridelgt infuse 25s at battle start
LM2Queen's Imperium35% dualcast lgt
LM1Regal Bearing1.1x lgt dmg
𝐋𝐂“Parallel Bond: Auron (Fire)”instant [Parallel Bond: Auron (Fire): Type: Physical, Element: (Fire,NE), Cast time: 0.01s, Ten single attacks (0.80 each) capped at 19999, activates Fire Chain (max 150, field +0%) or adds 25 to the current Fire Chain maximum limit, grants [Chain Force Mode (Auron)] and [Instant ATB 1] to the user]
𝐋𝐎Secret Dragon Fangphys ^5.0/5 fire w/ 99k cap @ +100% crit scaling w/ LB pts and honing
DA“Awoken Shooting Star”phys 6.3/7 fire+non w/ 19k cap, fire infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x Samurai dmg 15s, 15s: [Dual Awoken Samurai Mode I (Auron): Samurai abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Samurai abilities, cast speed x2.00/x2.50/x3.00 for equipped Samurai abilities after casting 1/2/3 Samurai abilities]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, 1 turn: 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x Samurai dmg @ rank 1-5, Samurai instacast, (Samurai ⤇ party dualcast Samurai 1 turn, 1.3x Samurai dmg 1 turn), (Samurai ⤇ crit =100% 1 turn, +50% crit dmg 1 turn)
CNog Firefire chain 1.5x (max 150), party +50% ATK 25s
ADApex Tornadoinstant fire infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
thenphys 20.0/20 - 22.0/20 - 24.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 - 12.0 w/ 99k cap, fire+non @ 0-100k-300k dmg dealt
SA2True Banishing Bladephys 9.0/15 fire+non, fire infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, (hi fastcast 2) / (1.3x Samurai dmg, Samurai instacast, (3 Samurai ⤇ +30% fire vuln. 5s, once only)) if 0-4+ X chars. alive
[Samurai], w/ Samuraip6.0 f+n w/ 99k cap
[Samurai], w/ Samuraip2.7/3 f+n, self crit =100% 3 turns
SA1Secret Shooting Starphys 9.0/15 fire+non, fire infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x dmg @ 1-2-3-4-5 stats lowered 15s, (cmd 2 ⤇ status lvl +1/-1 @ 0/1 status lvl)
[Samurai], w/ Samuraip5.4/6, then ^4.71, f+n @ 1 status lvl
[Samurai], w/ Samuraip6.0 f+n w/ 99k cap, -70% DEF/RES/MND @ 1 status lvl 8s
AA2Legendary Guardianphys 9.0/15 fire+non, fire infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: fastcast, (0/1/2+ Samurai ⤇ 1.1-1.2-1.3x Samurai dmg), 15s: Awoken Guiding Guardian: Samurai inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, (Samurai ⤇ p4.32/6 f+n Samurai @ +100% crit if Braska or Jecht alive, +10% fire vuln. 15s per 2 uses)
AA1Blazing Fatephys 9.0/15 fire+non, fire infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (3 Samurai ⤇ p5.28 f+n w/ 99k cap Samurai, -70% DEF/RES/MND 8s), 15s: Awoken Samurai: Samurai inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AOAsh and Dustphys 24.0/3 fire w/ 99k cap
U2Lost Artsphys 7.1/10 fire+non, fire infuse 25s, 15s: Finisher: phys 35% fire w/ 99k cap Samurai, 15s: (Samurai ⤇ crit =30-50-75%, 2-2.5-3x cast)
U1Alkaidphys 7.2/8 fire+non, -50% ATK/DEF/RES 25s, party Magic blink 1, taunt PHY/BLK, +200% DEF 25s
OUnwavering Resolvephys 10.5 fire+non w/ 99k cap, up to p14.5 w/ Samurai used
G+2“Samurai's Prowess”instant +500 SB pts
G+1Flaming Reflectioninstant fire infuse w/ stacking 25s, self instacast 1
G2Scorching Shankinstant phys 3.12/6 fire+non, +10% fire vuln. 25s, -50% DEF 15s
G1Guardian's Gritinstant fire infuse stacking 25s, fire infuse 25s, self hi fastcast 2
B3Fiery Heartphys 6.32/8 fire+non, -30% A/D/M/R/MND 25s
[Samurai]p2.2/​2 f+n, -40% ATK 15s
[Samurai]p2.2/​2 f+n, -50% MAG 15s
B2TornadoAoE phys 4.92/6 fire+non, fire infuse 25s
[Samurai]p2.16/​4 f+n
[Samurai]p1.96/​2 f+n, self +30% ATK, -30% DEF 20s
B1BushidoAoE phys 5.95/5, self +30% ATK, +25% RES, crit =50% 30s
[Samurai]p2.4, self heal 20% of dmg
[Samurai]AoE p1.82/​2, self Retaliate 15s
SBanishing Bladephys 7.8/5 rngd, -50% ATK/DEF 25s
-UndefeatedAoE phys 4.2/4 rngd, taunt PHY/BLK, +200% DEF 25s
-Shooting Starphys 5.1/3, 51% (21% × 3) Paralyze
-Dragon FangAoE phys 3.2, -50% ATK 25s
LMR+Catalyst (Auron)(3 Samurai ⤇ +30% ATK, +30% RES, fastcast 15s undefined)
LMR2Bound by a Promisefire infuse 25s at battle start
LMR1Snarling Dragon+3% ATK (max +35%) per hit taken
LM2High Guardian35% dualcast Samurai
LM1Hand of Revelation1.1x PHY dmg
AAExplosionp9.0/15 or m22.5/15 fire+wind+non rngd, fire infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (3 fire ⤇ p4.24 or m15.35 f+wi+n rngd w/ 99k cap), 15s: Awoken Fire: fire inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AOInferno Burstp24.0/3 or m79.5/3 fire+wind rngd w/ 99k cap
UWild Dancep7.0/10 or m16.8/10 fire+wind+non rngd, fire infuse 25s, self fastcast 1, 15s: (fire ⤇ fastcast 1), 15s: (fire ⤇ p1.68/4 or m7.4/4 f+wi+n rngd)
GFire Wallinstant p3.12/6 or m7.44/6 fire+wind+non rngd, fire infuse stacking 25s, fire infuse 25s
LMROrganization's Finestfire infuse 25s at battle start
LM2Flurry of Dancing Flames35% dualcast fire
LM1Number VIII1.1x fire dmg
DA“Awoken Tachi: Jinpu”phys 6.3/7 ice+non w/ 19k cap, ice infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x Samurai dmg 15s, 15s: [Dual Awoken Samurai Mode I (Ayame): Samurai abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Samurai abilities, cast speed x1.50/x2.00/x2.50/x3.00 and 5%/10%/15%/20% additional critical damage for equipped Samurai abilities after casting 1/2/3/4+ Samurai abilities]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, 1 turn: 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x Samurai dmg @ rank 1-5, Samurai instacast, (Samurai ⤇ party crit =100% 15s)
ADApex Skillchaininstant ice infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
thenphys 20.0/20 - 22.0/20 - 24.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 - 12.0 w/ 99k cap, ice+non @ 0-100k-300k dmg dealt
SA2“Ancestral Blade: Avalanche”phys 9.0/15 ice+non, ice infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, party +50% crit dmg 3 turns, self dmg cap +10k 15s
[Samurai], w/ Samuraip5.4/6 i+n, self crit =100% 1 turn
[Samurai], w/ Samuraip6.0 i+n w/ 99k cap, +10% ice vuln. 15s per 2 uses, self Samurai fastcast 1 per 2 uses
SA1Winter Moon Blossomphys 9.0/15 ice+non, ice infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
[Samurai], w/ Samuraip4.5/5 i+n @ +100% crit if Retaliate
[Samurai], w/ Samuraiinstant self +50% crit dmg 1 turn, 1.3x Samurai dmg 1 turn, Retaliate @p1.2 15s, (cmd 1 ⤇ p3.35/5 i+f+n Samurai @ +100% crit (once only))
AAShin-Setsugekkaphys 9.0/15 ice+non, ice infuse 25s, self +50% crit dmg 25s, dmg cap +10k 15s, Samurai hi fastcast 15s, Retaliate @p1.2 15s, 15s: Awoken Samurai: Samurai inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AOTachi: Ageha Chophys 24.0/3 ice w/ 99k cap
UHagakure Yukikazephys 7.1/10 ice+non, ice infuse 25s, self Retaliate @p1.2 15s, +50% crit dmg 25s
OAncestral Bladephys 11.25 ice+non w/ 99k cap, or p12.75 vs. weak
G+2“Firm Believer”instant fastcast 3, +250 SB pts
G+1Ikishoteninstant ice infuse stacking 25s, ice infuse 25s, self instacast 1
GOverwhelminstant ice infuse stacking 25s, ice infuse 25s, self hi fastcast 2
BMeikyo Shisuiphys 6.24/8 ice+non, ice infuse 25s, self +30% ATK/RES 25s
[Samurai]fast p1.88/​4 i+n
[Samurai]AoE p1.3/​2 i+n, self +30% ATK, -30% DEF 20s
STachi Jinpuinstant AoE phys 5.55/5 wind, party Haste, self +50% ATK 25s
LMR+Onslaught (Ayame)(Samurai dmg ⤇ 50% for p1.15 i+n Samurai)
LMR2Young Gunice infuse 25s at battle start
LMR1No Hesitation(Samurai ⤇ 35% for fastcast 1)
LM2Master of the Path35% dualcast Samurai
LM1Cool Hands1.1x ice dmg


𝐋𝐂“Parallel Bond: Balthier (Fire)”instant [Parallel Bond: Balthier (Fire): Type: Physical, Element: (Fire,NE), Cast time: 0.01s, Ten single ranged attacks (0.80 each) capped at 19999, activates Fire Chain (max 150, field +0%) or adds 25 to the current Fire Chain maximum limit, grants [Chain Force Mode (Balthier)] and [Instant ATB 1] to the user]
𝐋𝐎True Fires of Warphys ^3.0/5 fire rngd w/ 99k cap @ +100% crit scaling w/ LB pts and honing
DA“Awoken Element of Treachery”phys 6.3/7 fire+non rngd w/ 19k cap, fire infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x fire dmg 15s, 15s: [Dual Awoken Fire Mode I (Balthier): Fire abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Fire abilities, cast speed x2.00/x2.50/x3.00 for equipped Fire abilities after casting 1/2/3+ Fire abilities]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, 1 turn: 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x fire dmg @ rank 1-5, dualcast fire, fire instacast, (fire ⤇ dualcast fire 1 turn, crit =100% 1 turn, +50% crit dmg 1 turn, 1.3x fire dmg 1 turn)
C2Incendiary Trapinstant fire chain 1.5x (max 99), party +50% ATK 25s, +20% fire dmg 15s
C1Prodigal SonXII chain 1.5x (max 150), party Haste, +30% ATK/MAG 25s
ADApex Element of Treacheryinstant fire infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
thenphys 20.0/20 - 22.0/20 - 24.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 - 12.0 w/ 99k cap, fire+non rngd @ 0-100k-300k dmg dealt
SA2“Flames of Disaster”[Flames of Disaster: Type: Physical, Element: (Fire,NE), Cast time: 2.5s, Fifteen single ranged attacks (0.60 each), causes [DEF, RES and MND -70% (8s)], grants [Attach Fire 3 with Stacking], [Synchro Mode], [Damage Cap +10000] [Intrinsic Pirate Mode] and [Need for Speed Follow-Up] to the user]
[Machinist], w/ firep5.4/6 f+n rngd
[Machinist], w/ fireinstant self status lvl +1
SA1Fierce Big Bangphys 9.0/15 fire+non rngd, fire infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (cmd 1/cmd 2 ⤇ p2.01/3 f+n rngd Machinist, party +10% fire dmg 15s per 2 uses)
[Machinist], w/ firep5.4/6 f+n rngd, self 1.3x Machinist dmg 1 turn
[Machinist], w/ fireinstant +10% fire vuln. 5s, self fastcast 1
AA2Catastrophic Grand Crossphys 9.0/15 fire+non rngd, party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, (dualcast fire 1 turn, 1.3x fire dmg 1 turn, fastcast 1) / (dualcast fire 2 turns, 1.3x fire dmg 2 turns, fastcast 2) / (dualcast fire 3 turns, 1.5x fire dmg 3 turns, fastcast 3) if 0-2-4+ XII chars. alive, 15s: Awoken Fire: fire inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AA1Untouchable Hellfirephys 9.0/15 fire+non rngd, fire infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, hi fastcast 15s, 15s: (2 fire ⤇ p4.02/6 f+n rngd Machinist), 15s: Awoken Fire: fire inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AOTales of the Pastphys 24.0/3 fire rngd w/ 99k cap
U2Edge of Treacheryphys 7.1/10 fire+non rngd, +20% fire vuln. 25s, 15s: (2 Machinist ⤇ +10% fire vuln. 15s)
U1Makaraphys 7.1/10 fire+non rngd, fire infuse 25s, self fastcast 1, 15s: (Machinist ⤇ fastcast 1)
OS-85 Cyclotronephys 12.0 fire+non rngd w/ 99k cap
G+3Rise and Fallinstant +20% fire vuln. 15s, self +20% fire dmg 15s
G+2Scarlet Sky Flukeinstant fire infuse w/ stacking 25s, self +250 SB pts
G+1Snatch Heartinstant phys 3.12/6 fire+non rngd, fire infuse stacking 25s, fire infuse 25s
GThe Fleetfootedinstant fire infuse stacking 25s, fire infuse 25s, self hi fastcast 2
B2Spark of Changephys 7.68/8 fire+non rngd, +20% fire vuln. 25s
[Machinist]p0.6/​2 f+n rngd, 25% for +10% fire vuln. 15s, powers up cmd 2
[Machinist]p0.96/​4 - 2.16/​4 - 3.36/​4 - 4.8/​4 f+n rngd
B1Gatling Gunphys 7.5/10 fire rngd, 97% (30% × 10) Blind
[Machinist]p2.3/​2 rngd, or p2.8/​2 vs. Blind, 84% (60% × 2) Blind
[Machinist]p2.44/​4 f+n rngd
S2InfernoAoE phys 5.0/5 fire+non rngd, fire infuse 25s
S1Strahl Strafephys 7.92/6 fire rngd, +20% fire vuln. 25s
-Element of Treacheryphys 5.1/10 rngd, self Phys blink 2
-Tides of FateAoE phys 3.1 water rngd
LMR2A Pirate's Lifefire infuse 25s at battle start
LMR1Leading Man25% dualcast Machinist
LM2Scourge of the Skies(Machinist ⤇ 30% for +10% fire vuln. 15s)
LM1Cool Customer1.1x fire dmg
𝐋𝐎Harsh Windmagic ^15.0/5 wind w/ 99k cap scaling w/ LB pts and honing
DAAwoken Raging Squallmagic 21.35/7 wind+non w/ 19k cap, wind infuse w/ stacking 25s, self +50% MAG/MND 25s, dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x wind dmg 15s, 15s: [Dual Awoken Wind Mode I (Barbariccia): Wind abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Wind abilities, casts Dual Tornado Breath after casting equipped Wind abilities]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Wind Mode II (Barbariccia): Increases the damage/healing cap by 20000, Wind abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Wind abilities, casts Dual Storm Descent after using Wind abilities, lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Wind Mode I (Barbariccia)] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
CSecret Breezeinstant wind chain 1.5x (max 99), party +50% MAG 25s, +20% wind dmg 15s
ADApex Maelstrom (IV)instant wind infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, Apex Maelstrom (IV) 0, (5/8 wind ⤇ status lvl +1)
thenmagic 63.0/20 - 70.0/20 - 77.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 34.6 - 38.06 - 41.52 w/ 99k cap, wind+non @ 0-100k-300k dmg dealt
SARaging Windmagic 22.5/15 wind+non, wind infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, party 40% Dmg barrier 3, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (cmd 1/cmd 2 ⤇ 2x ATB 1 if Dmg barrier)
[B.Mag], w/ windm18.3/6 wi+n
[B.Mag], w/ B.Maginstant self hi fastcast 2, 30% Dmg barrier 4
AA2Gale Warningmagic 22.5/15 wind+non, wind infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 40% Dmg barrier 1, 15s: [Beguiling Ruler Mode: Casts Violent Wind when any Damage Reduction Barrier is removed, grants [Beguiling Ruler Mode Wind +10% Boost 1]/[Beguiling Ruler Mode Wind +20% Boost 1]/[Beguiling Ruler Mode Wind +30% Boost 1]/[Beguiling Ruler Mode Wind +40% Boost 1]/[Beguiling Ruler Mode Wind +50% Boost 1] after 1/2/3/4/5+ Damage Reduction Barriers have been removed, removed after casting Violent Wind five times], 15s: Awoken Wind: wind inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AA1Storm of Darknessmagic 22.5/15 wind+dark+non, wind infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (wind ⤇ party 40% Dmg barrier 1), 15s: Awoken Wind: wind inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AORaging Squallmagic 36.4/20, then 26.5 w/ 99k cap, wind
UWhirlwindmagic 17.0/10 wind+non, wind infuse 25s, self +30% MAG/RES 25s, 15s: (wind ⤇ m7.95/5 wi+n B.Mag)
G+2Blustery Rulerinstant wind infuse w/ stacking 25s, 15s: (wind ⤇ m7.92/6 wi+n B.Mag)
G+1Eye of the Tornadoinstant wind infuse stacking 25s, wind infuse 25s, self instacast 1
BMaelstrom (IV)magic 15.04/8 wind+non, +20% wind vuln. 25s
[B.Mag]m7.72/​4 wi+n, self fastcast 2
[B.Mag]AoE m6.18/​2 wi+n, self +30% MAG, -30% DEF 20s
LMRRuler of the Windwind infuse 25s at battle start
LM2Tower Master35% dualcast wind
LM1Conceit1.1x wind dmg
𝐋𝐂“Parallel Bond: Barret”instant [Parallel Bond: Barret: Type: Physical, Element: (Fire,NE), Cast time: 0.01s, Ten single ranged attacks (0.80 each) capped at 19999, activates VII Chain (max 150, field +0%) or adds 25 to the current VII Chain maximum limit and increases the current chain count on all enemies by 10, grants [Chain Force Mode (Barret)] and [Instant ATB 1] to the user]
𝐋𝐎Volcanic Cannonphys ^5.0/5 fire rngd w/ 99k cap @ +100% crit scaling w/ LB pts and honing
DAAwoken Ungarmax[Awoken Ungarmax: Type: Physical, Element: (Fire,NE), Cast time: 2.5s, Seven single ranged attacks (0.90 each) capped at 19999, causes [Imperil Prismatic 10% (15s)]/[Imperil Prismatic 30% (15s)] if 0-3/4+ FF7 allies are alive, grants [Attach Fire with Stacking], [Damage Cap +10000], [Dual Awoken Fire Mode I (Barret)] and [Ungarmax Mode] to the user, grants [VII Resonance +3% Boost] to all FF7 allies]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, +250 SB pts, [Dual Awoken Fire Mode II (Barret): Cast speed x9999999 for Machinist and Support abilities, casts Dual Shattering Cannon after using Machinist and Support abilities, lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Fire Mode I (Barret)] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
CI'm The Leader Here!instant VII chain 1.5x (max 99), party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, instacast 1
ADCatastropheinstant phys 0.15/15 fire+non rngd, -50% DEF/RES/MND 8s, (+10% fire vuln. 15s) / (+20% prism vuln.) if 0-4+ VII chars. alive, party fastcast 1
thenphys 10.0/10 - 11.0/10 w/ 9k/19k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 w/ 99k cap, fire+non rngd @ 0/7 Machinist/Support, party instacast 1
SARocket Hammerblowphys 9.0/15 fire+non rngd, -50% A/D/M/R/MND if ≥4 VII chars. alive 15s, fire infuse w/ stacking if ≥4 VII chars. alive 25s, party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, (fastcast 1) / (instacast 1) if 0-4+ VII chars. alive, self status lvl +2
[Machinist], w/ Machinistp5.4/6 f+n rngd
[Machinist], w/ Machinist/Supportp2.7/3 - 2.25/15 f+n rngd @ 0-1+ status lvl, party instacast 1 @ 1+ status lvl, self status lvl -1
AA2Uncontrolled Beamphys 9.0/15 fire+wind+non rngd, self/party/party (instacast 1) / (instacast 1, 1.15x dmg vs weak 15s) / (instacast 1, 1.3x dmg vs weak 15s) if 1-2-4+ VII chars. alive, party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: Awoken Fire: fire inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AA1AVALANCHE Schemephys 9.0/15 fire+wind+non rngd, fire infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (0/1/2/3 fire ⤇ 1.15-1.3-1.5-1.75x fire dmg), (4 fire ⤇ p7.5/15 f+n rngd Machinist, once only), 15s: Awoken Fire: fire inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
UHeight of Angerphys 6.75/15 fire+wind rngd, -70% DEF/RES 8s, party instacast 1
G+Avenging Flamesinstant fire infuse stacking 25s, fire infuse 25s, self hi fastcast 2
GAngry Mindinstant fire infuse w/ stacking 25s, self hi fastcast 2
BMassive HammerblowAoE phys 5.88/6 rngd, -40% A/D/M/R 25s
[Support]p2.4/​2 rngd, -50% ATK 15s
[Support]p2.4/​2 rngd, -40% MAG 15s
S2Hyper Grenade Bombphys 7.6/10 fire+non rngd, -30% A/D/M/R/MND 25s
S1Ungarmaxphys 7.8/10 rngd, -50% ATK/DEF 25s
-Satellite BeamAoE phys 4.14/3 lgt rngd, +20% lgt vuln. 25s
-Hammerblowphys 4.05/3 rngd, 78% (40% × 3) KO, -50% DEF/RES 25s
-Grenade BombAoE phys 3.2, -50% DEF 25s
LMR+Swiftness (Barret)Haste, instacast 3 at battle start
LMR2Opposition Leader25% dualcast Machinist
LMR1Armed and Dangerous1.2x PHY dmg if using a gun-arm
LM2Vermin Exterminator(Machinist ⤇ 35% for p2.17/7 f+n rngd)
LM1Hot-Blooded1.1x PHY dmg
𝐋𝐎“Element Bringer”phys ^4.0/4 fire+water+wind+earth w/ 99k cap @ +100% crit scaling w/ LB pts and honing
DA4“Awoken Rousing Water”phys 6.3/7 water+non w/ 19k cap, water infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x Spellblade dmg 15s, instacast 2, 15s: [Dual Awoken Spellblade Mode I (Bartz - Water): Spellblade abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Spellblade abilities, casts Spellblade Dance: Water after using equipped Spellblade abilities (max 2)]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Spellblade Mode II (Bartz - Water): Increases the damage/healing cap by 10000, Spellblade abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, critical chance =100%, casts Dual Waterblade after using Spellblade abilities (max 2), lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Spellblade Mode I (Bartz - Water)] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
DA3“Awoken Rousing Fire”phys 6.3/7 fire+non w/ 19k cap, fire infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x Spellblade dmg 15s, 15s: [Dual Awoken Spellblade Mode I (Bartz - Fire): Spellblade abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Spellblade abilities, cast speed x1.50/x2.00/x2.50/x3.00 for equipped Spellblade abilities after casting 1/2/3/4+ Spellblade abilities, casts Spellblade Dance: Fire after using Spellblade abilities (max 3)]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Spellblade Mode II (Bartz - Fire): Increases the damage/healing cap by 20000, Spellblade abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Spellblade abilities, grants [Spellblade +10% Boost 1]/[Spellblade +30% Boost 1]/[Spellblade +50% Boost 1] to the user after using 1/2/3+ Spellblade abilities, lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Spellblade Mode I (Bartz - Fire)] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
DA2Awoken Rousing Earthphys 6.3/7 earth+non w/ 19k cap, earth infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x Spellblade dmg 15s, 15s: [Dual Awoken Spellblade Mode I (Bartz - Earth): Spellblade abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Spellblade abilities, cast speed x2.00/x2.50/x3.00 and critical chance =50%/75%/100% for equipped Spellblade abilities after casting 1/2/3+ Spellblade abilities]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, ([Spellblade Quick Cast (Bartz - Earth DASB): Cast speed x2.00 for Spellblade abilities, removed if the user hasn't [Dual Awoken Spellblade Mode II (Bartz - Earth)]]) / ([Dual Spellblade Earth Flurry Mode: Critical hits deal 50% more damage (additive with the base critical coefficient), casts Dual Spellblade Earth Flurry after using Spellblade abilities, removed if the user hasn't [Dual Awoken Spellblade Mode II (Bartz - Earth)]]) if 0-4+ V chars. alive, [Dual Awoken Spellblade Mode II (Bartz - Earth): Increases the damage/healing cap by 20000, Spellblade abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Spellblade abilities, critical chance =100%, lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Spellblade Mode I (Bartz - Earth)] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
DA1Awoken Rousing Windsphys 6.3/7 wind+non w/ 19k cap, wind infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x Spellblade dmg 15s, 15s: [Dual Awoken Spellblade Mode I (Bartz - Wind): Spellblade abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Spellblade abilities, casts Dual Spellblade Whirlwind after casting an equipped Spellblade ability]
theninstant wind infuse 2 w/ stacking 25s, self instant ATB 1, [Dual Wind Spellblade Mode: Grants [Spellblade +10% Boost 1]/[Spellblade +30% Boost 1]/[Spellblade +50% Boost 1] to the user after using Spellblade abilities if the user has Attach Wind 0-1/2/3, casts Dual Gale Slash after using Spellblade abilities, removed if the user hasn't Dual Awoken Spellblade Mode II (Bartz - Wind)], [Dual Awoken Spellblade Mode II (Bartz - Wind): Increases the damage/healing cap by 20000, Spellblade abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Spellblade abilities, lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Spellblade Mode I (Bartz - Wind)] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
C+Bond (Bartz)instant V chain 1.5x (max 150), party +30% ATK/MAG 25s, fastcast 1, self instacast 1, 15s: [Linked Burst Mode V: Grants [Buff Prismatic 10% (15s)] to all allies after any FF5 ally uses an elemental attack (excluding non-elemental), can only trigger once per element, removed after triggering three times]
AD4Master of Waterinstant self dmg cap +10k 15s, -20% fire vuln. 15s, fastcast 2
thenphys 20.0/20 - 22.0/20 - 24.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 - 12.0 w/ 99k cap, water+non @ 0-100k-300k dmg dealt
AD3Master of Fireinstant fire infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
thenphys 20.0/20 - 22.0/20 - 24.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 - 12.0 w/ 99k cap, fire+non @ 0-100k-300k dmg dealt
AD2Master of Windinstant wind infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
thenphys 20.0/20 - 22.0/20 - 24.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 - 12.0 w/ 99k cap, wind+non rngd @ 0-100k-300k dmg dealt
AD1Master of Earthinstant earth infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
thenphys 20.0/20 - 22.0/20 - 24.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 - 12.0 w/ 99k cap, earth+non @ 0-100k-300k dmg dealt
SA4Flaming Bondphys 9.0/15 fire+non, fire infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: [Flame Resolve Mode: Casts Blade of Embers when another ally uses a Fire ability, removed after casting Blade of Embers four times, grants [Quadcast Spellblade 1] to the user when removed]
[Spellblade], w/ firep4.98/6 - 5.16/6 - 5.34/6 - 5.52/6 - 5.7/6 f+n w/ 1…5 uses, self fastcast 1
[Spellblade], w/ firep6.0 f+n w/ 99k cap, self instacast 1
SA3Aqueous Bondphys 9.0/15 water+non, water infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, -10% fire vuln. 15s, 15s: (3 cmd 1/cmd 2 ⤇ -10% fire vuln. 15s), [Sympathy Mode: Water abilities deal 10/20/30% more damage under Resist Fire 10/20/30+%, cast speed x1.50/x2.00/x3.00 for Water abilities under Resist Fire 10/20/30+%, removed if the user hasn't Synchro Mode]
[Spellblade], w/ waterp5.4/6 wa+n
[Combat], w/ waterinstant self dualcast Spellblade 1 turn, +10% water dmg 15s
SA2Earthen Bondphys 9.0/15 earth+non, earth infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (3 earth ⤇ earth infuse 25s)
[Spellblade], w/ earthp5.1/6 - 5.4/6 - 5.7/6 e+n w/ 0-1-2 uses
[Spellblade], w/ earthp2.7/3 e+n, self crit =100% 1 turn, fastcast 2 if ≥1 V chars. alive, +50% crit dmg 1 turn if ≥2 V chars. alive
SA1Ethereal Bondphys 9.0/15 wind+non, wind infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (3 cmd 1/cmd 2 ⤇ wind infuse 25s)
[Spellblade], w/ windp5.1/6 - 5.4/6 - 5.7/6 wi+n w/ 0-1-2 uses
[Combat], w/ windp0.9 wi+n, self fastcast 2, dualcast Spellblade 1 turn
AA5Flame Awakeningphys 9.0/15 fire+non, fire infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 50% Dmg barrier 1, 15s: (next 2 Dmg barrier lost ⤇ p2.01/3 f+n Spellblade, fire infuse 25s, self 50% Dmg barrier 1), 15s: Awoken Spellblade: Spellblade inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
BAARousing Waterphys 9.0/15 water+non, water infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, instacast 1, 15s: Awoken Spellblade: Spellblade inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
[Spellblade], +1 on Spellbladep1.92 – 3.2 – 6.4 – 10.0 wa+n, 99k cap at brv.1+, self instacast 1 at brv.0, self 50% – 75% Dmg barrier 1 at brv.2+
AA3Rousing Earthphys 9.0/15 earth+non, earth infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, (50% dualcast Spellblade 15s) / (50% dualcast Spellblade 15s, Spellblade fastcast 15s) / (dualcast Spellblade 15s, Spellblade hi fastcast 15s) if 1-2-4+ V chars. alive, 15s: Awoken Spellblade: Spellblade inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AA2Rousing Windsphys 9.0/15 wind+non, wind infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (2 wind ⤇ p4.08/4 wi+n Spellblade, self +10% wind dmg 15s), 15s: Awoken Zephyr: wind inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, wind instacast
AA1Tetra Spellbladephys 9.0/15 fire+water+wind+earth+non, self +30% fire/water/wind/earth dmg 15s, dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (2 fire/water/wind/earth ⤇ p3.52/8 f+wa+wi+e+n Spellblade), 15s: Awoken Spellblade: Spellblade inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AOCrystalline Focusphys 24.0/3 wind+water+fire+earth w/ 99k cap
U3Essence of Windphys 7.1/10 wind+non, wind infuse 25s, 15s: EX: (wind ⤇ front row phys hi fastcast 1), (1/2/3 +3n wind ⤇ p0.3 – p1.5/5 – p4.5/15 wi+n Spellblade)
U2Crystals' Chosenphys 6.9/10 wind+water+fire+earth, 15s: EX: (0-8 wind/water/fire/earth ⤇ 1.3-1.35-1.4-1.45-1.5-1.55-1.6-1.65-1.7x Spellblade dmg), Finisher: phys 35% Spellblade w/ 99k cap Spellblade
U1Chosen Travelerphys 7.0/10 wind+water+fire+earth, 15s: EX: +30% ATK, fastcast, (wi/wa/f/e Spellblade dmg ⤇ p0.8/2 or 3.2/8 wi/wa/f/e+n Spellblade)
OHand of the Crystalsphys 10.0 wind+water+fire+earth rngd w/ 99k cap
G+5Quadlight Crystalinstant 1 turn: (wind/water/fire/earth ⤇ wind/water/fire/earth infuse w/ stacking)
G+4Blazing Powerinstant fire infuse w/ stacking 25s, self instacast 1
G+3Fluid Powerinstant water infuse w/ stacking 25s, self instacast 1
G+2Gaia's Favorinstant earth infuse w/ stacking 25s, self instacast 1
G+1Quest of the Fourinstant wind infuse w/ stacking 25s, self +250 SB pts
G2Tetrad Beaminstant self instacast 1, 1 turn: (wind/water/fire/earth ⤇ wind/water/fire/earth infuse)
G1Master Spellbladeinstant Spellblade hi fastcast 15s, 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x Spellblade dmg @ rank 1-5 15s
B5Call of the Flamephys 6.64/8 fire+non, fire infuse 25s
[Spellblade]p2.16/​4 f+n
[Spellblade]p1.68/​3 f+n, self 1.15x Spellblade dmg 3 turns
B4Call of the Windphys 6.64/8 wind+non, wind infuse 25s
[Spellblade]p2.16/​4 wi+n
[Spellblade]p1.68/​3 wi+n, self 1.15x Spellblade dmg 3 turns
B3Latent Powerphys 6.64/8 earth+non, earth infuse 25s
[Spellblade]p1.88/​4 e+wi, self 1.15x Spellblade dmg 2 turns
[Spellblade]p1.41/​3 e+wi, self +30% ATK/RES 20s
B2Woken Waterphys 6.64/8 water+non, water infuse 25s
[Thief]p2.0, -40% ATK 20s, self +50% ATK 20s
[Spellblade]p2.16/​4 wa+n
B1Light of the Fourphys 7.98/6
[Spellblade]p2.52/​4 wi+wa
[Spellblade]p2.52/​4 f+e
STrueblade of Legendphys 7.9/5, party +50% DEF 25s
-Choco RompAoE phys 4.15/5 wind rngd, wind infuse 25s
-“Hurricane Tomahawk”AoE phys 4.16/4 wind rngd, wind infuse 25s
-Lupine Barragephys 5.25/5, self +35% ATK 25s
-Blade WingAoE phys 3.1/2 wind, 50% (29% × 2) Sap 40s
LMR2Hereditary Skill1.25x Spellblade dmg if using a sword
LMR1Fragments of Grace10% triplecast Spellblade
LM2Twinstrike Champion35% dualcast Spellblade
LM1Tempered Spellblade1.15x Spellblade dmg
𝐋𝐎Captain's Oathbladephys ^4.0/4 holy+fire w/ 99k cap @ +100% crit scaling w/ LB pts and honing
C2Faith Shieldinstant XII chain 1.5x (max 99), party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, instacast 1
C1Swordflash Oathinstant holy chain 1.5x (max 99), party +50% ATK 25s, +20% holy dmg 15s
ADApex Flame Purgeinstant self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (holy/fire ⤇ holy/fire infuse)
thenphys 20.0/20 - 22.0/20 w/ 9k/19k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 w/ 99k cap, holy+fire+dark+non @ 0-100k dmg dealt
SA2Brotherly Riftphys 9.0/15 holy+fire+dark+non, party crit =50% 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, hi fastcast 1, 1 turn: (holy/fire ⤇ holy/fire infuse 2 w/ stacking), 15s: (2/4/6 +2n holy/fire ⤇ party crit =60/80/100% 15s)
[Knight], w/ holy/firep5.4/6 h+f+d+n
[Knight], w/ holy/fire[Purging Shockwave: Type: Physical, School: Knight, Element: (Holy,Fire,Dark,NE), Cast time: 1.65s, One single attack (6.00) capped at 99999 with additional 20% critical damage, grants [Instant Cast 1] to the user]
SA1True Ruin Impendentphys 9.0/15 holy+fire+dark+non, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (holy/fire ⤇ holy/fire infuse 2 w/ stacking), 15s: (3 holy/fire ⤇ p6.06/6 h+f+n Knight, party Negate dmg 30%, self lose 35% curr HP)
[Knight], w/ holy/firep5.4/6 h+f+n, self 1.3x holy/fire dmg 1 turn
[Knight], w/ holy/firep0.9 h+f+n, -50% ATK/MAG 8s, self instacast 1
AAFlame Purgephys 9.0/15 holy+fire+dark+non rngd, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (holy/fire ⤇ holy/fire infuse), 15s: (2 holy/fire ⤇ p1.44 h+f+d+n rngd Knight, -70% DEF/RES/MND 8s, party 40% Dmg barrier 1), 15s: Awoken Dalmascan Captain: holy/fire inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AOStarfire Purgephys 24.0/3 holy+fire+dark w/ 99k cap
U3Blazing Dualityphys 6.9/10 holy+fire+dark+non, -50% A/D/M/R/MND 8s, self fastcast 15s, 1 turn: (holy/fire ⤇ holy/fire infuse)
U2Exemplar of Honorparty +30% ATK/MAG 25s, Haste, Protect, Shell
U1Clash of Light and Flamephys 7.1/10 holy+fire rngd, holy infuse 25s, self +100% DEF 25s, 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x Knight dmg @ rank 1-5 15s
ORighteous Steelphys 11.2 holy+dark w/ 99k cap, up to p14.5 w/ holy atks used
G+2Captain's Loyaltyinstant +500 SB pts
G+1Captain's Resolveinstant self hi fastcast 1, 1 turn: (holy/fire ⤇ holy/fire infuse w/ stacking)
BShining RayAoE phys 4.92/6 holy+non rngd, holy infuse 25s
[Knight]p2.08/​4 h, or p2.6/​5 vs. weak
[Knight]AoE p1.3/​2 h+n, self Retaliate 15s
SRuin Impendentphys 7.8/6 rngd, party Phys blink 1
-Fulminating DarknessAoE phys 4.05/3 dark rngd, taunt PHY/BLK, +200% DEF 25s
-Apocalypse Shieldparty +30% ATK/DEF 25s
LMR+Onslaught (Basch)(holy/fire dmg ⤇ 35% for p1.47/3 h+f+n Knight, ally heal 1.5k)
LMR2Captain's Might25% dualcast Knight/Samurai
LMR1For Dalmascaholy infuse 25s at battle start
LM2Sworn to Protect40% cover PHY, taking -50% dmg
LM1Captain's Honor1.15x Knight dmg
DA“Awoken Seiken Stock Break”phys 6.3/7 fire+non w/ 19k cap, holy infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x Knight dmg 15s, 15s: [Dual Awoken Knight Mode I (Beatrix): Knight abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Knight abilities, cast speed x2.00 for Knight abilities, casts Dual Seiken after using Knight abilities (max 1)]
theninstant -70% DEF/RES/MND 8s, self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Knight Mode II (Beatrix): Increases the damage/healing cap by 20000, Knight abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Knight abilities, casts Dual Climhazzard after using Knight abilities, lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Knight Mode I (Beatrix)] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
C+“Holy Bond (Beatrix)”instant holy chain 1.5x (max 150), party (+10% holy dmg 5s) / (+20% holy dmg 5s) / (+30% holy dmg 5s) if 0-2-4+ Holy infused chars., +50% ATK 25s, self instacast 1
ADSeikeninstant holy infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
thenphys 20.0/20 - 22.0/20 - 24.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 - 12.0 w/ 99k cap, holy+non @ 0-100k-300k dmg dealt
SA2Spectral Breakphys 9.0/15 holy+non, holy infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, status lvl +1, 15s: (cmd 1/cmd 2 ⤇ [Knightslayer: Type: Physical, School: Knight, Element: (Holy,NE), Cast time: 0.01s, 2/4 single attacks (0.57/0.50 each) if Steiner isn't/is alive, 0%/100% additional critical chance if Steiner isn't/is alive, grants [Quick Cast 1] to the user])
[Knight], w/ Knight[Holy Minus Strike: Type: Physical, School: Knight, Element: (Holy,NE), Cast time: 1.65s, Six single attacks (0.90~1.10 each) scaling with HP%, followed by one single attack (2.95~3.60) capped at 99999 scaling with HP% if the user has Last Ditch Attack level 1, causes Last Ditch Attack -1 to the user]
[Knight], w/ Knightinstant self 1.5x holy dmg 3 turns
SA1Seiken Shock Endphys 9.0/15 holy+non, holy infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, Last stand, once <20% HP: AoE phys 6.0/2 - 5.72/2 - 5.52/2… holy+non w/ 99k cap Knight vs 1-2-3… foes, heal 100% HP, self Last stand
[Knight], w/ Knightp5.4/6 h+n, Dispel
[Knight], w/ holyp2.7/3 h+n, +10% holy vuln. 15s per 2 uses
AA2“Seiken Holy Shock”phys 9.0/15 holy+non, holy infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.3x Knight dmg 15s, Knight fastcast 15s, 15s: Awoken One-Eyed General: Knight inf. hones, 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x Knight dmg @ rank 1-5, (Knight ⤇ p4.32/6 h+n Knight)
AA1Seiken Climcrossphys 9.0/15 holy+non, +20% holy vuln. 25s, holy infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (3 holy ⤇ p6.0 h+n w/ 99k cap Knight @ +50 - 75 - 100% crit @ 0-72k-240k dmg dealt, once only), 15s: Awoken Knight: Knight inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AOSeiken Holy Hazzardphys 11.0/20, then 8.0 w/ 99k cap, holy rngd
URose Finalephys 7.1/10 holy+non, holy infuse 25s, self +30% ATK/DEF 25s, 15s: (holy dmg ⤇ p0.68/2 - 1.02/3 - 1.36/4 - 1.7/5 - 2.04/6 h+n Knight @ rank 1-5)
OSeiken Climhazzardphys 10.5 holy+non w/ 99k cap, up to p14.5 w/ Knight used
G+2“The Bitter Truth”instant +250 SB pts, fastcast 3
G+1Rose Catharsisinstant holy infuse stacking 25s, holy infuse 25s, self Knight fastcast 15s
GNoblest Knightinstant holy infuse stacking 25s, holy infuse 25s, self hi fastcast 2
B2Seiken Thunder Slashphys 6.64/8 holy+lgt, holy infuse 25s
[Knight]p1.71/​3 h+l, Dispel
[Knight]p1.96/​4 h+l, self 1.15x Knight dmg 2 turns
B1Knight ProtectorAoE phys 5.48/4 holy, or p6.12/4 if no allies KO, +20% holy vuln. 25s
[Knight]p2.5/​2 h, taunt PHY/BLK, +200% DEF 25s
[Knight]p2.7/​2, self +40% RES 20s
S2Sword of the Clear MindAoE phys 5.04/6 holy+non, holy infuse 25s
S1Seiken Shockphys 7.6/8, party Magic blink 1
-Rose of Mayphys 5.16/4, party +50% DEF 25s
-Seiken Stock BreakAoE phys 4.02/3 holy, 49% (20% × 3) Sap 40s
LMR3Paladin Paragon(Knight ⤇ 20% for +10% holy vuln. 15s)
LMR2Proud Generalholy infuse 25s at battle start
LMR1Undying Loyalty30% cover PHY, taking -20% dmg
LM2Paladin's Purpose35% dualcast Knight
LM1First Paladin1.1x holy dmg
𝐋𝐎Unshackled Powerphys ^3.0/3 earth+holy w/ 99k cap @ +100% crit scaling w/ LB pts and honing, self crit =100% 2 turns, hi fastcast 2
DAAwoken Boulder Blowphys 6.3/7 earth+holy+non w/ 19k cap, earth infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x earth dmg 15s, 15s: [Dual Awoken Earth Mode I (Biggs): Earth abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Earth abilities, cast speed x2.00, critical chance =50%/75%/100% for equipped Earth abilities after casting 1/2/3+ Earth abilities]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Earth Mode II (Biggs): Earth abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Earth abilities, critical chance =100%, cast speed x9999999 for Earth abilities, grants [Weakness +9% Boost 1]/[Weakness +15% Boost 1]/[Weakness +30% Boost 1] to all allies after using Earth abilities if 0-1/2-3/4+ Core/Beyond allies are alive, grants [Critical Damage +50% 1] to the user after using Earth abilities if 4+ Core/Beyond allies are alive, lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Earth Mode I (Biggs)] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
ADKnight of the Roundinstant earth infuse w/ stacking 25s, self instacast 2
thenphys 20.0/20 - 22.0/20 - 24.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 - 12.0 w/ 99k cap, earth+holy+non @ 0-100k-300k dmg dealt
SAPrime Explosionphys 9.0/15 earth+holy+non, earth infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (cmd 2 ⤇ (1.15x PHY dmg 1 turn, dualcast earth/holy 1 turn) / (1.3x PHY dmg 1 turn, triplecast earth/holy 1 turn) / (1.5x PHY dmg 1 turn, quadcast earth/holy 1 turn) / (1.7x PHY dmg 1 turn, hexcast earth/holy 1 turn) @ 1-2-3-4 status lvl), (earth/holy ⤇ reset status lvl)
[Knight], w/ earth/holyp6.0 e+h w/ 99k cap
[Knight], w/ earth/holyinstant self crit =100% 1 turn, status lvl +1
AAHumongous Strike?phys 9.0/15 earth+holy+non, earth infuse 25s, party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (2 earth ⤇ [Our Bond: Type: Physical, School: Knight, Element: (Earth,Holy,NE), Cast time: 0.01s, One single attack (3.52) capped at 99999, 3.77 multiplier if Tyro, Elarra or Wedge are alive and 2+ Core/Beyond allies are alive, 50%/100% additional critical chance if 0-1/2+ Core/Beyond allies are alive, grants [High Quick Cast 1] to the user if 4+ Core/Beyond allies are alive, 100% hit rate]), 15s: (4 earth ⤇ earth infuse 25s), 15s: Awoken Earth: earth inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
UBoulder Blowphys 7.0/10 earth+holy+non, self 1.3-1.5-1.7x PHY dmg w/ 0-1-2 uses 15s, 15s: (earth/holy ⤇ p2.0 e+h+n w/ 99k cap Heavy)
G+Agent's Strikeinstant phys 3.36 earth w/ 99k cap, earth infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s
G2“Multifists”instant phys 4.16/8 earth+non, self 1.3x PHY dmg 15s
G1Flashy Blowinstant phys 3.12/6 earth+non, earth infuse stacking 25s, earth infuse 25s
LMR2“Fearsome Demon”1.25x PHY dmg if using heavy armor
LMR1Hidden Valorearth infuse 25s at battle start
LM2Defiant Cry(<20% HP ⤇ Last stand, Trance: +50% ATK, fastcast 25s)
LM1Reckless Zeal1.1x PHY dmg
DAAwoken Sorrowbane Flamemagic 21.35/7 fire+non w/ 19k cap (SUM), fire infuse w/ stacking 25s, self +50% MAG/MND 25s, dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x fire dmg 15s, 15s: [Dual Awoken Summoning Mode I (Braska): Summoning abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Summoning abilities, cast speed x2.00/x2.50/x3.00 for equipped Summoning abilities after casting 1/2/3+ Summoning abilities]
theninstant self refill 2 Summon abil. use, instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Summoning Mode II (Braska): Increases the damage/healing cap by 20000, Summoning abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Summoning abilities, grants [Fire +50% Boost 1] to the user after using two Summoning abilities, lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Summoning Mode I (Braska)] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
ADApex Ifritinstant fire infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
thenmagic 63.0/20 - 70.0/20 - 77.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 34.6 - 38.06 - 41.52 w/ 99k cap, fire+non @ 0-100k-300k dmg dealt (SUM)
SAHigh Summoner's Flamemagic 22.5/15 fire+non (SUM), fire infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, for 3 cmd 2: (cmd 2 ⤇ party 1.3x fire dmg 1 turn), (cmd 2 ⤇ fastcast 1)
[Summon], w/ firem18.3/6 f+n, self dmg cap +10k 1 turn
[Summon], w/ firem16.4 f+n w/ 99k cap, self refill 1 random abil. use
AA2Summon Flamebeastmagic 22.5/15 fire+non (SUM), fire infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: Awoken High Summoner: fire inf. hones, 2-3x fire cast @ rank 1-5, (fire ⤇ m14.64/6 f+n Summon, self +10% fire dmg 15s per 2 uses), 15s: (0/1/2+ fire ⤇ 1.1-1.2-1.3-1.1-1.3-1.5x fire dmg) if 0-1 of Auron/Jecht alive
AA1Summon Fire IImagic 22.5/15 fire+non (SUM), fire infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (2 fire ⤇ m16.62/6 f+n Summon, party +10% fire dmg 15s), 15s: Awoken Summoning: Summon inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AOGreater Ifritmagic 79.5/3 fire w/ 99k cap (SUM)
U2Sorrowbane Flamemagic 17.0/10 fire+non (SUM), -70% DEF/RES/MND 8s, fire infuse w/ stacking 25s, party instacast 1
U1Twin Summoningmagic 17.0/10 fire+lgt (SUM), self 1.3x Summon dmg 15s, 15s: (every 3.5s ⤇ AoE m6.8/4 f+l Summon, min dmg 1100)
G+Crimson Prayerinstant magic 7.5 fire w/ 99k cap, or m8.03 vs. weak (SUM), fire infuse w/ stacking 25s
GA Dream of Journey's Endinstant fire infuse stacking 25s, fire infuse 25s, self hi fastcast 2
BTrine Summoningmagic 14.88/8 fire+lgt+non, min dmg 1100 (SUM), fire infuse 25s
[Summon]ON, self +30% MAG, -30% RES 20s
[Summon] (if ON)OFF, AoE m17.0/​4 f+n, min dmg 1100
[Summon]m7.96/​4 f+n, min dmg 1100
[Summon] (if ON)m9.95/​5 f+n, min dmg 1100
S3Wandering Flamemagic 17.71/7 fire+non, min dmg 2500 (SUM), fire infuse 25s
S2Summoner's Dreamparty +30% MAG 25s, fastzap 3, Regen (hi)
S1Aeons of Wing and FlameAoE magic 14.4/6 - 16.8/7 - 19.2/8 - 21.6/9 fire+non @ 562-681-723 MAG, min dmg 800 (SUM)
LMR+Catalyst (Braska)(3 fire ⤇ Awoken High Summoner: +30% MAG/RES, (fire ⤇ m?/4 f+n Summon) 15s undefined)
LMRQuiet Furyfire infuse 25s at battle start
LM2High Summoner's Wish35% dualcast Summon
LM1Softspoken Summoner1.1x fire dmg


Cait Sith
SAMiraculous Luckinstant party +50% MAG/MND 25s, hi fastzap 3, 1.3x mag dmg 15s
[Dancer], w/ Dancerparty heal 1.5k, self fastcast 1, status lvl +1
[Dancer], w/ Bardinstant party Autoheal 1k/1.5k/2k, 40% Dmg barrier 1 @ 0-1-2 status lvl, self reset status lvl
AAHit the Jackpotinstant party Haste, +50% MAG/MND 25s, hi fastzap 2, 1.3x mag dmg 15s, 15s: Awoken Fortune-Teller: Dancer/Bard inf. hones, 2-3x Dancer/Bard cast @ rank 1-5, (Dancer/Bard ⤇ party Autoheal 1.5k (50%) or Autoheal 3k & refill 1 abil. use (50%))
U2Random Summon?instant party Regenga, 75% Dmg barrier 1, Last stand
U1Danger DiceAoE -40% A/D/M/R 25s, party Haste, Protect, Shell
G+Planetary Protectorinstant AoE -70% DEF/RES/MND 8s, self instacast 1
BLucky Girlparty +30% ATK/DEF 25s, crit =50% 25s
[W.Mag]w10.7/​2, -20% ATK/DEF 25s
[W.Mag]w10.7/​2, -20% MAG/RES 25s
S2Battle Trumpetwhite 17.84/8, party crit =50% 25s
S1Moogle DanceAoE -40% A/D/M/R 25s, party Regen (hi)
-Toy SoldierAoE white 7.11/3 or 9.48/3 or 11.85/3, -50% ATK/MAG 25s
LMR+Hastening (Cait Sith)(3 Dancer/Bard ⤇ fastcast 3)
LMRDivided Loyaltiesfastcast 3 at battle start
LM2Courage Boost!(Dancer ⤇ 35% for party h25)
LM1Felicitous Fortune-teller-10% BLK dmg taken
DA“Awoken Tri-Charged Shot”phys 6.3/7 fire+ice+lgt+non rngd w/ 19k cap, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x Machinist dmg 15s, 1 turn: (fire/ice/lgt ⤇ fire/ice/lgt infuse w/ stacking), 15s: [Dual Awoken Engineer Mode I (Cater): Machinist abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Machinist abilities, cast speed x2.00/x2.50/x3.00 for equipped Machinist abilities after casting 1/2/3+ Machinist abilities]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, 1 turn: 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x Machinist dmg @ rank 1-5, Machinist instacast, (Machinist ⤇ +20% fire/ice/lgt vuln. 15s), (Machinist ⤇ party dualcast Machinist 1 turn)
AD“Apex Elementillery”instant party +10% fire/ice/lgt dmg 15s, self +10% fire/ice/lgt vuln. 15s, dmg cap +10k 15s
thenphys 10.0/10 - 11.0/10 w/ 9k/19k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 w/ 99k cap, fire+ice+lgt+non rngd @ 0-100k dmg dealt, party instacast 1
SA2“Tri-Colored Blast Shell”phys 9.0/15 fire+ice+lgt+non rngd, -70% DEF/RES/MND 8s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (fire/ice/lgt ⤇ fire/ice/lgt infuse 2 w/ stacking), 15s: (Machinist ⤇ p1.95/3 f+i+l+n rngd Machinist, self [Tri-Color Bullet Damage Up: Machinist abilities deal 10%/20%/30%/40%/50% more damage if the target's Fire, Ice or Lightning weakness is 20%/30%/40%/50%/60%+, lasts for 1 turn])
[Machinist], w/ Machinistp5.4/6 f+i+l+n rngd @ +100% crit, self fastcast 1
[Machinist], w/ Machinistp6.0 f+i+l+n rngd w/ 99k cap, +10% fire/ice/lgt vuln. 5s
SA1Tri-Color Snipe Modephys 9.0/15 fire+ice+lgt+non rngd, self dmg cap +10k 15s, status lvl +1, 1 turn: (fire/ice/lgt ⤇ fire/ice/lgt infuse 2 w/ stacking), 15s: (3 Machinist ⤇ status lvl +1 (once only))
[Machinist], w/ Machinistp5.4/6 f+i+l+n rngd, self 1.3x Machinist dmg 1 turn
[Machinist], w/ Machinistp6.0 f+i+l+n rngd w/ 99k cap @ +100% crit @ 1+ status lvl, +30% fire/ice/lgt vuln. 5s, self status lvl -1
AA2Quad-Color Shotphys 9.0/15 fire+ice+lgt+non rngd, party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, 1.09-1.15-1.3x dmg vs weak if 0-2-4+ Type-0 chars. alive 15s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (3 Machinist ⤇ -50% DEF/RES/MND 8s), 15s: Awoken Engineer: Machinist inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AA1Tri-Color Shotphys 9.0/15 fire+ice+lgt+non rngd, self dmg cap +10k 15s, Machinist instacast 15s, 1 turn: (fire/ice/lgt ⤇ fire/ice/lgt infuse), 15s: Awoken Engineer: Machinist inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AOTri-Color Minephys 24.0/3 fire+ice+lgt rngd w/ 99k cap
UTriple Charged Shotphys 7.0/10 fire+ice+lgt rngd, self 1.3x Machinist dmg 15s, fastcast 15s, 15s: (2 f/i/l Machinist ⤇ +10% fire/ice/lgt vuln. 15s)
G+3“Speed & Charge”instant fastcast 3, +250 SB pts
G+2Elemental Chargeinstant self fastcast 1, 1 turn: (fire/ice/lgt ⤇ fire/ice/lgt infuse w/ stacking)
G+1Tricky Reloadinstant self instacast 2, 1 turn: (fire/ice/lgt ⤇ fire/ice/lgt infuse)
GTrine Shotinstant phys 2.94/6 fire+ice+lgt rngd, -40% ATK/MAG 15s
LMRBattlefield Swagger(Machinist ⤇ 35% for fastcast 1)
LM2Prodigal Talent35% dualcast Machinist
LM1Feisty Firecracker1.15x Machinist dmg
Cecil (Dark Knight)
𝐋𝐎Abyssal Onslaughtphys ^5.0/5 dark w/ 99k cap @ +100% crit scaling w/ LB pts and honing
DAAwoken Dark Crescentphys 6.3/7 dark+non w/ 19k cap, dark infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x Darkness dmg 15s, 15s: [Dual Awoken Darkness Mode I (Cecil (Dark Knight)): Darkness abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Darkness abilities, cast speed x2.00/x2.50/x3.00 for equipped Darkness abilities after casting 1/2/3+ Darkness abilities, Darkness abilities deal 10%/20%/30% more damage if the user has suffered 4000/8000/12000+ recoil damage]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Darkness Mode II (Cecil (Dark Knight)): Increases the damage/healing cap by 20000, Darkness abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Darkness abilities, cast speed x9999999 for Darkness abilities, critical chance =100%, lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Darkness Mode I (Cecil (Dark Knight))] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
C+Dark Bond (Cecil (Dark Knight))instant dark chain 1.5x (max 150), party (+10% dark dmg 5s) / (+20% dark dmg 5s) / (+30% dark dmg 5s) if 0-2-4+ Dark infused chars., +50% ATK 25s, self instacast 1
ADJob Changeinstant dark infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
then[Job Change: Type: Physical, Element: (Dark,NE), Cast time: 2.5s, Twenty single attacks (1.00/1.10/1.20 each) capped at 9999/19999/29999, followed by one single attack (10.00/11.00/12.00) capped at 99999 at Job Change level 0/1/2, removes Arcane Dyad Empowered: Cecil (Dark Knight) from the user]
SA2Tenebrous Blastphys 9.0/15 dark+non, dark infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, instant ATB 3, instacast 3, status lvl +1
[Darkness], w/ Darknessp5.16/6 - 5.34/6 - 5.52/6 - 5.7/6 d+n w/ 0-1-2-3 uses, self lose 25-15-5-5% max HP w/ uses
[Darkness], w/ Darknessp2.7/3 d+n, self 1.3x Darkness dmg 1 turn @ 0 status lvl, +30% ATK/DEF 8s, 1.3x Darkness dmg 3 turns @ 1 status lvl, status lvl -1
SA1Shadow Blazerphys 9.0/15 dark+non, dark infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, status lvl +2, (cmd 2 ⤇ p4.0 d+n w/ 99k cap Darkness, up to p7.0 @ 1% HP, self heal 20% of dmg @ 1-2 status lvl, status lvl -1)
[Darkness], w/ Darknessp5.4/6 d+n, self 1.3x Darkness dmg 1 turn
[Darkness], w/ Darknessp2.7/3 d+n, self HP to 1, fastcast 1
AADark Crescentphys 9.0/15 dark+non, dmg cap +10k 15s, dark infuse 25s, 15s: (2 Darkness ⤇ p4.16/8 - 4.32/8 - 4.48/8 d+n Darkness @ +0 - 30 - 75% crit @ 2-4-6 Darkness used, self lose 25% max HP), 15s: Awoken Darkness: Darkness inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AONightmare Bladephys 24.0/3 dark w/ 99k cap
UEndless Darknessphys 7.1/10 dark+non, dark infuse 25s, self lose 99% curr HP, Negate dmg 100%, until Neg. Dmg. lost: EX: +30% ATK, Darkness hi fastcast, dualcast Darkness
O“Evil Blade”phys 10.75 - 11.5 - 13.0 - 15.0 - 17.0 dark+non w/ 99k cap @ 80-50-20-6% HP
G+Evil Zoneinstant dark infuse w/ stacking 25s, self instacast 1
GEvil Forceinstant Negate dmg 100%, 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x Darkness dmg @ rank 1-5 15s
B2Abyss Gatephys 6.64/8 dark+non, dark infuse 25s
[Darkness]p2.16/​4 d+n
[Darkness]p1.68/​3 d+n, self 1.15x Darkness dmg 3 turns
B1Dark FlameAoE phys 7.84/8 dark+fire, self lose 25% max HP, +30% ATK/RES 25s
[Darkness]p2.16/​4 d+n, uses +ATK as HP falls
[Darkness]AoE p2.0/​2 d+n, self lose 10% max HP
SShadowbringerphys 9.18/6, self lose 30% max HP
-Soul Eaterphys 5.0/2, party +35% ATK 25s
-Dark Cannonphys 5.2 dark rngd, self lose 10% max HP
-DarknessAoE phys 3.2 dark rngd, self lose 10% max HP
LMR+Hastening (Cecil (Dark Knight))(3 Darkness ⤇ fastcast 3)
LMR3Dark Elite25% dualcast Darkness
LMR2Dark Powerdark infuse 25s at battle start
LMR1Thirsting Blade(<20% HP ⤇ Last stand, +35% ATK, -35% DEF 25s)
LM2Thirsting Fang(single-target dark ⤇ 40% for heal 40% of dmg)
LM1Dark Knight's Honor1.1x dark dmg
Cecil (Paladin)
𝐋𝐎Sacred Chargep^4.0/4 or w^12.68/4 holy w/ 99k cap @ +100% crit scaling w/ LB pts and honing
DAAwoken Radiant Blastp6.3/7 - 21.7/7 or wundefined holy+non w/ 19k cap, holy infuse w/ stacking 25s, self ([Critical Chance +50% (25s): Critical chance +50% (additive with other critical chance sources)] 25s) / (+30% DEF/MND 25s), dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x holy dmg 15s, 15s: [Dual Awoken Holy Mode I (Cecil (Paladin)): Holy abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Holy abilities, cast speed x2.00/x2.50/x3.00 for equipped Holy abilities after casting 1/2/3+ Holy abilities]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Holy Mode II (Cecil (Paladin)): Increases the damage/healing cap by 10000, Holy abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Holy abilities, cast speed x9999999 for Holy attacks, casts Dual Light Barrier after using Holy attacks, lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Holy Mode I (Cecil (Paladin))] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
C+Bond (Cecil (Paladin))instant IV chain 1.5x (max 150), party +30% ATK/MAG 25s, fastcast 1, self instacast 1, 15s: [Linked Burst Mode IV: Grants [Buff Prismatic 10% (15s)] to all allies after any FF4 ally uses an elemental attack (excluding non-elemental), can only trigger once per element, removed after triggering three times]
C2Benevolent Prayerinstant IV chain 1.5x (max 99), party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, instacast 1
C1Chain of Lightholy chain 1.2x (max 99)
ADSoul Shiftinstant holy infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
thenp20.0/20 - 22.0/20 - 24.0/20 or w64.0/20 - 71.0/20 - 78.2/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 - 12.0 w/ 99k cap, holy+non @ 0-100k-300k dmg dealt
SAShine Braverp9.0/15 or w24.0/15 holy+non, holy infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (cmd 1 ⤇ p1.52/2 or w6.72/2 h Knight, party +10% holy dmg 15s), (cmd 2 ⤇ p1.52/2 or w6.72/2 h Knight, party 40% Dmg barrier 1)
[Knight], w/ holyp5.4/6 or w18.6/6 h+n, self 1.3x holy dmg 1 turn
[W.Mag], w/ holyparty h25
AA2Trinity Crusadep9.0/15 or w24.0/15 holy+non, party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, 1.09-1.15-1.3x dmg vs weak if 0-2-4+ IV chars. alive 15s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, fastcast 15s, +20% holy dmg 15s, 15s: Awoken Holy: holy inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AA1Shining Crescentp9.0/15 or w24.0/15 holy+non, holy infuse 25s, party 75% Dmg barrier 3, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: Awoken Holy: holy inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AOHoly Devastationphys 24.0/3 holy w/ 99k cap
U4Holy Blade (IV)p7.1/10 or w18.0/10 holy+non, holy infuse stacking 25s, holy infuse 25s, party 50% Dmg barrier 2, 15s: (holy ⤇ p1.8/4 or w6.44/4 h+n)
BUCrystal Vanguardphys 7.2/10 holy, party Last stand, self 1.3x Knight dmg 15s
[Knight], +1 on Knightp1.92 – 2.4/3 – 4.5/5 – 7.0/7 h, party Autoheal 1k – 2k – 4k at brv.1+
U2Paladin Wallparty +200% DEF/RES 25s, 15s: EX: +30% ATK/DEF, (Knight ⤇ front row heal 1.5k HP)
U1Sacred Crossphys 7.1/10 holy+non, holy infuse 25s, self Autoheal 6k, 15s: EX: +100% DEF
OArc of Lightphys 12.0 holy+non rngd w/ 99k cap
G+Defiant Forceinstant party Last stand, self instacast 1
G2Valiant Forceinstant holy infuse stacking 25s, holy infuse 25s, self Knight hi fastcast 15s
G1Saintly Forceinstant holy infuse 25s, party Autoheal 2k
B2Radiant Blastphys 7.68/8 holy+non, taunt PHY/BLK, +200% DEF 25s
[Knight]p1.74/​3 - 2.32/​4 - 2.9/​5 h+n @ 3-​7 atks taken
[Knight]p2.32/​4 h+n, self +100% RES 20s
B1Paladin ForceAoE phys 5.1/5 holy rngd, holy infuse 25s
[Combat]p2.3 h, self h60
[Combat]AoE p1.58/​2 h
SSaint's Fallphys 7.89/3 holy
-Radiant Wingsphys 4.8/3 holy
-Sentineltaunt PHY/BLK, +200% DEF 30s
LMR5Holy Promise25% dualcast W.Mag
LMR4Holy Dawn+1% MND (max +25%) per W.Mag hit
LMR3Led by the Moon25% dualcast Knight
LMR2Ardor's Lightholy infuse 25s at battle start
LMR1Indomitable+3% DEF (max +35%) per hit taken
LM2Guileless Paladin40% cover PHY, taking -50% dmg
LM1Harmonious Soul-10% holy dmg taken
𝐋𝐂“Parallel Bond: Celes (Ice)”instant [Parallel Bond: Celes (Ice): Type: Physical, Element: (Ice,NE), Cast time: 0.01s, Ten single attacks (0.80 each) capped at 19999, activates Ice Chain (max 150, field +0%) or adds 25 to the current Ice Chain maximum limit and increases the current chain count on all enemies by 10, grants [Chain Force Mode (Celes)] and [Instant ATB 1] to the user]
𝐋𝐎Awoken Bladephys ^4.0/4 ice+holy w/ 99k cap @ +100% crit scaling w/ LB pts and honing
DA2“Awoken Mystic Blade”phys 6.3/7 ice+non w/ 19k cap, ice infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x ice dmg 15s, 15s: [Dual Awoken Invincible General Mode I (Celes - Ice): Ice abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Ice abilities, cast speed x2.00/x2.50/x3.00 and critical chance =50%/75%/100% for equipped Ice abilities after casting 1/2/3+ Ice abilities]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, 1 turn: 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x ice dmg @ rank 1-5, ice instacast, (ice ⤇ party fastcast 2), (ice ⤇ instant ATB 1)
DA1Awoken Indomitable Bladephys 6.3/7 holy+non w/ 19k cap, holy infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x holy dmg 15s, 15s: [Dual Awoken Invincible General Mode I (Celes - Holy): Holy abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Holy abilities, cast speed x2.00 for equipped Holy abilities, casts Dual Divine End after using equipped Holy abilities]
theninstant party crit =50% 25s, self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Invincible General Mode II (Celes - Holy): Increases the damage/healing cap by 10000, Holy abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Holy abilities, grants [Dual Unleashed Runic Blade 60% Critical]/[Dual Unleashed Runic Blade 80% Critical]/[Dual Unleashed Runic Blade 100% Critical] to all allies after using 1/2/3+ Holy abilities, lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Invincible General Mode I (Celes - Holy)] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
C2“Fated Bond (Celes)”instant Spellblade chain 1.5x (max 150), party Haste, +50% ATK 25s
C1More the Merrierice chain 1.5x (max 150), party +50% ATK 25s
AD2Holy Runic Bladeinstant holy infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
thenphys 20.0/20 - 22.0/20 - 24.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 - 12.0 w/ 99k cap, holy+non @ 0-100k-300k dmg dealt
AD1Apex Spinning Edgeinstant ice infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
thenphys 20.0/20 - 22.0/20 - 24.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 - 12.0 w/ 99k cap, ice+non @ 0/5/8 ice
SA3Virtuous Bladephys 9.0/15 ice+holy+non, self dmg cap +10k 15s, status lvl +1, 1 turn: (ice/holy ⤇ ice/holy infuse 2 w/ stacking), (1/2/3/4+ ice/holy ⤇ crit =25/50/75/100%), (2 +2n ice/holy ⤇ 1.5x ice/holy dmg 1 turn)
[Spellblade], w/ ice/holyp5.4/6 i+h+n, self fastcast 1
[Spellblade], w/ ice/holyp6.0 i+h+n w/ 99k cap, party Magic blink 1 @ 1 status lvl, self status lvl -1, cast time 0.825s if Magic blink
SA2Proud Bladephys 9.0/15 holy+non, holy infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (4 Spellblade ⤇ instant ATB 2 (once only)), 15s: (cmd 2 ⤇ p6.0 h+n w/ 99k cap Spellblade, self fastcast 1 @ 750-999 SB pts, instacast 1, dualcast Spellblade 1 turn, -500 SB pts @ 1000+ SB pts (once only))
[Spellblade], w/ holyp5.4/6 h+n, self 1.3x Spellblade dmg 1 turn
[Spellblade], w/ holyp6.0 h+n w/ 99k cap
SA1Mystical Snowphys 9.0/15 ice+non, ice infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, party Magic blink 1, self dmg cap +10k 15s, Magic blink 2, 15s: (3 cmd 1/cmd 2 ⤇ party Magic blink 1, self Magic blink 2, hi fastcast 1)
[Spellblade], w/ icep5.22/6 - 5.58/6 i+n @ 0/1 Magic blink
[Spellblade], w/ icep2.7/3 i+n, self 1.3x Spellblade dmg 3 turns
AA3“Glacial Edge”phys 9.0/15 ice+non, ice infuse w/ stacking 25s, self instacast 1, +250 SB pts, dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (ice ⤇ front row fastcast 1), 15s: Awoken Rune Knight: ice inf. hones, 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x ice dmg @ rank 1-5, (ice ⤇ p4.32/6 i+n Spellblade)
AA2Unflinching Bladephys 9.0/15 ice+holy+non, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (ice/holy ⤇ ice/holy infuse), 15s: (2 ice/holy ⤇ p3.04/4 i+h+n Spellblade, party 1.3x ice dmg 1 turn or 1.3x holy dmg 1 turn), 15s: Awoken Invincible General: holy/ice inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AA1Twin Spinphys 9.0/15 ice+holy+non, party Magic blink 1, self +30% ice/holy dmg 15s, dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (2 ice/holy ⤇ p2.6/5 i+h+n Spellblade @ 1/2 Magic blink, self Magic blink 2), 15s: Awoken Invincible General: holy/ice inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AOGlorious Bladephys 24.0/3 ice+wind+holy w/ 99k cap
U2Mystic Bladephys 7.1/10 ice+non, ice infuse 25s, taunt & absorb BLK/WHT 25s, 15s: (ice ⤇ front row phys hi fastcast 1)
U1Whetted Bladephys 6.9/10 holy+ice+wind+non, self 1.3x Spellblade dmg 15s, double Spellblade (uses extra hone) 15s, taunt & absorb BLK/WHT 25s
OBlade Unboundphys 11.0 - 12.0 - 13.0 - 14.0 holy+wind w/ 99k cap @ 5-12-20 WHT/BLK/BLU/SUM hits taken
G+3Blade of Holy Bindinginstant holy infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self instacast 1
G+2Invincible Swordplayinstant party Magic blink 1, self 1.25x SB gauge vs. weak 15s
G+1Rune Knight's Honorinstant ice infuse w/ stacking 25s, self instacast 1
G2Rune Knight's Triumphinstant ice infuse w/ stacking 25s, self hi fastcast 2
G1Rune Knight's Ambitioninstant crit =100% 2 turns, hi fastcast 2
B2Invincible Bladephys 7.52/8 holy+ice, self +35% ATK/DEF 25s, taunt & absorb BLK/WHT 25s
[Spellblade]p2.32/​4 h+i, self 1.15x Spellblade dmg 2 turns
[Spellblade]AoE p1.4/​2 h+i, self +30% ATK, -30% DEF 20s
B1Maria's Songholy infuse 25s, party +30% ATK/MAG 25s
[Spellblade]p2.16/​4 h+f
[Spellblade]p2.16/​4 h+i
SIndomitable Bladephys 7.9/5, taunt & absorb BLK/WHT 25s
-Spinning Edgephys 5.1/3 wind
-Runic Bladetaunt & absorb BLK 25s
LMR2Rebel Knightice infuse 25s at battle start
LMR1Rune Knight Spellmaster25% dualcast Spellblade
LM2Rune Knight Soulmaster1.5x SB gauge vs. weak
LM1Rune Knight Blademaster1.15x Spellblade dmg
𝐋𝐂“Parallel Bond: Ceodore (Holy)”instant [Parallel Bond: Ceodore (Holy): Type: Physical, Element: (Holy,NE), Cast time: 0.01s, Ten single attacks (0.80 each) capped at 19999, activates Holy Chain (max 150, field +0%) or adds 25 to the current Holy Chain maximum limit, grants [Chain Force Mode (Ceodore)] and [Instant ATB 1] to the user]
𝐋𝐎Vibra Plusphys ^4.0/4 holy w/ 99k cap @ +100% crit scaling w/ LB pts and honing, self hi fastcast 2
𝐋𝐆Divine Flash (Ceodore)instant phys 3.36 holy+non w/ 99k cap, self +250 LB pts
DA“Awoken Shimmering Cross”phys 6.3/7 holy+non w/ 19k cap, holy infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x holy dmg 15s, 15s: [Dual Awoken Holy Mode I (Ceodore): Holy abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Holy abilities, critical chance =25%/50%/75%/100% and 5%/10%/15%/20% additional critical damage for equipped Holy abilities after casting 1/2/3/4+ Holy abilities]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Holy Mode II (Ceodore): Increases the damage/healing cap by 20000, Holy abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Holy abilities, causes [DEF, RES and MND -70% (8s)] after the first Holy ability used if 0-3 FF4 allies are alive (max 1), grants [ATK, DEF, MAG and RES +30% (8s)] to all allies after the first Holy ability used if 4+ FF4 allies are alive, grants [100% Critical 3] and [Instant Cast 3] to the user after the first Holy ability used, lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Holy Mode I (Ceodore)] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
CHoly Fellowshipholy chain 1.5x (max 150), party +50% ATK 25s
ADVibra Finalinstant holy infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
thenphys 20.0/20 - 22.0/20 - 24.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 - 12.0 w/ 99k cap, holy+non @ 0-100k-300k dmg dealt
SAAdvanced Bladephys 9.0/15 holy+non, holy infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, Magic blink 2, 15s: (3 cmd 1/cmd 2 ⤇ p5.19 h+n w/ 99k cap Knight, self Magic blink 1)
[Knight], w/ holyp4.5/5 - 6.3/7 h+n w/o - w/ Magic blink, self 1.3x holy dmg 1 turn
[Knight], w/ holyinstant self fastcast 2, crit =100% 2 turns
AA2“True Cross Slash”phys 9.0/15 holy+non, party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, (1.3x holy dmg 1 turn, dualcast holy 1 turn) / (1.3x holy dmg 2 turns, dualcast holy 2 turns) / (1.3x holy dmg 3 turns, dualcast holy 3 turns) if 0-2-4+ IV chars. alive, 15s: Awoken Holy: holy inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AA1Shimmering Crossphys 9.0/15 holy+non, holy infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 3 turns: crit =100%, 1.5x holy dmg, instacast, 15s: Awoken Holy: holy inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AOGleam Thrusterphys 11.0/20, then 8.0 w/ 99k cap, holy
U2Twin Rushphys 7.1/10 holy+non, holy infuse 25s, self instacast 1, 15s: (holy ⤇ front row phys hi fastcast 1)
U1Trinity Slashphys 7.2/10 holy+lgt, holy infuse 25s, self +30% ATK/RES 25s, taunt PHY/BLK, +200% DEF 25s
G+2Lunar Forceinstant holy infuse w/ stacking 25s, self instacast 1
G+1Cross Chargeinstant +500 SB pts
BHoly Crossphys 7.52/8 holy+non, party heal 40% HP
[Knight]p2.2/​4 h+n, ally heal 25% HP
[Knight]AoE p1.58/​2 h+n, ally Esuna
SCross SlashAoE phys 5.05/5 holy+non, holy infuse 25s
LMR3Divine Bloodline25% dualcast holy
LMR2Purest Princeholy infuse 25s at battle start
LMR1His Father's Justice30% cover PHY, taking -20% dmg
LM2Fledgling Red Wing(Knight ⤇ 35% for ally heal 40% HP)
LM1Ascendant Prince1.15x Knight dmg
Cid (IV)
DAAwoken X Chaserphys 6.3/7 lgt+non rngd w/ 19k cap, lgt infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x lgt dmg 15s, 15s: [Dual Awoken Lightning Mode I (Cid (IV)): Lightning abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Lightning abilities, cast speed x2.00/x2.50/x3.00 and critical chance =50%/75%/100% for equipped Lightning abilities after casting 1/2/3+ Lightning abilities]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, Last stand, [Dual Awoken Lightning Mode II (Cid (IV)): Increases the damage/healing cap by 20000, Lightning abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Lightning abilities, critical chance =100%, casts Make Way! when removed, lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Lightning Mode I (Cid (IV))] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
ADWeapon In Progressinstant lgt infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
thenphys 20.0/20 - 22.0/20 - 24.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 - 12.0 w/ 99k cap, lgt+non rngd @ 0-100k-300k dmg dealt
SARocket Launcherphys 9.0/15 lgt+non rngd, +10/20% prism vuln. if 0-4+ IV chars. alive, lgt infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: [Airship Tech's Forte Follow-Up: Casts Airship Tech's Forte four times after using Spark Break three times] if ≥4 IV chars. alive
[Machinist], w/ lgtp5.4/6 l+n rngd, +10% lgt vuln. 5s
[Machinist], w/ lgtp6.0 l+n rngd w/ 99k cap, 1.3x lgt dmg 1 turn
AA2Machine Breakphys 9.0/15 lgt+non rngd, -70% DEF/RES/MND if 0 IV chars. alive 8s, +30% A/D/M/R if ≥4 IV chars. alive 8s, lgt infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, +20% lgt dmg 15s, 15s: Awoken Airship Tech: lgt inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, (lgt ⤇ p4.32/6 l+n rngd Machinist)
BAAEngineer's Trialphys 9.0/15 lgt+non rngd, lgt infuse 25s, self lose 99% curr HP, dmg cap +10k 15s, Negate dmg 100%, until Neg. Dmg. lost: crit =100%, 15s: Awoken Lightning: lgt inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
[Machinist], +1 on lgtp1.92 – 3.2 – 6.4 – 12.8/2 l+n rngd, 99k cap at brv.1+, self instacast 1 at brv.0, self lose 99% curr HP & Negate dmg 100% at brv.3
AOThor's Mighty Hammerphys 24.0/3 lgt rngd w/ 99k cap
U2Lightning Stampphys 7.1/10 lgt+non rngd, -70% DEF/RES/MND 8s, lgt infuse w/ stacking 25s, party fastcast 2
U1X Chaserphys 7.2/10 lgt, -70% ATK/MAG 8s, self fastcast 15s, 15s: (lgt ⤇ p1.8/4 l+n Machinist)
G+So Young!instant lgt infuse w/ stacking 25s, self hi fastcast 2
BFalcon Drillphys 7.36/8 lgt+non, -40% A/D/M/R 25s
[Machinist]p2.2/​2 l+n, -50% MAG 15s
[Machinist]p2.2/​2 l+n, -40% DEF 15s
S2Jump Startphys 7.8/5 lgt+non rngd, +20% lgt vuln. 25s
S1Monkey WrenchAoE phys 5.88/6 rngd, -30% A/D/M/R/MND 25s
LMR+Re-action (Cid IV)dualcast lgt per 3 uses
LMR2Unselfish Dispositionlgt infuse 25s at battle start
LMR1Seasoned Fortitude(<20% HP ⤇ Last stand, +30% ATK, -30% RES 25s)
LM2Airship Aficionado(lgt ⤇ 30% for +10% lgt vuln. 15s)
LM1Born Engineer1.1x lgt dmg
Cid (VII)
DAAwoken Dragon Divephys 6.3/7 wind+non jump w/ 19k cap, wind infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x wind dmg 15s, 15s: [Dual Awoken Wind Mode I (Cid (VII)): Wind abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Wind abilities, cast speed x2.00/x2.50/x3.00 and critical chance =50%/75%/100% for equipped Wind abilities after casting 1/2/3+ Wind abilities]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Wind Mode II (Cid (VII)): Increases the damage/healing cap by 20000, Wind abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Wind abilities, casts Dual Wind Jump after using Wind abilities, lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Wind Mode I (Cid (VII))] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
CCid in ChargeVII chain 1.5x (max 150), party Haste, +30% ATK/MAG 25s
SATrue Hyper Jumpphys 9.0/15 wind+non jump, wind infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
[Dragoon], w/ windp5.4/6 wi+n jump, +10% wind vuln. 5s
[Dragoon], w/ windinstant self fastcast 3, 1.3x wind dmg 3 turns
AA2Dynamite Galephys 9.0/15 wind+non jump, wind infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: [Steadfast Pilot Mode: Casts Aero Descent after another ally casts a Wind ability, casts High Climb when removed, removed after casting Aero Descent three times], 15s: Awoken Dragoon: Dragoon inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, jump instacast
AA1Dreams of Spacephys 9.0/15 wind+non jump, wind infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (4 wind ⤇ p6.0 wi+f+n rngd w/ 99k cap Dragoon @ +100% crit), 15s: (Dragoon ⤇ same row 1.3x Dragoon dmg 1 turn), 15s: Awoken Wind: wind inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AOSmoking Divephys 24.0/3 wind jump w/ 99k cap
UDynamite Boostphys 7.1/10 wind+non jump, wind infuse 25s, self +30% ATK/DEF 25s, jump instacast 15s
G+Rocket Jumpinstant phys 3.36 wind jump w/ 99k cap, wind infuse w/ stacking 25s
GCleared for Takeoff!instant wind infuse stacking 25s, wind infuse 25s, self instacast 1
BDragon Divephys 8.0/10 wind+non jump, wind infuse 25s
[Combat]p2.08/​4 wi, or p2.6/​5 vs. weak
[Combat]AoE p1.26/​2 wi, or p1.89/​3 vs. weak
S2Pilot's Steelparty Haste, +50% ATK 25s
S1Big Brawlphys 7.8/12 wind, self no air time 3 turns
-Dragonphys 5.16/4 wind rngd, +20% wind vuln. 25s
-Hyper Jumpphys 5.12/4 jump, self Haste, +35% ATK/DEF 25s
-DynamiteAoE phys 3.2, -50% ATK 25s
LMR+Re-action (Cid (VII))dualcast Dragoon per 3 uses
LMR2SpacefarerHaste, instacast 1 at battle start
LMR1Champion of the Skies1.2x jump dmg if using a spear
LM2Air Supremacy+2% ATK (max +50%) per wind PHY hit
LM1Captain's Habit1.1x wind dmg
Cid (XIV)
SAGarlond Overloadphys 9.0/15 fire+earth+wind+bio+non rngd, -70% DEF/RES/MND 8s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (fire/earth/wind/bio ⤇ fire/earth/wind/bio infuse 2 w/ stacking), 15s: (every 4.0s ⤇ p^4.39 f+e+wi+b+n rngd Machinist, +10% fire/earth/wind/bio vuln. 15s), [Legendary Engineer Mode Finisher: Casts Volley Fire after Turret Cover Fire is cast three times, removed if the user hasn't Legendary Engineer Mode]
[Machinist], w/ Machinistp5.4/6 f+e+wi+b+n rngd, self 1.3x Machinist dmg 1 turn
[Machinist], w/ Machinistinstant p0.8 f+e+wi+b+n rngd, +10% fire/earth/wind/bio vuln. 5s
AAHeated Combo Shotphys 9.0/15 fire+earth+wind+bio+non rngd, self +20% fire/earth/wind/bio vuln. 25s, dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (fire/earth/wind/bio ⤇ fire/earth/wind/bio infuse), [Overheat Mode: Fire, Earth, Wind and Poison abilities deal 10%/20%/30% more damage if the target's Fire, Earth, Wind or Poison weakness is 20%/30%/40%+, removed if user hasn't Synchro Mode], 15s: Awoken Engineer: Machinist inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
BUFlamethrower (XIV)phys 6.8/10 fire+earth+wind+bio+non rngd, party instacast 1, 1 turn: (fire/earth/wind/bio ⤇ fire/earth/wind/bio infuse)
[Machinist], +1 on Machinist/Supportinstant p1.44 – 2.28/6 – 4.5/6 – 6.96/6 f+e+wi+b+n rngd, -30% DEF – -50% DEF/RES/MND 8s at brv.2+
U1Gauss Roundphys 7.1/10 fire+non rngd, fire infuse 25s, self fastcast 15s, 15s: Finisher: phys 30.03% Machinist/7 rngd Machinist
G+Reassembleinstant 1 turn: (fire/earth/wind/bio ⤇ fire/earth/wind/bio infuse w/ stacking)
BGrenado ShotAoE phys 5.81/7 earth+non rngd, +20% earth vuln. 25s
[Machinist]p2.06 e+n rngd, powers up cmd 2
[Machinist]p2.12/​4 e+n rngd, 0-​10-​30-​100% for +10% earth vuln. 25s, reset count
SRapid Shotphys 7.77/7 fire+non rngd, +20% fire vuln. 25s
LMRToiling for Freedom1.25x Machinist dmg if using a gun
LM2Skyfaring Engineer35% dualcast Machinist
LM1Wisdom of Allag1.15x Machinist dmg
Cid Raines
DAAwoken Seraph's Wingmagic 21.35/7 dark+holy+non w/ 19k cap, self +50% MAG/MND 25s, dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x dark/holy dmg 15s, 1 turn: (dark/holy ⤇ dark/holy infuse w/ stacking), 15s: [Dual Awoken Seraph Mode I (Cid Raines): Dark and Holy abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Dark and Holy abilities, casts Dual Seraph-Wing Buffet after using equipped Dark or Holy abilities]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Seraph Mode II (Cid Raines): Increase the damage/healing cap by 10000, Dark and Holy abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Dark and Holy abilities, grants [Dark/Holy Ability +10% Boost 1]/[Dark/Holy Ability +20% Boost 1]/[Dark/Holy Ability +30% Boost 1] to all allies after using 1/2/3+ Dark or Holy abilities, lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Seraph Mode I (Cid Raines)] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
C+Dark Bond (Cid Raines)instant dark chain 1.5x (max 150), party (+10% dark dmg 5s) / (+20% dark dmg 5s) / (+30% dark dmg 5s) if 0-2-4+ Dark infused chars., +50% MAG 25s, self instacast 1
ADApex Seraphic Rayinstant self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (dark/holy ⤇ dark/holy infuse)
thenmagic 63.0/20 - 70.0/20 w/ 9k/19k cap, then 34.6 - 38.06 w/ 99k cap, dark+holy+non @ 0-100k dmg dealt
SALast Destinymagic 22.5/15 dark+holy+non, party +30% DEF/MAG 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (dark/holy ⤇ dark/holy infuse 2 w/ stacking), 15s: (2 cmd 1/cmd 2 d/h/n ⤇ party 1.3x dark/holy/dark dmg 1 turn)
[Darkness], w/ dark/holym17.4/6 d+h+n, or m19.2/6 if Doomed
[Darkness], w/ dark/holym9.15/3 d+h+n, self fastcast 3
AA2Dystopian Shiftmagic 22.5/15 dark+holy+non, Dispel, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (dark/holy ⤇ dark/holy infuse w/ stacking), 15s: (2 d/h ⤇ dark/holy infuse 25s), 15s: Awoken Seraph: dark/holy inf. hones, 2-3x dark/holy cast @ rank 1-5, (dark/holy ⤇ m14.46/6 d+h+n Darkness, self +10% dark/holy dmg 15s per 2 uses)
AA1Angel of Doommagic 22.5/15 dark+holy+non, dark infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (2 dark ⤇ m7.85/5 d+h+n Darkness, or m15.7/10 if Doomed), 15s: Awoken Darkness: Darkness inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AOSeraphic Endmagic 79.5/3 dark+holy w/ 99k cap
U2Wings of Despairmagic 17.0/10 dark+holy, dark infuse 25s, self +30% DEF/MAG 25s, double Darkness (uses extra hone) 15s
U1True Miraclemagic 16.2/10 dark+holy, or m18.7/10 if Doomed, self +30% MAG/RES 25s, Doom 30s, instacast 1, 15s: (holy/dark ⤇ m8.64/4 h+d B.Mag)
OShattered Dreamsmagic 37.39 dark+holy w/ 99k cap, up to m48.0 at low Doom time, default m37.0
G+2Commander Shiftinstant fastcast 3, +250 SB pts
G+1Seraphic Shiftinstant self hi fastcast 1, 1 turn: (dark/holy ⤇ dark/holy infuse w/ stacking)
GDark Shiftinstant +30% MAG/RES 25s, Darkness hi fastcast 15s
BMetamorphosemagic 15.42/6 dark+holy, or m19.86/6 if Doomed, party +30% DEF/MAG 25s
[B.Mag]m8.8/​4 d+h, self instazap 1
[B.Mag]AoE m7.8/​2 d+h, self +30% MAG, -30% RES 20s
S2Seraph's Wingmagic 17.52/6, self +30% MAG/RES 25s, fastzap 4, Doom 45s
S1Seraphic RayAoE magic 14.2/5 holy, +20% holy vuln. 25s
-Offensive Shiftmagic 11.88/6, party Haste
LMR+Hastening (Cid Raines)(3 dark/holy dmg ⤇ fastcast 3)
LMR2Tragic Enddark infuse 25s at battle start
LMR1Mouth of the Dead1.3x stat buffs duration
LM2Seraphic Might35% dualcast holy/dark
LM1Young Idealist1.1x BLK dmg
𝐋𝐎Max Charged Macephys ^5.0/5 earth+wind w/ 99k cap @ +100% crit scaling w/ LB pts and honing
𝐋𝐆Earth Raiment (Cinque)instant earth infuse 25s
SA2Rock Cyclonephys 9.0/15 earth+wind+non, earth infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, Hvy Charge +2, 15s: (2/4 +2n Heavy ⤇ (dmg cap +10k 2 turns) / (dmg cap +20k 2 turns)), (2 +2n Heavy ⤇ Hvy Charge +1)
[Heavy], w/ earthp5.4/3 e+wi+n, self 1.3x earth dmg 1 turn
[Heavy], w/ earthinstant p0.8 e+wi+n, self instacast 2
SA1Meteor Cyclonephys 9.0/15 earth+wind+non, earth infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, Hvy Charge +2
[Heavy], w/ earthp5.4/6 e+wi+n, -50% ATK/MAG if Hvy Charge 2 8s
[Heavy], w/ earthp2.7/3 e+wi+n, self Hvy Charge +1, 1.5x earth dmg 1 turn
AA2Payback Mace[Payback Mace: Type: Physical, Element: (Earth,Wind,NE), Cast time: 2.5s, Fifteen single attacks (0.60 each), grants [Attach Earth], [Awoken Grand Mace], [Damage Cap +10000] [100% Critical (25s) Custom Param] and [Sheer Determination Mode] to the user]
AA1Mace Cyclonephys 9.0/15 earth+wind+non, -50% DEF/RES/MND 25s, earth infuse 25s, self dmg cap +20k 15s, 15s: Awoken Heavy Physical: Heavy inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, (Heavy ⤇ Hvy Charge +1)
AOTwenty-One Swingsphys 11.0/20, then 8.0 w/ 99k cap, earth
UWhirling Macephys 7.1/10 earth+wind, earth infuse 25s, self 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x Heavy dmg @ rank 1-5 15s, +1 to all Hvy Charge gains 15s
G+Grand Slam Swinginstant phys 2.5 - 3.25 - 5.7 earth w/ 99k cap @ 0/1/2 Hvy Charge, earth infuse stacking 25s, earth infuse 25s
BGaia PulseAoE phys 5.76/6 earth+non rngd, earth infuse 25s
[Heavy]p1.68/​3 e+n, self 1.15x Heavy dmg 3 turns
[Heavy]p1.79 e+n, -40% DEF 15s
SEarthquake (Type-0)AoE phys 6.66/6 earth+wind, -30% A/D/M/R/MND 25s
LMR2Heavy Hitter1.2x PHY dmg if using a hammer
LMR1Chestnut Braidearth infuse 25s at battle start
LM2Burgeoning Strength(Heavy ⤇ 50% for Hvy Charge +1)
LM1Mistress of the Mace1.1x PHY dmg if using a hammer
𝐋𝐂“Parallel Bond: Cloud”instant [Parallel Bond: Cloud: Type: Physical, Element: (Wind,NE), Cast time: 0.01s, Ten single attacks (0.80 each) capped at 19999, element of entry damage changes to Dark/NE if the user has any Attach Dark, activates VII Chain (max 150, field +0%) or adds 25 to the current VII Chain maximum limit, grants [Chain Force Mode (Cloud)] and [Instant ATB 1] to the user]
𝐋𝐆𝐒Guardian Choco-Moginstant [Guardian Choco-Mog: Cast time: 0.01s, Summons Choco-Moogle for 5 seconds, grants [Protect], [Shell], [Haste], [Instant ATB 1], [DEF and RES +200% (25s)], [Last Stand], [Attach Wind 3 with Stacking] and [Damage Cap +20000] to Choco-Moogle]
[Combat]instant p35.1/6 wi+n, self dmg cap +10k 1 turn
[Combat]instant AoE p19.0 wi+n w/ 99k cap, self +30% wind dmg 15s
Finisherinstant p76.0/10, then 24.4 w/ 99k cap, wi+d+n, Cloud 1.3x wind dmg 2 turns, Cloud fastcast 2
𝐋𝐎Sonic Bladephys ^4.0/4 wind+dark w/ 99k cap @ +100% crit scaling w/ LB pts and honing
DA2“Awoken Darkpetal Bloom”phys 6.3/7 dark+non w/ 19k cap, dark infuse w/ stacking 25s, self crit =100% 25s, dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x dark dmg 15s, 15s: [Dual Awoken Ex-SOLDIER Mode I (Cloud): Dark abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Dark abilities, casts Dual Darkness Rush after using Dark abilities (max 3)]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, 1 turn: 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x dark dmg @ rank 1-5, dark instacast, (dark ⤇ [Critical Damage +20% 3: 20% additional critical damage (stacks with all other Critical Damage buffs), lasts for 3 turns]), (dark ⤇ fastcast 3, dark infuse 25s if Sephiroth alive)
DA1Awoken Finishing Touchphys 6.3/7 wind+non w/ 19k cap, wind infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x wind dmg 15s, 15s: [Dual Awoken Wind Mode I (Cloud): Wind abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Wind abilities, cast speed x2.00/x2.50/x3.00 for equipped Wind abilities after casting 1/2/3+ Wind abilities]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, 1 turn: 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x wind dmg @ rank 1-5, dualcast wind, wind instacast, (wind ⤇ [Dual SOLDIER Mode: Critical chance =100%, 20% additional critical damage, casts Dual Slash Impact after using Wind abilities, lasts for 3 turns])
C+Bond (Cloud)instant VII chain 1.5x (max 150), party +30% ATK/MAG 25s, fastcast 1, self instacast 1, 15s: [Linked Burst Mode VII: Grants [Buff Prismatic 10% (15s)] to all allies after any FF7 ally uses an elemental attack (excluding non-elemental), can only trigger once per element, removed after triggering three times]
AD2“Apex Hazardous Darkness”instant dark infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
thenphys 20.0/20 - 22.0/20 - 24.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 - 12.0 w/ 99k cap, dark+non @ 0-100k-300k dmg dealt
AD1Omnislashinstant wind infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
thenphys 20.0/20 - 22.0/20 - 24.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 - 12.0 w/ 99k cap, wind+non @ 0-100k-300k dmg dealt
SA3Mako Strikephys 9.0/15 wind+dark+non, self dmg cap +10k 15s, status lvl +1, 1 turn: (wind/dark ⤇ wind/dark infuse 2 w/ stacking), for next 4 wind/dark: (wind/dark ⤇ crit =100% 1 turn, +50% crit dmg 1 turn), (1/2/3/4 wind/dark ⤇ (dmg cap +80k 1 turn) / (dmg cap +60k 1 turn) / (dmg cap +40k 1 turn) / (dmg cap +20k 1 turn))
[Combat], w/ wind/darkp5.4/6 - 6.3/7 wi+d+n @ 0-1 status lvl, self fastcast 1 @ 1 status lvl, status lvl +1, status lvl -1
[Combat], w/ wind/darkp5.4/6 - 6.4/4 wi+d+n @ 0-1 status lvl, self status lvl +1, status lvl -1
SA2Meteor Rainphys 9.0/15 dark+non rngd, dark infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
[Heavy], w/ darkp5.4/6 d+n, self hi fastcast 2
[Heavy], w/ darkself Hvy Charge +2, crit =100% 1 turn, +50% crit dmg 1 turn, dmg cap +80k 1 turn
SA1Apex Slashphys 9.0/15 wind+non, wind infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
[Spellblade], w/ windp5.4/6 wi+n, self 1.5x wind dmg 1 turn, status lvl =1
[Spellblade], w/ windp6.0 - 8.0 wi+n w/ 99k cap @ 0-1 status lvl, self reset status lvl
AA3Dark Side Braverphys 9.0/15 wind+dark+non, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (wind/dark ⤇ wind/dark infuse w/ stacking), 15s: fastcast, (wind/dark ⤇ [Deathblow Materia Mode Critical: Critical chance =25%/50%/75%/100% if the user has used 1/2/3/4+ Wind or Dark abilities while under Deathblow Materia Mode, removed if the user hasn't Deathblow Materia Mode]), 15s: Awoken Ex-SOLDIER: wind/dark inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, (wind/dark ⤇ p4.26/6 wi+d+n Combat, self dmg cap +10k 1 turn per 2 uses)
AA2Sephiroth Cell Quickeningphys 9.0/15 dark+non, dark infuse 25s, self crit =100% 25s, dmg cap +20k 15s, 15s: Awoken Heavy Physical: Heavy inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, (Heavy ⤇ Hvy Charge +1)
AA1Angelic Synergyphys 9.0/15 wind+non, wind infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, crit =100% 25s, hi fastcast 15s, 15s: (3 wind ⤇ instacast 1, +250 SB pts (once only)), 15s: Awoken Wind: wind inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AO2Eye of Darknessphys 24.0/3 dark w/ 99k cap
AO1Sonic Braverphys 11.0/20, then 8.0 w/ 99k cap, wind rngd
U3Darkpetal Bloomphys 7.1/10 dark+non, dark infuse 25s, self +1 to all Hvy Charge gains 15s, 15s: (dark ⤇ p1.6/4 d+n w/ 99k cap Heavy)
U2Climiragephys 7.2/15 wind, wind infuse 25s, 15s: EX: +30% ATK, (wind ⤇ p1.6/4 or 3.2/8 wi+n w/ 99k cap Combat)
U1Ultra Cross Slashphys 7.5/5 wind+dark, self crit =100% 25s, 15s: EX: 1.3x PHY dmg, break PHY dmg cap
O2Cherry Blossom (FFT)phys 7.8 lgt+ice+fire w/ 99k cap
O1Finishing Touchphys 12.0 wind+non w/ 99k cap
G+4Triple Slashinstant phys 2.07/3 wind+dark+non @ +100% crit
G+3Truth and Illusioninstant self hi fastcast 1, 1 turn: (wind/dark ⤇ wind/dark infuse w/ stacking)
G+2Jenova Cell Powerinstant dark infuse stacking 25s, dark infuse 25s, self instacast 1
G+1Aerial Fanginstant phys 3.12/6 wind+non, wind infuse stacking 25s, wind infuse 25s
G2Mako Abyssinstant phys 3.12/6 dark+non, dark infuse stacking 25s, dark infuse 25s
G1Mako Powerinstant phys 3.12/6 wind+non, wind infuse stacking 25s, wind infuse 25s
B3Sonic Blade (KH)phys 6.64/8 dark+wind, dark infuse 25s
[Combat]p1.5/​3 d+wi, self fastcast 3
[Heavy]p1.68/​3 d+wi, self Hvy Charge +1
B2Cloud Cyclephys 6.64/8 wind+non, wind infuse 25s
[Combat]p0.56/​4 wi+n, up to p2.6 scaling w/ ATK
[Combat]AoE p1.3/​2 wi+n, self +30% ATK, -30% DEF 20s
B1Fenrir Overdrivephys 8.0/8
[Combat]AoE p1.4/​2 @ +80% crit
[Combat]p2.0/​4 @ +80% crit
SBlade BeamAoE phys 6.15/3 rngd
-Climhazzardphys 5.11/7 wind, wind infuse 25s
-Cross Slashphys 5.0, 50% Paralyze
-Braverphys 4.8
LMR6Self Forgiveness1.2x PHY dmg if using a sword
LMR5Borrowed Bladedark infuse 25s at battle start
LMR4Broken Illusionswind infuse 25s at battle start
LMR3Light Seeker(dark ⤇ 35% for fastcast 1)
LMR2Truth Surmounted25% dualcast wind
LMR1Sprinting Wolf(wind ⤇ 35% for fastcast 1)
LM2Mantle Bearer35% dualcast Combat
LM1Lone Wolf1.1x PHY dmg
Cloud of Darkness
𝐋𝐂“Parallel Bond: Cloud of Darkness”instant [Parallel Bond: Cloud of Darkness: Type: Magical, Element: (Dark,NE), Cast time: 0.01s, Ten single attacks (2.60 each) capped at 19999, activates Dark Chain (max 150, field +0%) or adds 25 to the current Dark Chain maximum limit and increases the current chain count on all enemies by 10, grants [Chain Force Mode (Cloud of Darkness)] and [Instant ATB 1] to the user]
𝐋𝐎Fabled Particle Beammagic ^15.0/5 dark w/ 99k cap scaling w/ LB pts and honing
𝐋𝐆Spiraling Flash (CoD)instant magic 14.8/10 dark+lgt+non, +40% lgt/dark vuln. 5s
DA“Awoken Anti-air Particle Beam”magic 21.35/7 dark+non w/ 19k cap, dark infuse w/ stacking 25s, self +50% MAG/MND 25s, dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x dark dmg 15s, 15s: [Dual Awoken Dark Mode I (Cloud of Darkness): Dark abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Dark abilities, casts Dual Particle Blast after using equipped Dark abilities]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Dark Mode II (Cloud of Darkness): Increases the damage/healing cap by 10000, Dark abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Dark abilities, abilities grant 25% more SB points, grants [Instant Cast 2] to the user when removed, lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Dark Mode I (Cloud of Darkness)] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
CFlood of Darknessdark chain 1.5x (max 150), party +50% MAG 25s
ADUltra Particle Beaminstant self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (dark/lgt ⤇ dark/lgt infuse)
thenmagic 63.0/20 - 70.0/20 w/ 9k/19k cap, then 34.6 - 38.06 w/ 99k cap, dark+lgt+non @ 0-100k dmg dealt
SA2Scatter Particle Beammagic 22.5/15 dark+lgt+non, +20% lgt vuln. 25s, lgt infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: [Enfeebling Appendages: Casts Enfeebling Appendages 0/Enfeebling Appendages 1/Enfeebling Appendages 2 if the user has Flood of Darkness level 0/1/2 after using Uncanny Beam]
[Darkness], w/ lgtm18.3/6 d+l+n, self 1.3x lgt dmg 2 turns, status lvl +1
[Darkness], w/ lgtm16.4 d+l+n w/ 99k cap
SA1Diffusion Particle Beammagic 22.5/15 dark+non, dark infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, status lvl +1, 15s: (2 cmd 1/cmd 2 ⤇ party 1.3x dark dmg 1 turn)
[Darkness], w/ darkm18.3/6 d+n, self fastcast 1
[Darkness], w/ darkm16.4 d+n w/ 99k cap, -70% DEF/RES/MND @ 1 status lvl 8s, self status lvl -1
AA3Obstruction Particle Beammagic 22.5/15 dark+lgt+non, self dmg cap +10k 15s, fastcast 15s, 1 turn: (dark/lgt ⤇ dark/lgt infuse), 15s: (2 dark/lgt ⤇ +10% lgt/dark vuln. 15s, self 1.3x dark/lgt dmg 1 turn), 15s: Awoken Apparition: dark/lgt inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AA2High-Speed Particle Beammagic 22.5/15 dark+lgt+non, dark infuse 25s, party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, 1.09-1.15-1.3x dmg vs weak if 0-2-4+ III chars. alive 15s, hi fastcast 1 if ≥4 III chars. alive, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: Awoken Dark: dark inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AA1Wrath Particle Beammagic 22.5/15 dark+lgt+non, dark infuse 25s, party Reflect Dmg 75% as dark 30s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: Awoken Dark: dark inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AOFeint Particle Beammagic 36.4/20, then 26.5 w/ 99k cap, dark+lgt
U2Insulating Appendagesmagic 16.8/10 dark+lgt+non, dark infuse w/ stacking 25s, self fastcast 3, 1.3x dark dmg 15s
U1Wide-Angle Particle BeamAoE magic 14.7/7 dark+lgt, dark infuse 25s, party +30% MAG/RES 25s, 15s: (dark ⤇ AoE m4.4 d+l+n B.Mag)
OConvergent Particle Beammagic 37.2 dark+non w/ 99k cap, or m42.8 vs. weak
G+3Lightning Delugeinstant lgt infuse w/ stacking 25s, self instacast 1
G+2Saturating Particle Fluxinstant AoE -70% DEF/RES/MND 8s, self instacast 1
G+1Swathed in Darknessinstant dark infuse stacking 25s, dark infuse 25s, self instacast 1
GArcane Rampartinstant party Haste, Magic blink 1
B20-Form Particle BeamAoE magic 12.6/6 dark+non, party +30% MAG/MND 25s, Haste, Doom 30s
[B.Mag]m8.16/​3 d+n, self 1.15x Darkness dmg 3 turns
[B.Mag]m6.3/​2 d+n, self +30% MAG, -30% DEF 20s
B1Fusillade Particle Beammagic 17.6/8 dark+holy, party Reflect Dmg 30s
[B.Mag]m10.2/​4 d+h, 25% (7% × 4) Silence/Blind
[B.Mag]m10.2/​4 d+h, 25% (7% × 4) Paralyze/Stop
SAnti-air Particle BeamAoE magic 14.0/5 dark+holy, dark infuse 25s
LMR+Hastening (Cloud of Darkness)(3 dark ⤇ fastcast 3)
LMR3Oblivion Seeker25% dualcast dark
LMR2Herald of DarknessHaste, instacast 1 at battle start
LMR1Spawn of Darknessdark infuse 25s at battle start
LM2Effusing Darkness(dark ⤇ 35% for AoE m4.4 d)
LM1Eldritch Destroyer1.1x dark dmg
SAImmortal's Callphys 9.0/15 fire+non, fire infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, (<20% HP ⤇ heal 100% HP, +50% ATK/DEF 25s, hi fastcast 3, Ignis/Gladiolus/self 1.5x PHY dmg 1 turn if Ignis alive, remove mode)
[Samurai], w/ Samuraip5.4/6 f+n @ +100% crit if Retaliate, self remove Retaliate
[Samurai], w/ Samuraip6.0 f+n w/ 99k cap, self Retaliate @p1.2 15s
AAHaranguephys 9.0/15 fire+non, fire infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, Samurai fastcast 15s, Retaliate @p1.2 15s, +50% crit dmg 25s, 15s: Awoken Samurai: Samurai inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AOIn Service of Kingsphys 24.0/3 fire w/ 99k cap
UPredecessor's Mightinstant phys 6.3/10 fire+non, fire infuse 25s, self instacast 1, 15s: (crit ⤇ p2.0/5 f+n Samurai)
G+Lucian Mightinstant dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.3x dmg vs weak 2 turns
GImmortal Bladeinstant phys 3.12/6 fire+non, fire infuse stacking 25s, fire infuse 25s
LMRStern Veteranfire infuse 25s at battle start
LM2The Immortal35% dualcast Samurai
LM1Loyal Retainer1.15x Samurai dmg
𝐋𝐎“Atonement”phys ^5.0/5 holy w/ 99k cap @ +100% crit scaling w/ LB pts and honing
DA“Awoken Intervention”[Awoken Intervention: Type: Physical, Element: (Holy,NE), Cast time: 2.5s, Seven single attacks (0.90 each) capped at 19999, grants [Attach Holy with Stacking], [Damage Cap +10000] and [Dual Awoken Knight Mode I (Curilla)] to the user, grants [XI Resonance +3% Boost] to all FF11 allies]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, 1 turn: 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x Knight dmg @ rank 1-5, Knight instacast, party (+30% holy dmg 15s) / (+15% A/D/M/R 8s) if 0-4+ XI chars. alive, +20% prism vuln. if ≥4 XI chars. alive
CDawn Prayerinstant XI chain 1.5x (max 99), party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, instacast 1
AD“Apex Seraph Blade”instant holy infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
thenphys 20.0/20 - 22.0/20 - 24.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 - 12.0 w/ 99k cap, holy+non @ 0-100k-300k dmg dealt
SAKnights of Roundphys 9.0/15 holy+non, +10/30% prism vuln. if 0-4+ XI chars. alive, holy infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, status lvl +1, (3 cmd 1/cmd 2 ⤇ status lvl +1 (max 2), remove mode)
[Knight], w/ holyp5.4/6 h+n, self 1.3x holy dmg 1 turn
[Knight], w/ holyinstant p2.4/3 h+n, party +50% ATK/DEF/RES @ 1+ status lvl 8s, self fastcast 2, status lvl -1
AA2“Red Lotus Blade”phys 9.0/15 holy+non, party Negate dmg 30%, (1.09x dmg vs weak 15s, fastcast 1) / (1.3x dmg vs weak 15s, fastcast 15s) if 0-4+ XI chars. alive, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: Awoken Knight: Knight inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AA1Vorpal Bladephys 9.0/15 holy+non, holy infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (Knight ⤇ party 40% Dmg barrier 1), 15s: Awoken Knight: Knight inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AOCircle Bladephys 24.0/3 holy w/ 99k cap
U2Extreme Defenseparty Protect, Shell, Last stand, 15s: (Knight ⤇ front row heal 1.5k HP)
U1Holy Circleparty +30% ATK/DEF/MAG 25s, Reflect Dmg 30s
G+Sacred Sealinstant holy infuse stacking 25s, holy infuse 25s, self Knight fastcast 15s
GOne-Eyed Swordsmasterinstant holy infuse stacking 25s, holy infuse 25s, self Negate dmg 100%
BInterventionAoE phys 5.76/6 holy+non, party +30% ATK, +50% DEF 25s
[Knight]p2.32/​4 h+n, self Regen (hi)
[Knight]AoE p1.5/​2 h+n, taunt PHY/BLK, +200% DEF 25s
SSwift Bladephys 7.5/6 holy+non, party heal 40% HP, Esuna
LMR+Re-action (Curilla)dualcast Knight per 3 uses
LMR2Heartfelt Devotionfastcast 3 at battle start
LMR1Templar's Charge30% cover PHY, taking -20% dmg
LM2Faith in the Dawn(take dmg ⤇ 35% for Magic blink 1)
LM1Tempered Steel1.1x PHY dmg
DAAwoken Bushido Sky[Awoken Bushido Sky: Type: Physical, Element: (Fire,NE), Cast time: 2.5s, Seven single attacks (0.90 each) capped at 19999, grants [Attach Fire with Stacking], [Damage Cap +10000] and [Dual Awoken Samurai Mode I (Cyan)] to the user, grants [VI Resonance +3% Boost] to all FF6 allies]
theninstant party instant ATB 1, 1 turn: 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x Samurai dmg @ rank 1-5, Samurai instacast, (Samurai ⤇ p2.64 f+n w/ 99k cap Samurai, +10/30% prism vuln. if 0-4+ VI chars. alive)
ADApex Tsubame Gaeshiinstant fire infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
thenphys 20.0/20 - 22.0/20 - 24.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 - 12.0 w/ 99k cap, fire+non @ 0-100k-300k dmg dealt
SABushido Tigerphys 9.0/15 fire+non, fire infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, crit =100% 25s, instacast 3, dmg cap +10k 3 turns, [Faithful Samurai Mode: Casts Martial Strike three times after using Fire abilities, removed after casting Martial Strike three times, removed if the user hasn't Synchro Mode] if ≥4 VI chars. alive
[Samurai], w/ Samuraip5.4/6 f+n, self 1.3x fire dmg 1 turn
[Samurai], w/ Samuraip6.0 f+n w/ 99k cap, self 1.3x fire dmg 1 turn
AA2Bushido Dominationphys 9.0/15 fire+non, party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, (instacast 1, dualcast Samurai 1 turn) / (instacast 2, dualcast Samurai 2 turns) / (instacast 3, dualcast Samurai 3 turns) if 0-2-4+ VI chars. alive, 15s: Awoken Samurai of Doma: Samurai inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, (Samurai ⤇ p4.32/6 f+n Samurai)
AA1Bushido Flashphys 9.0/15 fire+non, fire infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (0/1/2 Samurai ⤇ 1.15-1.3-1.5x Samurai dmg), (4 Samurai ⤇ p6.9 - 6.9 - 7.0/2 f+n w/ 99k cap Samurai @ +0 - 50 - 100% crit @ 0-500-1000 SB pts, remove mode), 15s: Awoken Samurai: Samurai inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AOTsubame Gaeshiphys 24.0/3 fire w/ 99k cap
U2Crimson Bushidophys 7.1/10 fire+non, fire infuse 25s, self +30% ATK/DEF 25s, double Samurai (uses extra hone) 15s
U1Bushido Oblivionphys 7.04/8 fire+non, fire infuse 25s, self Retaliate @p1.2 15s, +50% crit dmg 25s
G+2Doma Devoutinstant fire infuse w/ stacking 25s, 15s: (fire ⤇ p2.0/4 f+n Samurai, self Samurai fastcast 1)
G+1Doma's Valorinstant +50% crit dmg 25s, +50% ATK, -15% DEF/RES 25s
GSearing Stanceinstant fire infuse stacking 25s, fire infuse 25s, self hi fastcast 2
BBushido Tempestphys 7.36/8, party crit =50% 25s, self Retaliate 15s
[Samurai]p2.4, self heal 20% of dmg
[Samurai]p2.52/​4, self +30% ATK, -30% DEF 20s
S2Bushido Skyphys 7.6/4, party Magic blink 1
S1Bushido BloodmoonAoE phys 6.0/3, 63% (28% × 3) Stop/Stun
-Bushido Dragonphys 4.2, self heal 50% of dmg
-Bushido Flurryphys 3.2/4
LMR+Refinement (Cyan)1.25x PHY dmg
LMRSelf Reliancefire infuse 25s at battle start
LM2True Conviction35% dualcast Samurai
LM1Path of Vengeance1.15x Samurai dmg


SAHero-King's Ruinationphys 9.0/15 holy+fire+lgt+ice+non, -70% DEF/RES/MND 8s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, instacast 1, 1 turn: (holy/fire/lgt/ice ⤇ holy/fire/lgt/ice infuse 2 w/ stacking), 15s: (Knight/Spellblade ⤇ p^8.9/2 h+f+l+i+n Spellblade)
[Spellblade], w/ Spellblade/Knightp5.4/6 h+f+l+i+n
[Spellblade], w/ Spellblade/Knightp2.7/3 h+f+l+i+n, self 1.3x Spellblade/Knight dmg 3 turns
AAHero-King's Strikephys 9.0/15 holy+fire+lgt+ice+non, self crit =100% 25s, dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (holy/fire/lgt/ice ⤇ holy/fire/lgt/ice infuse w/ stacking), 15s: (2 h/f/l/i ⤇ holy/fire/lgt/ice infuse 25s), 15s: Awoken War Hero: Spellblade/Knight inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AOThe Valiantphys 24.0/3 holy+fire+lgt+ice w/ 99k cap
U2Somebody to Lovephys 6.9/10 holy+fire+lgt+ice, self crit =75% 25s, fastcast 15s, 15s: (hit weak ⤇ p1.84/4 h+f+l+i+n Spellblade)
U1King Apparentphys 6.7/10 holy+fire+lgt+ice, or p7.7/10 vs. weak, self +30% ATK, +25% RES, crit =50% 25s, instacast 2
G+Meager Ambitioninstant 1 turn: (holy/fire/lgt/ice ⤇ holy/fire/lgt/ice infuse w/ stacking)
GRequiem for the Meagerinstant 1.3x dmg vs weak 15s, hi fastcast 2
BHero-Kingphys 6.96/8 holy+fire+lgt+ice @ +50% crit dmg
[Spellblade]p2.32/​4 h+f @ +50% crit dmg
[Spellblade]p2.32/​4 l+i @ +50% crit dmg
SNorthswain's StrikeAoE phys 6.0/4 rngd, -50% ATK 25s
-Crush Armorphys 5.15/5 rngd, -50% DEF/RES 25s
-Counter Tackleparty Phys blink 1, crit =50% 25s
LMR+Onslaught (Delita)(Spellblade/Knight dmg ⤇ 35% for p2.16/4 h+f+l+i Spellblade)
LMR2Lowborn Justice1.25x Spellblade dmg if using a sword or dagger
LMR1Ark Knight's Finesse+2% ATK (max +34%) per Spellblade hit
LM2War Hero35% dualcast Spellblade
LM1Unshakeable Resolve1.15x Spellblade dmg
𝐋𝐎Owen's Willmagic ^15.0/5 lgt w/ 99k cap scaling w/ LB pts and honing
DAAwoken Owen's Ragemagic 21.35/7 lgt+non w/ 19k cap, -70% DEF/RES/MND 8s, lgt infuse w/ stacking 25s, self +50% MAG/MND 25s, dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x lgt dmg 15s, 15s: [Dual Awoken Lightning Mode I (Desch): Lightning abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Lightning abilities, cast speed x2.00/x2.50/x3.00 for equipped Lightning abilities after casting 1/2/3+ Lightning abilities]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Lightning Mode II (Desch): Increases the damage/healing cap by 10000, Lightning abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Lightning abilities, grants [Quick Cast 1] to all allies in the character's row after using Lightning abilities, grants [Lightning Ability +30% Boost 1] to all allies after using Lightning abilities if 4+ females are alive, lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Lightning Mode I (Desch)] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
CLightning Embodiedlgt chain 1.5x (max 150), party +50% MAG 25s
ADApex Violet Flashinstant lgt infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
thenmagic 63.0/20 - 70.0/20 - 77.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 34.6 - 38.06 - 41.52 w/ 99k cap, lgt+non @ 0/5/8 lgt
SALife Sparkmagic 22.5/15 lgt+non, lgt infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, (next 3 1/2/3 cmd 2 ⤇ party 1.1-1.2-1.3x lgt dmg 1 turn), for next lgt: (cmd 2 ⤇ (dualcast lgt 1 turn) / (triplecast lgt 1 turn) / (quadcast lgt 1 turn) @ 1-2-3 status lvl)
[B.Mag], w/ lgt (0 status lvl)m18.3/6 l+n
[B.Mag], w/ lgt (1 status lvl)m18.3/6 l+n, self status lvl -1
[B.Mag], w/ lgt (2 status lvl)m16.4 l+n w/ 99k cap, self fastcast 3, status lvl -1
[B.Mag], w/ lgt (3 status lvl)m16.4 l+n w/ 99k cap, +20% lgt vuln. 15s, self status lvl -1
[B.Mag], w/ lgtinstant self status lvl +1
AA2Distant Lightningmagic 22.5/15 lgt+non, +20% lgt vuln. 25s, lgt infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (5 lgt ⤇ +250 SB pts, instacast 1, remove mode), 15s: Awoken Thunderbolt: lgt inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, lgt instacast
AA1Owen's Ragemagic 22.5/15 lgt+non, lgt infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (lgt ⤇ m5.28/4 - 7.92/6 l+n B.Mag if 0-4 females alive, same row fastcast 1 if ≥2 females alive, party +10% lgt dmg if ≥3 females alive 15s), 15s: Awoken Lightning: lgt inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
URoar of Dutymagic 17.0/10 lgt+non, +20% lgt vuln. 25s, party fastzap 3
G+3Amethyst Lightninginstant lgt infuse w/ stacking 25s, self +250 SB pts
G+2Growling Thunderinstant +20% lgt vuln. 15s, self +20% lgt dmg 15s
G+1Violet Strikeinstant lgt infuse stacking 25s, lgt infuse 25s, self instacast 1
G2Violet Flashinstant lgt infuse stacking 25s, lgt infuse 25s, self +250 SB pts
G1Shattering Thunderinstant AoE magic 6.3/6 lgt+non, +10% lgt vuln. 25s, -50% RES 15s
BAncient LightningAoE magic 11.7/5 lgt+non, lgt infuse 25s
[B.Mag]m8.0/​4 l+n, self fastzap 1
[B.Mag]AoE m6.18/​2 l+n, self +30% MAG, -30% DEF 20s
SRoiling Memoriesmagic 17.64/6 lgt+non, +20% lgt vuln. 25s, self +30% MAG 25s
-Selfless Spiritparty +35% ATK/DEF 25s, self lose 50% curr HP
-Bolt of the AncientsAoE magic 9.4/4 lgt, lgt infuse 25s
LMR3Lovestruck Wandererlgt infuse 25s at battle start
LMR2Aimless WandererHaste, instacast 1 at battle start
LMR1Total Devotion+1% MAG (max +20%) per damaging BLK hit
LM2Rekindled Memory35% dualcast lgt
LM1Ancient Wisdom1.1x lgt dmg
SAVital Symphonyinstant party h105, hi fastcast 2, Negate dmg 30%, self dmg cap +10k 15s
[W.Mag], w/ Bard/W.Magparty h25, self status lvl +1 (max 3)
[Bard], w/ Bardinstant party Negate dmg 10/20/30/50% @ 0/1/2/3 status lvl, self reset status lvl
AACommunal Harmonyinstant party h105, revive @ 100% HP, Haste, Last stand, 15s: Awoken Soother: W.Mag/Bard inf. hones, W.Mag/Bard hi fastcast, (W.Mag/Bard ⤇ Negate dmg 10/15/20/25/30% @ rank 1-5)
U3Vivaceinstant party h85, Regen (hi), hi fastcast 2, 15s: (W.Mag/Bard ⤇ party h25)
U2Concerto ffinstant party h85, +100% RES 25s, Last stand
U1Hymn of Healinginstant party h85, revive @ 40% HP, Negate dmg 30%
G+Con Brioinstant party Haste, Protect, Shell
BConcertoparty h55, +30% ATK/MAG 25s
[W.Mag]instant h105
[W.Mag]party h25
SPreludeparty Magic blink 1, Regen (hi), Last stand
LMR3Decorous Demeanor(W.Mag ⤇ 25% for party h25)
LMR2Reserved Demeanor(Bard ⤇ 25% for 1.3x WHT healing 10s)
LMR1Eye for Detail1.3x stat buffs duration
LM2Dutiful Dynamo35% dualcast W.Mag
LM1Kindred Spirit1.15x WHT healing
𝐋𝐎“Gaia Sword Art”phys ^5.0/5 earth w/ 99k cap @ +100% crit scaling w/ LB pts and honing
DA“Awoken Brotherhood of the Dawn”phys 6.3/7 earth+wind+non w/ 19k cap, earth infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x earth dmg 15s, 15s: [Dual Awoken Earth Mode I (Dorgann): Earth abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Earth abilities, cast speed x2.00/x2.50/x3.00 for equipped Earth abilities after casting 1/2/3+ Earth abilities]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Earth Mode II (Dorgann): Earth abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Earth abilities, cast speed x9999999 for Earth abilities, grants [Damage Cap +10000 1]/[Damage Cap +10000 3] to all allies after using Earth abilities if 0-2/3+ of Galuf, Xezat and Kelger are alive, lasts for 1 turn]
ADWarriors of Dawninstant +20% earth vuln. 15s, party +20% earth dmg 15s
thenphys 10.0/10 - 11.0/10 w/ 9k/19k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 w/ 99k cap, earth+non @ 0-100k dmg dealt, party instacast 1
SAResolute Flashing Blade[Resolute Flashing Blade: Type: Physical, Element: (Earth,Wind,NE), Cast time: 2.5s, Fifteen single attacks (0.60 each), causes [Imperil Earth 10% (15s)]/[Imperil Earth 20% (15s)]/[Imperil Earth 30% (15s)] if 1/2/3+ of Galuf, Kelger and Xexat are alive and three or more FF5 allies are alive, grants [Attach Earth 3 with Stacking], [Synchro Mode], and [Damage Cap +10000] to the user, grants [50% Damage Reduction Barrier 1] to all allies, grants [Crystal Warden Mode] to the user if 3+ FF5 allies are alive]
[Knight], w/ earthp5.4/6 e+n
[Knight], w/ earthinstant self fastcast 3, 1.3x earth dmg 3 turns
BAABlade Lorephys 9.0/15 earth+wind+non, party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, fastcast 15s, 15s: Awoken Regolian Warrior: earth inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, (earth ⤇ p4.32/6 e+n Combat, self +10% earth dmg 15s per 2 uses)
[Combat], +1 on earthp1.92 – 3.2 – 6.4 – 10.0 e+n, 99k cap at brv.1+, self dualcast Knight 1 turn at brv.3
AA1Passing the Torchphys 9.0/15 earth+wind+non, earth infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (2 earth ⤇ p3.96/6 e+wi+n Knight, +10% earth vuln. 15s), 15s: Awoken Earth: earth inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AOProtector of Worldsphys 24.0/3 earth+wind w/ 99k cap
UBrotherhood of the Dawnphys 7.1/10 earth+wind, earth infuse 25s, self +100% DEF 25s, 15s: (Knight ⤇ p0.68/2 - 1.02/3 - 1.36/4 - 1.7/5 - 2.04/6 e+wi+n Knight @ rank 1-5)
G+Dawn's Unioninstant [Dawn's Union: Cast time: 0.01s, Grants [Attach Earth with Stacking] and [High Quick Cast 1], grants [Last Stand] to all allies if two or more of Galuf, Kelger and Xezat are alive]
GLast Wordinstant Knight hi fastcast 15s, 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x Knight dmg @ rank 1-5 15s
BUncharted LandsAoE +20% earth vuln. 25s, party +30% ATK/DEF 25s
[Knight]p1.96/​4 e+wi, self 1.15x Knight dmg 2 turns
[Knight]p1.41/​3 e+wi, self +30% ATK/RES 20s
SWinds of Homephys 7.68/6 wind, party +30% ATK/MAG 25s, self -30% DEF 25s
LMR2Warrior of Regole(earth ⤇ 20% for +10% earth vuln. 15s)
LMR1Wandering Adventurerearth infuse 25s at battle start
LM2Crystal Champion35% dualcast Knight
LM1Courage of Conviction1.15x Knight dmg
Dr. Mog
𝐋𝐎Soaring Fireworksmagic ^12.0/4 prism w/ 99k cap scaling w/ LB pts and honing
𝐋𝐆Soaring Moogleinstant [Soaring Moogle: Cast time: 0.01s, Grants [Quick Cast 2], grants [ATK, DEF, MAG and RES +15% (25s)] if 5 Core/Beyond all are alive]
DA“Awoken Universal Wrath”magic 21.35/7 prism+non w/ 19k cap, element infuse w/ stacking 25s based on party element infuse, self +50% MAG/MND 25s, dmg cap +10k 15s, Prismatic Resonance +5% Boost, 15s: 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x B.Mag/Summon dmg @ rank 1-5, triplecast B.Mag/Summon, B.Mag/Summon fastcast
theninstant self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Archive Master Mode II (Dr. Mog): Black Magic and Summoning abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Black Magic and Summoning abilities, cast speed x2.00 for Black Magic and Summoning, grants [Magical +15% Boost 1]/[Magical +50% Boost 1] to all allies after using Black Magic and Summoning abilities if 0-3/4+ allies with Core synergy are alive, lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Archive Master Mode I (Dr. Mog)] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
COur HistoriaCore/Beyond chain 1.5x (max 150), party Haste, +30% ATK/MAG 25s
ADNameless Historiainstant element infuse 25s based on party element infuse, self +10/20/30/40/50% A/D/M/R/MND if 1-2-3-4-5 chars. alive 25s, dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (2 abilities ⤇ [Historical Covenant: Type: Magical, School: Black Magic, Element: (Fire,Ice,Lightning,Earth,Wind,Water,Holy,Dark,Poison,NE), Cast time: 0.01s, 1/4 single attacks (7.50 or 2.04 each) capped at 99999/9999 every 1+2n/2+2n uses, grants [Quick Cast 1] to the user every 2+2n uses])
then[Nameless Historia: Type: Magical, Element: (Fire,Ice,Lightning,Earth,Wind,Water,Holy,Dark,Poison,NE), Cast time: 2.5s, Twenty single attacks (3.15/3.50/3.85 each) capped at 9999/19999/29999, followed by one single attack (34.60/38.06/41.52) capped at 99999 at Nameless Historia level 0/1/2, removes Arcane Dyad Empowered: Dr. Mog from the user]
SARainbow Magicmagic 22.5/15 prism+non, element infuse w/ stacking 25s based on party element infuse, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (3 cmd 1/cmd 2 ⤇ element infuse 25s based on party element infuse)
[B.Mag], w/ Anym16.4 prism+n w/ 99k cap
[B.Mag], w/ Anyinstant self 1.5x elem dmg 1 turn, hi fastcast 1
AA4“Royal Archives Secret: Creation”magic 22.5/15 prism+non, party +30% MAG/MND, +25% DEF/RES 25s, fastzap 15s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (3 B.Mag/Summon ⤇ party 1.5x mag dmg 1 turn (once only)), 15s: Awoken Archive Master: B.Mag/Summon inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AA3Waverider Moogle V2magic 22.5/15 prism+non, element infuse w/ stacking 25s based on party element infuse, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (next 3 B.Mag/Summon ⤇ [Magical Surfing: Type: Magical, School: Black Magic, Element: (Fire,Ice,Lightning,Earth,Wind,Water,Holy,Dark,Poison,NE), Cast time: 0.01s, One single attack (9.99/10.99) capped at 99999 if 1+ of Tyro, Elarra, Biggs or Wedge aren't/are alive], B.Mag/Summon 9999999x cast), 15s: Awoken Archive Master: B.Mag/Summon inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AA2Marine Expansemagic 22.5/15 water+non, water infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (1/2 +2n water ⤇ m6.66 – m8.16/4 wa+n B.Mag, -10% fire dmg 15s – party +10% water dmg 15s), 15s: Awoken Water: water inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AA1Tetra Catastrophemagic 22.5/15 holy+fire+ice+lgt+non, self +30% holy/fire/ice/lgt dmg 15s, dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (3 B.Mag/Summon ⤇ m19.5/10 h+f+i+l+n B.Mag, self +10% holy/fire/ice/lgt dmg 15s), 15s: Awoken Archivist: B.Mag/Summon inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, B.Mag/Summon instacast
AO4Bug Huntermagic 51.0/3 water+holy+fire+ice+lgt w/ 99k cap
AO3Waverider Mooglemagic 51.0/3 water w/ 99k cap
AO2Archivist's Sourcemagic 36.4/20, then 26.5 w/ 99k cap, holy+fire+ice+lgt
AO1“Magic Burst”AoE magic 66.75/3 holy+dark+non w/ 99k cap, up to m69.9 @ 6 SB bars
U2“Puff”AoE magic 14.3/10 fire+non, fire infuse 25s, self +20% fire dmg 15s, 15s: (fire ⤇ AoE m6.7/5 f+n B.Mag)
U1Nature's Wrathmagic 16.3/10 holy+fire+ice+light.+non, party +30% ATK/MAG/MND 25s, 15s: (B.Mag/Summon ⤇ m7.6/5 h+f+i+l+n B.Mag), (W.Mag ⤇ party h25)
G+2Royal Resourcefulnessinstant element infuse 25s based on party element infuse, self hi fastcast 1
G+1Aqua Modeinstant water infuse stacking 25s, water infuse 25s, self water fastcast 15s
G2Bubble Modeinstant water infuse stacking 25s, water infuse 25s, self hi fastcast 2
G1Royal Sentinelinstant party +200% DEF/RES 25s
LMR3Archives' Promise(<20% HP ⤇ 1.25x elem dmg 25s)
LMR2“Overflowing Magic”(B.Mag/Summon ⤇ 35% for fastcast 1)
LMR1Master of Renewal25% dualcast W.Mag
LM2Master of Destruction35% dualcast B.Mag/Summon
LM1Hardened Resistance-10% BLK dmg taken


SAFaerie Taleinstant party h105 (NAT), revive @ 100% HP, Haste, +30% A/D/M/R 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, status lvl +1
[Dancer], w/ B.Mag/Dancerinstant party hi fastcast 1
[Dancer], w/ B.Mag/Dancerparty h55 (NAT) @ 1 status lvl, Last stand @ 1 status lvl, h25 (NAT) @ 0 status lvl, self status lvl -1
AAVoice of Lightinstant party h105, Haste, Last stand, 15s: (2 B.Mag/Dancer ⤇ party 1.5x dmg vs weak 1 turn), 15s: Awoken Fickle Faerie: B.Mag/Dancer inf. hones, B.Mag/Dancer hi fastcast, (B.Mag/Dancer ⤇ party Autoheal 1.5k)
U2Echo Collaborationinstant party h55 (NAT), Regenga, 15s: (2 B.Mag/Dancer ⤇ party h25 (NAT), fastcast 1)
U1Echo Showtimeparty +30% DEF/MAG 25s, Haste, Protect, fastcast 2
G+Faerie Cryinstant party Haste, Protect, Shell
B2Echoing MischiefAoE magic 13.92/6 holy+non, -30% A/D/M/R/MND 25s
[B.Mag]m4.9 h+n, -40% ATK 15s
[B.Mag]m4.9 h+n, -50% MAG 15s
B1Echo's Prizeparty heal 40% HP, +30% MAG/RES 25s
[B.Mag]m10.48/​4 l+n
[Special]20% Stop, AoE -40% MAG 15s
S2Breaker's GiftAoE magic 14.19/3, -50% MAG/RES 25s
S1Hastening Giftparty Haste, Shell, +50% RES 25s
-Elemental GiftAoE magic 9.6/4 lgt+non
LMR3Faerie Helper25% dualcast Dancer
LMR2Fabled SpiritHaste, instacast 1 at battle start
LMR1Fickle Fortune(Dancer ⤇ 25% for party heal 30% HP)
LM2Master of Mischief1.4x stat debuffs duration
LM1Blank Guide-10% BLK dmg taken
𝐋𝐆Frost Flash (Edea)instant magic 7.5 ice+non w/ 99k cap, self +250 LB pts
DAAwoken Time Crushmagic 21.35/7 ice+dark+non w/ 19k cap, self +50% MAG/MND 25s, dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x ice/dark dmg 15s, 1 turn: (ice/dark ⤇ ice/dark infuse w/ stacking), 15s: [Dual Awoken Frostshade Witch Mode I (Edea): Ice and Dark abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Ice and Dark abilities, causes [Imperil Ice 10% (15s)] and [Imperil Dark 10% (15s)] after using two equipped Ice or Dark abilities, grants [Quick Cast 1] to the user after using two equipped Ice or Dark abilities]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Frostshade Witch Mode II (Edea): Increase the damage/healing cap by 10000, Ice and Dark abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Ice and Dark abilities, cast speed x2.00, grants [Buff Ice 10% (15s)], [Buff Dark 10% (15s)] and [40% Damage Reduction Barrier 1] to all allies after using Ice and Dark abilities, lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Frostshade Witch Mode I (Edea)] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
CIce Sorceressice chain 1.5x (max 150), party +50% MAG 25s
AD2Sweetest Blowinstant dark infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
thenmagic 63.0/20 - 70.0/20 - 77.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 34.6 - 38.06 - 41.52 w/ 99k cap, dark+non @ 0-100k-300k dmg dealt
AD1Apex Ice Strikeinstant ice infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
thenmagic 63.0/20 - 70.0/20 - 77.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 34.6 - 38.06 - 41.52 w/ 99k cap, ice+non @ 0/5/8 ice
SA2Willful Hatredmagic 22.5/15 ice+dark+non, dark infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 40% Dmg barrier 1, 15s: (next 3 Dmg barrier lost ⤇ party 40% Dmg barrier 1, self 30% Buff Dark (15s) per 3 uses)
[B.Mag], w/ darkm18.3/6 i+d+n, self dmg cap +10k 1 turn
[B.Mag], w/ darkinstant m8.1/3 i+d+n, self fastcast 3
SA1Sorcerous Bindingmagic 22.5/15 ice+dark+non, ice infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, party 40% Dmg barrier 1, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (Dmg barrier lost ⤇ m7.86/6 i+d+n Witch, party fastcast 1)
[Witch], w/ icem18.3/6 i+d+n, party 40% Dmg barrier 1 per 2 uses
[Witch], w/ iceinstant self dualcast ice 1 turn, 1.3x ice dmg 1 turn
AA2Beyond Returnmagic 22.5/15 ice+dark+non, self dmg cap +10k 15s, fastcast 15s, 1.3x ice/dark dmg 15s, 1 turn: (ice/dark ⤇ ice/dark infuse w/ stacking), 15s: Awoken Frostshade Witch: [Awoken Frostshade Witch: Ice and Dark abilities don't consume uses and deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, casts Ice Binding after using Ice and Dark abilities]
AA1Astral Soulmagic 22.5/15 ice+dark+non, ice infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (B.Mag ⤇ m4.02/2 i+d+n B.Mag, self hi fastzap 2), (Witch ⤇ m4.02/2 i+d+n B.Mag, self +10% ice dmg 15s), 15s: Awoken Ice: ice inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AOGrief Judgmentmagic 36.4/20, then 26.5 w/ 99k cap, ice+dark
U2Astral Realmmagic 17.0/10 ice+dark, ice infuse 25s, self +30% MAG/RES 25s, 15s: (ice ⤇ same row fastcast 1)
U1Astral Timemagic 17.1/10 ice+dark, ice infuse 25s, self +30% MAG/RES 25s, double Witch (uses extra hone) 15s
G+3Dread Sorceressinstant self +250 SB pts, 1 turn: (ice/dark ⤇ ice/dark infuse w/ stacking)
G+2Sweet Frozen Dreaminstant ice infuse w/ stacking 25s, 15s: (ice ⤇ m7.92/6 i+n Witch)
G+1Cold-Hearted Guiseinstant instacast 1, ice infuse stacking 25s, ice infuse 25s
GPower Successioninstant ice infuse stacking 25s, ice infuse 25s, self hi fastcast 2
BMaelstrommagic 15.04/8 ice+dark, ice infuse 25s
[B.Mag]m6.0/​3 - 8.0/​4 - 10.0/​5 - 12.0/​6 i+d @ 726-​1133-​1205 MAG
[B.Mag]AoE m6.18/​2 i+d, self +30% MAG, -30% DEF 20s
S2Time Crushmagic 17.8/5 dark, +20% dark vuln. 25s
S1Ice StrikeAoE magic 14.22/6 ice+non
-Inaugural Paradeparty +20% MAG 25s, Haste
LMR3Mother Figure25% dualcast ice
LMR2Succession Brokenice infuse 25s at battle start
LMR1Overwhelming Power(ice ⤇ 35% for fastcast 1)
LM2Future Secrets+1% MAG (max +30%) per ice BLK hit
LM1Beauty's Tutelage1.1x BLK dmg
𝐋𝐂“Parallel Bond: Edgar”instant [Parallel Bond: Edgar: Type: Physical, Element: (Poison,NE), Cast time: 0.01s, Ten single ranged attacks (0.80 each) capped at 19999, element of entry damage changes from Poison/NE to Fire/NE or Lightning/NE if the user has any Attach Fire or Attach Lightning, activates VI Chain (max 150, field +0%) or adds 25 to the current VI Chain maximum limit and increases the current chain count on all enemies by 10, grants [Chain Force Mode (Edgar)] and [Instant ATB 1] to the user]
𝐋𝐎Royal Blastphys ^4.0/4 bio+fire+lgt rngd w/ 99k cap @ +100% crit scaling w/ LB pts and honing
DA2“Awoken Trinity Boost”phys 6.3/7 bio+fire+lgt+non rngd w/ 19k cap, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x Machinist dmg 15s, 1 turn: (bio/fire/lgt ⤇ bio/fire/lgt infuse w/ stacking), 15s: [Dual Awoken Machine Mania Mode I (Edgar): Machinist abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Machinist abilities, cast speed x2.00 for equipped Machinist abilities]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, 1 turn: 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x Machinist dmg @ rank 1-5, Machinist instacast, (Machinist ⤇ +20% lgt/fire/bio vuln. 15s, party +50% crit dmg 15s, +30% A/D/M/R 8s if ≥4 VI chars. alive if 0 VI chars. alive)
DA1Awoken Auto Crossbowphys 6.3/7 bio+non rngd w/ 19k cap, bio infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x Machinist dmg 15s, 15s: [Dual Awoken Machinist Mode I (Edgar - Poison): Machinist abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Machinist abilities, cast speed x2.00/2.50/3.00 for equipped Machinist abilities after using 1/2/3+ Machinist abilities]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, 1 turn: 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x Machinist dmg @ rank 1-5, Machinist instacast, (Machinist ⤇ [Dual Boosted Voice: School: Machinist, Cast time: 0.01s, Grants [Dualcast Poison 1], [100% Critical 1] and [Buff Poison 10% (5s)]/[Triplecast Poison 1], [100% Critical 1] and [Buff Poison 20% (5s)]/[Quadcast Poison 1], [100% Critical 1] and [Buff Poison 30% (5s)] if any enemy has Imperil Poison 0-20%/30-40%/50%+ or is at 200% Poison weakness])
C+Poison Bond (Edgar)instant bio chain 1.5x (max 150), party (+10% bio dmg 5s) / (+20% bio dmg 5s) / (+30% bio dmg 5s) if 0-2-4+ Poison infused chars., +30% ATK/MAG 25s, self instacast 1
CCourteous Gestureinstant VI chain 1.5x (max 99), party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, instacast 1
ADRoyal Shockinstant self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (bio/fire/lgt ⤇ bio/fire/lgt infuse)
thenphys 20.0/20 - 22.0/20 w/ 9k/19k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 w/ 99k cap, bio+fire+lgt+non rngd @ 0-100k dmg dealt
SA2Bio Boostphys 9.0/15 bio+non rngd, bio infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, party 1.5x dmg vs weak 1 turn, self dmg cap +10k 15s
[Machinist], w/ Machinist/Supportp5.4/6 b+n rngd, +10% bio vuln. 15s
[Machinist], w/ Machinist/Supportfast p5.34 b+n rngd w/ 99k cap, self 1.3x bio dmg 3 turns
SA1Trinity Boostphys 9.0/15 bio+fire+lgt+non rngd, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (bio/fire/lgt ⤇ bio/fire/lgt infuse 2 w/ stacking), 15s: (3 cmd 1/cmd 2 ⤇ p^12.96/2 b+f+l+n rngd Machinist)
[Machinist], w/ Machinistp5.4/6 b+f+l+n rngd, self 1.3x Machinist dmg 1 turn
[Machinist], w/ Machinistp2.7/3 b+f+l+n rngd, +10% bio/fire/lgt vuln. w/o Sabin or Relm alive 15s per 2 uses, +10% prism vuln. if Sabin or Relm alive per 2 uses, self fastcast 1
AA2Bravo Chainsawphys 9.0/15 bio+fire+lgt+non rngd, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (bio/fire/lgt ⤇ bio/fire/lgt infuse w/ stacking), 15s: fastcast, (1/2/3+ Machinist ⤇ 1.1-1.2-1.3x Machinist dmg), 15s: Awoken Machine Mania: Machinist inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, (Machinist ⤇ p4.2/6 b+f+l+n rngd Machinist)
AA1Bravo Drillphys 9.0/15 bio+fire+lgt+non rngd, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (bio/fire/lgt ⤇ bio/fire/lgt infuse), 15s: (2 b/f/l ⤇ +10% bio/fire/lgt vuln. 15s), 15s: Awoken Machinist: Machinist inf. hones, 2-3x Machinist cast @ rank 1-5, 100% dualcast
AOBravo, Figaro!phys 11.0/20, then 8.0 w/ 99k cap, bio+fire+lgt rngd
U2Proven Weaponryphys 7.0/10 bio+fire+lgt rngd, self hi fastcast 1, 1.3x Machinist dmg 15s, 1 turn: (bio/fire/lgt ⤇ bio/fire/lgt infuse w/ stacking)
U1Royal Brotherhoodphys 7.0/10 bio+fire+lgt rngd, self 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x Machinist dmg @ rank 1-5 15s, 15s: EX: +30% ATK, Machinist fastcast, (b/f/l Machinist dmg ⤇ p1.17/3 b/f/l+n Machinist, 35% for +10% bio/fire/lgt vuln. 15s)
OArmageddon BlastAoE phys 8.6 - 9.6 - 10.6 - 11.6 bio+non rngd w/ 99k cap @ 0-1-2-3 statuses, 15% Petrify, Poison, Blind, Silence
G+2Trinity Downinstant +20% bio/fire/lgt vuln. 25s, self instacast 1
G+1King of Figaroinstant self hi fastcast 2, 1 turn: (bio/fire/lgt ⤇ bio/fire/lgt infuse)
GCritical Callinstant crit =100% 2 turns, hi fastcast 2
B2Trifecta Drillphys 6.56/8 bio+fire+lgt, self +30% ATK/DEF 25s, instacast 1
[Machinist]fast p1.54/​2 b+f rngd, 20% for +10% fire vuln. 15s
[Machinist]fast p1.54/​2 b+l rngd, 20% for +10% lgt vuln. 15s
B1Bio ChainsawAoE phys 4.8/6 bio+non, 100% Poison, bio infuse 25s
[Machinist]p1.96/​4 b+n rngd, 25% (7% × 4) Poison/Blind/Silence
[Machinist]AoE p1.4/​2 b+n rngd, 21% (11% × 2) Poison/Blind/Silence
SChainsawphys 7.92/6, +20% bio vuln. 25s
-Drillphys 5.01/3, party +50% DEF 25s
-BioblasterAoE phys 3.1 bio rngd, 50% Poison
LMR2Awkward Inventor(Machinist ⤇ 20% for +10% fire vuln. 15s)
LMR1Master of Machines10% triplecast Machinist
LM2Long Live the King35% dualcast Machinist
LM1To the Manner Born1.15x Machinist dmg
𝐋𝐂“Parallel Bond: Edge”instant [Parallel Bond: Edge: Type: Hybrid, Element: (Water,NE), Cast time: 0.01s, Ten single hybrid attacks (0.80/390.00 each) capped at 19999, element of entry damage changes from Water/NE to Fire/NE or Lightning/NE if the user has any Attach Fire or Attach Lightning, activates IV Chain (max 150, field +0%) or adds 25 to the current IV Chain maximum limit, grants [Chain Force Mode (Edge)] and [Instant ATB 1] to the user]
𝐋𝐎Eblan Lotusp^4.0/4 or m^24.0/4 water+fire+lgt w/ 99k cap @ +100% crit scaling w/ LB pts and honing
DA“Awoken Triune”p6.3/7 or m3202.5/7 water+fire+lgt+non w/ 19k cap, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x Ninja dmg 15s, 1 turn: (water/fire/lgt ⤇ water/fire/lgt infuse w/ stacking), 15s: [Dual Awoken Ninja Mode I (Edge): Ninja abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Ninja abilities, casts Dual Eblan Style after using three equipped Ninja abilities]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Ninja Mode II (Edge): Increases the damage/healing cap by 10000, Ninja abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Ninja abilities, cast speed x9999999 for Ninja abilities, casts Dual Eblan Style after using Ninja abilities, lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Ninja Mode I (Edge)] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
CChain of Waterwater chain 1.2x (max 99)
ADUltimate Art: Advent of Phoenixinstant self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (water/fire/lgt ⤇ water/fire/lgt infuse)
thenp20.0/20 - 22.0/20 or m9450.0/20 - 10500.0/20 w/ 9k/19k cap, then p10.0 - 11.0 or m5190.0 - 5709.0 w/ 99k cap, water+fire+lgt+non @ 0/7 Ninja
SAEblan Harmonyp9.0/15 or m3337.5/15 water+fire+lgt+non, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (water/fire/lgt ⤇ water/fire/lgt infuse 2 w/ stacking), 15s: (3 cmd 1/cmd 2 ⤇ element infuse 25s if element infuse)
[Ninja], w/ Ninjafast p4.8/6 or m2470.5/6 wa+f+l+n
[Ninja], w/ Ninjafast p2.4/3 or m1235.25/3 wa+f+l+n, self +10% water/fire/lgt dmg 15s
AA2“Eblan Double Team”instant p7.95/15 or m2970.0/15 water+fire+lgt+non, party Phys blink 1, self dmg cap +10k 15s, Ninja instacast 15s, 1 turn: (water/fire/lgt ⤇ water/fire/lgt infuse w/ stacking), 15s: Awoken Ninja: Ninja inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AA1Triunep9.0/15 or m3337.5/15 water+fire+lgt+non, self dmg cap +10k 15s, Ninja hi fastcast 15s, 15s: (Ninja ⤇ p1.76/4 or m^44.0/2 wa+f+l+n Ninja, +10% water/fire/lgt dmg 15s), 15s: Awoken Ninja: Ninja inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AOEblan Universep24.0/3 or m11925.0/3 water+fire+lgt rngd w/ 99k cap
U2Noxious Fangsinstant phys 6.3/10 water+bio, party Haste, Phys blink 1, Last stand
U1Chaotic Moonphys 7.1/10 water+lgt, 15s: (water ⤇ hi fastcast 1), (Ninja ⤇ p2.16 - 4.32/2 wa+l+n Ninja @ 1/2 Phys blink)
G+2Eblan Disciplineinstant self hi fastcast 1, 1 turn: (water/fire/lgt ⤇ water/fire/lgt infuse w/ stacking)
G+1Azure Flashinstant 1.3x dmg vs weak 15s, hi fastcast 2
BSeething Watersphys 6.64/8 water+non, water infuse 25s
[Ninja]fast p1.88/​4 wa+n
[Ninja]fast AoE p1.2/​2 wa+n
S2Eblan Doppelgangerinstant party Haste, Phys blink 1, Last stand
S1Infernoinstant AoE phys 5.8/4 fire+non rngd
-Eblan Dual Wieldphys 5.28/8 lgt, 100% Paralyze/Slow
-Eblan Water VeilAoE phys 3.45/3 water rngd, 100% Stun
LMR+Hastening (Edge)(3 Ninja ⤇ fastcast 3)
LMR2Unequaled Master(Ninja ⤇ 25% for p1.26/3 or m1201.5/3 wa+f+l+n Ninja)
LMR1Eblan's Legacy(Ninja ⤇ 25% for Phys blink 1)
LM2Spirit of Eblan35% dualcast Ninja
LM1Passionate Prince1.1x water dmg
𝐋𝐂“Parallel Bond: Edward”instant [Parallel Bond: Edward: Type: Magical, Element: (Holy,NE), Cast time: 0.01s, Ten single attacks (2.60 each) capped at 19999, activates IV Chain (max 150, field +0%) or adds 25 to the current IV Chain maximum limit and increases the current chain count on all enemies by 10, grants [Chain Force Mode (Edward)] and [Instant ATB 1] to the user]
DA“Awoken Mirage Song”instant [Awoken Mirage Song: Cast time: 0.01s, Grants [ATK, DEF, MAG and RES +30% (25s)], [Instant Cast 1] and [200% ATB 1], grants [Dual Awoken Bard Mode I (Edward)] to the user, grants [IV Resonance +3% Boost] to all FF4 allies]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Bard Mode II (Edward): Dualcasts Bard abilities, cast speed x9999999 for Bard abilities, grants [Instant Cast 1] to all allies after using Bard abilities, grants [Dualcast Prismatic 1] to all other allies after using Bard abilities if 4+ FF4 allies are alive, lasts for 1 turn]
CSong of Hopeholy chain 1.5x (max 150), party +30% MAG/MND 25s
SAKings' Quadinstant party +30% ATK/MAG/MND 25s, instacast 1, 2x ATB 1, self status lvl +1
[Bard], w/ Bardh55 (NAT), instacast 1, 2x ATB 1 @ 1 status lvl, self status lvl -1
[Bard], w/ Bardparty 20% Dmg barrier 1, Autoheal 1k
AATake Heart!instant party +30% ATK/MAG/MND 25s, Haste, fastcast 15s, 2x ATB 1, 15s: Awoken Bard: Bard inf. hones, 2-3x Bard cast @ rank 1-5, 100% dualcast
U2Mirage Songinstant party Regenga, Negate dmg 30%, refill 1 abil. use, self fastcast 3
U1Hero's Rimeparty +30% MAG/RES/MND 25s, Haste, fastzap 2
G+“Debilitating Song”instant AoE -70% DEF/RES/MND 8s, self instacast 1
GPaean Echoesinstant holy infuse w/ stacking 25s, self hi fastcast 2
BWhisperweed BalladAoE +20% holy vuln. 25s, party +50% ATK 25s
[Support]p1.95 h rngd, -20% ATK/MAG 15s, self Sap 40s
[Support]p1.95 h rngd, -20% DEF/RES 15s, self Sap 40s
SSoulsongparty +30% MAG/MND 25s, fastzap 3
-Song of Swiftnessparty +30% MAG 25s, Haste
-Fabled Songparty Protect, Regen (hi)
LMR2Man of Couragefastcast 3 at battle start
LMR1Gifted Bard1.3x stat buffs duration
LM2Call of Courage75% for auto-cure Poison/Silence/Blind/Confuse
LM1Princely Performance1.15x Support dmg
𝐋𝐂“Parallel Bond: Eight (Ice)”instant [Parallel Bond: Eight (Ice): Type: Physical, Element: (Ice,NE), Cast time: 0.01s, Ten single attacks (0.80 each) capped at 19999, activates Ice Chain (max 150, field +0%) or adds 25 to the current Ice Chain maximum limit, grants [Chain Force Mode (Eight)] and [Instant ATB 1] to the user]
𝐋𝐎Frost Assaultphys ^5.0/5 ice w/ 99k cap @ +100% crit scaling w/ LB pts and honing
DA“Awoken Icebound Billow”phys 6.3/7 ice+non w/ 19k cap, ice infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x Monk dmg 15s, 15s: [Dual Awoken Monk Mode I (Eight): Monk abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Monk abilities, cast speed x2.00/x2.50/x3.00 and critical chance =50%/75%/100% for equipped Monk abilities after casting 1/2/3+ Monk abilities]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Monk Mode II (Eight): Increases the damage/healing cap by 20000, Monk abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Monk abilities, cast speed x9999999 for Monk abilities, grants [Ice +50% Boost 1] and [Instant Cast 1] to the user when removed, lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Monk Mode I (Eight)] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
ADSacrificial Slug (Type-0)instant ice infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
thenphys 20.0/20 - 22.0/20 - 24.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 - 12.0 w/ 99k cap, ice+non @ 0-100k-300k dmg dealt
SAIce Burst Fistphys 9.0/15 ice+non, ice infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, status lvl +1, 15s: [Revived Discipline Mode: Restores 100% HP to the user when the user's HP falls below 20%, grants [Instant ATB 3] and [Instant Cast 3] to the user when the user's HP falls below 20%, removed after triggering]
[Monk], w/ icep5.16/6 - 5.34/6 - 5.52/6 - 5.7/6 i+n @ +25 - 50 - 75 - 100% crit w/ 0-1-2-3 uses
[Monk], w/ icep6.0 i+n w/ 99k cap, instacast 1 @ 1 status lvl, self HP to 1 @ 1 status lvl, status lvl -1
AA2Lightspeed Jabphys 9.0/15 ice+non, ice infuse w/ stacking 25s, Cater fastcast 15s, party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, fastcast 15s, (crit =100% 1 turn, +50% crit dmg 1 turn) / (crit =100% 2 turns, +50% crit dmg 2 turns) / (crit =100% 3 turns, +50% crit dmg 3 turns) if 0-2-4+ Type-0 chars. alive, 15s: Awoken Monk: Monk inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AA1Icebound Billowphys 9.0/15 ice+non, ice infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, Phys blink 3, until Phys blink lost: crit =100%, fastcast, (3 Monk ⤇ p6.12/6 i+n Monk, Phys blink 3), 15s: Awoken Monk: Monk inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AOIce Render Combophys 24.0/3 ice w/ 99k cap
UIcebound Stanceinstant phys 6.3/10 ice+non, ice infuse 25s, party Last stand, 15s: (Monk ⤇ p1.8/4 i+n Monk)
GIce Phalanxinstant ice infuse stacking 25s, ice infuse 25s, self instacast 1
BGlacial Phantasminstant phys 5.2/8 ice+non, +20% ice vuln. 25s
[Monk]p2.16/​4 i+n @ +100% crit if Phys blink
[Monk]fast p1.5/​2 i+n, self Phys blink 1
LMR+Re-action (Eight)dualcast ice per 3 uses
LMRKeen Perceptionice infuse 25s at battle start
LM2Righteous Fists(<20% HP ⤇ heal 100% HP, Trance: +50% ATK, Monk hi fastcast, Finisher: self Stun (100%) 25s)
LM1Quiet Zeal1.15x Monk dmg
𝐋𝐆𝐒Guardian Madeeninstant summon Madeen 5s w/ Haste, Protect, Shell, instant ATB 1, +200% DEF/RES 25s, wind infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, dmg cap +20k 15s
[B.Mag]instant m42.0/3 wi+h+n, self +20% wind/holy dmg 15s
[B.Mag]instant AoE m78.0/6 wi+h+n
Finisherinstant AoE m190.0/10, then AoE 61.0 w/ 99k cap, wi+h+n
DA“Awoken Sonic Homing”instant magic 21.35/7 wind+holy+non w/ 19k cap (SUM), wind infuse w/ stacking 25s, party h55, self +50% MAG/MND 25s, dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x Summon dmg 15s, 15s: 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x Summon dmg @ rank 1-5, dualcast Summon, (Summon ⤇ m8.16/4 wi+h+n Summon, self fastcast 1)
theninstant self refill 2 Summon abil. use, instant ATB 1, 1 turn: Summon instacast, (Summon ⤇ party h55, fastcast 1)
ADApex Terra Hominginstant party h55, Haste, Last stand, dmg cap +10k 15s
thenmagic 63.0/20 - 77.0/20 w/ 9k/19k cap, then 34.6 - 41.52 w/ 99k cap, wind+non @ 0/7 Summon/W.Mag (SUM)
SA2Blessed Windsmagic 22.5/15 wind+holy+non (SUM), wind infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (cmd 1 ⤇ party heal 1k)
[Summon], w/ Summon[Toll of Ages: Type: Magical, School: Summoning, Element: (Wind,Holy,NE), Cast time: 1.65s, Six single attacks (2.90/3.05/3.20) scaling with activations, grants [Summoning +50% Boost 1]/[Summoning +30% Boost 1]/[Summoning +15% Boost 1] to the user after 1/2/3+ activations]
[Summon], w/ W.Mag/Summoninstant [Terra Healing: School: Summoning, Cast time: 0.01s, Grants [Quick Cast 2], restores 2 consumed ability uses, restores HP (25) to all allies on the first activation, grants [HP Stock (2000)] to all allies on the first activation]
SA1Seraphic Rebirthinstant wind infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, party h105, self dmg cap +10k 15s, dualcast W.Mag 15s, 25s: Trance: +30% MAG/MND, fastcast
[Summon], w/ Summonm18.3/6 h+wi+n
[W.Mag], w/ W.Maginstant h105
AA2Twin Maiden Prayerinstant party h105, revive @ 100% HP, Haste, hi fastcast 2, Last stand, 15s: Awoken Vision: W.Mag/Summon inf. hones, W.Mag/Summon hi fastcast, (W.Mag/Summon ⤇ party Autoheal 0.5k/1k/1.5k/2k/3k @ rank 1-5)
AA1Terra Hominginstant magic 19.8/15 holy+wind+non (SUM), wind infuse 25s, party h85, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: Awoken Kindred: Summon inf. hones, 100% dualcast, (Summon ⤇ party h10-15-25-35-45 @ rank 1-5)
AOHoming Blastmagic 79.5/3 holy+wind w/ 99k cap (SUM)
U5Soothing Fluteinstant party h55, Regenga, hi fastcast 1, Last stand
U4Trance Regengainstant wind infuse w/ stacking 25s, party Regenga, hi fastcast 2
BUSonic Homingmagic 17.0/10 holy+wind (SUM), 15s: (Summon ⤇ party h25)
[Summon], +1 on Summonm7.92 – 11.8 – 20.5 – 34.6 h+wi, 99k cap at brv.1+, self refill 2 Summon abil. use at brv.3
BUPhoenix Featherinstant party h85, crit =50% 25s
[W.Mag], +1 on W.Maginstant h25 – party h25 – party h55 – party h55, Autoheal 2k at brv.3
U1Guardian Moginstant party h85, Haste, Last stand
G+3“Mending Light”instant party heal 3k, fastcast 2
G+2Nacre Lightinstant party Haste, Protect, Shell
G+1Eiko's Secret Weaponinstant wind infuse stacking 25s, wind infuse 25s, self Summon hi fastcast 15s
GSleight of Eikoinstant party Haste, Phys blink 1
BPrayer of the Lostparty h85, crit =50% 25s
[W.Mag]h105, Phys blink 1
[W.Mag]party h25
SFlames of Rebirthparty h50, Reraise 40%
-Emerald Lightparty h50, Haste
-Withering WindsAoE magic 7.17 wind, min dmg 1050 (SUM), -50% MAG 25s
LMR3Smitten Sweetheart(Summon ⤇ 15% for party h25)
LMR2Descendent of Legends25% dualcast Summon
LMR1Homesick Summoner25% dualcast W.Mag
LM2Ward of Madain Sari(<20% HP ⤇ heal 100% HP, Trance: +30% MAG/MND, fastcast 25s)
LM1Aspiring Lady1.15x WHT healing
DA“Awoken Magika Album”instant [Awoken Magika Album: Cast time: 0.01s, Restores HP (105) capped at 19999, removes KO [Raise: 100%] capped at 19999, grants [Haste], [Regenga] and [High Quick Cast 2], grants [Damage Cap +10000], [Dual Awoken Magika Mode I (Elarra)] and [White Magic Healing Resonance Boost +5%] to the user]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, 1 turn: W.Mag/Bard/Dancer instacast, (W.Mag/Bard/Dancer ⤇ party h55, Regenga, hi fastcast 2)
SA2Magika Stellainstant party h55, +50% crit dmg 25s, self instacast 1
[W.Mag], w/ Bard/Dancerinstant h85, Autoheal 2k
[Bard], w/ W.Magparty hi fastcast 1
SA1Magika Animusinstant party h105, Regenga, hi fastcast 2, self dmg cap +10k 15s
[W.Mag], w/ W.Maginstant h105, self 1.3x W.Mag healing 1 turn
[W.Mag], w/ Bard/Dancerparty h25
AAMagika Phoenixinstant party h105, revive @ 100% HP, Haste, Last stand, 15s: Awoken Magika: W.Mag/Bard inf. hones, W.Mag/Bard hi fastcast, (W.Mag/Bard ⤇ party h10-15-25-35-45 @ rank 1-5)
U3“Fluffy Dance”instant AoE -40% A/D/M/R 25s, party h85 (NAT), self hi fastcast 2, 15s: (Bard/Dancer ⤇ party h25 (NAT))
U2Magika Orareinstant party h85, +50% crit dmg 25s, self fastcast 15s
U1Magika Albuminstant party h85, Regenga, hi fastcast 2
G+Magika Amuletuminstant party Haste, Protect, Shell
GMagika Piusinstant party h55
BMagika Coatparty h85, Last stand
[W.Mag]self +20% MND 25s, fastcast 3
[W.Mag]party h25
LMR2“Heavenly Miracle”(<20% HP ⤇ heal 100% HP, Last stand)
LMR1Aspiring Artisan(Bard ⤇ 25% for party h25)
LM2Historic Brilliance35% dualcast W.Mag
LM1To Be Human1.15x WHT healing
DAAwoken Rookie Turk[Awoken Rookie Turk: Type: Physical, Element: (Fire,Lightning,NE), Cast time: 2.5s, Seven single ranged attacks (0.90 each) capped at 19999, grants [50% Critical (15s)]/[100% Critical (15s)] to all allies if 1/2 of Reno and Rude are alive, grants [Linked Materia Mode II (Fire/Lightning)], [Damage Cap +10000], [Dual Awoken Turks Recruit Mode I (Elena)], [Fire/Lightning Resonance +3% Boost] and [Weakness Resonance +3% Boost] to the user, grants [Weakness Resonance +3% Boost] to Reno and Rude]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Turks Recruit Mode II (Elena): Increase the damage/healing cap by 10000, Fire and Lightning abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Fire and Lightning abilities, cast speed x9999999 for Fire and Lightning abilities, critical hits deal 50% more damage (additive with the base critical coefficient), lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Turks Recruit Mode I (Elena)] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
CChain of Firefire chain 1.2x (max 99)
AD“Apex Sparkcharged Bombardment”instant self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (fire/lgt ⤇ fire/lgt infuse)
thenphys 20.0/20 - 22.0/20 w/ 9k/19k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 w/ 99k cap, fire+lgt+non rngd @ 0-100k dmg dealt
SAConductive Blastphys 9.0/15 fire+lgt+non rngd, party (+10% prism dmg) / (+20% prism dmg) / (+30% prism dmg) if 0-2-3+ VII chars. alive, self dmg cap +10k 15s, status lvl +1/2, 1 turn: (f/l ⤇ fire/lgt infuse 2 w/ stacking 25s)
[Sharpshooter], w/ fire/lgtp5.4/6 f+l+n rngd
[Machinist], w/ fire/lgtinstant [Upgrenade: Type: Physical, School: Machinist, Element: (Fire,Lightning,NE), Cast time: 0.01s, One single ranged attack (0.80/5.34) capped at 9999/99999 if the user has Rookie Ringer level 0/1+, grants [Fire/Lightning Ability +30% Boost 2]/[Weakness +30% Boost 2] to the user/all allies if the user has Rookie Ringer level 0/1+, causes Rookie Ringer -1 to the user]
AA2Rookie Sneak Attack[Rookie Sneak Attack: Type: Physical, Element: (Fire,Lightning,NE), Cast time: 2.5s, Fifteen single ranged attacks (0.60 each), grants [Linked Materia Mode (Fire/Lightning)], [Awoken Eager Elite Mode] and [Damage Cap +10000] to the user, grants [Damage Cap +10000] to Reno, Rude and the user if Reno is alive, grants [Fire/Earth/Lightning Ability +30% Boost (15s)] to all allies if Reno is alive, grants [Quick Cast] to all allies if Rude is alive]
AA1Exemplary Turksphys 9.0/15 fire+lgt+non rngd, self dmg cap +10k 15s, instacast 1, 1 turn: (fire/lgt ⤇ fire/lgt infuse), 15s: [Rookie Mode: Casts Turks Flurry after another ally uses a Fire or Lightning ability, removed after casting Turks Flurry six times], 15s: Awoken Turks Recruit: fire/lgt inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AORookie Rampagephys 24.0/3 fire+lgt rngd w/ 99k cap
U2Endless Fascinationphys 7.0/10 fire+lgt+non rngd, Dispel, party phys hi fastcast 2, 1 turn: (fire/lgt ⤇ fire/lgt infuse w/ stacking)
U1Special Bombparty Haste, crit =50%, +30% ATK/RES 25s, 15s: (2 fire ⤇ +10% fire vuln. 15s)
G+Super Sneak Attackinstant self hi fastcast 1, 1 turn: (fire/lgt ⤇ fire/lgt infuse w/ stacking)
GSudden Bombardmentinstant phys 3.12/6 fire+non rngd, fire infuse stacking 25s, fire infuse 25s
BElite Operatorinstant AoE phys 5.2/8 fire+non rngd, +20% fire vuln. 25s
[Sharpshooter]fast p1.88/​4 f+n rngd
[Sharpshooter]fast AoE p1.1/​2 f+n rngd, 42% (24% × 2) Confuse
SRookie Turkphys 7.76/8 fire+non rngd, fire infuse 25s
LMRFaint Respect25% dualcast Sharpshooter
LM2Hard WorkerHaste, instacast 3 at battle start
LM1Clumsy Recruit1.1x fire dmg
𝐋𝐎Imperial Elementsmagic ^12.0/4 dark+earth+wind w/ 99k cap scaling w/ LB pts and honing
DAAwoken Prison of Sorrowmagic 21.35/7 dark+earth+wind+non w/ 19k cap, self +50% MAG/MND 25s, dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x dark/earth/wind dmg 15s, 1 turn: (dark/earth/wind ⤇ dark/earth/wind infuse w/ stacking), 15s: [Dual Awoken Imperial Mode I (Emperor): Dark, Earth and Wind abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Dark, Earth and Wind abilities, cast speed x2.00/x2.50/x3.00 for equipped Dark, Earth and Wind abilities after casting 1/2/3+ Dark, Earth and Wind abilities]
theninstant -70% DEF/RES/MND 8s, self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Imperial Mode II (Emperor): Increases the damage/healing cap by 10000, Dark, Earth and Wind abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Dark, Earth and Wind abilities, casts Dual Martial Might after using Dark, Earth and Wind abilities, lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Imperial Mode I (Emperor)] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
CInvasion XXXIIearth chain 1.5x (max 150), party +50% MAG 25s
ADAccursed Storminstant +10% dark/earth/wind vuln. 15s, dmg cap +10k 15s, party +10% dark/earth/wind dmg 15s
thenmagic 31.5/10 - 35.0/10 w/ 9k/19k cap, then 34.6 - 38.06 w/ 99k cap, dark+earth+wind+non @ 0/7 dark/earth/wind, party instacast 1
SAWorld Dominatormagic 22.5/15 dark+earth+wind+non, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (dark/earth/wind ⤇ dark/earth/wind infuse 2 w/ stacking), 15s: (2 cmd 1/cmd 2 ⤇ m11.07 d+e+wi+n w/ 99k cap B.Mag, +10% dark/earth/wind vuln. 15s)
[B.Mag], w/ B.Mag/Darknessm18.3/6 d+e+wi+n
[B.Mag], w/ B.Mag/Darknessm16.4 d+e+wi+n w/ 99k cap, self 1.3x B.Mag dmg 3 turns
AA2Illegal Flaremagic 22.5/15 dark+non, dark infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (1/2 +2n dark ⤇ m8.16/4 d+n Darkness – m8.16/4 d+n Darkness, party +10% dark dmg 15s), 15s: Awoken Shroud: dark inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, dark instacast
AA1Elemental Dominationmagic 22.5/15 earth+wind+dark+non, self dmg cap +10k 15s, +30% earth/wind/dark dmg 15s, 15s: (2 e/wi/d ⤇ +10% earth/wind/dark vuln. 15s), 15s: Awoken Imperial: earth/wind/dark inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AONihilistic Glamourmagic 79.5/3 earth+wind+dark w/ 99k cap
U3Kaiser Wavemagic 16.8/10 dark+earth+wind, +20% dark/earth/wind vuln. 25s, party instacast 1, 1 turn: (d/e/wi ⤇ dark/earth/wind infuse 25s)
U2Repentence Thornsmagic 17.0/10 earth+dark, -70% ATK/MAG 8s, self fastcast 15s, 15s: (earth ⤇ m7.8/4 e+d+n B.Mag)
U1Dire ApocalypseAoE magic 13.84/8 earth+wind, +20% earth vuln. 25s, -50% ATK/MAG/RES 25s
G+2Imperious Tyrantinstant fastcast 3, +250 SB pts
G+1Hellish Galeinstant magic 7.28 dark+earth+wind w/ 99k cap, or m7.79 vs. weak, 1 turn: (dark/earth/wind ⤇ dark/earth/wind infuse w/ stacking)
G2Tyrannical Directiveinstant self hi fastcast 1, 1 turn: (earth/wind/dark ⤇ earth/wind/dark infuse w/ stacking)
G1Clever Ruseinstant -10% lgt dmg 15s, self hi fastcast 2
B2Hell's Mawmagic 15.04/8 earth+dark, earth infuse 25s
[B.Mag]m7.72/​4 e+d, self fastcast 2
[B.Mag]m4.06/​2 e+d, -50% MAG 15s
B1Winds of WarAoE magic 11.94/6 wind+dark, wind infuse 25s
[B.Mag]m8.68/​4 wi+d, 31% (9% × 4) Stun
[B.Mag]m7.96 wi+d, self heal 20% of dmg
SPrison of Sorrowmagic 17.12/8 dark+non, party Reflect Dmg 30s
LMR5Drastic Despotdark infuse 25s at battle start
LMR4Risen Tyrant1.25x B.Mag dmg if using a rod
LMR3Bloody Past25% dualcast B.Mag/Darkness
LMR2Despotic Stratagemearth infuse 25s at battle start
LMR1Soul of Rebirth(<20% HP ⤇ heal 100% HP, fastcast 25s)
LM2Hellforged Might(foe's BLK atk ⤇ 45% for +10% earth vuln. 15s)
LM1Otherworldly Power1.1x BLK dmg
Enna Kros
𝐋𝐂“Parallel Bond: Enna Kros (Earth)”instant [Parallel Bond: Enna Kros (Earth): Type: Magical, Element: (Earth,NE), Cast time: 0.01s, Ten single attacks (2.60 each) capped at 19999, activates Earth Chain (max 150, field +0%) or adds 25 to the current Earth Chain maximum limit, grants [Chain Force Mode (Enna Kros)] and [Instant ATB 1] to the user]
DA“Awoken Creator's Judgment”magic 21.35/7 earth+holy+non w/ 19k cap, earth infuse w/ stacking 25s, self +50% MAG/MND 25s, dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x earth dmg 15s, instacast 1, 15s: [Dual Awoken Earth Mode I (Enna Kros): Earth abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Earth abilities, casts Dual Sweet Coffee after casting Earth abilities (max 2 chases)]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Earth Mode II (Enna Kros): Increases the damage/healing cap by 10000, dualcasts Earth abilities, Earth abilities deal 20%/30%/50% more damage after casting 1/2/3+ Earth abilities, lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Earth Mode I (Enna Kros)] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
ADCreator's Whiminstant earth infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
thenmagic 63.0/20 - 70.0/20 - 77.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 34.6 - 38.06 - 41.52 w/ 99k cap, earth+non @ 0-100k-300k dmg dealt
SAThe Creator's Rulesmagic 22.5/15 earth+holy+non, earth infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (every 3.0s ⤇ m0.0 - 2.6/2 - 5.2/4, then 11.0 w/ 99k cap, e+h+n B.Mag w/ 0-1-2 uses, 3x only)
[B.Mag], w/ earthm12.3/6 e+h+n, or m18.3/6 vs. e/h weak, self dmg cap +10k 1 turn
[B.Mag], w/ earthinstant self 1.5x earth dmg 3 turns
AA2“Earthen Creation”magic 22.5/15 earth+holy+non, earth infuse w/ stacking 25s, party +30% earth dmg 15s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, fastcast 15s, instacast 2, 15s: Awoken Earth: earth inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AA1Godly Geocrushmagic 22.5/15 earth+holy+non, earth infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, fastcast 15s, 15s: (3 earth ⤇ m3.6/3 - 6.0/5 - 18.0/15 e+h+n B.Mag @ 0-72k-240k earth dmg dealt, then m17.3 e+h+n w/ 99k cap B.Mag @ 240k earth dmg dealt, once only), 15s: Awoken Earth: earth inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AOWorldbreakermagic 79.5/3 earth+holy w/ 99k cap
UBreak Timemagic 17.0/10 earth+holy, earth infuse 25s, self B.Mag fastcast 15s, 15s: (earth ⤇ m6.04/4 e+h+n B.Mag)
G+Soul of Lightinstant magic 7.44/6 earth+holy+non, earth infuse stacking 25s, earth infuse 25s
GThe World's Rulesinstant +20% earth dmg 15s, hi fastcast 2
BCreator's Judgmentmagic 15.04/8 earth+holy, earth infuse 25s
[B.Mag]m8.96/​4 e+h
[B.Mag]m6.87/​3 e+h, self 1.15x B.Mag dmg 3 turns
LMRMystic Presence25% dualcast B.Mag
LM2Power of Creation(B.Mag ⤇ 30% for fastcast 3)
LM1Abounding Mystery1.1x BLK dmg
SABlack Dragon Divephys 9.0/15 wind+dark+non jump, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (wind/dark ⤇ wind/dark infuse 2 w/ stacking), 1.3x Dragoon dmg, (2 cmd 2 ⤇ p1.8/3 wi+d+n rngd Dragoon, self dmg cap +10k 1 turn, once only, 1.5x Dragoon dmg, (High Jump (XIV) ⤇ p1.95/5 wi+d+n rngd Dragoon, self dmg cap +10k 1 turn))
[Dragoon], w/ Dragoonp5.4/6 wi+d+n jump
[Dragoon], w/ wind/darkp2.7/3 wi+d+n rngd, self Dragoon fastcast 1
AAAzure Successorphys 9.0/15 wind+dark+non jump, self dmg cap +10k 15s, no air time 3 turns, 1 turn: (wind/dark ⤇ wind/dark infuse), 15s: crit =100%, (next 3 wi/d ⤇ p4.5 wi+d rngd w/ 99k cap Dragoon), 15s: Awoken Ex-Azure Dragoon: Dragoon inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
U2Crimson Dragoonphys 7.1/10 wind+dark+non jump, self jump instacast 15s, 1.3x wind/dark dmg 15s, 1 turn: (wind/dark ⤇ wind/dark infuse w/ stacking)
U1Skydragon Divephys 7.1/10 wind+dark jump, wind infuse 25s, self +30% ATK/DEF 25s, fastcast 1, 15s: (Dragoon ⤇ fastcast 1)
G+Life of the Dragoninstant self hi fastcast 1, 1 turn: (wind/dark ⤇ wind/dark infuse w/ stacking)
BThe Azure Dragoonphys 6.64/8 wind+dark jump, wind infuse 25s
[Dragoon]ON, self 1.15x jump dmg 3 turns
[Dragoon] (if ON)OFF, p1.96/​2 wi+d jump, self no air time 4 turns
[Dragoon]p2.08/​4 wi+d jump
[Dragoon] (if ON)p2.6/​5 wi+d jump
SDraconian Lightparty crit =50% 25s, Negate dmg 30%
LMR+Re-action (Estinien)dualcast wind/dark per 3 uses
LMRPiercing Purposewind infuse 25s at battle start
LM2Azure Dragoon(Dragoon ⤇ 30% for fastcast 3)
LM1Set on Vengeance1.15x Dragoon dmg
𝐋𝐎100 Gsmagic ^12.0/4 dark+holy w/ 99k cap scaling w/ LB pts and honing
ADMight of the Voidinstant self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (dark/holy ⤇ dark/holy infuse)
thenmagic 63.0/20 - 70.0/20 w/ 9k/19k cap, then 34.6 - 38.06 w/ 99k cap, dark+holy+non @ 0-100k dmg dealt
SA2Almagestmagic 22.5/15 dark+non, dark infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, (3 cmd 1/cmd 2 ⤇ instant ATB 3, instacast 3, status lvl +3 (once only)), (6 cmd 1/cmd 2 ⤇ status lvl +1 (once only))
[Darkness], w/ darkm9.15/3 - 24.4/8 d+n @ 0-1 status lvl, self fastcast 1 @ 0 status lvl, status lvl -1
[B.Mag], w/ darkm9.15/3 d+n @ 0 status lvl, then m16.4 d+n w/ 99k cap @ 1 status lvl, self fastcast 1 @ 0 status lvl
SA1Space Disordermagic 22.5/15 dark+holy+non, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (dark/holy ⤇ dark/holy infuse 2 w/ stacking), 15s: (3 dark/holy ⤇ m12.0 - 24.0/2 - 24.0/2, then 0.0 - 0.0 - 10.6/5, d+h+n w/ 99k cap Darkness @ 0-72k-240k dmg dealt, once only)
[Darkness], w/ darkm18.3/6 d+n, self 1.3x dark dmg 1 turn
[W.Mag], w/ holyw18.6/6 h+n, self 1.3x holy dmg 1 turn
AAEmptiness Breakmagic 22.5/15 dark+holy+non, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (dark/holy ⤇ dark/holy infuse), 15s: (dark/holy ⤇ party 40% Dmg barrier 1), 15s: Awoken Darkwood: dark/holy inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AODimensional Voidmagic 79.5/3 dark+holy w/ 99k cap
U3Balance of Powermagic 17.0/10 dark+holy, self +30% MAG/RES/MND 25s, +30% holy/dark dmg 15s, 15s: (1/2/3+ W.Mag/Darkness ⤇ m5.2/4 d+h+n Darkness – m7.8/6 d+h+n Darkness, self heal 10% of dmg – m20.2 d+h+n w/ 99k cap Darkness, self heal 10% of dmg)
BUDelta Holemagic 16.4/10 dark, +20% dark vuln. 25s, self fastcast 15s
[Darkness], +1 on Darknessm7.92 – 12.0 – 20.8 – 35.0 d, 99k cap at brv.1+
U1Neo Grand CrossAoE magic 13.92/6 dark+non, party +30% MAG/MND 25s, taunt & absorb BLK/WHT 25s
G+Unknown Orbitinstant self hi fastcast 1, 1 turn: (dark/holy ⤇ dark/holy infuse w/ stacking)
G2Orbital Energyinstant holy infuse w/ stacking 25s, self -15% DEF/RES, +50% MND 25s
G1Orbital Powerinstant dark infuse stacking 25s, dark infuse 25s, self fastzap 1, Last stand
BNeo Black HoleAoE magic 11.94/6 dark+non, +20% dark vuln. 25s
[B.Mag]m8.16/​4 d+n, or m11.44/​4 if Doomed
[B.Mag]AoE m6.3 d+n, self Doom 45s, +30% MAG 50s
S2Power of the Voidmagic 17.58/6 dark+non, party +30% MAG/RES 25s
S1Neo AlmagestAoE magic 14.2/4 dark, party Magic blink 1
-Dark Earth Shakermagic 11.79/3 dark, dark infuse 25s
-Grand CrossAoE magic 9.48/4 (NAT), taunt & absorb BLK/WHT 25s
LMR2Tree Most Foul1.25x BLK/WHT dmg if using a staff or sword
LMR1Born of Evildark infuse 25s at battle start
LM2Reign of Chaos35% dualcast dark
LM1Evil Incarnate1.1x dark dmg


𝐋𝐎Highwind Divephys ^5.0/5 wind jump w/ 99k cap @ +100% crit scaling w/ LB pts and honing
DAAwoken Whirlwindphys 6.3/7 wind+non jump w/ 19k cap, wind infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x Dragoon dmg 15s, 15s: [Dual Awoken Dragoon Mode I (Fang): Dragoon abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Dragoon abilities, air time of Jump attacks set to 0.01 seconds, 25%/50%/75%/100% additional critical chance for equipped Dragoon abilities after using 1/2/3/4+ Dragoon abilities]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Dragoon Mode II (Fang): Increases the damage/healing cap by 20000, Dragoon abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Dragoon abilities, air time of Jump attacks set to 0.01 seconds, cast speed x9999999 for Jump attacks, lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Dragoon Mode I (Fang)] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
C+Wind Bond (Fang)instant wind chain 1.5x (max 150), party (+10% wind dmg 5s) / (+20% wind dmg 5s) / (+30% wind dmg 5s) if 0-2-4+ Wind infused chars., +50% ATK 25s, self instacast 1
CDevoted WarriorsXIII chain 1.5x (max 150), party Haste, +30% ATK/MAG 25s
ADApex Highwind (XIII)instant wind infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
thenphys 20.0/20 - 22.0/20 - 24.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 - 12.0 w/ 99k cap, wind+non jump @ 0-100k-300k dmg dealt
SABahamut Assaultphys 9.0/15 wind+non jump, wind infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
[Dragoon], w/ windp5.4/6 wi+n jump, air time 2.50s, self dmg cap +10k 1 turn
[Dragoon], w/ Dragooninstant self jump instacast 3, no air time 3 turns
AADestruction Divephys 9.0/15 wind+non jump, wind infuse 25s, self dmg cap +20k 15s, 15s: (1/2/3/4 Dragoon ⤇ 1.15-1.3-1.5-1.7x Dragoon dmg, crit =30/50/75/100%), 15s: Awoken Dragoon: Dragoon inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, jump instacast
AOGran Pulse Stormspearphys 24.0/3 wind jump w/ 99k cap
U2Whim of Ragnarokphys 7.1/10 wind+non jump, wind infuse 25s, self no air time 15s, 15s: (Dragoon ⤇ p2.0/5 wi+n rngd Dragoon @ +30 - 50 - 75% crit w/ 0-1-2 uses)
U1Bahamut Divephys 7.1/10 wind+non jump, wind infuse 25s, self +30% ATK/DEF 25s, jump instacast 15s
OSoaring Spearphys 12.0 wind+non jump w/ 99k cap
G+2Charge Blastinstant fastcast 3, +250 SB pts
G+1Dragon Blastinstant phys 3.12/6 wind+non jump, wind infuse stacking 25s, wind infuse 25s
GSmash Blastinstant phys 3.12/6 wind+non rngd, wind infuse stacking 25s, wind infuse 25s
B2Raging Whirlwindphys 6.66/9 wind+non, wind infuse 25s
[Combat]p2.08/​4 wi, or p2.6/​5 vs. weak
[Combat]AoE p1.3/​2 wi+n, self +30% ATK, -30% DEF 20s
B1MegaflareAoE phys 5.8/4 wind+non rngd, +20% wind vuln. 25s
[Dragoon]p2.16/​4 wi+n
[Dragoon]AoE p1.5/​2 wi+n
S2Aerial Loopphys 6.48/8 wind+non, wind infuse 25s
S1Highwind (XIII)phys 7.68/6 fire+wind jump, -50% ATK/MAG 25s
-High DiveAoE phys 4.2/3 jump, -50% DEF/RES 25s
-Pulsar Burstphys 5.1/5 rngd, 69% (21% × 5) Blind
LMR4Brutal Affection25% dualcast Dragoon
LMR3Oath of ProtectionHaste, instacast 1 at battle start
LMR2Cocky Comradewind infuse 25s at battle start
LMR1Peerless Fighter1.25x Dragoon dmg if using a spear
LM2Roar On High(Dragoon ⤇ 35% for p2.16/4 wi+n rngd)
LM1Dauntless Warrior1.1x wind dmg
𝐋𝐂“Parallel Bond: Faris (Wind)”instant [Parallel Bond: Faris (Wind): Type: Physical, Element: (Wind,NE), Cast time: 0.01s, Ten single ranged attacks (0.80 each) capped at 19999, activates Wind Chain (max 150, field +0%) or adds 25 to the current Wind Chain maximum limit and increases the current chain count on all enemies by 10, grants [Chain Force Mode (Faris)] and [Instant ATB 1] to the user]
𝐋𝐆𝐒“Guardian Syldra”instant summon Syldra 5s w/ Haste, Protect, Shell, instant ATB 1, +200% DEF/RES 25s, wind infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, dmg cap +20k 15s, Last stand
[Combat]instant AoE p35.1/6 wi+n rngd, +10% wind vuln. 15s
[Combat]instant AoE p19.0 wi+n rngd w/ 99k cap, self +20% wind dmg 15s, dmg cap +10k 15s
Finisherinstant p76.0/10, then 24.4 w/ 99k cap, wi+f+n rngd, Faris fastcast 2
𝐋𝐎Serpent's Roarphys ^4.0/4 wind+fire rngd w/ 99k cap @ +100% crit scaling w/ LB pts and honing
DA1Awoken Essence of Flamephys 6.3/7 wind+fire+non rngd w/ 19k cap, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x wind/fire dmg 15s, 15s: [Dual Awoken Thief Mode I (Faris): Thief abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Thief abilities, cast speed x2.00/x2.50/x3.00 for equipped Thief abilities after casting 1/2/3+ Thief abilities], 1 turn: (wind/fire ⤇ wind/fire infuse w/ stacking)
theninstant -70% DEF/RES/MND 8s, self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Thief Mode II (Faris): Increases the damage/healing cap by 10000, Thief abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Thief abilities, cast speed x9999999 for Thief abilities, casts Dual Heat Blast after using Thief abilities, lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Thief Mode I (Faris)] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
C2Heartening Callinstant V chain 1.5x (max 99), party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, instacast 1
C1Eternal Bondwind chain 1.5x (max 150), party +50% ATK 25s
ADSea Sovereigninstant self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (wind/fire ⤇ wind/fire infuse)
thenphys 20.0/20 - 22.0/20 w/ 9k/19k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 w/ 99k cap, wind+fire+non rngd @ 0/7 wind/fire
SA2“Pirate Slash”phys 9.0/15 wind+fire+non rngd, -70% DEF/RES/MND 8s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (wind/fire ⤇ wind/fire infuse 2 w/ stacking), 15s: [Sweltering Wind: Causes [Imperil Wind 10% (15s)] and [Imperil Fire 10% (15s)] after using two Wind or Fire abilties]
[Thief], w/ wind/firep4.5/6 - 4.8/6 - 5.1/6 wi+f+n rngd w/ 0-1-2 uses, self 1.3x fire/wind dmg 1 turn
[Thief], w/ wind/firefast p5.4 wi+f+n rngd w/ 99k cap
SA1Precious Friendphys 9.0/15 wind+fire+non rngd, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (wind/fire ⤇ wind/fire infuse 2 w/ stacking), 15s: (4 cmd 1/cmd 2 ⤇ p6.92 wi+f+n rngd w/ 99k cap Thief, self instacast 1)
[Thief], w/ windfast p4.8/6 wi+n rngd, +10% wind vuln. 5s
[Thief], w/ firefast p4.8/6 f+n rngd, +10% fire vuln. 5s
AA2Flamestormphys 9.0/15 wind+fire+non rngd, -30/50% A/D/M/R/MND if 1-2+ V chars. alive 15s, party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, 1.15-1.3x dmg vs weak if 2-4+ V chars. alive 15s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: Awoken Thief: Thief inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AA1Pirate's Braveryphys 9.0/15 wind+fire+non rngd, +20% wind/fire vuln. 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (wind/fire ⤇ wind/fire infuse), 15s: (3 Thief ⤇ +10% wind/fire vuln. 15s), 15s: Awoken Thief: Thief inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AOBlazing Bowphys 11.0/20, then 8.0 w/ 99k cap, wind+fire rngd
BUEssence of Flameinstant phys 6.0/10 fire+wind rngd, -40% ATK/DEF 25s, self 1.3x Thief dmg 15s
[Thief], +1 on Thiefinstant p1.5 – 2.34/6 – 4.68/6 – 7.26/6 f+wi rngd, -30% DEF 15s – -40% DEF 15s – -70% DEF/RES/MND 8s at brv.1+
U3Pirate Stormphys 7.1/10 wind+non, +20% wind vuln. 25s, 15s: (2 Thief ⤇ +10% wind vuln. 15s)
U2Pirate Princessphys 7.38/9 wind+non rngd, +20% wind vuln. 25s, -50% ATK/MAG/MND 25s
U1PhantomAoE phys 7.74/6 - 6.69/6 - 6.0/6… vs 1-2-3… foes, 100% Stun, -30% A/D/M/R/MND 25s
G+Syldra's Blessinginstant +500 SB pts
G2Pirate's Daringinstant self hi fastcast 1, 1 turn: (wind/fire ⤇ wind/fire infuse w/ stacking)
G1Faithful Sea Doginstant AoE phys 2.64/6 wind+fire rngd, -40% ATK/MAG 15s
B2Landlubber Lambastinstant phys 5.2/8 wind+fire rngd, -50% ATK/DEF 25s
[Support]p2.2/​2 wi+f rngd, -40% ATK 15s
[Support]p2.2/​2 wi+f rngd, -40% DEF 15s
B1Beryl Serpentphys 7.5/5 rngd, -40% A/D/M/R 25s
[Support]p2.3 rngd, -50% MAG 15s
[Support]p2.3 rngd, -40% ATK 15s
S2Serpent's GaleAoE phys 5.84/4 wind+lgt rngd, +20% wind vuln. 25s
S1“Sylph Force”phys 7.8/6 rngd, party Phys blink 1
-Sea Lord's BroadsideAoE phys 4.04/4 rngd, -40% ATK/MAG 25s
-Kindred SpiritAoE phys 3.5 rngd, -40% DEF/RES 25s
LMR4First Princess1.2x PHY dmg if using a bow
LMR3Disguised Princesswind infuse 25s at battle start
LMR2Rabble Wrangler25% dualcast Thief
LMR1Warrior Princess1.03-1.06-1.09-1.12-1.2x dmg @ 1-2-3-4-5 stats lowered
LM2Forgotten Family1.4x stat debuffs duration
LM1Sarisa's Memory1.15x Support dmg
SAEternal Lightinstant party h105, hi fastcast 1, PM blink 2, self dmg cap +10k 15s
[W.Mag], w/ W.Maginstant h105
[W.Mag], w/ W.Mag/Supportparty h25
AASuperior Healinginstant party h105, revive @ 100% HP, Haste, hi fastcast 1, Last stand, 15s: Awoken Lotus: W.Mag/Support inf. hones, W.Mag/Support hi fastcast, (W.Mag/Support ⤇ party h10-15-25-35-45 @ rank 1-5)
BUBlossom Heartinstant party h55, Regenga, hi fastcast 1, 75% Dmg barrier 1
[W.Mag], +1 on W.Mag/Supportinstant h25 – party h25 – party h55 – party h55, hi fastcast 1 at brv.3
G+Shining Cheerinstant party Haste, Protect, Shell
LM2Virtuous Prayer(Support ⤇ 35% for party h25)
LM1Purest of Hearts(W.Mag/Support ⤇ 35% for fastcast 1)
𝐋𝐎Wild Rose Fistphys ^4.0/4 holy+ice+fire w/ 99k cap @ +100% crit scaling w/ LB pts and honing
DA“Awoken Lord of Arms”phys 6.3/7 ice+non w/ 19k cap, ice infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x Samurai/Knight dmg 15s, 15s: 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x Samurai/Knight dmg @ rank 1-5, triplecast Samurai/Knight, Samurai/Knight fastcast
theninstant self instant ATB 1, 1 turn: 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x Samurai/Knight dmg @ rank 1-5, Samurai/Knight instacast, (Samurai/Knight ⤇ p2.64 i+n w/ 99k cap Samurai, self crit =100% 3 turns, [Critical Damage +20% 3: 20% additional critical damage (stacks with all other Critical Damage buffs), lasts for 3 turns])
C+Bond (Firion)instant II chain 1.5x (max 150), party +30% ATK/MAG 25s, fastcast 1, self instacast 1, 15s: [Linked Burst Mode II: Grants [Buff Prismatic 10% (15s)] to all allies after any FF2 ally uses an elemental attack (excluding non-elemental), can only trigger once per element, removed after triggering three times]
AD“Blood Weapon (II)”instant self dmg cap +10k 15s, Blood Weapon (II) 0, 1 turn: (holy/ice/fire ⤇ holy/ice/fire infuse), (100k dmg dealt ⤇ status lvl +1)
thenphys 20.0/20 - 22.0/20 w/ 9k/19k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 w/ 99k cap, holy+ice+fire+non
SA3Weapon Masterphys 9.0/15 holy+fire+non, self dmg cap +10k 15s, status lvl +1, 1 turn: (holy/fire ⤇ holy/fire infuse 2 w/ stacking), 15s: [Twin Master Mode: Grants [Holy/Fire Ability +15% Boost 3] and [75% Critical 3]/[Holy/Fire Ability +30% Boost 3] and [100% Critical 3]/[Holy/Fire Ability +50% Boost 3], [Instant Cast 3] and [100% Critical 3] to the user if the user has greater than or equal to 0%/50%/80% HP after using Saintfire Blade, removes Twin Master Mode after using Saintfire Blade]
[Samurai], w/ holy/fire[Saintfire Sweep: Type: Physical, School: Samurai, Element: (Holy,Fire,NE), Cast time: 1.65s, 6/8 single attacks (0.90 each) if the user has Armaments level 0-1/2, heals the user for 20% of the damage dealt if the user has Armaments level 1, causes Armaments -1 to the user]
[Samurai], w/ holy/fireinstant self fastcast 2, status lvl +2
SA2Blizzard Lordphys 9.0/15 ice+non, ice infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: dualcast ice, ice instacast, (3 ice ⤇ p5.28 i+n w/ 99k cap Samurai (once only))
[Samurai], w/ icep3.6/4 - 5.4/6 - 7.2/8 i+n w/ 0-1-2 uses
[Samurai], w/ iceinstant self 1.3x ice dmg 3 turns
SA1Full Masteryphys 9.0/15 holy+ice+fire+non, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (holy/ice/fire ⤇ holy/ice/fire infuse 2 w/ stacking), 15s: (4 Samurai/Knight ⤇ element infuse w/ stacking 25s if element infuse, remove mode), 15s: (2 Samurai/Knight ⤇ crit =100% 1 turn, dmg cap +10k 1 turn, status lvl +1), (2 Samurai/Knight ⤇ +50% crit dmg 1 turn if Hilda alive)
[Knight], w/ Knightp4.5/5 - 6.3/7 h+i+f+n w/o - w/ status lvl, self 1.3x Knight dmg 1 turn if status lvl, reset status lvl
[Samurai], w/ Samuraip4.5/5 - 6.3/7 h+i+f+n w/o - w/ status lvl, self 1.3x Samurai dmg 1 turn if status lvl, reset status lvl
AA3“Icicle Arms”phys 9.0/15 ice+non, ice infuse 25s, party +50% crit dmg 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: ice instacast, (2 ice ⤇ p3.52 i+n w/ 99k cap Samurai, party 1.3x dmg vs weak 1 turn, instacast 1 (once only)), 15s: Awoken Retainer: Knight/Samurai inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AA2Crown of Armsphys 9.0/15 holy+ice+fire+non, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (holy/ice/fire ⤇ holy/ice/fire infuse w/ stacking), 15s: (2 holy/ice/fire ⤇ crit =100% 1 turn, 1.3x PHY dmg 1 turn), 15s: Awoken Mastery: holy/ice/fire inf. hones, 2-3x holy/ice/fire cast @ rank 1-5, (holy/ice/fire ⤇ [Weapon Waltz: Type: Physical, School: Samurai, Element: (Holy,Ice,Fire,NE), Cast time: 0.01s, 4/6/8 single attacks (0.70 each) if the user's HP is greater than or equal to 0/34/67%, 100% hit rate])
AA1Ruler of Armsphys 9.0/15 holy+ice+fire+non, self +30% holy/ice/fire dmg 15s, dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: Finisher: phys 1.92/2 - 2.88/3 - 3.84/4 - 4.8/5 - 5.76/6 - 6.72/7 - 7.68/8 fire+ice+holy+non w/ 19k cap Samurai @ 0-2-4-6-8-10-12 Knight/Samurai used, then phys 5.35 fire+ice+holy+non w/ 99k cap Samurai, 15s: Awoken Retainer: Knight/Samurai inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AOThorns of the Rosephys 24.0/3 holy+ice+fire w/ 99k cap
U4Blade Combophys 6.9/10 holy+ice+fire+non, self hi fastcast 2, 1 turn: (holy/ice/fire ⤇ holy/ice/fire infuse w/ stacking), 15s: (1/2+ holy/fire/ice ⤇ +30/50% ATK), (holy/fire/ice ⤇ p1.9/5 h+i+f+n rngd Samurai), +20% ATK
U3Rush of Armsphys 7.0/10 holy+fire+ice, self 1.3x PHY dmg 15s, 15s: EX: Knight/Samurai instacast, heal 10% of Knight/Samurai dmg
BUFervid Blazerphys 7.0/10 holy+ice+fire, self crit =75% 25s, fastcast 15s
[Samurai], +1 on Samuraip1.9 – 3.15 – 6.3 – 9.85 h+i+f, 99k cap at brv.1+
U1Double Troublephys 7.1/10 holy+non, holy infuse 25s, 15s: EX: +30% ATK, cast speed 2.0x, +0.5x per atk, max 6.5x @ 9 atks
ORose of Rebellionphys 11.25 - 12.5 - 13.75 holy+non w/ 99k cap @ 9-22 atks
G+2“Weapon Shift”instant fastcast 3, +250 SB pts
G+1Weapon Changeinstant self hi fastcast 1, 1 turn: (holy/ice/fire ⤇ holy/ice/fire infuse w/ stacking)
GWeapon Specialistinstant 1.3x dmg vs weak 15s, hi fastcast 2
BWeaponsmasterinstant AoE phys 5.84/4 holy+non rngd, party Magic blink 1
[Combat]p0.52 - 1.04/​2 - 1.56/​3 - 2.08/​4 - 2.6/​5 - 3.12/​6 - 3.64/​7 - 4.16/​8 h+n rngd w/ 1…8 uses
[Combat]p1.68/​4 h+n, self instacast 1
S2Shining BladeAoE phys 5.1/6 holy, holy infuse 25s
S1Lord of Armsphys 7.8/5 rngd, 100% Blind
-Wild Rose Vowphys 5.1/5
LMR4Defying Oppression1.2x PHY dmg if using a sword
LMR3Impassioned Leader25% dualcast Knight
LMR2Future's Edge25% dualcast Samurai
LMR1Untarnished Honor25% dualcast Combat
LM2Honed Skills+1% ATK (max +50%) per damaging PHY hit
LM1All in the Wrist1.1x PHY dmg
𝐋𝐎Dual Mistphys ^4.0/4 ice+lgt rngd w/ 99k cap @ +100% crit scaling w/ LB pts and honing
DA“Awoken Feral Strike”phys 6.3/7 ice+lgt+non rngd w/ 19k cap, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x ice/lgt dmg 15s, 1 turn: (ice/lgt ⤇ ice/lgt infuse w/ stacking), 15s: 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x ice/lgt dmg @ rank 1-5, triplecast ice/lgt, (2 ice/lgt ⤇ p2.02/2 i+l+n rngd Sharpshooter, -50% A/D/M/R 8s, self crit =100% 1 turn)
theninstant -70% DEF/RES/MND 8s, self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Ice Mode II (Fran): Increases the damage/healing cap by 10000, Ice and Lightning abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Ice and Lightning abilities, cast speed x9999999 for Ice and Lightning abilities, casts Dual Arrow of Decline after using Ice or Lightning abilities, lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Ice Mode I (Fran)] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
C2Shatterlinkinstant ice chain 1.5x (max 99), party +50% ATK 25s, +20% ice dmg 15s
C1Chain of Blizzardice chain 1.2x (max 99)
AD“Feral Dance”instant +10% ice/lgt vuln. 15s, party +10% ice/lgt dmg 15s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
thenphys 10.0/10 - 11.0/10 w/ 9k/19k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 w/ 99k cap, ice+lgt+non rngd @ 0-100k dmg dealt, party instacast 1
SA2“Mist Frenzy”phys 9.0/15 ice+lgt+non rngd, party crit =50% 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, status lvl +1, 1 turn: (ice/lgt ⤇ ice/lgt infuse 2 w/ stacking), 15s: (2/4/6 +2n Sharpshooter ⤇ party crit =60/80/100% 15s)
[Sharpshooter], w/ ice/lgtp5.4/6 i+l+n rngd
[Sharpshooter], w/ ice/lgtfast p5.34 i+l+n rngd w/ 99k cap, self 1.3x Sharpshooter dmg 3 turns @ 1 status lvl, status lvl -1
SA1Boreal Sparkshotphys 9.0/15 ice+lgt+non rngd, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (ice/lgt ⤇ ice/lgt infuse 2 w/ stacking), 15s: (2 ice/lgt ⤇ p3.96/6 i+l+n rngd Sharpshooter, -70% DEF/RES/MND 8s)
[Sharpshooter], w/ ice/lgtp3.6/4 - 5.4/6 - 7.2/8 i+l+n rngd w/ 0-1-2 uses
[Sharpshooter], w/ ice/lgtinstant p0.9 i+l+n rngd, self instacast 2
AA2Shatterheart Flashphys 9.0/15 ice+lgt+non rngd, self hi fastcast 1, dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (ice/lgt ⤇ ice/lgt infuse w/ stacking), 15s: (3 i/l ⤇ +10% ice/lgt vuln. 15s, ice/lgt infuse 25s, self +10% ice/lgt dmg 15s), 15s: Awoken Viera Warrior: ice/lgt inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, (ice/lgt ⤇ p4.26/6 i+l+n rngd Sharpshooter)
AA1Wild Frolicphys 9.0/15 ice+lgt+non rngd, ice infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (2 ice ⤇ p2.0/4 i+l+n rngd Sharpshooter, -70% DEF/RES/MND 8s, Dispel), 15s: Awoken Ice: ice inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
U2Sparkchill Fanginstant phys 6.0/10 ice+lgt rngd, -70% ATK/DEF/MAG 8s, self instacast 1
U1Vanquished CriesAoE phys 5.46/6 ice+dark rngd, +20% ice vuln. 25s, party fastcast 2
G+2Steady Gripinstant self hi fastcast 1, 1 turn: (ice/lgt ⤇ ice/lgt infuse w/ stacking)
G+1Hawkeyed Marksmaninstant +500 SB pts
B2Thundering Hailphys 6.32/8 ice+lgt rngd, -40% A/D/M/R 25s
[Support]p2.2/​2 i+l rngd, -40% ATK 15s
[Support]p2.2/​2 i+l rngd, -50% MAG 15s
B1Gaze of the VoidAoE phys 5.9/5 rngd, -30% A/D/M/R/MND 25s
[Support]p2.4/​2 rngd, -40% ATK 15s
[Support]p2.4/​2 rngd, -50% RES 15s
S2Pinpointphys 7.68/8 lgt+non rngd, +20% lgt vuln. 25s
S1Mist Overloadphys 7.91/7 rngd, -40% A/D/M/R 25s
-ShatterheartAoE phys 4.02/3 rngd, -40% ATK/MAG 25s
-Whip Kickphys 3.8 rngd, -50% DEF/RES 10s
LMR+Subversion (Fran)(3 ice ⤇ +10% ice vuln. 15s)
LMR4Dead Shot25% dualcast Sharpshooter/Machinist
LMR3Steady Copilotice infuse 25s at battle start
LMR2Viera Mysteriesfastcast 3 at battle start
LMR1Brawn and Brains(Support ⤇ 30% for Stun if using a bow)
LM2Boundless Bond1.4x stat debuffs duration
LM1Alluring Archer1.1x PHY dmg if using a bow
DAAwoken Dragon Breathphys 6.3/7 wind+non jump w/ 19k cap, wind infuse w/ stacking 25s, party 1.03x Dragoon dmg 15s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: 1.3x Dragoon dmg, triplecast Dragoon/Dancer, Dancer instacast, (2 Dragoon/Dancer ⤇ party Autoheal 3k)
theninstant self instant ATB 1, 1 turn: Dancer instacast, (Dragoon/Dancer ⤇ party jump instacast 1, no air time 1 turn, 1.5x Dragoon dmg 1 turn, dmg cap +10k 1 turn, dualcast Dragoon 1 turn)
CChain of Airwind chain 1.2x (max 99)
ADApex Dragon's Crestinstant wind infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
thenphys 20.0/20 - 22.0/20 - 24.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 - 12.0 w/ 99k cap, wind+non jump @ 0/5/8 Dragoon/Dancer
SACliffdance Windsphys 9.0/15 wind+non jump, -70% DEF/RES/MND 8s, wind infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, status lvl +1, 15s: (2 cmd 1/cmd 2 ⤇ p4.02/6 wi+n rngd Dragoon, -10% earth dmg 15s)
[Dragoon], w/ Dragoon/Dancerp5.16/6 - 5.34/6 - 5.52/6 - 5.7/6 wi+n jump @ +25 - 50 - 75 - 100% crit w/ 0-1-2-3 uses
[Dancer], w/ Dragoon/Dancerinstant Autoheal 3k @ 0 status lvl, party Autoheal 3k @ 1 status lvl, self status lvl -1
AA2Homeland's Honorphys 9.0/15 wind+non jump, wind infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, jump fastcast 15s, 25s: Trance: +30% ATK/RES, (Dragoon jump ⤇ p1.11/3 wi+n rngd Dragoon), 15s: Awoken Dragon: Dragoon/Dancer inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, (Dragoon/Dancer ⤇ p4.53/3 wi+n rngd Dragoon, party heal 1k per 2 uses)
AA1Dragon Crossphys 9.0/15 wind+non rngd, wind infuse 25s, party Reflect Dmg 75% as wind 30s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: Awoken Leap: Dragoon/Dancer inf. hones, 2-3x Dragoon/Dancer cast @ rank 1-5, 100% dualcast
AOLunar Rayphys 24.0/3 wind rngd w/ 99k cap
U3Sandstorm Lancephys 7.1/10 wind+non jump, wind infuse w/ stacking 25s, self jump instacast 15s, 1.3x wind dmg 15s
U2Dragoon's Stormphys 6.96/8 wind+non jump, -70% ATK/DEF/MAG 8s, self no air time 3 turns
U1Moonblossom Dragonphys 7.1/10 wind+non jump, -50% DEF/RES 25s, wind infuse 25s, self jump fastcast 15s
G+2Dragon Masteryinstant party Autoheal 2k, self +250 SB pts
G+1Eternal Harvestinstant wind infuse stacking 25s, wind infuse 25s, self hi fastcast 2
BDragon's Crestphys 7.6/8 wind+non jump, -50% ATK/DEF 25s
[Dragoon]p1.96/​2 wi+n rngd, self no air time 2 turns
[Dragoon]p1.96/​2 wi+n rngd, self refill 1 abil. use
S2Six Dragonsphys 7.74/6 wind rngd, wind infuse 25s
S1Cherry BlossomAoE phys 5.85/3 wind rngd, self no air time 3 turns
-Dragon Breathphys 5.15/5 jump, -50% DEF/RES 25s
LMR3Astounding Leap(Dancer ⤇ no air time 1 turn)
LMR2Woman of Couragewind infuse 25s at battle start
LMR1Devoted Dragoon(Dragoon ⤇ 25% for p1.08/2 wi+n, self refill 1 abil. use)
LM2Undying Love(<20% HP ⤇ heal 100% HP, Trance: +30% ATK/RES, (Dragoon jump ⤇ p1.11/3 wi+n rngd Dragoon) 25s)
LM1Dragoon's Grace1.1x wind dmg
𝐋𝐎Kakerumagic ^15.0/5 wind w/ 99k cap scaling w/ LB pts and honing
DAAwoken Metsumagic 21.35/7 wind+non w/ 19k cap, wind infuse w/ stacking 25s, self +50% MAG/MND 25s, dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x wind dmg 15s, 15s: [Dual Awoken Wind Mode I (Fujin): Wind abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Wind abilities, cast speed x2.00/x2.50/x3.00 for equipped Wind abilities after casting 1/2/3+ Wind abilities]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Wind Mode II (Fujin): Increases the damage/healing cap by 20000, Wind abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Wind abilities, casts Dual Kazemai (Black Magic)/Dual Kazemai (Ninja) after using Black Magic/Ninja abilities, lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Wind Mode I (Fujin)] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
CShouwind chain 1.5x (max 150), party +50% MAG 25s
ADFuzaninstant wind infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
thenmagic 63.0/20 - 70.0/20 - 77.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 34.6 - 38.06 - 41.52 w/ 99k cap, wind+non @ 0-100k-300k dmg dealt
SAFusaimagic 22.5/15 wind+non, wind infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (cmd 1/cmd 2 ⤇ 33-34-33% m6.44/4-8.05/5-9.66/6 wi+n B.Mag)
[B.Mag], w/ windm15.25/5, then ^16.0, wi+n
[B.Mag], w/ windinstant self fastcast 2, 1.3x wind dmg 2 turns, dmg cap +10k 2 turns
AA2Kamagic 22.5/15 wind+non, wind infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.3x wind dmg 15s, 15s: (wind ⤇ same row fastcast 1), 15s: Awoken Wind: wind inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AA1Ranmagic 22.5/15 wind+non, wind infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (2 wind ⤇ m16.62/6 wi+n B.Mag, party +10% wind dmg 15s), 15s: Awoken Wind: wind inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AOBlustermagic 36.4/20, then 26.5 w/ 99k cap, wind
UStormmagic 17.0/10 wind+non, wind infuse 25s, self fastcast 15s, 15s: (2 wind ⤇ 40-60% m7.8/5-15.6/10 wi+n B.Mag)
OInto the Stormmagic 37.5 wind+non w/ 99k cap, or m42.5 vs. weak
G+2Nagiinstant +500 SB pts
G+1Peripheryinstant wind infuse stacking 25s, wind infuse 25s, self instacast 1
GWindsinstant +20% wind dmg 15s, hi fastcast 2
BMetsuinstant AoE magic 12.0/5 wind+non, -40% MAG/RES 25s
[B.Mag]fast m9.0/​4 wi+n
[B.Mag]fast m8.7 wi+n, -30% RES 15s
SZaninstant magic 17.12/8 wind+non, wind infuse 25s
-JinAoE 0.75x status chance 15s, party Phys blink 1
LMR+Onslaught (Fujin)(wind dmg ⤇ 35% for m8.16/4 wi+n B.Mag)
LMR2AFFIRMATIVE!25% dualcast wind
LMR1Raging Windswind infuse 25s at battle start
LM2Blistering Speed(wind ⤇ 30% for fastcast 3)
LM1Biting Winds1.1x wind dmg
𝐋𝐎Prayer to the Moonwhite ^15.85/5 holy w/ 99k cap scaling w/ LB pts and honing
DAAwoken Lunarian Prayerwhite 21.7/7 holy+non w/ 19k cap, holy infuse w/ stacking 25s, self +50% MAG/MND 25s, dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x holy dmg 15s, 15s: [Dual Awoken Highborn Mode I (Fusoya): Holy abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Holy abilities, cast speed x2.00/x2.50/x3.00 for equipped Holy abilities after using 1/2/3+ Holy abilities]
theninstant party Regenga, self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Highborn Mode II (Fusoya): Increases the damage/healing cap by 10000, Holy abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Holy abilities, grants [HP Stock (1000)]/[HP Stock (2000)]/[HP Stock (3000)] to all allies after using 1/2/3+ Holy attacks, lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Highborn Mode I (Fusoya)] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
CLunarian LongingIV chain 1.5x (max 150), party Haste, +30% ATK/MAG 25s
ADApex Double Black Magicinstant +20% holy vuln. 15s, party +20% holy dmg 15s
thenw32.0/10 - 35.5/10 or m31.5/10 - 35.0/10 w/ 9k/19k cap, then 35.15 - 38.67 w/ 99k cap, holy+non @ 0/7 W.Mag/B.Mag, party instacast 1
SALunar Lineagewhite 24.0/15 holy+non, holy infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: [Moonlight Mode: Casts Lunar Power when another ally uses a Holy ability, removed after casting Lunar Power three times]
[W.Mag], w/ holyw18.6/6 h+n, party +10% holy dmg 15s per 3 uses, self fastcast 1
[W.Mag], w/ holyw9.3/3 h+n, self 1.3x holy dmg 3 turns
AA2Lunarian Spiritwhite 24.0/15 holy+non, holy infuse w/ stacking 25s, party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, (fastcast 1) / (fastcast 2) if 0-2+ IV chars. alive, self dmg cap +10k 15s, dualcast holy 2 turns if ≥4 IV chars. alive, 15s: Awoken Night Vigil: holy inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, (holy ⤇ w14.88/6 h+n W.Mag)
AA1Supersault Magicwhite 24.0/15 holy+non, holy infuse 25s, party Regenga, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: Awoken Highborn: holy inf. hones, 100% dualcast, (holy ⤇ party 10/15/20/30/40% Dmg barrier 1 @ rank 1-5)
AOLunarian Furywhite 84.0/3 holy w/ 99k cap
ULunarian Enigmawhite 18.0/10 holy+non, +20% holy vuln. 25s, holy infuse 25s, party Reflect Dmg 75% as holy 30s, self fastcast 3
G+Lunar Blessinginstant holy infuse w/ stacking 25s, 15s: (holy ⤇ w6.72/2 h+n W.Mag, +10% holy vuln. 5s per 2 uses)
GLunar Beaminstant holy infuse w/ stacking 25s, self hi fastcast 2
BLunarian Prayermagic 15.04/8 holy+non, holy infuse 25s
[B.Mag]m4.4/​2 h+n, powers up cmd 2
[B.Mag]m6.9/​3 - 9.4/​4 - 12.0/​5 - 18.0/​6 h+n
SLunarian MightAoE +20% dark vuln. 25s, party +30% MAG/MND 25s
-Lunar AuspiceAoE magic 9.4/4, party +20% MAG 25s
LMR+Blessing (Fusoya)(<20% HP ⤇ party Autoheal 2k, Regenga)
LMRWatcher of Worldsholy infuse 25s at battle start
LM2Guardian of Worlds35% dualcast B.Mag/W.Mag
LM1Moon's Wisdom1.1x BLK/WHT dmg


𝐋𝐎Dual Rendphys ^5.0/5 dark w/ 99k cap @ +100% crit scaling w/ LB pts and honing
DAAwoken Avengerphys 6.3/7 dark+non w/ 19k cap, dark infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x dark dmg 15s, 15s: [Dual Awoken Dark Mode I (Gabranth): Dark abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Dark abilities, critical chance =50%/75%/100% for equipped Dark abilities after casting 1/2/3+ Dark abilities, casts Dual Moment of Reckoning after using Dark abilities]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Dark Mode II (Gabranth): Increases the damage/healing cap by 30000, Dark abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, cast speed x9999999 for Dark abilities, critical chance =100%, Dark abilities deal 10%/20%/30% more damage after using 1/2/3+ Dark abilities, lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Dark Mode I (Gabranth)] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
CRuinous Hatreddark chain 1.5x (max 150), party +50% ATK 25s
ADEnmity Prisoninstant dark infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
thenphys 20.0/20 - 22.0/20 - 24.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 - 12.0 w/ 99k cap, dark+non @ 0-100k-300k dmg dealt
SAVengeful Judgmentphys 9.0/15 dark+non, dark infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +20k 15s, fastcast 15s, Hvy Charge +2
[Heavy], w/ darkp5.1/6 - 5.7/6 d+n @ 0/2 Hvy Charge
[Heavy], w/ darkp2.7/3 d+n, self Hvy Charge +1
AA2Guiltphys 9.0/15 dark+non, dark infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (2 dark ⤇ instacast 1, 1.3x dark dmg 1 turn), 15s: Awoken Dark: dark inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AA1Endless Wailphys 9.0/15 dark+non, dark infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, fastcast 15s, 15s: Awoken Judge: dark inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, (dark ⤇ p4.32/6 d+n Heavy, self Hvy Charge +1)
AOHateful Rushphys 11.0/20, then 8.0 w/ 99k cap, dark
BUFrost Purgephys 7.2/10 dark rngd, dark infuse 25s, self +1 to all Hvy Charge gains 15s
[Heavy], +1 on darkp1.92 – 3.25 – 6.5 – 10.15 d, 99k cap at brv.1+
U1Ruin Unflinchingphys 7.1/10 dark+non, dark infuse 25s, self +30% ATK/DEF 25s, fastcast 1, 15s: (dark ⤇ fastcast 1)
OHatredphys 11.2 dark+non w/ 99k cap, up to p14.5 w/ dark atks used
G+2Fathomless Grievanceinstant dark infuse w/ stacking 25s, self instacast 1
G+1Hour of Vengeanceinstant +500 SB pts
GDarksteel Wrathinstant dark infuse stacking 25s, dark infuse 25s, self hi fastcast 2
BInnocencephys 7.68/8 dark+non rngd, +20% dark vuln. 25s
[Combat]fast p1.88/​4 d+n
[Darkness]p2.2 d+n, self heal 20% of dmg
S2AvengerAoE phys 4.95/5 dark+non, dark infuse 25s
S1Fulminating OblivionAoE phys 6.0/4 dark rngd, 100% Stun
-Enragephys 5.1/6 dark, dark infuse 25s
LMR3Magister of the 9th(dark ⤇ 35% for Hvy Charge +1)
LMR2Bound by Vengeance25% dualcast dark
LMR1Clad in Darknessdark infuse 25s at battle start
LM2Fed by Hatred+2% ATK (max +50%) per dark PHY hit
LM1Dark Thoughts1.1x dark dmg
SADark Endphys 9.0/15 dark+non, dark infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
[Darkness], w/ darkp5.4/6 d+n, +120 SB pts
[Darkness], w/ darkp4.0 - 4.0 - 6.0/2 d+n w/ 99k cap @ +0 - 100 - 100% crit @ 0-750-1500 SB pts, -250 SB pts @ 1500 SB pts
AAUnyielding Darkbladephys 9.0/15 dark+non, dark infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (2 dark ⤇ p3.04/4 d+n Darkness, -50% ATK/MAG 8s, self +50% ATK/MAG 8s, phys hi fastcast 2 – p3.04/4 d+n Darkness, self heal 20% of dmg, phys fastcast 2 – p3.04/4 d+n Darkness, self heal 20% of dmg @ ≥ 100-80-0% HP), 15s: Awoken Dark: dark inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AOCimmerian Edgephys 24.0/3 dark w/ 99k cap
BUUnholy Sacrificephys 7.1/10 dark+non, dark infuse 25s, self heal 10% of dark dmg 15s
[Darkness], +1 on Darknessp1.92 – 3.25 – 6.5 – 10.15 d, 99k cap at brv.1+
U1Dance with Shadowsphys 7.1/10 dark+non, dark infuse 25s, self +30% ATK/DEF 25s, 15s: (Darkness dmg ⤇ p1.82/2 d+n Darkness, self heal 20% of dmg)
G+2Dark Stanceinstant 1.3x dmg vs weak 15s, crit =100% 2 turns
G+1Shadowy Stanceinstant dark infuse w/ stacking 25s, self instacast 1
GMercenary's Worthinstant dark infuse stacking 25s, dark infuse 25s, self hi fastcast 2
BFellsword Dancephys 6.48/8 dark+non, dark infuse 25s
[Darkness]p1.96/​2 d+n, self refill 1 abil. use
[Darkness]AoE p1.34 d+n, ally heal 30% HP
SDuskbladeAoE phys 5.88/4 dark+non rngd, party refill 1 abil. use
LMR2Fell Aspirationsdark infuse 25s at battle start
LMR1Dark Knight's Revelry(<20% HP ⤇ heal 100% HP, fastcast 25s)
LM2Tested Knight(dark ⤇ 35% for refill 1 abil. use)
LM1Dark Expertise1.1x dark dmg
𝐋𝐂“Entwined Bond: Galuf (Earth)”instant [Entwined Bond: Galuf (Earth): Type: Physical, Element: (Earth,NE), Cast time: 0.01s, Ten single attacks (0.80 each) capped at 19999, activates Earth Chain (max 150, field +0%) or adds 25 to the current Earth Chain maximum limit and increases the current chain count on all enemies by 10, grants [Chain Force Mode (Galuf)] and [Instant ATB 1] to the user]
𝐋𝐎Gaia Gazerphys ^5.0/5 earth w/ 99k cap @ +100% crit scaling w/ LB pts and honing
DA“Awoken Laws of Nature”phys 6.3/7 earth+non w/ 19k cap, earth infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x earth dmg 15s, 15s: 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x earth dmg @ rank 1-5, triplecast earth, (2 earth ⤇ p4.08/4 e+n Monk, +10% earth vuln. 15s)
theninstant party Last stand, self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Earth Mode II (Galuf): Increases the damage/healing cap by 10000, Earth abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Earth abilities, cast speed x2.00, critical chance =100%, grants [Critical Damage +50% 1] to all allies after using Earth abilities, lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Earth Mode I (Galuf)] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
CImmortal Soulearth chain 1.5x (max 150), party +50% ATK 25s
AD“Apex Sweet Sorrow”instant earth infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
thenphys 20.0/20 - 22.0/20 - 24.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 - 12.0 w/ 99k cap, earth+non @ 0-100k-300k dmg dealt
SA2Dawn Unityphys 9.0/15 earth+non, earth infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, (fastcast 2) / (fastcast 3) if 0-4+ V chars. alive, self dmg cap +10k 15s, [Veteran's Resolve Mode: Casts Dawn Onslaught or Dawn Onslaught (Imperil) after using Indomitable Strike or Immortal Strike, removed if the user has triggered Indomitable Strike or Immortal Strike a combined three times, removed if the user hasn't Synchro Mode] if ≥4 V chars. alive
[Monk], w/ earthp5.16/6 - 5.34/6 - 5.52/6 - 5.7/6 e+n @ +25 - 50 - 75 - 100% crit w/ 0-1-2-3 uses
[Monk], w/ earthp2.7/3 e+n, self 1.3x earth dmg 1 turn
SA1Soul Successorphys 9.0/15 earth+non, earth infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, (cmd 1 ⤇ status lvl +1)
[Monk], w/ earthp5.4/6 e+n
[Support], w/ earthself/party/party (instacast 2) / (+50% crit dmg 2 turns) / (crit =100% 25s) @ 0-1-2 status lvl, self reset status lvl
AA2Dawn Combophys 9.0/15 earth+non, earth infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (3 earth ⤇ +250 SB pts, remove mode), 15s: (3 earth ⤇ p5.28 e+n w/ 99k cap Monk), 15s: Awoken Earth: earth inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AA1Laws of Naturephys 9.0/15 earth+non, earth infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, Negate dmg 100%, Last stand, when Neg. Dmg. lost: instacast 15s, Last stand, 15s: Awoken Stalwart: earth inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, (earth ⤇ p4.32/6 e+n Monk)
AOClosest Bondsphys 24.0/3 earth w/ 99k cap
U3Unending Toilphys 7.0/10 earth+non, +20% earth vuln. 25s, earth infuse 25s, party +20% earth dmg 15s, self fastcast 3
U2Heart and Soulphys 7.1/10 earth+fire, +20% earth vuln. 25s, self +30% ATK/RES, fastcast 1, 15s: (earth ⤇ fastcast 1)
U1Martial Mightearth infuse 25s, party +30% ATK/MAG, Haste
G+3“Indestructible Hero”instant +500 SB pts
G+2King of Balinstant +20% earth vuln. 25s, self instacast 1
G+1Iron Valorinstant earth infuse stacking 25s, earth infuse 25s, self instacast 1
GAbiding Strikeinstant phys 3.12/6 earth+non, earth infuse stacking 25s, earth infuse 25s
B2Renewed Vigorphys 6.64/8 earth+fire, +20% earth vuln. 25s
[Monk]p2.16/​4 e+f
[Monk]p1.08/​2 e+f, self crit =50% 15s
B1Sweet Sorrowphys 7.62/6 fire+earth, +20% fire vuln. 25s
[Monk]p1.88/​4 f+e, ally heal 25% HP
[Monk]AoE p1.34/​2 f+e, ally heal 30% HP
S2Inner Peacefire infuse 25s, party Regen (hi), crit =50% 25s
S1Unshaken Resolvephys 7.8/4, self +50% ATK 25s, +50% ATK, immune atks/status/heal 30s
-“Platinum Hazard”AoE phys 4.16/4, party crit =25% 25s
-Fist of the Dawnphys 5.0, party +35% ATK 25s
-Unyielding Fist+50% ATK, immune atks/status/heal 30s
LMR3Regal Natureearth infuse 25s at battle start
LMR2Old and Boldfastcast 3 at battle start
LMR1Priceless Experience25% dualcast Monk
LM2Timeless Valor+2% ATK (max +50%) per Monk hit
LM1Walker of Worlds1.15x Monk dmg
𝐋𝐆2Dark Flash (Garland)instant phys 3.36 dark+non w/ 99k cap, self +250 LB pts
𝐋𝐆1Dark Raiment (Garland)instant dark infuse 25s
DA“Awoken Chaos Bringer”phys 6.3/7 dark+non w/ 19k cap, dark infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x dark dmg 15s, 15s: [Dual Awoken Dark Mode I (Garland): Dark abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Dark abilities, cast speed x2.00/x2.50/x3.00 and critical chance =50%/75%/100% for equipped Dark abilities after casting 1/2/3+ Dark abilities]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Dark Mode II (Garland): Increases the damage/healing cap by 20000, Dark abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Dark abilities, critical chance =100%, grants [Critical Damage +10% 1] to all allies with any Attach Dark after using Dark abilities, lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Dark Mode I (Garland)] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
C2Chain of Chaosinstant I chain 1.5x (max 99), party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, instacast 1
C1Bent on Destructiondark chain 1.2x (max 99), phys 7.92/22 dark
ADApex Soul of Chaosinstant dark infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
thenphys 20.0/20 - 22.0/20 - 24.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 - 12.0 w/ 99k cap, dark+non @ 0-100k-300k dmg dealt
SA2“True Round Edge”phys 9.0/15 dark+non, dark infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, party crit =50% 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (2/4/6 +2n dark ⤇ party (1.1x dark dmg 1 turn, crit =60% 15s) / (1.3x dark dmg 1 turn, crit =80% 15s) / (1.5x dark dmg 1 turn, crit =100% 15s))
[Heavy], w/ dark[Chaos Shock: Type: Physical, School: Heavy, Element: (Dark,NE), Cast time: 1.65s, Six single attacks (0.85/0.95 each) at Heavy Charge level 0-1/2+]
[Heavy], w/ dark[Chaos Slam: Type: Physical, School: Heavy, Element: (Dark,NE), Cast time: 1.65s, Three single attacks (0.90 each), grants [Quick Cast 2] and [Heavy Charge +1] to the user ]
SA1Sinister Reincarnationphys 9.0/15 dark+non, dark infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, party 40% Dmg barrier 1, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (Dmg barrier lost ⤇ p1.92/6 d+n Darkness, 1.15-1.3-1.5x dark dmg w/ 1-2-3 uses)
[Darkness], w/ darkp5.4/6 d+n, party 40% Dmg barrier 1 @ 1 status lvl, self status lvl -1
[Darkness], w/ darkp2.7/3 d+n, self fastcast 1, status lvl +1
AA2“True Twist Drill”phys 9.0/15 dark+non, dark infuse 25s, party +50% crit dmg 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: fastcast, (1/2/3/4+ dark ⤇ crit =25/50/75/100%), 15s: Awoken Dark: dark inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AA1Soul of Chaosphys 9.0/15 dark+non, dark infuse 25s, party Reflect Dmg 75% as dark 30s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: Awoken Dark: dark inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AOScion of Malicephys 24.0/3 dark w/ 99k cap
U2Chaos Genocidephys 7.1/10 dark+non, dark infuse 25s, self +30% ATK/DEF 25s, 15s: (Heavy ⤇ p1.6/5 - 1.9/5 - 2.2/5 d+n Heavy @ 0/1/2 Hvy Charge)
U1Source of Hatredphys 7.1/10 dark+non, dark infuse 25s, 15s: (Darkness ⤇ fastcast 1), 15s: (Darkness ⤇ p1.82/2 d+n Darkness, self heal 20% of dmg)
ODiscord Incarnatephys 11.25 dark+non w/ 99k cap, or p12.75 vs. weak
G+Love or Loatheinstant dark infuse w/ stacking 25s, self +250 SB pts
GGlimpse of Chaosinstant +20% dark dmg 15s, hi fastcast 2
B2Twin Swordsphys 6.64/8 dark+non, dark infuse 25s
[Darkness]p0.8/​2 d+n, powers up cmd 2
[Darkness]p2.16/​4 - 4.45/​5 - 6.3/​6 - 8.75/​7 d+n @ +0 - 5 - 10 - 25% crit
B1Dark Rebirthphys 6.6/6 dark, dark infuse 25s
[Darkness]p2.3 d, self heal 20% of dmg
[Darkness]AoE p1.26/​2 d rngd @ +80% crit
S2BardicheAoE phys 5.75/5 dark+non, -50% ATK/DEF 25s
S1Chaos Bringerphys 7.8/4 dark, self heal 50% of dmg
-Chaos CycloneAoE phys 4.14/3 dark rngd, +20% dark vuln. 25s
LMR+Onslaught (Garland)(dark dmg ⤇ 35% for p2.16/4 d+n)
LMR3Battlelustdark infuse 25s at battle start
LMR2Timeless Hatred25% dualcast Darkness
LMR1Frenzied Warrior(<20% HP ⤇ heal 100% HP, fastcast 25s)
LM2Font of Darkness(single-target dark ⤇ 40% for heal 40% of dmg)
LM1Embracer of the Dark1.1x dark dmg
𝐋𝐎2“Judgment Day”magic ^15.0/5 holy w/ 99k cap scaling w/ LB pts and honing (SUM)
𝐋𝐎1Truespark Anthemmagic ^12.0/4 lgt w/ 99k cap scaling w/ LB pts and honing (SUM), party Autoheal 3k
DA2“Awoken Secret Bloodline”magic 21.35/7 holy+non w/ 19k cap (SUM), holy infuse w/ stacking 25s, party +30% MAG/MND, +25% RES 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x holy dmg 15s, 15s: [Dual Awoken Ballad Mode I (Garnet): Summoning and Bard abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Summoning and Bard abilities, casts Dual Power of Fate after casting Summoning and Bard abilities (max 2)]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, 1 turn: 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x Summon/Bard dmg @ rank 1-5, Summon/Bard instacast, (Summon/Bard ⤇ party refill 2 Summon abil. use, dualcast Summon 1 turn), (Summon/Bard ⤇ lose 99% curr HP), (Summon/Bard ⤇ Autoheal 10k)
DA1Awoken Ramuhmagic 21.35/7 lgt+non w/ 19k cap (SUM), lgt infuse w/ stacking 25s, self +50% MAG/MND 25s, dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x lgt dmg 15s, 15s: [Dual Awoken Chant Mode I (Garnet - Lightning): Dualcasts Summoning and Bard abilities, Summoning and Bard abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, cast speed x3.00 for Summoning and Bard abilities, causes [Imperil Lightning 10% (5s)] after using Summoning abilities, grants [Quick Cast 2] to all allies once per battle after using a Bard ability, Summoning smart ether 2 to the user once per battle after using a Bard ability]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Chant Mode II (Garnet - Lightning): Increases the damage/healing cap by 10000, cast speed x2.00/2.25/2.50/2.75/3.00 for Summoning and Bard abilities at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Summoning and Bard abilities, casts Dual Light of Protection after using Summoning and Bard abilities, lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Chant Mode I (Garnet - Lightning)] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
C2“Bond: Garnet (Summoning)”instant Summoning chain 1.5x (max 150), party Haste, +50% MAG 25s
C1Resilient Memorieslgt chain 1.5x (max 150), party +50% MAG 25s
AD2“Journey's End”instant holy infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
thenmagic 63.0/20 - 70.0/20 - 77.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 34.6 - 38.06 - 41.52 w/ 99k cap, holy+non @ 0-100k-300k dmg dealt (SUM)
AD1Thundering Darkinstant +20% lgt vuln. 15s, party +20% lgt dmg 15s
thenmagic 31.0/10 - 35.0/10 w/ 9k/19k cap, then 34.6 - 38.06 w/ 99k cap, lgt+non @ 0/7 Summon/Bard (SUM), party instacast 1
SA2Rendezvous Hourmagic 22.5/15 holy+lgt+non (SUM), holy infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (<20% HP ⤇ instant ATB 1, instacast 1, dmg cap +10k 1 turn, status lvl +1 (max 2) (once only))
[Summon], w/ holym18.3/6 - 24.4/8 h+n @ 0-1+ status lvl, +10% holy vuln. @ 1+ status lvl 5s, self status lvl -1
[Bard], w/ Summon/Bardinstant self 1.3x Summon dmg 2 turns, status lvl +2 (max 2), refill 1 Summon abil. use
SA1Peridot Thundermagic 22.5/15 lgt+non (SUM), lgt infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: dualcast Summon, (3 Summon ⤇ m16.4 l+n w/ 99k cap Summon, remove mode), 25s: Trance: +30% MAG/MND, fastcast, 15s: (3 cmd 1/cmd 2 ⤇ Trance 25s)
[Summon], w/ Summonm18.3/6 l+n, self 1.3x lgt dmg 1 turn
[Bard], w/ Bard/W.Mag (Trance)instant party h80 (NAT), 75% Dmg barrier 1, remove Trance
[Bard], w/ Bard/W.Mag (no Trance)instant h105 (NAT)
AA3“O Holy Guardian”magic 22.5/15 lgt+holy+non (SUM), self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (lgt/holy ⤇ lgt/holy infuse w/ stacking), 15s: [Memories of Home Mode: Causes [Imperil Prismatic 10% (15s)] to the lowest HP% enemy when another ally uses two Summoning abilities, grants [Summoning +30% Boost 1] to all allies when another ally uses two Summoning abilities, removed after triggering three times], 15s: Awoken Ballad: Summon/Bard inf. hones, 2-3x Summon/Bard cast @ rank 1-5, 100% dualcast
AA2Summoner's Legacyinstant magic 19.8/15 lgt+holy+non (SUM), party h85, revive @ 100% HP, Haste, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (lgt/holy ⤇ lgt/holy infuse), 15s: Awoken Ballad: Summon/Bard inf. hones, 2-3x Summon/Bard cast @ rank 1-5, 100% dualcast
AA1Thunder Serenademagic 22.5/15 lgt+non (SUM), +20% lgt vuln. 25s, lgt infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: Awoken Chant: Summon/Bard inf. hones, 2-3x Summon/Bard cast @ rank 1-5, (2 Summon/Bard ⤇ m16.62/6 l+n Summon, +10% lgt vuln. 15s)
AODecisive Thunderclapmagic 79.5/3 lgt w/ 99k cap (SUM)
BUThunderstorm Princessmagic 16.8/10 lgt+holy+non (SUM), 1 turn: (lgt/holy ⤇ lgt/holy infuse), 15s: (2 l/h ⤇ AoE +10% lgt/holy vuln. 15s)
[Summon], +1 on Summon/Bardm7.92 – 11.8 – 20.5 – 34.6 l+h, 99k cap at brv.1+, self refill 2 Summon abil. use at brv.3
U2Secret Bloodlinemagic 17.0/10 lgt+non (SUM), party Reflect Dmg 75% as lgt 30s, 15s: (2 Summon ⤇ m15.6/10 l+n Summon, self refill 1 Summon abil. use)
U1Trance RamuhAoE magic 14.7/7 lgt+non, min dmg 1100 (SUM), lgt infuse 25s, party +30% MAG/MND 25s, 15s: (every 3.5s ⤇ AoE m5.7/2 l+n Summon, min dmg 1100)
G+2Soul of Ramuhinstant self hi fastcast 1, 1 turn: (lgt/holy ⤇ lgt/holy infuse w/ stacking)
G+1Maiden's Mettleinstant +500 SB pts
GMaiden's Summoninstant magic 7.5/6 lgt+non (SUM), self hi fastcast 2
B2Trial by LightningAoE +20% lgt vuln. 25s, party +30% ATK/MAG 25s
[Summon]ON, ally heal 40% HP
[Summon] (if ON)OFF, AoE m5.4/​2 l+n, min dmg 1100, party heal 30% HP
[Summon]m10.48/​4 l+n, min dmg 1100
[Summon] (if ON)m13.1/​5 l+n, min dmg 1100
B1Dagger of ResolveAoE magic 14.25/3 lgt+holy, min dmg 1100 (SUM)
[W.Mag]h105, Esuna
[Summon]AoE m8.0/​2 l+h, min dmg 1100
S2Enveloping Warmthparty +30% DEF/MAG 25s, Autoheal 3k
S1Divine Guardianparty Haste, Regen (hi), +50% RES 25s
-LeviathanAoE magic 9.0/2 water (SUM), party +20% MAG 25s
-RamuhAoE magic 7.17 lgt, min dmg 1050 (SUM)
LMR+Re-action (Garnet)dualcast Summon per 3 uses
LMR4Your Canaryfastcast 3 at battle start
LMR3Proven Princesslgt infuse 25s at battle start
LMR2Lover of the Arts(Bard ⤇ 25% for party h25)
LMR1Noble Resolve1.3x stat buffs duration
LM2Doubt Abandoned(<20% HP ⤇ heal 100% HP, Trance: +30% MAG/MND, fastcast 25s)
LM1Hidden Lineage1.1x SUM dmg
DAAwoken On the Rampagephys 6.3/7 wind+lgt+non w/ 19k cap, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x Celerity/Combat dmg 15s, 1 turn: (wind/lgt ⤇ wind/lgt infuse w/ stacking), 15s: 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x Combat/Celerity dmg @ rank 1-5, triplecast Celerity/Combat, [Dual Wildling Life Mode: Randomly casts with equal chance Dual Barbarity, Dual Explosive Thrust or Dual Scratch after using Combat and Celerity abilities, removed after casting any of Dual Barbarity, Dual Explosive Thrust or Dual Scratch three times, removed if the user hasn't Dual Awoken Bestial Power Mode I (Gau)]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Bestial Power Mode II (Gau): Increases the damage/healing cap by 20000, Combat and Celerity abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Combat and Celerity abilities, cast speed x9999999 for Celerity and Combat abilities, critical chance =100%, lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Bestial Power Mode I (Gau)] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
ADApex Rageinstant self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (wind/lgt ⤇ wind/lgt infuse)
thenphys 20.0/20 - 22.0/20 w/ 9k/19k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 w/ 99k cap, wind+lgt+non @ 0-100k dmg dealt
SAX-Cutter Ragephys 9.0/15 wind+lgt+non, self dmg cap +10k 15s, Abil. berserk 15s, 1 turn: (wind/lgt ⤇ wind/lgt infuse 2 w/ stacking), 15s: (1/2/3+ wind ⤇ 1.15-1.3-1.5x wind dmg), or (1/2/3+ lgt ⤇ 1.15-1.3-1.5x lgt dmg)
[Celerity], w/ Celerity/Combat (0 status lvl)p4.8/6 wi+l+n, self status lvl +1
[Celerity], w/ Celerity/Combat (1 status lvl)p8.0/10 wi+l+n @ +100% crit, self status lvl -1
[Celerity], w/ Celerity/Combat (0 status lvl)p5.4 wi+l+n w/ 99k cap, self status lvl +1
[Celerity], w/ Celerity/Combat (1 status lvl)p5.4 wi+l+n w/ 99k cap, self instacast 1, status lvl -1
AA2Plunging Clawsphys 9.0/15 wind+lgt+non, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (wind/lgt ⤇ wind/lgt infuse w/ stacking), 15s: (3 wi/l ⤇ wind/lgt infuse 25s), 15s: Awoken Bestial Power: Celerity/Combat inf. hones, 100% dualcast, (Celerity/Combat ⤇ p1.44/6 - 2.22/6 - 2.7/6 - 3.78/6 - 4.56/6 wi+l+n Celerity @ rank 1-5)
AA1On the Rampagephys 9.0/15 wind+lgt+non, wind infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, Combat instacast 15s, Celerity instacast 15s, 15s: Awoken Beast: Combat/Celerity inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AOFeral Friendsphys 11.0/20, then 8.0 w/ 99k cap, wind+lgt
USavory Treatphys 6.84/12 wind+lgt+non, self crit =100% 25s, double Combat/Celerity (uses extra hone) 15s
G+2Feral Rampageinstant self hi fastcast 1, 1 turn: (wind/lgt ⤇ wind/lgt infuse w/ stacking)
G+1Ready to Rampageinstant crit =100% 1 turn, +50% crit dmg 1 turn, instacast 1
GExplosive Thrustinstant phys 3.12/6 wind+non, wind infuse stacking 25s, wind infuse 25s
BMaul of the Wildphys 7.6/8, self +30% ATK, -30% DEF 25s, fastcast 3
[Combat]3 turns: auto 30-​30-​40% AoE p2.25/​3 f+n Combat – p2.7/​3 f+n Combat – p1.0 f+n Combat
[Special]3 turns: auto 30-​30-​40% party heal 30% HP – ally heal 70% HP – ally heal 30% HP
SMeteor RageAoE phys 6.15/3 rngd, 3 turns: auto slow AoE p2.38/2 rngd Combat
-Gigavolt RageAoE phys 4.2/4 lgt rngd, 3 turns: auto p2.1 l rngd Combat
LMR+Refinement (Gau)1.25x PHY dmg
LMRUntamed Energy(<20% HP ⤇ heal 100% HP, fastcast 25s)
LM2Natural Instincts35% dualcast Combat/Celerity
LM1Dried Meat Connoisseur1.1x PHY dmg
𝐋𝐂“Parallel Bond: Genesis (Fire)”instant [Parallel Bond: Genesis (Fire): Type: Physical, Element: (Fire,NE), Cast time: 0.01s, Ten single attacks (0.80) capped at 19999, activates Fire Chain (max 150, field +0%) or adds 25 to the current Fire Chain maximum limit, grants [Chain Force Mode (Genesis)] and [Instant ATB 1] to the user]
𝐋𝐎Light of Doomphys ^5.0/5 fire w/ 99k cap @ +100% crit scaling w/ LB pts and honing
DA“Awoken Apocalypse Genesis”phys 6.3/7 fire+non w/ 19k cap, fire infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x fire dmg 15s, 15s: [Dual Awoken Fire Mode I (Genesis): Fire abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Fire abilities, cast speed x1.50/x2.00/x2.50/x3.00 and 5%/10%/15%/20% additional critical damage for equipped Fire abilities after casting 1/2/3/4+ Fire abilities]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Fire Mode II (Genesis): Fire abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, cast speed x9999999 for Fire abilities, grants [100% Critical (15s)] and [Black Flurry Mode] to the use after using Fire abilities, lasts for 1 turn]
ADLOVELESSinstant fire infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
thenphys 20.0/20 - 22.0/20 - 24.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 - 12.0 w/ 99k cap, fire+non @ 0-100k-300k dmg dealt
SA2“For Salvation”phys 9.0/15 fire+non, fire infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, party +30% ATK/MND, +25% DEF/RES 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: [Light of Creation Follow-Up: Casts Light of Creation after another ally uses a Spellblade ability, removed after casting Light of Creation three times]
[Spellblade], w/ fire[Purgatorial Slash: Type: Physical, School: Spellblade, Element: (Fire,NE), Cast time: 1.65s, Six single attacks (0.86) each, 0.95 if exploiting Fire weakness]
[Spellblade], w/ fireinstant self fastcast 3, 1.3x Spellblade dmg 3 turns
SA1Purgatorial Wavephys 9.0/15 fire+non, fire infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 25s: Trance: +30% ATK, 50% dualcast fire
[Spellblade], w/ firep5.16/6 - 5.34/6 - 5.52/6 - 5.7/6 f+n @ +25 - 50 - 75 - 100% crit w/ 0-1-2-3 uses
[Spellblade], w/ fireinstant self 1.3x fire dmg 2 turns, dmg cap +10k 2 turns
AA2“SOLDIER in Red”phys 9.0/15 fire+non, fire infuse w/ stacking 25s, self +50% crit dmg 25s, dmg cap +10k 15s, fire fastcast 15s, 15s: (fire ⤇ p1.92/6 f+n Spellblade), 15s: Awoken Fire: fire inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
BAAGenesis Rhapsodyphys 9.0/15 fire+non, fire infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, instacast 1, 15s: Awoken Fire: fire inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
[Spellblade], +1 on firep1.92 – 1.92 – 6.4 – 10.0 f+n, 99k cap at brv.1+, instacast 1 at brv.0, +10% – 20% – 40% fire dmg 15s at brv.1+
AOSOLDIER's Epicphys 11.0/20, then 8.0 w/ 99k cap, fire
UApocalypse Genesisphys 7.1/10 fire+non, fire infuse 25s, self hi fastcast 1, crit =50% 25s, 15s: (fire ⤇ hi fastcast 1)
G+2Epic of Heroisminstant dmg cap +10k 15s, instacast 1
G+1Epic of Creationinstant fire infuse stacking 25s, fire infuse 25s, self lose 99% curr HP, 15s: (fire ⤇ p1.92/6 f+n rngd Spellblade)
GEpic of Destructioninstant fire infuse stacking 25s, fire infuse 25s, self hi fastcast 2
LMRFierce Opposition1.2x PHY dmg if using a sword
LM2Project G Creation(<20% HP ⤇ heal 100% HP, Trance: +30% ATK, 50% dualcast fire 25s)
LM1Rhapsodic Recitation1.1x fire dmg
𝐋𝐎Captain's Duelphys ^5.0/5 fire w/ 99k cap @ +100% crit scaling w/ LB pts and honing
DAAwoken Gilgamesh Scorching Timephys 6.3/7 fire+non w/ 19k cap, fire infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x fire dmg 15s, 15s: [Dual Awoken Fire Mode I (Gilgamesh): Fire abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Fire abilities, cast speed x2.00, casts Dual Ironfire after using equipped Fire abilities]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Fire Mode II (Gilgamesh): Increases the damage/healing cap by 20000, Fire abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Fire abilities, cast speed x2.00, casts Dual Flame Slash after using Fire abilities, lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Fire Mode I (Gilgamesh)] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
CHistoric Splendorfire chain 1.5x (max 150), party +50% ATK 25s
ADBig Bridge Battleinstant phys 0.2/20 fire+non, Retaliate @p1.2 15s, dmg cap +10k 15s
thenphys 20.0/20 - 22.0/20 - 24.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 - 12.0 w/ 99k cap, fire+non @ 0/5/8 fire
SAFuture Allyphys 9.0/15 fire+non, fire infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, Retaliate @p1.2 15s, status lvl +2
[Samurai], w/ firep5.4/6 f+n, self 1.3x Samurai dmg 1 turn
[Samurai], w/ fireinstant p2.7/3 f+n if status lvl, then p0.2/20, then 5.28 w/ 99k cap, f+n no miss if status lvl, self status lvl -1
AA2Swordmaster's Bravadophys 9.0/15 fire+non, fire infuse 25s, party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, Retaliate @p1.2 15s, 15s: [Big Softie Mode: Casts Flaming Soul Slash after another FF5 ally casts an ability or attack, grants [Weakness +30% Boost 3] to all allies when removed, removed after casting Flaming Soul Slash four times], 15s: Awoken Fire: fire inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AA1Faithful Friendsphys 9.0/15 fire+non, fire infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, fastcast 15s, Retaliate @p1.2 15s, 15s: (3 fire ⤇ p4.9/10 f+wi+n Samurai @ +100% crit, +250 SB pts, once only), 15s: Awoken Fire: fire inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AOWeapons of Warphys 11.0/20, then 8.0 w/ 99k cap, fire
BUSupreme Deliverancephys 7.2/10 fire, party Reflect Dmg 75% as fire 30s, self hi fastcast 2
[Samurai], +1 on firep1.92 – 3.25 – 6.5 – 10.15 f, 99k cap at brv.1+
U2No Justicephys 7.1/10 fire+non, fire infuse 25s, 15s: EX: +30% ATK, (Samurai ⤇ p0.37 or 1.48/4 or 2.22/6 or 3.7/10 f+n Samurai)
U1All's Fairphys 7.2/10, self Retaliate @p1.2 15s, crit =50% 25s, 15s: EX: +30% ATK
OStrange Bedfellowphys 10.8 w/ 99k cap, or p13.2 if no allies KO
G+2Tested Mettleinstant phys ^14.48/2 fire w/ 19k cap, party 50% Dmg barrier 1
G+1Time to Tussle!instant +500 SB pts
G2I'm on Fire!instant fire infuse w/ stacking 25s, self instacast 1
G1Safe Bastioninstant party Negate dmg 30%, +100% RES 25s
B2Gilgamesh Scorching Timephys 6.64/8 fire+non, fire infuse 25s
[Samurai]ON, self Retaliate 15s
[Samurai] (if ON)OFF, self instacast 3
[Samurai]p2.08/​4 f+n
[Samurai] (if ON)p2.6/​5 f+wi
B1Gilgamesh Morphing Timephys 7.84/8, taunt PHY/BLK, +200% DEF 25s
[Samurai]p2.6/​2, Dispel
[Samurai]p2.6/​2, self Retaliate 15s
SFaithful CompanionAoE phys 6.0/3, party Regen (hi)
-Repentancephys 5.13/3 jump, self Haste, Protect, Shell
-Death Clawphys 5.1/3 jump, 51% (21% × 3) Paralyze
LMR2Melodramatic Swordsmanfire infuse 25s at battle start
LMR1Hero's Kindness25% dualcast Samurai
LM2Desperate Obligation(<20% HP ⤇ Protect, Shell, Haste, Trance: +30% ATK/DEF/RES, hi fastcast 25s)
LM1Dark Sage's Hand1.1x PHY dmg
DAAwoken Tempestphys 6.3/7 earth+non w/ 19k cap, earth infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x earth dmg 15s, 15s: [Dual Awoken Earth Mode I (Gladiolus): Earth abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Earth abilities, cast speed x2.00/x2.50/x3.00 and critical chance =50%/75%/100% for equipped Earth abilities after casting 1/2/3+ Earth abilities]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Earth Mode II (Gladiolus): Increases the damage/healing cap by 20000, Earth abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Earth abilities, critical chance =100%, cast speed x9999999 for Earth abilities, lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Earth Mode I (Gladiolus)] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
CEarth Chargeinstant earth chain 1.5x (max 99), party +50% ATK 25s, +20% earth dmg 15s
ADDual Masterinstant earth infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
thenphys 20.0/20 - 22.0/20 - 24.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 - 12.0 w/ 99k cap, earth+non @ 0-100k-300k dmg dealt
SAWild Tempestphys 9.0/15 earth+non, earth infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 50% Dmg barrier 1, 15s: (Dmg barrier lost ⤇ p1.92/6 e+n Knight), 1.15-1.3-1.5-1.7x earth dmg w/ 0-1-2-3 uses
[Knight], w/ earthp5.4/6 e+n
[Knight], w/ earthp2.7/3 e+n, self 50% Dmg barrier 1
AATrue Shieldphys 9.0/15 earth+non, earth infuse 25s, self 1.3x PHY dmg 15s, dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (3 earth ⤇ p1.56/3 - 2.6/5 - 2.6/5 e+n Knight @ 0-72k-240k dmg dealt, then p5.0/10, then 5.0 w/ 99k cap, e+n Knight @ 240k dmg dealt (once only)), 15s: Awoken Earth: earth inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AOImpulsephys 11.0/20, then 8.0 w/ 99k cap, earth
UCyclonephys 7.1/10 earth+non, earth infuse 25s, self +1 to all Hvy Charge gains 15s, 15s: Finisher: phys 35% earth w/ 99k cap Heavy
ODawnhammerphys 11.44 earth+non w/ 99k cap, up to p12.93 w/ hits taken
G+Proud Shieldinstant earth infuse w/ stacking 25s, party 50% Dmg barrier 1
GDouble Charging...instant 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x Heavy dmg @ rank 1-5 15s, Hvy Charge +2
BTempestAoE phys 4.98/6 earth+non, earth infuse 25s
[Knight]p0.48 - 0.96/​2 - 1.44/​3 - 1.92/​4 - 2.4/​5 e+n @ 327-​654-​1700-​2490 DEF
[Knight]p2.5/​2 e+n, taunt PHY/BLK, +200% DEF 25s
SPep Talkparty +50% ATK 25s, Last stand
LMR3Trusted Shieldearth infuse 25s at battle start
LMR2Prince's Pillar25% dualcast Knight
LMR1Shield of the King30% cover PHY, taking -20% dmg
LM2To Duty Born+3% ATK (max +50%) per hit taken
LM1Leader of the Van1.1x PHY dmg if using a sword
Gogo (V)
𝐋𝐎Aqua Breath Masterymagic ^12.0/4 water w/ 99k cap scaling w/ LB pts and honing, Mimic
DA“Awoken Undersea Fantasia”magic 21.35/7 water+non w/ 19k cap, water infuse w/ stacking 25s, self +50% MAG/MND 25s, dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x water dmg 15s, 15s: 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x water dmg @ rank 1-5, dualcast water, (water ⤇ m8.16/4 wa+n B.Mag, -50% DEF/RES/MND 8s per 2 uses, party fastcast 1)
theninstant self instant ATB 1, 15s: [Dual Deepsea Mimicry Mode: Mimicked abilities deal 50% more damage, casts the last ability used by any ally when another ally casts a Water abilities, removed after triggering three times], [Dual Awoken Water Mode II (Gogo (V)): Increases the damage/healing cap by 10000, Water abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Water abilities, lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Water Mode I (Gogo (V))] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
CSecret Revelation?water chain 1.5x (max 150), party +50% MAG 25s
AD“Apex Deep Aqua Breath”instant water infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
thenmagic 63.0/20 - 70.0/20 - 77.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 34.6 - 38.06 - 41.52 w/ 99k cap, water+non @ 0-100k-300k dmg dealt
SASubmarine Whirlpoolmagic 22.5/15 water+non, water infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: [Deep Impersonation Mode: Mimicked abilities deal 50% more damage, casts the last ability used by any ally when another ally casts a Water ability, removed after triggering three times]
[B.Mag], w/ waterm18.3/6 wa+n, +10% water vuln. 5s
[B.Mag], w/ B.Mag/Bardinstant m2.7 wa+n, self 1.3x water dmg 3 turns
AA3“Illusory Mimicry”magic 22.5/15 water+non, water infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: [Mimicry Stunt Mode: Grants [Buff Water 10% (15s)] to all allies after three Water abilities are used by other allies, removed after triggering three times, grants [Triplecast Water 1] and [Water Ability +30% Boost 1] to the user when removed], 15s: Awoken Water: water inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AA2Punishing Waterjainstant Mimic 3x, water infuse w/ stacking 25s, party fastcast 3, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: Awoken Virtuoso: B.Mag/Bard inf. hones, 2-3x B.Mag/Bard cast @ rank 1-5, (B.Mag/Bard ⤇ m14.64/6 wa+n B.Mag, +10% water vuln. 15s per 2 uses)
AA1Undersea Fantasiamagic 22.5/15 water+non, Mimic 2x, water infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: Awoken Water: water inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
USunken Rhapsodyinstant Mimic 2x, water infuse 25s, party Haste, Last stand
G+2“Mimic Fantasy”instant +500 SB pts
G+1Abyssal Revelationinstant water infuse stacking 25s, water infuse 25s, self instacast 1
GDeep Imitationinstant Mimic, water infuse stacking 25s, water infuse 25s
BDeep Aqua BreathAoE magic 11.94/6 water+non, water infuse 25s
[Special]Mimic, +180 SB pts, cast time -0.15s per use
[B.Mag]m8.96/​4 wa+n
SFantastic Symmetryparty +30% ATK/MAG, Haste
LMR+Subversion (Gogo (V))(3 water ⤇ +10% water vuln. 15s)
LMRWaterlogged Misfit1.25x water dmg if using a rod
LM2Quintessential Mimicry35% dualcast water
LM1Profound Mimic1.1x water dmg
Gogo (VI)
DA“Awoken Mass Mimicry”instant party Haste, +30% ATK/MAG/MND 25s, fastcast 2, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x B.Mag dmg 15s, 1 turn: (fire/ice/wind/earth ⤇ fire/ice/wind/earth infuse w/ stacking), 15s: 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x B.Mag dmg @ rank 1-5, dualcast B.Mag, B.Mag fastcast
theninstant self instant ATB 1, 1 turn: 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x B.Mag dmg @ rank 1-5, B.Mag instacast, (B.Mag ⤇ [Dual Master Mimic Mode: Mimicked abilities deal 50% more damage, grants [Fire/Ice/Wind/Earth Ability +30% Boost 1] and [Quick Cast 1] when another ally casts a Fire, Ice, Wind or Earth ability to the ally who casted the ability, casts the last ability used by another ally when another ally uses a Fire, Ice, Wind or Earth ability, removed after triggering six times] 15s)
AD“Apex Punishing Meteor”instant self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (fire/ice/wind/earth ⤇ fire/ice/wind/earth infuse)
thenp10.0/10 - 11.0/10 or m31.5/10 - 35.0/10 w/ 9k/19k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 w/ 99k cap, fire+ice+wind+earth+non @ 0-100k dmg dealt, Mimic 2x
SATrue Punishing Meteorinstant self +10/20/30/40/50% A/D/M/R/MND if 1-2-3-4-5 chars. alive 25s, dmg cap +10k 15s, status lvl +1, 1 turn: (fire/ice/wind/earth ⤇ fire/ice/wind/earth infuse 2 w/ stacking)
[B.Mag], w/ Combat/B.Magp5.4/6 or m18.3/6 f+i+wi+e+n
[B.Mag], w/ Combat/B.Maginstant p0.8 or m2.7 f+i+wi+e+n, self fastcast 2 @ 0 status lvl, 1.3x fire/ice/wind/earth dmg 2 turns, dmg cap +10k 2 turns, status lvl -1, 15s: [Impersonation Mode: Casts the last ability used by any ally after another ally uses a Fire, Ice, Wind or Earth ability, removed after triggering three times] @ 1 status lvl
AA2Repeated Mimicinstant party 40% Dmg barrier 2, +30% ATK/MAG/MND 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (fire/ice/wind/earth ⤇ fire/ice/wind/earth infuse), 15s: 1.5x mimic dmg, (Dmg barrier lost ⤇ Mimic), (next 3 Dmg barrier lost ⤇ 40% Dmg barrier 1), 15s: Awoken Mimicry Magic: B.Mag inf. hones, 2-3x B.Mag cast @ rank 1-5, (B.Mag ⤇ party fastcast 1)
BAAMass Mimicryinstant party Haste, +30% ATK/MAG/MND 25s, self hi fastcast 2, dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (fire/ice/wind/earth ⤇ fire/ice/wind/earth infuse), 15s: Awoken Black Magic: B.Mag inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
[B.Mag], +1 on B.Magm7.45 at brv.0, Mimic 1x – 2x – 3x at brv.1+
BURighteous Mimicryinstant party +30% ATK/MAG/RES, Haste
[Combat/B.Mag], +1 on B.Mag/Combatp1.81 or m7.45 at brv.0, Mimic 1x – 2x – 3x at brv.1+
G+2“Incognito”instant AoE -70% DEF/RES/MND 8s, self instacast 1
G+1Imitation Suitinstant 1 turn: (fire/ice/wind/earth ⤇ fire/ice/wind/earth infuse w/ stacking)
BPunishing Meteorp7.6/8 or m17.04/8, party +30% ATK/MAG 25s
[Special]fast Mimic, +180 SB pts
[Combat/B.Mag]p2.72/​4 or m10.68/​4
SMaw of the BeastAoE p5.81/7 or m14.0/7, party heal 40% HP, Esuna
LMR+Hastening (Gogo (VI))(3 B.Mag/Combat ⤇ fastcast 3)
LMR2Masterful Mimic1.25x mimic dmg
LMR1Heroic Mimicry(mimic ⤇ 35% for fastcast 1)
LM2Perfect Likeness+2% ATK/MAG (max +30%) per mimic hit
LM1Mimic's Craft1.15x mimic dmg
𝐋𝐎True Shadow Dragonmagic ^15.0/5 dark w/ 99k cap scaling w/ LB pts and honing
DAAwoken Dark Dungeonmagic 21.35/7 dark+non w/ 19k cap, dark infuse w/ stacking 25s, self +50% MAG/MND 25s, dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x dark dmg 15s, 15s: [Dual Awoken Dark Mode I (Golbez): Dark abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Dark abilities, cast speed x2.00/x2.50/x3.00 for equipped Dark abilities after using 1/2/3+ Dark abilities]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Dark Mode II (Golbez): Increases the damage/healing cap by 10000, Dark abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Dark abilities, cast speed x9999999 for Dark abilities, casts Dual Nightglow after using Dark attacks, lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Dark Mode I (Golbez)] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
CDarkbind Miasmadark chain 1.5x (max 150), party +50% MAG 25s
ADApex Shadow Dragoninstant dark infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
thenmagic 63.0/20 - 70.0/20 - 77.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 34.6 - 38.06 - 41.52 w/ 99k cap, dark+non @ 0-100k-300k dmg dealt
SA2Dark Glowmagic 22.5/15 dark+non, dark infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (every 3.0s ⤇ m8.16/4 d+n Darkness), (3 Twilight Fang ⤇ m8.16/4 d+n Darkness, self instacast 1, remove (every 3.0s ⤇ m8.16/4 d+n Darkness))
[Darkness], w/ darkm18.3/6 d+n, +10% dark vuln. 5s
[Darkness], w/ darkinstant self dualcast dark 1 turn, 1.5x dark dmg 1 turn
SA1Dark Meteormagic 22.5/15 dark+non, dark infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (2 dark ⤇ self +20% dark dmg 15s)
[Darkness], w/ darkm18.3/6 d+n, self 1.3x dark dmg 1 turn
[Darkness], w/ darkm16.4 d+n w/ 99k cap
AADark Dungeonmagic 22.5/15 dark+non, dark infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, Negate dmg 100%, until Neg. Dmg. lost: fastcast, 1.25x SB gauge from dark, (3 dark ⤇ m12.0/8 d+n Darkness, self Negate dmg 100%), 15s: Awoken Dark: dark inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AOArchfiend Shadow Wavemagic 36.4/20, then 26.5 w/ 99k cap, dark
U2Creature of Shadowmagic 17.0/10 dark+non, dark infuse 25s, self lose 99% curr HP, Negate dmg 100%, until Neg. Dmg. lost: dualcast Darkness, Finisher: magic 11.8 - 20.5 - 34.6 dark+non w/ 99k cap Darkness @ 5-9 Darkness used
U1Master of Baronmagic 17.0/10 dark+non, dark infuse 25s, self +30% DEF/MAG 25s, Autoheal 6k
G+Chaos Barrierinstant dark infuse w/ stacking 25s, self Negate dmg 100%
GCloaked in Nightinstant fastzap 15s, 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x Darkness dmg @ rank 1-5 15s
B2Abyssal Quasarmagic 15.04/8 dark+non, party Reflect Dmg 75% as dark 30s
[B.Mag]m10.48/​4 d+n
[B.Mag]m7.95/​3 d+n, self fastcast 2
B1Twin Moonmagic 17.43/7 dark+non, self +30% MAG 25s, taunt PHY/BLK, +200% DEF 25s
[Summon]ON, self Negate dmg 30%
[Summon] (if ON)OFF, AoE m17.2/​4 d, min dmg 1100
[B.Mag]m10.2/​4 d
[B.Mag] (if ON)m10.2/​4 d, self heal 20% of dmg
S2Genesis RockAoE magic 9.42/6 dark, dark infuse 25s
S1Cosmic Raymagic 17.84/8 dark, self +30% MAG 15s
-NightglowAoE magic 7.5/2 dark, 50% (29% × 2) Sap 40s
-Black Fangmagic 11.2/4 (NAT)
LMR2Darkest Mage25% dualcast Darkness
LMR1Air of Intimidationdark infuse 25s at battle start
LM2Mage of GrandeurLast stand, taunt PHY/BLK, +200% DEF 25s at battle start
LM1Archfiend Mastermind1.1x dark dmg
DA“Awoken Kashuan Royal Shield”instant [Awoken Kashuan Royal Shield: Cast time: 0.01s, Grants [ATK, MAG and MND +30% (25s)], [Quick Cast 3] and [Fire/Earth/Ice Resonance +3% Boost], grants [Dual Awoken Sovereign Mode I (Gordon)] to the user, grants [100% Critical (25s)] to all allies with any Attach Fire, Attach Earth or Attach Ice]
theninstant instant ATB 1, 1 turn: Support instacast, (Support ⤇ +20% fire/earth/ice vuln. 5s), (Support ⤇ party 1.3x fire/earth/ice dmg 2 turns)
CRebellion's LinkII chain 1.5x (max 150), party Haste, +30% ATK/MAG 25s
ADHour of Purposeinstant party Magic blink 1, Phys blink 1, self +250 SB pts
thenp^15.72/3 - 17.31/3 - 18.87/3 or m^49.59/3 - 55.08/3 - 60.6/3 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap fire+non rngd @ +100% crit @ 0/5/8 Support, party instacast 1
SAHonored Memoryinstant party hi fastcast 3, +30% ATK/MAG/MND 25s, self status lvl +2
[Support], w/ W.Mag(-50% ATK/DEF 15s) / (-50% MAG/RES 15s) @ 1/2 +2n uses
[Support], w/ W.Maginstant +150 SB pts @ 1+ status lvl, party fastcast 1, self status lvl -1
AA2Inspiring Momentinstant AoE Dispel, party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, 1.09-1.15-1.3x dmg vs weak if 0-2-4+ II chars. alive 15s, hi fastcast 1 if Hilda or Scott alive, 15s: Awoken Kingdom's Pledge: Support inf. hones, 2-3x Support cast @ rank 1-5, (Support ⤇ party fastcast 1)
AA1Kashuan Royal Shieldinstant party hi fastcast 3, 15s: (Support ⤇ p1.12/4 or m4.0/4 f+n rngd Support, (-50% ATK/DEF 15s) / (-50% MAG/RES 15s) @ 1/2 +2n uses), (Support ⤇ p1.12/4 or m4.0/4 f+n rngd Support, party 1.3x PHY dmg 1 turn or 1.3x mag dmg 1 turn), 15s: Awoken Sovereign: Support inf. hones, 2-3x Support cast @ rank 1-5, (2 Support ⤇ party Phys blink 1, Magic blink 1)
UA Leader WakesAoE phys 5.34/6 fire+non, -50% ATK/MAG/MND 25s, party Haste, Regen (hi)
G+“Rebel Leader”instant AoE -70% DEF/RES/MND 8s, self instacast 1
G2Royal Honorinstant fire infuse w/ stacking 25s, self +250 SB pts
G1Brotherly Redemptioninstant phys 3.12/6 fire+non, -40% ATK/MAG 15s
BEgil's BlazeAoE phys 5.94/6 fire+non, party Last stand
[Support]p2.3, -40% ATK 15s
[Support]p2.3, -40% DEF 15s
SKashuan's Resolveparty Phys blink 1, +30% ATK/MAG 25s
-Goddess's BellAoE phys 4.2/3, -40% ATK/MAG 25s
-Flames of KashuanAoE magic 7.0 fire
LMR+“Swiftness (Gordon)”Haste, instacast 3 at battle start
LMR3Ancestral Ardor(Support ⤇ 25% for p2.0/4 or m8.16/4 f+n rngd Support, Dispel)
LMR2Ascendant PrinceHaste, instacast 1 at battle start
LMR1Kashuan Heir1.3x stat debuffs duration
LM2Love's Vow(Support ⤇ 30% for +10% fire vuln. 15s)
LM1Glimpse of Bravery1.15x Support dmg
DAAwoken Gigantbreakphys 6.3/7 earth+non w/ 19k cap, earth infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x earth dmg 15s, 15s: [Dual Awoken Earth Mode I (Guy): Earth abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Earth abilities, cast speed x2.00/x2.50/x3.00 and critical chance =50%/75%/100% for equipped Earth abilities after casting 1/2/3+ Earth abilities]
theninstant [Awoken Gigantbreak (Dual Shift): Cast time: 0.01s, Grants [Instant ATB 1] and [Dual Awoken Earth Mode II (Guy)], grants [Dual Blessing of Gaia Mode] if any enemy has Imperil Earth 60% or is at 200% Earth weakness, removes [Dual Awoken Earth Mode I (Guy)]]
ADSilent Supportinstant +20% earth vuln. 15s, party +20% earth dmg 15s
thenphys 10.0/10 - 11.0/10 w/ 9k/19k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 w/ 99k cap, earth+non @ 0-100k dmg dealt, party instacast 1
SAMoon Howlphys 9.0/15 earth+non, earth infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, [Gaia Break Mode: Earth abilities deal 10%/20%/30%/40%/50% more damage if the target's Earth weakness is 20%/30%/40%/50%/60%+, removed if user hasn't Synchro Mode], 15s: (cmd 1/cmd 2 ⤇ [Colossal Fist: Type: Physical, School: Monk, Element: (Earth,NE), Cast time: 0.01s, One single attack (1.00), 100% hit rate, 100% additional critical chance, grants [Damage Cap +10000 1] to the user after every third use])
[Monk], w/ earthp5.4/6 e+n, +10% earth vuln. 5s
[Monk], w/ earthinstant self dualcast earth 1 turn, +10% earth dmg 15s
AAHeroic Mightphys 9.0/15 earth+non, earth infuse 25s, party +20% earth dmg 15s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (2 earth ⤇ p1.8 e+n Monk, +10% earth vuln. 15s, -70% DEF/RES/MND 8s), 15s: Awoken Earth: earth inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AOGaia Impactphys 24.0/3 earth w/ 99k cap
U2Lupine Maulphys ?/10 earth+non, earth infuse w/ stacking 25s, self fastcast 1, 15s: (earth ⤇ p?/4 e+n Monk, same row fastcast 1)
U1True Strengthphys 7.1/10 earth+non, earth infuse 25s, self +30% ATK/DEF 25s, 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x Monk dmg @ rank 1-5 15s
G+2Lupine Stanceinstant earth infuse w/ stacking 25s, self +250 SB pts
G+1Gaia Supportinstant +20% earth vuln. 15s, self +20% earth dmg 15s
BGigantbreakAoE phys 5.82/6 earth+non, +20% earth vuln. 25s
[Combat]p0.56/​4 e+n, up to p2.6 scaling w/ ATK
[Combat]AoE p1.3/​2 e+n, self +30% ATK, -30% DEF 20s
SGaia DrumAoE phys 5.88/4 earth+non, +20% earth vuln. 25s
LMRHale and Hearty1.2x PHY dmg if using an axe
LM2Measured Might(earth ⤇ 30% for +10% earth vuln. 15s)
LM1True of Heart1.1x earth dmg


𝐋𝐎Last Bastionphys ^5.0/5 holy+ice w/ 99k cap @ +100% crit scaling w/ LB pts and honing
DA“Awoken Circle of Scorn”phys 6.3/7 holy+ice+non w/ 19k cap, holy infuse w/ stacking 25s, party 50% Dmg barrier 1, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x Knight dmg 15s, 15s: 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x Knight dmg @ rank 1-5, triplecast Knight, Knight fastcast
theninstant self instant ATB 1, 1 turn: Knight instacast, party (1.3x Knight dmg 3 turns) / (1.3x dmg vs weak 3 turns) if 0-4+ XIV chars. alive
AD“Confiteor”instant holy infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
thenphys 20.0/20 - 22.0/20 - 24.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 - 12.0 w/ 99k cap, holy+ice+non @ 0-100k-300k dmg dealt
SAPassage of Armsphys 9.0/15 holy+ice+non, holy infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, party 40% Dmg barrier 1, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (next 3 Dmg barrier lost ⤇ party Autoheal 2k), Finisher: instacast 3, 1.3-1.5x holy dmg 3 turns if 0-2+ XIV chars. alive
[Knight], w/ Knightp5.22/6 - 5.58/6 h+i+n w/o - w/ Dmg barrier
[Knight], w/ Knightp2.7/3 h+i+n, party 50% Dmg barrier 1
AAFortemps Authorityphys 9.0/15 holy+ice+non, holy infuse 25s, party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, (50% Dmg barrier 1) / (50% Dmg barrier 1, 1.15x dmg vs weak 15s) / (75% Dmg barrier 1, 1.3x dmg vs weak 15s) if 1-2-4+ XIV chars. alive, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: Awoken Knight: Knight inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
U2Fortemps Bladeinstant phys 6.2/10 holy+ice+non, holy infuse 25s, party 50% Dmg barrier 1, Last stand
U1Live to Serveself Autoheal 6k, +100% DEF/RES, +50% MND 25s, 15s: if in front, 100% cover PHY,BLK,WHT,BLU,SUM vs back row, taking -50% dmg
G+2“Proud Steel”instant fastcast 3, +250 SB pts
G+1Resolute Willinstant holy infuse w/ stacking 25s, party 50% Dmg barrier 1
BTime of Needphys 6.16/8 holy+ice, -50% ATK/MAG 25s
[Knight]p2.2/​2 h+i, -40% ATK 15s
[Knight]p2.2/​2 h+i, -50% MAG 15s
SRoyal Authorityphys 7.68/8 holy+ice, party heal 40% HP
LMR+Hastening (Haurchefant)(3 Knight ⤇ fastcast 3)
LMR2Smile of a Hero25% dualcast Knight
LMR1Vows Unbroken25% for -30% dmg taken if using a shield
LM2Fortemps Fortitude(<20% HP ⤇ heal 100% HP, Last stand, Autoheal 2k)
LM1Silver Swordsman1.15x Knight dmg
DA“Awoken Prayer for Peace”instant [Awoken Prayer for Peace: Cast time: 0.01s, Restores HP (105) capped at 19999, removes KO [Raise: 100%] capped at 19999, grants [Haste], [Regenga] and [High Quick Cast 2], grants [Damage Cap +10000], [Dual Awoken Brilliance Mode I (Hilda)] and [White Magic Healing Resonance Boost +5%] to the user]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, 1 turn: W.Mag/Bard/Dancer instacast, (W.Mag/Bard/Dancer ⤇ party h55, 50% Dmg barrier 1, fastcast 1)
SAWild Rose Bloominstant party h105, Phys blink 2, instacast 1, Last stand, self dmg cap +10k 15s
[Bard], w/ Bard/Dancerinstant party 40% Dmg barrier 1, Autoheal 1k
[W.Mag], w/ Bard/W.Magparty h25
AA2Road to Victoryinstant party h105, revive @ 100% HP, Haste, instacast 1, Last stand, self dualcast Bard 15s, 15s: (W.Mag/Dancer ⤇ h105, self dmg cap +10k 1 turn – party Autoheal 1.5k), 15s: Awoken Princess of Fynn: [Awoken Princess of Fynn: White Magic, Bard and Dancer abilities don't consume uses, cast speed x2.00/2.25/2.50/2.75/3.00 for White Magic, Bard and Dancer abilities at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, grants [Quick Cast 1] to all allies after activating two White Magic, Bard or Dancer abilities]
AA1Blossoming Peaceinstant party h105, revive @ 100% HP, Haste, Phys blink 2, 15s: Awoken Brilliance: Dancer/Bard inf. hones, Dancer/Bard hi fastcast, (Dancer/Bard ⤇ party 10/15/20/30/40% Dmg barrier 1 @ rank 1-5)
U2Sentimental Mooninstant party h55, Regenga, Phys blink 1, instacast 1
U1Winning Waltzinstant party h85, +100% DEF 25s, Last stand
G+2“Secret Phrase: Roses”instant party Autoheal 3k, hi fastcast 1
G+1Dignity Preservedinstant party Haste, Protect, Shell
BPrayer for Peaceparty h85, Magic blink 1
[W.Mag]instant h105
[W.Mag]party h25
LMRNoble Blood25% dualcast W.Mag
LM2Princess's Hope(Bard ⤇ 35% for party h25)
LM1Rebel Commander1.15x WHT healing
𝐋𝐆Divine Flash (Hope)instant magic 7.5 holy+non w/ 99k cap, self +250 LB pts
DAAwoken Retributive Blastmagic 21.35/7 holy+non w/ 19k cap (SUM), holy infuse w/ stacking 25s, self +50% MAG/MND 25s, dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x holy dmg 15s, 15s: 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x holy dmg @ rank 1-5, triplecast holy, (holy ⤇ m8.16/4 h+n Summon, self refill 1 abil. use, fastcast 1 per 2 uses)
theninstant self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Holy Mode II (Hope): Increases the damage/healing cap by 20000, Holy abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Holy abilities, grants [Quick Cast 1] and [Holy Ability +30% Boost 1] after using Holy abilities, lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Holy Mode I (Hope)] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
CEnchanted Boomerangholy chain 1.5x (max 150), party +30% MAG/MND 25s
ADApex Last Resortinstant holy infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
thenmagic 63.0/20 - 70.0/20 - 77.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 34.6 - 38.06 - 41.52 w/ 99k cap, holy+non @ 0-100k-300k dmg dealt (SUM)
SADreadnought Rampagemagic 22.5/15 holy+non (SUM), dmg cap +10k 15s, holy infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s
[Summon], w/ holym12.2/4 - 18.3/6 - 24.4/8 h+n w/ 0-1-2 uses, self dmg cap +10k 1 turn
[Summon], w/ holyinstant self fastcast 3, 1.3x holy dmg 3 turns
AA2Righteous Wrathmagic 22.5/15 holy+non (SUM), holy infuse 25s, party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, 1.09-1.15-1.3x dmg vs weak 3 turns if 0-2-4+ XIII chars. alive, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: Awoken Judgment: holy inf. hones, holy hi fastcast, (holy ⤇ m4.48 - 7.05 - 9.5 - 12.07 - 14.65 w/ 19k/29k/39k/49k/59k cap h+n Summon @ rank 1-5)
AA1Heavenly Judgmentmagic 22.5/15 holy+non (SUM), holy infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, Reflect Dmg 75% as overstrike holy 30s, 15s: (1/2/3+ holy ⤇ Reflect Dmg 125/200/300% as overstrike holy 30s), 15s: (4 holy ⤇ m22.0 h+n w/ 99k cap Summon, self instacast 1), 15s: Awoken Holy: holy inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AOCelestial Prisonmagic 79.5/3 holy w/ 99k cap (SUM)
U2Reflecting Arcmagic 17.3/10 holy (SUM), party Reflect Dmg 75% as holy 30s, 15s: Finisher: magic 11.8 - 20.5 - 34.6 holy+non w/ 99k cap Summon @ 3-6 holy used, self refill 0-1-2 abil. use, (holy ⤇ 2-2.5-3x zap)
U1Divine Fistmagic 17.0/10 holy+non (SUM), holy infuse 25s, self +30% DEF/MAG 25s, 15s: (every 3.5s ⤇ m7.8/5 h+n Summon, min dmg 1100)
ORetributive Blastmagic 40.0 holy+non w/ 99k cap
G+Future Hopeinstant +500 SB pts
GResolute Faithinstant holy infuse stacking 25s, holy infuse 25s, self refill 2 Summon abil. use
B2Explosive FistAoE magic 17.4/6 - 14.97/6 - 13.38/6… holy+non vs 1-2-3… foes, 100% Stun, self +30% MAG/RES 25s
[Summon]ON, 29% Slow, AoE Dispel
[Summon] (if ON)OFF, AoE m17.0/​4 h+n, min dmg 1100
[B.Mag]m10.0/​4 h+n
[B.Mag] (if ON)m10.0/​4 h+n, 48% (15% × 4) Stun
B1Divine JudgmentAoE magic 11.92/4 holy, holy infuse 25s
[B.Mag]m8.96/​4 h+n
[B.Mag]m10.48/​4 e+n
SLast Resortmagic 17.92/8 holy
-EarthquakeAoE magic 8.55 earth, -50% ATK 25s
-Brutal Sanctionmagic 10.5/3 (NAT), 88% (50% × 3) Stop
LMR+Refinement (Hope)1.25x holy dmg
LMR2Academy Prodigyfastcast 3 at battle start
LMR1Eye on the Prizeholy infuse 25s at battle start
LM2Beyond Love and Hate35% dualcast holy
LM1Maternal Memory1.1x holy dmg


CRegroupXV chain 1.5x (max 150), party Haste, +30% ATK/MAG 25s
ADOverclockinstant party hi fastcast 1, heal 1k, self dmg cap +10k 15s
thenphys 20.0/20 - 22.0/20 w/ 9k/19k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 w/ 99k cap, fire+non @ 0-100k dmg dealt
SASage's Hellfirephys 9.0/15 fire+non, fire infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, status lvl +3
[Thief], w/ Thiefp5.4/6 f+n
[Support], w/ fire (3 status lvl)party crit =50% 15s, self status lvl -1
[Support], w/ fire (2 status lvl)party +10% fire dmg 15s, self status lvl -1
[Support], w/ fire (1 status lvl)party crit =100% 15s, self status lvl -1
[Support], w/ fire (0 status lvl)self +50% crit dmg 2 turns
AA2Tactical Mindphys 9.0/15 fire+non, party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, 1.09-1.15-1.3x dmg vs weak if 0-2-4+ XV chars. alive 15s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, fastcast 15s, 1.25x SB gauge from fire 15s, 15s: Awoken Fire: fire inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AA1Flameboost Bitephys 9.0/15 fire+non, fire infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: 1.3x fire dmg, fire instacast, (fire ⤇ lose 25% max HP), 15s: Awoken Fire: fire inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
USagefirephys 7.1/10 fire+non, fire infuse 25s, self +30% ATK/DEF 25s, 15s: (fire ⤇ same row fastcast 1)
GTactical Senseinstant fire infuse w/ stacking 25s, self instacast 1
BStalwart Cookparty +30% ATK/RES 25s, Haste, self status lvl +2
[Thief]p1.92/​3 f+l+i, self status lvl +1
[Support] (2 status lvl)crit =100% 25s, self status lvl -1
[Support] (1 status lvl)heal 30% HP, +50% crit dmg 25s, self status lvl -1
[Support] (0 status lvl)heal 40% HP, instacast 1, self status lvl -1
SAnalysis Stingphys 7.8/6 fire+lgt+ice, party +50% crit dmg 25s
LMR2Overcoming Adversityfire infuse 25s at battle start
LMR1Earnest Cheffastcast 3 at battle start
LM2Lighting the Way35% dualcast fire
LM1Young Philosopher1.1x fire dmg
𝐋𝐂“Entwined Bond: Ingus (Earth)”instant [Entwined Bond: Ingus (Earth): Type: Physical, Element: (Earth,NE), Cast time: 0.01s, Ten single attacks (0.80 each) capped at 19999, activates Earth Chain (max 150, field +0%) or adds 25 to the current Earth Chain maximum limit, grants [Chain Force Mode (Ingus)] and [Instant ATB 1] to the user]
𝐋𝐎“Titan Impact”phys ^5.0/5 earth+non w/ 99k cap @ +100% crit scaling w/ LB pts and honing
DA“Awoken Solid Titan”phys 6.3/7 earth+non w/ 19k cap, earth infuse w/ stacking 25s, party 50% Dmg barrier 1, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x earth dmg 15s, 15s: 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x earth dmg @ rank 1-5, triplecast earth, [Solid Guardian: Grants [50% Damage Reduction Barrier 1] to all allies when any Damage Reduction Barrier is removed, removed after triggering two times, grants [Buff Earth 20% (15s)] to all allies when removed, removed if the user hasn't [Dual Awoken Earth Mode I (Ingus)]]
theninstant -70% DEF/RES/MND 8s, self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Earth Mode II (Ingus): Earth abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Earth abilities, cast speed x9999999 for Earth abilities, grants [Damage Cap +10000 3] to all other allies that have any Attach Earth after using Earth abilities (max 1), lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Earth Mode I (Ingus)] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns], [Solid Guardian: Grants [50% Damage Reduction Barrier 1] to all allies when any Damage Reduction Barrier is removed, removed after triggering two times, grants [Buff Earth 20% (15s)] to all allies when removed, removed if the user hasn't [Dual Awoken Earth Mode I (Ingus)]]
C+“Earthlink (Ingus)”instant earth chain 1.5x (max 150), party (+10% earth dmg 5s) / (+20% earth dmg 5s) / (+30% earth dmg 5s) if 0-2-4+ Earth infused chars., +50% ATK 25s, self instacast 1
CAttested Strengthearth chain 1.2x (max 99), phys 7.92/11 earth, party Last stand
ADApex Devout Soulinstant earth infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
thenphys 20.0/20 - 22.0/20 - 24.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 - 12.0 w/ 99k cap, earth+non @ 0-100k-300k dmg dealt
SA2Paragon of Chivalryphys 9.0/15 earth+non, earth infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.3x PHY dmg 3 turns, dmg cap +10k 3 turns, (next 3 earth ⤇ p3.52 e+n w/ 99k cap Knight) if ≥4 III chars. alive
[Knight], w/ earthp5.4/6 e+n, self fastcast 1
[Knight], w/ earth[Sasune Guard: Type: Physical, School: Knight, Element: (Earth,NE), Cast time: 1.65s, Three single attacks (0.90 each), grants [Quick Cast 1] to the user, grants [40% Damage Reduction Barrier 1] to all FF3 allies]
SA1Knight's Assaultphys 9.0/15 earth+non, earth infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, party 40% Dmg barrier 1, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (next 4 Dmg barrier lost ⤇ heal 1.5k HP, party 40% Dmg barrier 1)
[Knight], w/ earthp5.4/6 e+n
[Knight], w/ earthp2.7/3 e+n, self 1.3x earth dmg 3 turns
AA2Monolith Swordphys 9.0/15 earth+non, earth infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, fastcast 15s, 15s: (2 earth ⤇ party 1.3x earth dmg 1 turn), 15s: Awoken Earth: earth inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AA1Solid Titanphys 9.0/15 earth+non, earth infuse 25s, party Reflect Dmg 75% as earth 30s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: Awoken Earth: earth inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AOTitanic Bashphys 24.0/3 earth w/ 99k cap
UGaian Promisephys 7.1/10 earth+non, earth infuse 25s, self +30% ATK/DEF 25s, 15s: (Knight ⤇ p1.36/4 - 1.7/5 - 2.04/6 e+n Knight @ 798-2736 DEF)
G+2Order of Sasuneinstant party Last stand, self instacast 1
G+1Titanic Forceinstant earth infuse w/ stacking 25s, self instacast 1
GGaia Swordinstant phys 3.12/6 earth+non, party heal 1.5k
B2Faith Escutcheonphys 6.72/8 earth, party Reflect Dmg 75% as earth 25s
[Knight]p1.95/​3 e+n, self 1.15x Knight dmg 3 turns
[Knight]self +50% ATK/DEF 20s
B1Oathsworn EspadaAoE phys 4.8/4 earth+non, earth infuse 25s, self +30% ATK/DEF 25s
[Knight]p1.96/​2 e+n, taunt PHY/BLK, +200% DEF 25s
[Knight]p1.96/​2 e+n, self Retaliate 15s
S2Titan's Bladephys 7.68/8 earth+non, -50% ATK/MAG 25s
S1Gaia's Vengeancephys 7.9/5, taunt PHY/BLK, +200% DEF 25s
-Earth Wardparty Haste, Protect
LMR4Hidden Feelings25% dualcast Knight
LMR3Stoic Knight(Knight ⤇ 25% for p1.26/3 e+n, ally heal 1.5k)
LMR2Resolute Warriorearth infuse 25s at battle start
LMR1Loyal Heart25% for -30% dmg taken if using a shield
LM2Grim Protector+3% ATK (max +50%) per hit taken
LM1Gaia's Champion1.15x Knight dmg
SAPocket Mega-Potioninstant party h105, Regenga, phys hi fastcast 3, self dmg cap +10k 15s
[W.Mag], w/ W.Mag/Monkfast h105, (1.1x W.Mag healing 1 turn, 1.33x cast 1) / (1.2x W.Mag healing 1 turn, fastcast 1) / (1.3x W.Mag healing 1 turn, hi fastcast 1) w/ 0-1-2 uses
[W.Mag], w/ W.Magparty h25
AAChoco Tailwindinstant party h105, revive @ 100% HP, Haste, phys hi fastcast 3, Last stand, 15s: Awoken Support: W.Mag/Monk inf. hones, 100% dualcast, (W.Mag/Monk ⤇ party 10/15/20/30/40% Dmg barrier 1 @ rank 1-5)
U2Moogle Troubleinstant party h85, Regenga, phys hi fastcast 3
U1Amicitia's Cheerinstant party h85, revive @ 40% HP, Haste, self hi fastcast 15s
G+Trinity Supportinstant party Haste, Protect, Shell
BKupo Cureparty h55, Status blink 1, Negate dmg 30%
[W.Mag]instant h105
[W.Mag]party h25
SEclipseAoE white 14.0/5, party Haste, crit =50%
LMR2Hidden Admiration(W.Mag/Monk ⤇ 35% for fastcast 1)
LMR1Amicitia Line25% dualcast W.Mag
LM2Got Your Back+1% MND (max +35%) per W.Mag hit
LM1Amicitia Touch1.15x WHT healing
𝐋𝐂“Parallel Bond: Irvine (Fire)”instant [Parallel Bond: Irvine (Fire): Type: Physical, Element: (Fire,NE), Cast time: 0.01s, Ten single attacks (0.80 each) capped at 19999, activates Fire Chain (max 150, field +0%) or adds 25 to the current Fire Chain maximum limit and increases the current chain count on all enemies by 10, grants [Chain Force Mode (Irvine)] and [Instant ATB 1] to the user]
𝐋𝐎“Boosted Snipe”phys ^5.0/5 fire rngd w/ 99k cap @ +100% crit scaling w/ LB pts and honing
DA“Awoken Canister Shot”phys 6.3/7 fire+non rngd w/ 19k cap, fire infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x fire dmg 15s, 15s: [Dual Awoken Fire Mode I (Irvine): Fire abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Fire abilities, cast speed x1.50/x2.00/x2.50/x3.00 and 5%/10%/15%/20% additional critical damage for equipped Fire abilities after casting 1/2/3/4+ Fire abilities]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, 1 turn: 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x fire dmg @ rank 1-5, fire instacast, (fire ⤇ party crit =100% 15s)
CBygone DaysVIII chain 1.5x (max 150), party Haste, +30% ATK/MAG 25s
AD“Apex Quick Shot”instant fire infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
thenphys 20.0/20 - 22.0/20 - 24.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 - 12.0 w/ 99k cap, fire+non rngd @ 0-100k-300k dmg dealt
SAQuick Canisterphys 9.0/15 fire+non rngd, fire infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, party crit =50% 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (2 Sharpshooter ⤇ +10% fire vuln. 15s), (2/4/6 +2n Sharpshooter ⤇ party crit =60/80/100% 15s)
[Sharpshooter], w/ Machinist/Sharpshooterp5.4/6 f+n rngd
[Sharpshooter], w/ Machinist/Sharpshooterinstant p0.9 f+n rngd, -50% ATK/MAG 8s, self 1.3x fire dmg 2 turns
AA2Armor Shotphys 9.0/15 fire+non rngd, party instacast 1, +50% crit dmg 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (fire ⤇ p2.0/4 f+n rngd Sharpshooter, (-50% ATK/DEF 8s) / (-50% MAG/RES 8s) @ 1/2 +2n uses), 15s: Awoken Fire: fire inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AA1Witch-Hunt Snipephys 9.0/15 fire+non rngd, +10/20% fire vuln. if 1-2 females alive 15s, fire infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, fastcast 15s, 15s: (1-5+ fire ⤇ party 1.1-1.2-1.3-1.4-1.5x fire dmg 1 turn), 15s: Awoken Fire: fire inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AOQuick Shot Fphys 11.0/20, then 8.0 w/ 99k cap, fire rngd
U2Hyper Ignitionphys 7.1/10 fire+non rngd, -70% DEF/RES/MND 8s, fire infuse w/ stacking 25s, 15s: (fire ⤇ same row fastcast 1)
U1Break Shotphys 6.8/10 fire+non rngd, -50% ATK/MAG 25s, self Sharpshooter fastcast 15s, 15s: (3 Sharpshooter ⤇ p2.4 f+n rngd Sharpshooter, -70% DEF/RES 8s)
G+Assault Standbyinstant fire infuse w/ stacking 25s, self instacast 1
B2Hyper Canisterphys 6.16/8 fire+non rngd, +20% fire vuln. 25s
[Sharpshooter]fast p1.88/​4 f+n rngd
[Sharpshooter]p1.6/​2 f+n rngd, self refill 1 abil. use
B1Flame ShotAoE phys 6.0/5 fire+non rngd, -40% ATK/DEF 25s
[Support]p2.1 rngd, -20% ATK/RES 15s
[Support]p2.1 rngd, -20% DEF/MAG 15s
S2Hyper SniperAoE phys 5.88/6 rngd, -30% A/D/M/R/MND 25s
S1Dark Shot (VIII)phys 7.92/6, or p8.58/6 vs. status, 100% Blind/Slow
-Canister Shotphys 5.01/3 rngd, -50% DEF/RES 25s
-Fast Ammophys 4.5/10 rngd
LMR+Re-action (Irvine)dualcast fire per 3 uses
LMRKey to the Past(Sharpshooter/Machinist ⤇ 20% for +10% fire vuln. 15s)
LM2Trigger Finger(Sharpshooter/Machinist ⤇ 30% for fastcast 3)
LM1Sincere Sniper1.1x PHY dmg if using a gun


DAAwoken Transiencephys 6.3/7 fire+non w/ 19k cap, fire infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x fire dmg 15s, 15s: [Dual Awoken Samurai Mode I (Jack): Samurai abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Samurai abilities, 50%/75%/100% additional critical chance for equipped Samurai abilities after using 1/2/3+ Samurai abilities, grants [Critical Damage +50% 1] to the user when a Samurai ability deals a critical hit]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, 10% Dmg barrier 1, [Dual Awoken Samurai Mode II (Jack): Increases the damage/healing cap by 20000, Samurai abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Samurai abilities, casts Dual Carmine Blade when any Damage Reduction Barrier is removed (up to six times), lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Samurai Mode I (Jack)] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
ADApex Piercing Gleaminstant fire infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
thenphys 20.0/20 - 22.0/20 - 24.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 - 12.0 w/ 99k cap, fire+non @ 0-100k-300k dmg dealt
SAPiercing Gleamphys 9.0/15 fire+non, fire infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, +50% crit dmg, (2 Samurai ⤇ p3.52 f+n w/ 99k cap Samurai @ +100% crit, self lose 35-25-15-5% max HP w/ uses)
[Samurai], w/ firep3.6/4 - 7.2/8 f+n @ +50 - 100% crit @ 0-1+ status lvl, self dmg cap +10k 1 turn @ 1+ status lvl, status lvl -1
[Samurai], w/ fireinstant self +30% ATK, -50% DEF 8s, 1.3x Samurai dmg 2 turns, status lvl +2
AATransience (Type-0)phys 9.0/15 fire+non, fire infuse 25s, self lose 99% curr HP, dmg cap +10k 15s, Negate dmg 100%, until Neg. Dmg. lost: +50% crit dmg, (2 fire ⤇ p4.02/6 f+n Samurai @ +25% crit, self Negate dmg 100%), 15s: Awoken Samurai: Samurai inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
UDeliverancephys 7.1/10 fire+non, fire infuse 25s, self lose 99% curr HP, Negate dmg 100%, until Neg. Dmg. lost: EX: +30% ATK, Samurai hi fastcast, dualcast Samurai
G+Flickering Shadowinstant fire infuse w/ stacking 25s, self instacast 1
BLightning Flashphys 6.64/8 fire+non, +20% fire vuln. 25s
[Samurai]p1.96/​4 f+n, self 1.15x Samurai dmg 2 turns
[Samurai]p1.96/​2 f+n, self Retaliate 15s
LMR+Re-action (Jack)dualcast fire per 3 uses
LMREdge of Flamefire infuse 25s at battle start
LM2Stoic Soul(<20% HP ⤇ Retaliate 15s, crit =75% 25s)
LM1Reason to Smile1.1x PHY dmg
𝐋𝐂“Parallel Bond: Jecht”instant [Parallel Bond: Jecht: Type: Physical, Element: (Dark,NE), Cast time: 0.01s, Ten single ranged attacks (0.80 each) capped at 19999, element of entry damage changes from Dark/NE to Fire/NE if the user has any Attach Fire, activates X Chain (max 150, field +0%) or adds 25 to the current X Chain maximum limit, grants [Chain Force Mode (Jecht)] and [Instant ATB 1] to the user]
𝐋𝐎Ultimate Jecht Beamphys ^4.0/4 dark+fire rngd w/ 99k cap @ +100% crit scaling w/ LB pts and honing
DA“Awoken Jecht Rush”phys 6.3/7 dark+fire+non rngd w/ 19k cap, -50% DEF/RES/MND if 0 X chars. alive 8s, party +15% A/D/M/R if ≥4 X chars. alive 8s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x dark/fire dmg 15s, instacast 1, 1 turn: (dark/fire ⤇ dark/fire infuse w/ stacking), 15s: [Dual Awoken Legend Mode I (Jecht): Dark/Fire abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Dark/Fire abilities, cast speed x2.00/2.50/3.00 for equipped Dark/Fire abilities after using Dark/Fire abilities, casts Dual Beat Stream after using Dark and Fire abilities (max 2)]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Legend Mode II (Jecht): Increase the damage/healing cap by 10000, Dark/Fire abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Dark/Fire abilities, critical hits deal 50% more damage (additive with the base critical coefficient), grants [Dark/Fire Ability +30% Boost 1] to the user, Braska and Auron if Braska or Auron are alive]
ADFake Outinstant self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (dark/fire ⤇ dark/fire infuse)
thenphys 20.0/20 - 22.0/20 w/ 9k/19k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 w/ 99k cap, dark+fire+non @ 0-100k dmg dealt
SA2“True Jecht Slash”phys 9.0/15 dark+fire+non rngd, +10/30% prism vuln. if 0-4+ X chars. alive, self dmg cap +10k 15s, crit =100% 25s, 1 turn: (dark/fire ⤇ dark/fire infuse 2 w/ stacking)
[Sharpshooter], w/ dark/firep3.6/4 - 5.4/6 - 7.2/8 d+f+n rngd w/ 0-1-2 uses
[Sharpshooter], w/ dark/firep6.0 d+f+n rngd w/ 99k cap, self 1.3x dark/fire dmg 3 turns
SA1Meteor Shotphys 9.0/15 dark+fire+non rngd, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (dark/fire ⤇ dark/fire infuse 2 w/ stacking), [Fumbling Sentiment Mode: Grants Jecht Gauge bar +1 after using Assault Eclipse, grants [Fumbling Sentiment Mode Critical Chance] to the user after using Assault Eclipse or Triumphant Fist, removed if user hasn't Synchro Mode]
[Sharpshooter], w/ dark/firep5.4/6 d+f+n rngd
[Sharpshooter], w/ dark/fire[Great Fist: Type: Physical, School: Sharpshooter, Element: (Dark,Fire,NE), Cast time: 1.65s, One single ranged attack (0.90), grants [High Quick Cast 2]/[Critical Damage +50% 1] and [Dark/Fire Ability +30% Boost 1]/[Critical Damage +50% 2] and [Dark/Fire Ability +30% Boost 2] if the user has Jecht Gauge bar level 0/1/2, removes Jecht Gauge bar from the user]
AA2Triumphant Graspphys 9.0/15 dark+fire+non rngd, party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, 1.09-1.15-1.3x dmg vs weak if 0-2-4+ X chars. alive 15s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (2 dark/fire ⤇ p3.46 d+f+n rngd w/ 99k cap Sharpshooter @ +100% crit if Tidus alive), 15s: Awoken Legend: dark/fire inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AA1Jecht Dreamphys 9.0/15 fire+dark+non rngd, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (dark/fire ⤇ dark/fire infuse), 15s: (1/2/3+ dark ⤇ 2/2.5/3x cast), (dark ⤇ p1.95/5 d+n rngd Sharpshooter), (1/2/3+ fire ⤇ crit =50/75/100%), (fire ⤇ p1.95/5 f+n rngd Monk), 15s: Awoken Legend: dark/fire inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AOJecht Impactphys 24.0/3 dark+fire w/ 99k cap
U3Struggle Withinphys 7.0/10 dark+fire+non, dark infuse 25s, (dark ⤇ same row fastcast 1, p1.92/6 d+f+n Darkness)
U2Jecht Slashphys 7.1/10 fire+non, fire infuse 25s, self +30% ATK/DEF 25s, instacast 1, 15s: (fire ⤇ p1.92/6 f+n Monk)
U1Ultimate Jecht Rushphys 7.1/10 dark+non rngd, self +30% ATK/DEF 25s, crit =75%, fastcast 1, 15s: (dark ⤇ fastcast 1)
OBlitz Kingphys 11.7 dark+fire rngd w/ 99k cap, up to p13.0 @ 6 SB bars
G+“Jecht Boost”instant fastcast 3, +250 SB pts
G2Jecht Chargeinstant self hi fastcast 1, 1 turn: (dark/fire ⤇ dark/fire infuse w/ stacking)
G1Jecht Spiritinstant crit =100% 1 turn, +50% crit dmg 1 turn, instacast 1
B2Wound Upphys 6.64/8 fire+non, party Negate dmg 30%
[Monk]fast p2.16/​4 f+n
[Monk]p1.95/​3 f+n, self 1.15x Monk dmg 3 turns
B1Final Transformationphys 6.64/8 dark, dark infuse 25s
[Monk]p2.16/​4 d+n rngd
[Monk]AoE p1.5/​2 d+n rngd
S2Jecht's Bladephys 7.55/5 dark+non, party +50% ATK 25s
S1Ultimate Jecht Shotphys 7.91/7 rngd, party crit =25% 25s
-Jecht Rushphys 5.12/4, 100% Stun
-Jecht BeamAoE phys 4.11/3 rngd, party +30% ATK 25s
LMR3Old Man's Fist25% dualcast Monk
LMR2Regal Demeanorfire infuse 25s at battle start
LMR1God of Blitzdark infuse 25s at battle start
LM2Posterity's Price35% dualcast dark
LM1Unruly Father1.1x dark dmg
𝐋𝐂“Parallel Bond: Josef (Ice)”instant [Parallel Bond: Josef (Ice): Type: Physical, Element: (Ice,NE), Cast time: 0.01s, Ten single attacks (0.80 each) capped at 19999, activates Ice Chain (max 150, field +0%) or adds 25 to the current Ice Chain maximum limit and increases the current chain count on all enemies by 10, grants [Chain Force Mode (Josef)] and [Instant ATB 1] to the user]
𝐋𝐎Heroic Hardheadphys ^4.0/4 ice w/ 99k cap @ +100% crit scaling w/ LB pts and honing, party PM blink 1
𝐋𝐆Frost Flash (Josef)instant phys 3.36 ice+non w/ 99k cap, self +250 LB pts
DA“Awoken Hero's Smash”phys 6.3/7 ice+non w/ 19k cap, ice infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x Monk dmg 15s, 15s: [Dual Awoken Monk Mode I (Josef): Monk abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Monk abilities, cast speed x2.00 for equipped Monk abilities, causes [Imperil Ice 10% (5s)] after using equipped Monk abilities, grants [50% Damage Reduction Barrier 1] to all allies after casting two equipped Monk abilities]
theninstant party crit =50% 25s, self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Monk Mode II (Josef): Monk abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Monk abilities, grants [Dual Standing 60% Critical (15s)]/[Dual Standing 80% Critical (15s)]/[Dual Standing 100% Critical (15s)] to all allies after using Monk abilities, grants [Critical Damage +50% 1] to all allies after using Monk abilities, lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Monk Mode I (Josef)] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
CDauntless Courageinstant II chain 1.5x (max 99), party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, instacast 1
ADSnowfield Survivorinstant party +20% ice dmg 15s, self +20% ice vuln. 15s
then[Snowfield Survivor: Type: Physical, Element: (Ice,NE), Cast time: 2.5s, Ten single attacks (1.00/1.10 each) capped at 9999/19999, followed by one single attack (10.00/11.00) capped at 99999 at Snowfield Survivor level 0/1, grants [Instant Cast 1] to all allies removes Arcane Dyad Empowered: Josef from the user]
SA2Hero's Resolvephys 9.0/15 ice+non, ice infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 10% Dmg barrier 1, (Dmg barrier lost ⤇ party Last stand, self +50% ice dmg 5s, reset status lvl)
[Monk], w/ icep4.5/5, then ^4.71, i+n
[Monk], w/ iceinstant self fastcast 3, 1.3x ice dmg 3 turns
SA1Heroic Blowphys 9.0/15 ice+non, ice infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, (cmd 1 ⤇ status lvl +1)
[Monk], w/ Monkp5.4/6 i+n
[Support], w/ Monkself/party/party (instacast 2) / (40% Dmg barrier 2) / (crit =100% 25s) @ 0-1-2 status lvl, self reset status lvl
AA2Snow Savvyphys 9.0/15 ice+earth+non, self/party/party (hi fastcast 1) / (hi fastcast 1, 1.15x dmg vs weak 15s) / (hi fastcast 1, 1.3x dmg vs weak 15s) if 0-2-4+ II chars. alive, party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, Last stand, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: Awoken Monk: Monk inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AA1Purposeful Journeyphys 9.0/15 ice+non, ice infuse 25s, party PM blink 1, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (2 Monk ⤇ dualcast Monk 1 turn), 15s: Awoken Monk: Monk inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AOHero's Backbonephys 24.0/3 ice w/ 99k cap
U2Hero's Smashphys 7.1/10 ice+non, +20% ice vuln. 25s, ice infuse 25s, party Reflect Dmg 75% as ice 30s, self fastcast 3
U1Heroic Soulparty +50% ATK 25s, Haste, Last stand, self fastcast 2
G+2Heroic Classinstant ice infuse w/ stacking 25s, self +250 SB pts
G+1Hero's Heartinstant party PM blink 1
GHero's Roarinstant ice infuse stacking 25s, ice infuse 25s, 15s: (ice ⤇ p1.8/4 i+n Monk)
BUndaunted Heroice infuse 25s, party +30% ATK/MAG 25s
[Monk]p1.41/​3 i+n, or p2.82/​6 if cmd 2 status
[Monk]p1.88/​4 i+n, 25s: -40% DEF/RES, fastcast
S2Snow CrushAoE phys 5.76/6 ice+non, party Haste
S1Snows of DeathAoE phys 5.84/4 ice+non, party heal 40% HP
-AvalancheAoE phys 4.11/3 ice rngd, party +30% ATK 25s
-Noble Sacrificeparty +50% ATK 25s, self KO
LMR2A Father's Love25% dualcast Monk
LMR1Man of Virtueice infuse 25s at battle start
LM2Fitting End(<20% HP ⤇ Doom 15s, party heal 55% HP, party Last stand)
LM1Salamand's Boast1.15x Monk dmg


𝐋𝐎Dual Dragon Divephys ^4.0/4 lgt+dark jump w/ 99k cap @ +100% crit scaling w/ LB pts and honing
𝐋𝐆Lightning Raiment (Kain)instant lgt infuse 25s
DA2“Awoken Dark Thrust”phys 6.3/7 lgt+dark+non jump w/ 19k cap, self dmg cap +20k 15s, 1.05x Dragoon dmg 15s, 1 turn: (lgt/dark ⤇ lgt/dark infuse w/ stacking), 15s: 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x Dragoon dmg @ rank 1-5, dualcast Dragoon, jump instacast
theninstant self instant ATB 1, 1 turn: 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x Dragoon dmg @ rank 1-5, Dragoon instacast, no air time, (Dragoon ⤇ triplecast Dragoon 1 turn, crit =100% 1 turn, [Critical Damage +20% 1: 20% additional critical damage (stacks with all other Critical Damage buffs), lasts for 1 turn], no air time 1 turn)
DA1Awoken Gungnirphys 6.3/7 lgt+non jump w/ 19k cap, lgt infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x Dragoon dmg 15s, 15s: [Dual Awoken Dragoon Pride Mode I (Kain - Lightning): Dragoon abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Dragoon abilities, cast speed x2.00/x2.50/x3.00 for equipped Dragoon abilities after using 1/2/3+ Dragoon abilities, casts Dual Dragoon Dive after casting three Dragoon abilities]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Dragoon Pride Mode II (Kain - Lightning): Increases the damage/healing cap by 20000, Dragoon abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Dragoon abilities, cast speed x9999999 for Jump attacks, critical chance =100%, lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Dragoon Pride Mode I (Kain - Lightning)] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
C+Lightning Bond (Kain)instant lgt chain 1.5x (max 150), party (+10% lgt dmg 5s) / (+20% lgt dmg 5s) / (+30% lgt dmg 5s) if 0-2-4+ Lightning infused chars., +50% ATK 25s, self instacast 1
CImpulse Drivelgt chain 1.2x (max 99), phys 7.92/22 lgt jump
ADApex Jumpinstant lgt infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
thenphys 20.0/20 - 22.0/20 - 24.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 - 12.0 w/ 99k cap, lgt+non jump @ 0-100k-300k dmg dealt
SA2Cross Javelinphys 9.0/15 lgt+dark+non jump, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (lgt/dark ⤇ lgt/dark infuse 2 w/ stacking)
[Dragoon], w/ lgt/darkp3.6/4 - 7.2/8 l+d+n jump @ 0/1 status lvl, self dmg cap +10k 1 turn, status lvl -1
[Dragoon], w/ Dragoonp2.7/3 l+d+n jump, self crit =100% 2 turns, 1.3x Dragoon dmg 2 turns, status lvl +2
SA1Blood Dragoonphys 9.0/15 lgt+non jump, lgt infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (3 lgt ⤇ p5.28 l+n rngd w/ 99k cap Dragoon)
[Dragoon], w/ lgtp6.4 l+n jump w/ 99k cap, air time 2.50s
[Dragoon], w/ lgtp2.7/3 l+n rngd, self jump hi fastcast 2
AA2Raging Dragoonphys 9.0/15 lgt+dark+non jump, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (lgt/dark ⤇ lgt/dark infuse), 15s: +50% crit dmg, (1/2/3/4+ lgt/dark ⤇ crit =25/50/75/100%), 15s: Awoken Dragoon Pride: Dragoon inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AA1Lance of the Dragonphys 9.0/15 lgt+non jump, lgt infuse 25s, self dmg cap +20k 15s, 15s: (3 Dragoon ⤇ p5.2 l+wi+n rngd w/ 99k cap Dragoon), 15s: Awoken Dragoon: Dragoon inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, jump instacast
AO2Evil Tornado Divephys 11.0/20, then 8.0 w/ 99k cap, dark jump
AO1Dragoon Divephys 24.0/3 lgt jump w/ 99k cap
U3Surging Darknessphys 7.1/10 lgt+dark+non jump, self jump instacast 15s, no air time 15s, 1 turn: (lgt/dark ⤇ lgt/dark infuse w/ stacking)
BUDragon's Wrathphys 7.2/10 lgt jump, lgt infuse 25s, self no air time 2 turns
[Dragoon], +1 on Dragoonp1.92 – 3.25 – 6.5 – 10.15 l jump, 99k cap at brv.1+
U1Luminous Dragonphys 7.1/10 lgt+non jump, lgt infuse 25s, self +30% ATK/DEF 25s, jump instacast 15s
OKain's Lancephys 10.5 lgt+non jump w/ 99k cap, up to p14.5 w/ Dragoon used
G+2Primed Jumpinstant dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.3x dmg vs weak 2 turns
G+1Dragon's Descentinstant no air time 15s, instacast 1
GDraconic Tempestinstant lgt infuse stacking 25s, lgt infuse 25s, self hi fastcast 2
BDragoon's PrideAoE phys 5.0/4 lgt+non jump, lgt infuse 25s
[Dragoon]p2.06/​2 l rngd, self no air time 2 turns
[Dragoon]p2.06/​2 l rngd, self refill 1 abil. use
SRising Drivephys 7.8/4 jump, self no air time 3 turns
-“Unmatched Triple Assault”phys 5.16/3, 100% Paralyze
-Gungnirphys 5.0 jump, -50% DEF/RES 25s
-Lancetphys 4.0, self heal 50% of dmg
LMR3Dragoon Resolute25% dualcast Dragoon
LMR2Weak No Morelgt infuse 25s at battle start
LMR1Dragoon's Essence1.25x Dragoon dmg if using a spear
LM2Soaring Dragoon+2% ATK (max +50%) per jump hit
LM1Echoing Roar1.1x lgt dmg
𝐋𝐎Catastrophe Zeromagic ^15.0/5 dark+bio w/ 99k cap scaling w/ LB pts and honing, party lose 1000 HP
𝐋𝐆Dark Raiment (Kefka)instant dark infuse 25s
DA“Awoken Stroke of Destruction”magic 21.35/7 dark+bio+non w/ 19k cap, dark infuse w/ stacking 25s, self +50% MAG/MND 25s, dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x Darkness dmg 15s, 15s: 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x Darkness dmg @ rank 1-5, triplecast Darkness, (3 Darkness ⤇ m16.16 d+b+n w/ 99k cap Darkness)
theninstant self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Darkness Mode II (Kefka): Increases the damage/healing cap by 20000, Darkness abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Darkness abilities, cast speed x9999999 for Darkness abilities, grants [Dark +50% Boost 1] and [Instant Cast 1] to the user when removed, lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Darkness Mode I (Kefka)] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
ADCruelest Angelinstant self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (dark/bio ⤇ dark/bio infuse w/ stacking)
thenmagic 63.0/20 - 70.0/20 - 77.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 34.6 - 38.06 - 41.52 w/ 99k cap, dark+bio+non @ 0-100k-300k dmg dealt
SARising Tonemagic 22.5/15 dark+bio+non, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 40% Dmg barrier 1, 1 turn: (dark/bio ⤇ dark/bio infuse 2 w/ stacking), (next 5 Dmg barrier lost ⤇ m^18.64 d+b+n Darkness, self instant ATB 1, 40% Dmg barrier 1)
[Darkness], w/ dark/biom18.3/6 d+b+n, self hi fastcast 1
[Darkness], w/ dark/biom16.4 d+b+n w/ 99k cap, self 1.3x dark/bio dmg 1 turn
AA2Symphony of Destructionmagic 22.5/15 bio+non, bio infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, instacast 3, dualcast bio 3 turns, 15s: Awoken Poison: bio inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AA1Stroke of Destructionmagic 22.5/15 dark+bio+non, dark infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (2 Darkness ⤇ m12.16/8 d+b+n Darkness), 15s: Awoken Darkness: Darkness inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AOMagitek Triadmagic 79.5/3 dark+bio w/ 99k cap
UMagitek Rampagemagic 16.2/10 dark+bio, dark infuse 25s, 15s: EX: +30% MAG, (dark ⤇ m4.96/4 - 6.4/5 - 7.92/6 - 9.52/7 - 11.2/8 d+b+n B.Mag w/ 1…5 uses)
ORuin Beckonsmagic 37.5 dark+non w/ 99k cap, or m42.5 vs. weak
G+2“No Laughing Matter”instant fastcast 3, +250 SB pts
G+1Scornful Laughinstant self hi fastcast 1, 1 turn: (dark/bio ⤇ dark/bio infuse w/ stacking)
GPath to Madnessinstant Darkness hi fastcast 15s, 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x Darkness dmg @ rank 1-5 15s
B2Harness the Fiendmagic 15.04/8 dark+bio, dark infuse 25s
[B.Mag]m4.4/​2 d+b, -10/​20/​30/​30% MAG w/ 0-​1-2-​3 uses 25s, powers up cmd 2
[B.Mag]m6.9/​3 - 9.4/​4 - 12.0/​5 - 18.0/​6 d+b
B1Symphony of Madnessmagic 15.04/8 bio+non, bio infuse 25s
[B.Mag]m8.96/​4 b+d
[Dancer]20% Slow, AoE -40% ATK 15s
SForsaken Nullmagic 17.78/7, party fastzap 3
-Magic Infusionparty +20% MAG 25s, Haste
-Havoc WingAoE magic 9.45/3, 51% (21% × 3) Blind, 41% (16% × 3) Paralyze
LMR2Destruction's Delightdark infuse 25s at battle start
LMR1Conniving Clown25% dualcast dark
LM2Jester of Doom(dark ⤇ 30% for fastcast 3)
LM1Maniacal Mage1.1x dark dmg
𝐋𝐂“Parallel Bond: Kelger (Earth)”instant [Parallel Bond: Kelger (Earth): Type: Physical, Element: (Earth,NE), Cast time: 0.01s, Ten single attacks (0.80 each) capped at 19999, activates Earth Chain (max 150, field +0%) or adds 25 to the current Earth Chain maximum limit, grants [Chain Force Mode (Kelger)] and [Instant ATB 1] to the user]
𝐋𝐎Dawn Guidancephys ^5.0/5 earth w/ 99k cap @ +100% crit scaling w/ LB pts and honing
DA“Awoken True Lupine Attack”phys 6.3/7 earth+non w/ 19k cap, earth infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x Ninja dmg 15s, 15s: [Dual Awoken Ninja Mode I (Kelger): Ninja abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Ninja abilities, cast speed x2.00/x2.50/x3.00 and critical chance =50%/75%/100% for equipped Ninja abilities after casting 1/2/3+ Ninja abilities]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Ninja Mode II (Kelger): Increases the damage/healing cap by 10000, Ninja abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Ninja abilities, critical chance =100%, cast speed x9999999 for Ninja abilities, casts Dual Lupine Shock after using Ninja abilities, lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Ninja Mode I (Kelger)] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
ADApex Lupine Attackinstant earth infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
thenphys 20.0/20 - 22.0/20 - 24.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 - 12.0 w/ 99k cap, earth+non @ 0-100k-300k dmg dealt
SAFerocious Alphaphys 9.0/15 earth+non, earth infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, instant ATB 3, instacast 3
[Ninja], w/ Ninjafast p4.8/6 e+n
[Ninja], w/ Ninjafast p2.4/3 e+n, self 1.3x Ninja dmg 3 turns
AA2Lupine Forcephys 9.0/15 earth+non, earth infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, Phys blink stacking 15s, Phys blink 2, fastcast 2, 15s: Awoken Alpha Wolf: Ninja inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, (Ninja ⤇ p4.48/4 e+n Ninja, +10% earth dmg if Phys blink 2 15s)
AA1True Lupine Attackphys 9.0/15 earth+non, earth infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (2 Ninja ⤇ p2.68/4 - 4.02/6 - 5.36/8 e+n Ninja @ 0/1/2 Phys blink), 15s: Awoken Ninja: Ninja inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AOLupine Boostphys 11.0/20, then 8.0 w/ 99k cap, earth
ULupine Attackphys 7.1/10 earth+wind, self Phys blink 1, 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x Ninja dmg @ rank 1-5 15s, 15s: (earth ⤇ p1.28/4 - 1.92/6 - 2.56/8 e+wi+n rngd Ninja @ 0/1/2 Phys blink)
G+Fury of the Wolfinstant earth infuse stacking 25s, earth infuse 25s, self instacast 1
GWolf Howlinstant phys 3.12/6 earth+non, earth infuse stacking 25s, earth infuse 25s
BSonic Swiftnessphys 6.64/8 earth+wind, earth infuse 25s
[Ninja]fast p1.88/​4 e+wi
[Ninja]fast p1.5/​2 e+wi, self Phys blink 1
SLupine Howlinstant party heal 40% HP, Phys blink 1
LMR3Dying Breath25% dualcast Ninja
LMR2Undimmed Justiceearth infuse 25s at battle start
LMR1Nimble Werewolf(Ninja ⤇ 25% for Phys blink 1)
LM2Leader of the Pack(Ninja ⤇ 30% for fastcast 3)
LM1Detester of Evil1.1x earth dmg
DAAwoken Fang of Gagazetphys 6.3/7 water+non jump w/ 19k cap, +20% water vuln. 25s, water infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x water dmg 15s, 15s: [Dual Awoken Water Mode I (Kimahri): Water abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Water abilities, cast speed x1.50/2.00/x2.50/x3.00 and critical chance =25%/50%/75%/100% for equipped Water abilities after casting 1/2/3/4+ Water abilities]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Water Mode II (Kimahri): Water abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Water abilities, cast speed x9999999 for Water abilities, grants [Damage Cap +10000 3] to all other allies who have any Attach Water after using a Water ability (only triggers one time), lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Water Mode I (Kimahri)] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
ADNovainstant water infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
thenphys 20.0/20 - 22.0/20 - 24.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 - 12.0 w/ 99k cap, water+non jump @ 0-100k-300k dmg dealt
SAInherited Resolvephys 9.0/15 water+non jump, water infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (3 cmd 1/cmd 2 ⤇ dualcast Dragoon 1 turn, dmg cap +10k 1 turn, +40% water dmg 8s, remove mode)
[Dragoon], w/ waterp5.4/6 wa+n jump, self 1.3x Dragoon dmg 1 turn
[Dragoon], w/ waterp6.0 wa+n jump w/ 99k cap, self 1.3x Dragoon dmg 1 turn
AA2Ocean Breathphys 9.0/15 water+non jump, water infuse w/ stacking 25s, party +50% crit dmg 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (3 water ⤇ p5.28 wa+n jump w/ 99k cap Dragoon, self +250 SB pts (once only)), 15s: Awoken Azure Guardian: [Awoken Azure Guardian: Water abilities don't consume uses, dualcasts Water abilities, cast speed x2.00/2.25/2.50/2.75/3.00 for Water abilities at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5]
AA1Dragonfang Currentphys 9.0/15 water+non jump, water infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, no air time 15s, 15s: Awoken Water: water inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AOAzure Lanceinstant phys 24.0/3 water+fire jump w/ 99k cap, self KO
U2Ronso Breathphys 7.1/10 water+non jump, water infuse w/ stacking 25s, self jump instacast 15s, 15s: (Dragoon ⤇ p1.28/4 - 2.56/8 wa+n rngd Dragoon @ 1/2 +2n uses)
U1Undimmed Spiritparty +30% ATK/MAG/RES 25s, Reflect Dmg 75% as water 30s
G+2Ronso Spiritinstant dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.3x dmg vs weak 2 turns
G+1Aqua Landinginstant water infuse stacking 25s, water infuse 25s, self no air time 3 turns
BAqua Breath (X)AoE phys 5.76/6 water+non rngd, +20% water vuln. 25s
[Combat]p1.88/​4 wa+n rngd, ally heal 25% HP
[Combat]p1.6/​2 wa+n rngd, self refill 1 abil. use
SFang of Gagazetphys 7.8/5, party Magic blink 1
-Ronso Jumpphys 5.16/4 jump, self Regen (hi), +35% ATK/DEF 25s
-Mighty Guard (X)party Magic blink 1
LMR+Re-action (Kimahri)dualcast water per 3 uses
LMR2Devoted Guardianwater infuse 25s at battle start
LMR1Spear of Wrath1.2x PHY dmg if using a spear
LM2Hornless Pride(PHY atk ⤇ 45% for +10% water vuln. 15s)
LM1Eye on Victory1.1x water dmg
DAAwoken Hawkeyephys 6.3/7 lgt+non rngd w/ 19k cap, lgt infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.3x PHY dmg 15s, 1.05x lgt dmg 15s, 15s: 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x lgt dmg @ rank 1-5, triplecast lgt, (2 lgt ⤇ -50% DEF/RES/MND 8s)
theninstant self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Lightning Mode II (King): Increases the damage/healing cap by 20000, Lightning abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Lightning abilities, critical chance =100%, lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Lightning Mode I (King)] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
ADApex Point-Blank Shotinstant lgt infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
thenphys 20.0/20 - 22.0/20 - 24.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 - 12.0 w/ 99k cap, lgt+non rngd @ 0-100k-300k dmg dealt
SAEndless Snipephys 9.0/15 lgt+non rngd, lgt infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, status lvl +1, 15s: triplecast lgt, (2 lgt ⤇ p6.0/12 l+n rngd Machinist, once only)
[Machinist], w/ lgtp1.8/2 - 3.6/4 - 5.4/6 l+n rngd w/ 0-1-2 uses
[Machinist], w/ lgtinstant self fastcast 2, 1.3x lgt dmg 2 turns @ 1 status lvl, status lvl -1
AAKing Snipe Modephys 9.0/15 lgt+non rngd, lgt infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.3x PHY dmg 15s, 15s: (3 lgt ⤇ p6.0/12 l+n rngd Machinist @ +50 - 75 - 100% crit @ 0-72k-240k dmg dealt, once only), 15s: Awoken Lightning: lgt inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AOPoint-Blank Shotphys 11.0/20, then 8.0 w/ 99k cap, lgt rngd
U2Plasma Kingphys 7.1/10 lgt+non rngd, lgt infuse 25s, self fastcast 15s, 15s: (1/2/3/4+ Machinist ⤇ crit =30/50/75/100%), Finisher: phys 9.36/12 lgt+non rngd Machinist
U1Endless Waltzphys 6.96/12 lgt+non rngd, lgt infuse 25s, self +30% ATK/DEF 25s, double Machinist (uses extra hone) 15s
G+2Munitions Chargeinstant phys 3.36 lgt rngd w/ 99k cap, or p3.6 vs. l weak, self +250 SB pts
G+1King's Triggerinstant lgt infuse w/ stacking 25s, self instacast 1
BMagazine Blastphys 6.36/12 lgt+fire rngd, lgt infuse 25s
[Machinist]p2.04/​4 l+f rngd, or p2.55/​5 vs. weak
[Machinist]p1.85 l+f rngd, self Machinist instacast 2
STrigger Fingerinstant AoE phys 5.22/6 lgt+non rngd, +20% lgt vuln. 25s
LMR+Onslaught (King)(lgt dmg ⤇ 35% for p?/4 l+n rngd)
LMR2Trusted Leader25% dualcast lgt
LMR1Depths Withinlgt infuse 25s at battle start
LM2Solemn MarksmanHaste, instacast 3 at battle start
LM1Crimson Firearms1.1x PHY dmg if using a gun
𝐋𝐎Thirst for Lifephys ^4.0/4 ice+dark w/ 99k cap @ +100% crit scaling w/ LB pts and honing
DA“Awoken Exsanguination”phys 6.3/7 dark+ice+non w/ 19k cap, -70% DEF/RES/MND if 0 VIII chars. alive 8s, +30% A/D/M/R if ≥4 VIII chars. alive 8s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x dark/ice dmg 15s, 1 turn: (dark/ice ⤇ dark/ice infuse w/ stacking), 15s: [Dual Awoken Laguna Mania Mode I (Kiros): Dark and Ice abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Dark and Ice abilities, cast speed x2.00 for equipped Dark and Ice abilities, grants [Critical Damage +50% 1] to all allies with any Attach Dark or Attach Ice after using two Dark or Ice abilities]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Laguna Mania Mode II (Kiros): Increase the damage/healing cap by 20000, Dark and Ice abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Dark and Ice abilities, cast speed x9999999 for Dark and Ice abilities, critical chance =100%, lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Laguna Mania Mode I (Kiros)] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
AD“Apex Exsanguination”instant self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (dark/ice ⤇ dark/ice infuse)
thenphys 20.0/20 - 22.0/20 w/ 9k/19k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 w/ 99k cap, dark+ice+non @ 0-100k dmg dealt
SA2“Blood Cyclone”phys 9.0/15 dark+ice+non, self crit =100% 25s, dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (dark/ice ⤇ dark/ice infuse 2 w/ stacking)
[Ninja], w/ dark/icefast p4.0/5 - 4.8/6 - 5.6/7 d+i+n w/ 0-1-2 uses
[Ninja], w/ dark/iceinstant p2.4/3 d+i+n, self 1.3x dark/ice dmg 3 turns
SA1Exotic Impactphys 9.0/15 dark+ice+non, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (dark/ice ⤇ dark/ice infuse 2 w/ stacking), 15s: (2 cmd 1/cmd 2 d/i/n ⤇ party 1.3x dark/ice/dark dmg 1 turn)
[Ninja], w/ dark/icefast p4.8/6 d+i+n
[Ninja], w/ dark/iceinstant p2.4/3 d+i+n, same row fastcast 1
AA2“For Your Entertainment”[For Your Entertainment: Type: Physical, Element: (Dark,Ice,NE), Cast time: 2.5s, Fifteen single attacks (0.60 each), grants [ATK, DEF, MAG and RES +30% (25s)] to all allies, grants [100% Critical 2] to the user if 0-1 of Laguna and Ward are alive, grants [100% Critical (15s)] to all allies if both Laguna and Ward are alive, grants [Awoken Laguna Aide], [Damage Cap +10000] and [Dark/Ice Switch Draw Mode] to the user]
AA1Repeated Exsanguinationphys 9.0/15 dark+ice+non, +20% ice/dark vuln. 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (dark/ice ⤇ dark/ice infuse), 15s: (2 dark/ice ⤇ p3.96/6 d+i+n Ninja @ +100% crit if Laguna or Ward alive), 15s: Awoken Laguna Mania: dark/ice inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
UKatar Danceinstant phys 6.2/10 dark+ice+non, self fastcast 1, 1 turn: (dark/ice ⤇ dark/ice infuse w/ stacking), 15s: (dark/ice ⤇ same row fastcast 1)
G+2“Blood Charge”instant fastcast 3, +250 SB pts
G+1Switch Reductioninstant self hi fastcast 1, 1 turn: (dark/ice ⤇ dark/ice infuse w/ stacking)
BExsanguinationphys 7.4/10 dark+ice, party +30% ATK/MAG 25s
[Support]fast p1.8 d+i, -40% DEF 15s
[Support]fast p1.8 d+i (NAT), -50% RES 15s
SInteresting TimesAoE phys 5.88/6 rngd, -30% A/D/M/R/MND 25s
LMR+Subversion (Kiros)(3 ice ⤇ +10% ice vuln. 15s)
LMRExotic Presence(Ninja/Sharpshooter ⤇ 20% for +10% dark vuln. 15s)
LM2Slim Sidekick35% dualcast dark/ice
LM1Katar Master1.1x PHY dmg
𝐋𝐎Starfall Devastationmagic ^9.0/3 fire+earth w/ 99k cap scaling w/ LB pts and honing, party 50% Dmg barrier 2
𝐋𝐆Earth Raiment (Krile)instant earth infuse 25s
DAAwoken Cleansingmagic 21.35/7 fire+earth+non w/ 19k cap, self +50% MAG/MND 25s, dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x fire/earth dmg 15s, 1 turn: (fire/earth ⤇ fire/earth infuse w/ stacking), 15s: [Dual Awoken Successor Mode I (Krile): Fire and Earth abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Fire and Earth abilities, casts Dual Consuming Flame after using two equipped Fire or Earth abilities]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Successor Mode II (Krile): Increases the damage/healing cap by 20000, Fire and Earth abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Fire and Earth abilities, Fire and Earth abilities deal 30% more damage, lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Successor Mode I (Krile)] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
C+“Fire Bond (Krile)”instant fire chain 1.5x (max 150), party (+10% fire dmg 5s) / (+20% fire dmg 5s) / (+30% fire dmg 5s) if 0-2-4+ Fire infused chars., +50% MAG 25s, self instacast 1
C2Dearest FriendsV chain 1.5x (max 150), party Haste, +30% ATK/MAG 25s
C1Unbroken Chainfire chain 1.2x (max 99), magic 17.93/11 fire, party fastcast 2
AD2Endearing Strengthinstant earth infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
thenmagic 63.0/20 - 70.0/20 - 77.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 34.6 - 38.06 - 41.52 w/ 99k cap, earth+non @ 0-100k-300k dmg dealt
AD1Wind Drake's Backinstant fire infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
thenmagic 63.0/20 - 70.0/20 - 77.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 34.6 - 38.06 - 41.52 w/ 99k cap, fire+non @ 0/5/8 fire
SA2Inspiring Heartmagic 22.5/15 fire+earth+non, dmg cap +10k 15s, self status lvl +1, 1 turn: (fire/earth ⤇ fire/earth infuse 2 w/ stacking)
[B.Mag], w/ fire/earthm18.3/6 f+e+n
[B.Mag], w/ fire/earthinstant m2.7 f+e+n, self fastcast 3, 1.3x fire/earth dmg 3 turns, dmg cap +20k 3 turns @ 1 status lvl, status lvl -1
SA1Baldesion Attackmagic 22.5/15 fire+earth+non, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (fire/earth ⤇ fire/earth infuse 2 w/ stacking), 15s: (fire ⤇ +10% fire dmg 15s), (earth ⤇ +10% earth dmg 15s)
[B.Mag], w/ fire/earthm17.4/6 - 18.3/6 - 19.2/6 f+e+n w/ 0-1-2 uses
[B.Mag], w/ fire/earthm9.15/3 - 18.3/6 f+e+n w/o - w/ Galuf alive, self fastcast 2
AABestial Exodusmagic 22.5/15 fire+earth+non (SUM), self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (fire/earth ⤇ fire/earth infuse), 15s: (fire/earth ⤇ party 40% Dmg barrier 1), 15s: Awoken Successor: fire/earth inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AO2Gaia's Ragemagic 36.4/20, then 26.5 w/ 99k cap, earth (SUM)
AO1Raging Hellfiremagic 36.4/20, then 26.5 w/ 99k cap, fire (SUM)
U4Terrestrial Incandescenceinstant magic 14.8/10 fire+earth+non, party 50% Dmg barrier 1, 1 turn: (fire/earth ⤇ fire/earth infuse w/ stacking)
U3Gift of Hopemagic 17.0/10 earth+non, earth infuse 25s, self fastcast 1, 15s: (earth ⤇ fastcast 1), 15s: (earth ⤇ m8.08/4 e+n B.Mag, or m10.1/5 if Galuf alive)
BUKindred Flamemagic 17.3/10 fire, fire infuse 25s, self fastcast 15s
[B.Mag], +1 on B.Magm7.92 – 12.0 – 20.8 – 35.0 f, 99k cap at brv.1+
U1Cleansingmagic 17.0/10 fire+non, fire infuse 25s, self +30% MAG/RES 25s, 15s: (fire dmg ⤇ m2.84/2 - 4.26/3 - 5.68/4 - 7.1/5 - 8.52/6 f+n B.Mag @ rank 1-5)
OMeteoric Assaultmagic 38.0 fire+non w/ 99k cap, up to m44.0 w/ fire atks used
G+Ancestral Devotioninstant magic 7.5 fire+earth w/ 99k cap, or m8.03 if Galuf alive, 1 turn: (fire/earth ⤇ fire/earth infuse w/ stacking)
G2Cloud of Dustinstant earth infuse stacking 25s, earth infuse 25s, self hi fastcast 2
G1Boundless Loveinstant fire infuse stacking 25s, fire infuse 25s, self hi fastcast 2
B2Brimstonemagic 15.04/8 fire+non, +20% fire vuln. 25s
[B.Mag]fast m8.0/​4 f+n
[B.Mag]AoE m6.18/​2 f+n, self +30% MAG, -30% DEF 20s
B1Tomorrow's PromiseAoE magic 11.94/6 fire+non, fire infuse 25s
[B.Mag]m8.68/​4 f+n, 31% (9% × 4) Stun
[B.Mag]AoE m6.08/​2 f+n, 29% (16% × 2) Slow
S2Sheepsongparty Haste, Regen (hi), +30% MAG 25s
S1Unspoken Bondmagic 17.84/8 (SUM), party fastzap 3
-“Heaven Arc”magic 11.8/5 (NAT), 56% (15% × 5) Sap 40s/Sleep
-Wind Drake's RoarAoE magic 7.6 (SUM), 100% Stun
LMR+Refinement (Krile)1.25x BLK dmg
LMR4Natural ConnectionHaste, instacast 1 at battle start
LMR3Innate Cheerearth infuse 25s at battle start
LMR2A Granddaughter's Drive25% dualcast fire
LMR1Unbridled Enthusiasmfire infuse 25s at battle start
LM2Grandfather's Footsteps(fire ⤇ 30% for fastcast 3)
LM1Boundless Affection1.1x fire dmg
𝐋𝐂“Entwined Bond: Kuja (Dark)”instant [Entwined Bond: Kuja (Dark): Type: Magical, Element: (Dark,NE), Cast time: 0.01s, Ten single attacks (2.60 each) capped at 19999, activates Dark Chain (max 150, field +0%) or adds 25 to the current Dark Chain maximum limit, grants [Chain Force Mode (Kuja)] and [Instant ATB 1] to the user]
𝐋𝐎Force Requiemmagic ^15.0/5 dark w/ 99k cap scaling w/ LB pts and honing
DA“Awoken Darkflare Star”magic 21.35/7 dark+non w/ 19k cap, dark infuse w/ stacking 25s, self +50% MAG/MND 25s, dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x Darkness dmg 15s, 15s: [Dual Awoken Darkness Mode I (Kuja): Darkness abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Darkness abilities, cast speed x2.00 for equipped Darkness abilities]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Darkness Mode II (Kuja): Darkness abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, cast speed x9999999 for Darkness abilities, grants [Damage Cap +10000 1]/[200% ATB 2] and [Damage Cap +10000 2] after using Darkness abilities if the user has 0-499/500+ SB points, lasts for 1 turn]
CCloudburst Blessinginstant dark chain 1.5x (max 99), party +50% MAG 25s, +20% dark dmg 15s
ADSoul Resonanceinstant dark infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
thenmagic 63.0/20 - 70.0/20 - 77.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 34.6 - 38.06 - 41.52 w/ 99k cap, dark+non @ 0/5/8 dark
SAChaos Dividermagic 22.5/15 dark+non, dark infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: dark instacast, 1.25x SB gauge from dark, (dark ⤇ self 1.15-1.3-1.5x dark dmg 1 turn @ 0-500-1000+ SB pts)
[Darkness], w/ darkm18.3/6 d+n
[Darkness], w/ darkm16.4 - 32.8/2 d+n w/ 99k cap @ 0-1000 SB pts, self -250 SB pts @ 1000+ SB pts, no SB pts
AA2“Planetary Reaper”magic 22.5/15 dark+non, dark infuse w/ stacking 25s, self +30% MAG/RES 25s, dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: Awoken Reaper: [Awoken Reaper: Darkness abilities don't consume uses, cast speed x2.00/2.25/2.50/2.75/3.00 for Darkness abilities at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, casts Dark Divider after using after using Darkness abilities]
AA1Ultima Symphonymagic 22.5/15 dark+non, dark infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: hi fastcast, (2 dark ⤇ +10% dark dmg 15s), 15s: Awoken Darkness: Darkness inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AOPlanet Requiemmagic 79.5/3 dark w/ 99k cap
U3Reaper's Callinstant magic 17.9/10 dark+non, dark infuse w/ stacking 25s, self 1.3x dark dmg 15s, 15s: (dark ⤇ m8.16/4 d+n Darkness)
BUChaotic Rhapsodymagic 17.3/10 dark, dark infuse 25s, party Doom 30s, self +30% MAG/RES 25s
[Darkness], +1 on darkm7.92 – 12.0 – 20.8 – 35.0 d, 99k cap at brv.1+, self Reraise 40% at brv.3
U1Soulsplittermagic 17.0/10 dark+non, dark infuse 25s, 15s: EX: 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x Darkness dmg @ rank 1-5, Finisher: AoE magic 35% BLK/8 B.Mag
OFinal Requiemmagic 38.0 dark+non w/ 99k cap, or m44.0 if Doomed
G+Dark Refraininstant dark infuse w/ stacking 25s, self +250 SB pts
GSoul Chargeinstant dark infuse stacking 25s, dark infuse 25s, self hi fastzap 1, Last stand
B2Corrupt Refrainmagic 15.04/8 dark+non, dark infuse 25s, self Doom 45s
[Darkness]fast m8.0/​4 d+n, self -3s Doom
[Darkness]m5.72/​2 - 8.58/​3 - 11.44/​4 - 14.3/​5 d+n @ 40-​25-​15 sec Doom
B1Force Symphonymagic 17.6/8 dark+non, +20% dark vuln. 25s
[B.Mag]m8.16/​4 d+n, or m11.44/​4 if Doomed
[B.Mag]AoE m5.88/​2 d+n, or m8.24/​2 if Doomed
S2Clutch StrikeAoE magic 14.1/5 dark+non, dark infuse 25s
S1Darkflare Starmagic 17.6/8 dark, party +20% MAG 25s
-Dread of DeathAoE magic 9.4/4 dark, dark infuse 25s
LMR+Perseverance (Kuja)(<20% HP ⤇ heal 100% HP, +50% MAG, -50% RES 25s, hi fastcast 25s)
LMRAshen Narcissistdark infuse 25s at battle start
LM2Death Eternal35% dualcast dark
LM1King of the Dark City-10% BLK dmg taken
DA“Awoken Flash Freeze”phys 6.3/7 ice+dark+non w/ 19k cap, self [Critical Chance +50% (25s): Critical chance +50% (additive with other critical chance sources)] 25s or +30% MAG, +25% RES 25s, dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x ice/dark dmg 15s, 1 turn: (ice/dark ⤇ ice/dark infuse w/ stacking), 15s: [Dual Awoken Commanding Officer Mode I (Kurasame): Ice and Dark abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Ice and Dark abilities, cast speed x2.00 for equipped Ice and Dark abilities]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, 1 turn: 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x ice/dark dmg @ rank 1-5, ice/dark instacast, (ice/dark ⤇ +20% ice/dark vuln. 15s), (ice/dark ⤇ instant ATB 1, instacast 1)
C“Absolute Zero”instant [Absolute Zero: Cast time: 0.01s, Activates Ice Chain (max 150, field +30%), grants [MAG +50% (25s)] or [ATK +50% (25s)] if the user's ATK < MAG/ATK >= MAG]
AD“Ice Reaper”instant self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (ice/dark ⤇ ice/dark infuse)
thenphys 20.0/20 - 22.0/20 w/ 9k/19k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 w/ 99k cap, ice+dark+non @ 0-100k dmg dealt
SA“Sub-zero Ice Crush”p9.0/15 or m22.5/15 ice+dark+non, party +30% ATK/MAG, +25% DEF 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (ice/dark ⤇ ice/dark infuse 2 w/ stacking)
[Spellblade], w/ ice/darkp3.6/4 - 5.4/6 - 7.2/8 or m12.2/4 - 18.3/6 - 24.4/8 i+d+n w/ 0-1-2 uses, self [Dark/Ice Ability +30% Boost 1: Dark and Ice abilities deaal 30% more damage, lasts for 1 turn]
[Spellblade], w/ ice/darkp3.4/4 - 3.6/4 - 3.8/4 or m11.6/4 - 12.2/4 - 12.8/4 i+d+n w/ 0-1-2 uses, +10% ice/dark vuln. 15s per 2 uses
AA“Boreal Deathbringer”p9.0/15 or m22.5/15 ice+dark+non, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.3x ice/dark dmg 15s, instacast 2, 1 turn: (ice/dark ⤇ ice/dark infuse w/ stacking), 15s: Awoken Commanding Officer: ice/dark inf. hones, 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x ice/dark dmg @ rank 1-5, dualcast ice/dark
G+“Reaper Within”instant self +250 SB pts, 1 turn: (ice/dark ⤇ ice/dark infuse w/ stacking)
LM3“Vermillion King”35% dualcast ice/dark
LM2“Crystal's Blessing”+15% ATK 25s, instacast 3, Haste at battle start
LM1“Crystal's Will”+15% MAG 25s, instacast 3, Haste at battle start


𝐋𝐂“Entwined Bond: Laguna (Ice)”instant [Entwined Bond: Laguna (Ice): Type: Physical, Element: (Ice,NE), Cast time: 0.01s, Ten single ranged attacks (0.80 each) capped at 19999, activates Ice Chain (max 150, field +0%) or adds 25 to the current Ice Chain maximum limit and increases the current chain count on all enemies by 10, grants [Chain Force Mode (Laguna)] and [Instant ATB 1] to the user]
𝐋𝐎Tactical Frostphys ^5.0/5 ice rngd w/ 99k cap @ +100% crit scaling w/ LB pts and honing
DA“Awoken Desperado”phys 6.3/7 ice+non rngd w/ 19k cap, ice infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x ice dmg 15s, 15s: 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x ice dmg @ rank 1-5, triplecast ice, (1/2/3/4+ ice ⤇ crit =25/50/75/100%)
theninstant self instant ATB 1, 1 turn: 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x ice dmg @ rank 1-5, ice instacast, (ice ⤇ +20% ice vuln. 15s), (ice ⤇ instacast 1)
CJunction Linkice chain 1.5x (max 150), party +50% ATK 25s
ADUltimate Ragnarok Cannoninstant ice infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
thenphys 20.0/20 - 22.0/20 - 24.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 - 12.0 w/ 99k cap, ice+non rngd @ 0-100k-300k dmg dealt
SAFreezing Downpourphys 9.0/15 ice+non rngd, ice infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, status lvl +1, 15s: (1/2+ ice ⤇ 1.25/2x ATB), 15s: (cmd 1/cmd 2 ⤇ p2.0/4 i+n rngd Machinist @ +100% crit if Kiros or Ward alive)
[Machinist], w/ icep5.4/6 i+n rngd
[Machinist], w/ icep5.4/6 - 2.7/3 i+n rngd @ 0/1 status lvl, 1.3x ice dmg 3 turns if status lvl, self status lvl -1
AA2Parallel Desperadophys 9.0/15 ice+non rngd, party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, 1.09-1.15-1.3x dmg vs weak if 0-2-4+ VIII chars. alive 15s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (2 ice ⤇ p2.56/8 i+n rngd Machinist @ +100% crit if Kiros or Ward alive), 15s: Awoken Ice: ice inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AA1Tactical Attackphys 9.0/15 ice+non rngd, +20% ice vuln. 25s, ice infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (3 ice ⤇ +10% ice vuln. 15s), 15s: Awoken Ice: ice inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AOFreezing Crushphys 11.0/20, then 8.0 w/ 99k cap, ice rngd
U2Ragnarok Bladephys 7.1/10 ice+non rngd, ice infuse 25s, self +30% ATK/DEF 25s, double Machinist (uses extra hone) 15s
U1Ragnarok BusterAoE phys 5.25/7 ice+non rngd, +20% ice vuln. 25s, self +30% ATK/RES, hi fastcast 1, 15s: (ice ⤇ hi fastcast 1)
G+2“Junction Charge”instant +500 SB pts
G+1Junction Freezeinstant ice infuse stacking 25s, ice infuse 25s, self instacast 1
GFreeze Missilesinstant phys 3.12/6 ice+non rngd, ice infuse stacking 25s, ice infuse 25s
B2Freezing Beamphys 6.64/8 ice+non rngd, ice infuse 25s
[Machinist]p1.96/​4 i+n rngd, or p2.45/​5 vs. weak
[Machinist]p1.85 i+n rngd, self Machinist instacast 2
B1Split Laserphys 7.84/8 lgt+non rngd, +20% lgt vuln. 25s
[Machinist]p2.0/​4 l+n rngd, 25% (7% × 4) Paralyze/Silence
[Machinist]p1.85 l+n rngd, self Machinist instacast 2
S3Visions of the Pastphys 7.8/6 rngd, party +50% ATK 25s
S2Freezing BarrageAoE phys 5.95/7 ice rngd, +20% ice vuln. 25s
S1DesperadoAoE phys 6.0/6 rngd, 100% Slow
-Missile Salvophys 5.28/6 rngd, 100% Stop
LMR2Disarming Smileice infuse 25s at battle start
LMR1Splash of Fun(Machinist ⤇ 20% for +10% ice vuln. 15s)
LM2Tactical Gunner35% dualcast Machinist
LM1Aspiring Journalist1.15x Machinist dmg
AACrimson Punchphys 9.0/15 fire+non, fire infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, Negate dmg 100%, until Neg. Dmg. lost: crit =100%, (3 fire ⤇ p5.28/8 f+n Monk, self Negate dmg 100%), 15s: Awoken Fire: fire inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
UAtomic Impactphys 7.1/10 fire+non rngd, fire infuse 25s, self Negate dmg 100%, until Neg. Dmg. lost: crit =50%, (fire ⤇ p2.0/5 f+n Combat)
OMega Mirage Zantetsukenphys 12.6 w/ 99k cap, or p13.6 if Reynn alive, 60% KO
BChannel Element: FireAoE phys 4.92/6 fire+non rngd, fire infuse 25s
[Combat]p1.92/​4 f+n rngd, or p2.4/​4 vs. weak
[Combat]AoE p1.3/​2 f+n rngd, self +30% ATK, -30% DEF 20s
SRevenge Blastinstant phys 6.4/8, uses +ATK as HP falls, 100% Stun
LMRHarmony of Firefire infuse 25s at battle start
LM2Defiant Heart35% dualcast fire
LM1Freewheeler1.1x fire dmg
SAAmity Potioninstant party h105, Status blink 1, instacast 1, Last stand, self dmg cap +10k 15s, status lvl +1
[W.Mag], w/ W.Maginstant Autoheal 6k
[W.Mag], w/ W.Magparty h25, Autoheal 3k @ 1 status lvl, self status lvl -1
AA2Tracer Potioninstant party h55, Regenga, instacast 1, +30% A/D/M/R 25s, 15s: Awoken Potion Prince: W.Mag/Support inf. hones, W.Mag/Support hi fastcast, (W.Mag/Support ⤇ party Autoheal 2k)
AA1Soothing Waveinstant party h105, revive @ 100% HP, Haste, Status blink 1, Last stand, Esuna, 15s: Awoken Potion: W.Mag inf. hones, 2-3x W.Mag cast @ rank 1-5, (W.Mag ⤇ party heal 1.5k, Esuna)
U3Potion Showerinstant party h85, +50% crit dmg 25s, fastcast 2
U2Scintillating Potioninstant party h85, hi fastcast 2, 15s: (W.Mag/Support ⤇ party heal 1k, Esuna)
U1Potions Aplentyinstant party h85, Esuna, Status blink 1, Regen (hi)
G+2Hi-Potion (XII)instant party Autoheal 3k, hi fastcast 1
G+1Alabaster Pathinstant party Haste, Protect, Shell
GUnsullied Princeinstant party Status blink 1, Esuna
BLife Crystalparty h85, Status blink 1
[W.Mag]instant h105
[W.Mag]party h25
S2Manufacted Marvelparty Protect, Shell, Negate dmg 30%
S1Archadian Draughtparty h85, Haste
LMR3Precocious Wisdom(W.Mag ⤇ 25% for party h25)
LMR2Young Successor(W.Mag ⤇ 35% for Status blink 1)
LMR1Arc of Justice(ally W.Mag heal ⤇ 25% for ally Status blink 1)
LM2Emperor-In-Waiting35% dualcast W.Mag
LM1Velvet Glove1.15x WHT healing
SAWinter's Oblivionphys 9.0/15 ice+wind+non, ice infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, Retaliate @p1.2 15s, 15s: (2 ice ⤇ p^8.9/2 i+n Samurai, +10% ice vuln. 15s)
[Samurai], w/ icep5.4/6 i+wi+n @ +100% crit if Retaliate, self remove Retaliate
[Samurai], w/ icep5.91 i+wi+n w/ 99k cap, self Retaliate @p1.2 15s
AAAzure Skyphys 9.0/15 ice+wind+non, ice infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (3 ice ⤇ p5.2 i+wi+n w/ 99k cap Samurai, -70% DEF/RES/MND if Retaliate 8s, +10% ice vuln. 15s, self +10% ice dmg 15s, Retaliate @p1.2 15s), 15s: Awoken Samurai: Samurai inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AOExorcising Stormphys 24.0/3 ice+wind w/ 99k cap
UBlade Flash - Awakenedphys 7.0/10 ice+wind+non, ice infuse 25s, self +30% ice dmg 15s, crit =50% 15s, 15s: (Samurai ⤇ p2.0/4 i+n Samurai)
G+Knightly Bondsinstant ice infuse w/ stacking 25s, self instacast 1
LM2Extreme Skill35% dualcast Samurai
LM1Heir to the Blade(ice ⤇ 20% for +10% ice vuln. 15s)
𝐋𝐂“Parallel Bond: Leila (Water)”instant [Parallel Bond: Leila (Water): Type: Physical, Element: (Water,NE), Cast time: 0.01s, Ten single attacks (0.80 each) capped at 19999, activates Water Chain (max 150, field +0%) or adds 25 to the current Water Chain maximum limit and increases the current chain count on all enemies by 10, grants [Chain Force Mode (Leila)] and [Instant ATB 1] to the user]
𝐋𝐎Pirate's Knifeslow phys ^5.0/5 water+bio w/ 99k cap @ +100% crit scaling w/ LB pts and honing
DA2“Awoken Pirate's Gaze”phys 6.3/7 water+non w/ 19k cap, water infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x water dmg 15s, 15s: [Dual Awoken Water Mode I (Leila): Water abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Water abilities, cast speed x2.00/x2.50/x3.00 for equipped Water abilities after casting 1/2/3+ Water abilities]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, 1 turn: 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x water dmg @ rank 1-5, water instacast, (water ⤇ p2.95/5 wa+n Thief, +20% water vuln. 5s, self crit =100% 15s)
DA1Awoken Poison Cloud XVIphys 6.3/7 bio+non w/ 19k cap, bio infuse w/ stacking 25s, self crit =50% 25s, dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x bio dmg 15s, 15s: [Dual Awoken Captain's Fury Mode I (Leila - Poison): Poison abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Poison abilities, cast speed x2.00 for equipped Poison abilities], 15s: Awoken Poison Cloud XVI: Awoken Poison Cloud XVI Critical: (1-5+ bio ⤇ crit =60/70/80/90/100%) 15s
theninstant self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Captain's Fury Mode II (Leila - Poison): Increases the damage/healing cap by 10000, Poison abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Poison abilities, cast speed x2.00 for Poison abilities, critical chance =100%, grants [Critical Damage +50% 1] to all allies after using Poison abilities, lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Captain's Fury Mode I (Leila - Poison)] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
C+2Water Bond (Leila)instant water chain 1.5x (max 150), party (+10% water dmg 5s) / (+20% water dmg 5s) / (+30% water dmg 5s) if 0-2-4+ Water infused chars., +50% ATK 25s, self instacast 1
C+1Poison Bond (Leila)instant bio chain 1.5x (max 150), party (+10% bio dmg 5s) / (+20% bio dmg 5s) / (+30% bio dmg 5s) if 0-2-4+ Poison infused chars., +30% ATK/MAG 25s, self instacast 1
ADPirate Splashinstant party hi fastcast 2, self dmg cap +10k 15s
thenphys 10.0/10 - 11.0/10 - 12.0/10 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 - 12.0 w/ 99k cap, water+non @ 0/5/8 water, party instacast 1
SA2Hollow Beautyphys 9.0/15 bio+non, bio infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (bio ⤇ same row fastcast 1)
[Thief], w/ biop3.2/4 - 4.8/6 - 6.4/8 b+n w/ 0-1-2 uses, self 1.3x bio dmg 1 turn
[Thief], w/ bioinstant self dualcast bio 1 turn, +10% bio dmg 15s
SA1Split Edgephys 9.0/15 water+non, water infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (cmd 1/cmd 2 ⤇ p1.95/5 wa+n Thief, +10% water vuln. 15s per 2 uses)
[Thief], w/ waterinstant p4.8/6 wa+n
[Thief], w/ waterp2.4/3 wa+n, self 1.3x water dmg 3 turns
AA2Bio Splashphys 9.0/15 water+bio+non, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (water/bio ⤇ water/bio infuse w/ stacking), 15s: [Sisterly Spirit Mode: Casts Scourge Splash (Water)/Scourge Splash (Poison) after using two Water or Poison abilities if the triggering ability dealt Water/Poison damage, removed after casting Scourge Splash], 15s: Awoken Captain's Fury: water/bio inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AA1Pirate's Cutlassphys 9.0/15 water+non, water infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, water instacast 15s, 15s: Awoken Water: water inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AOSplash LXIVphys 24.0/3 water w/ 99k cap
U2Pirate's Gazeinstant phys 6.3/10 water+non, water infuse 25s, self hi fastcast 1, 15s: (water ⤇ p2.0/4 wa+n Thief), 15s: (water ⤇ same row fastcast 1)
U1Pirate Scourgephys 7.0/10 bio+water+non, self crit =100% 25s, double Thief/Sharpshooter (uses extra hone) 15s
G+3“Lady Captain”instant fastcast 3, +250 SB pts
G+2Aqua Venominstant 1 turn: (water/bio ⤇ water/bio infuse w/ stacking), 15s: (water/bio ⤇ p1.28/4 wa+b+n Thief)
G+1Pirate's Pluckinstant water infuse stacking 25s, water infuse 25s, self instacast 1
BPoison Cloud XVIAoE phys 4.96/8 bio+non, bio infuse 25s
[Thief]fast p1.88/​4 b+n
[Thief]p1.72/​2 b+n, -20% ATK/MND 20s, self +20% ATK/MND 20s
SPirate's Knivesphys 7.62/6 water, -50% ATK/RES 25s, self +30% ATK/RES 25s
-Captain's Commandparty Haste, Shell
LMR+Re-action (Leila)dualcast Thief per 3 uses
LMR2Pirate of Paloom(water ⤇ 20% for +10% water vuln. 15s)
LMR1Maiden of the Sea(water/bio ⤇ 25% for fastcast 1)
LM2Resourceful CaptainHaste, instacast 3 at battle start
LM1Mischievous Meddler1.1x PHY dmg
DAAwoken Champion of Lifeinstant [Awoken Champion of Life: Cast time: 0.01s, Restores HP (105) capped at 19999, removes KO [Raise: 100%] capped at 19999, grants [Haste] and [High Quick Cast 2], grants [Damage Cap +10000], [Dual Awoken Dual Job Mode I (Lenna)] and [White Magic Healing Resonance Boost +5%] to the user]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, 1 turn: W.Mag instacast, (W.Mag ⤇ party h55, Regenga, fastcast 1)
SA2Benevolent Princessinstant fire infuse 25s, party h105, revive @ 100% HP, fire fastcast 4, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (next 4 cmd 1/cmd 2 ⤇ [Gift of Benevolence: Type: Magical, School: White Magic, Cast time: 0.01s, Deals 99999 WHT damage, grants [HP Stock (2000)] to a random ally])
[W.Mag], w/ W.Mag/Dancer[Immortal Drake: Type: Magical, School: White Magic, Element: (Fire,NE), Cast time: 1.65s, Three single attacks (3.10 each), restores HP (17.5/20/25) if 0-1/2-3/4+ allies have any Attach Fire]
[W.Mag], w/ W.Mag/Dancerinstant h55, -10% ice vuln. 5s
SA1White Magic Masteryinstant party h105, hi fastcast 2, +30% healing recv 15s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
[W.Mag], w/ W.Maginstant h105
[W.Mag], w/ W.Mag/Dancerparty h25
AA2Spreading One's Wingsinstant party Haste, Regenga, Protect, Shell, hi fastcast 2, 15s: Awoken Dual Job: W.Mag/Dancer inf. hones, 100% dualcast, (W.Mag/Dancer ⤇ party Autoheal 0.5k/1k/1.5k/2k/3k @ rank 1-5)
AA1Champion of Lifeinstant party h105, revive @ 100% HP, Haste, PM blink 1, Last stand, 15s: Awoken Love: W.Mag inf. hones, W.Mag hi fastcast, (W.Mag ⤇ party h10-15-25-35-45 @ rank 1-5)
BUPrincesses' Prayerinstant party h55, Regenga, hi fastcast 2
[W.Mag], +1 on W.Mag/Dancerinstant h25 – party h25 – party h55 – party h55, Last stand at brv.3
U3Essence of Waterinstant party h85, Regenga, -10% ice/water vuln. 15s, self fastcast 15s
U2Tycoon Princessparty h85, Negate dmg 30%, Last stand
U1Moogle Boostparty +30% ATK/MAG/RES 25s, Autoheal 3k
G+2Heartfelt Desireinstant party Autoheal 3k, hi fastcast 1
G+1Tycoon's Protectioninstant party Haste, Protect, Shell
GGreatest Loveinstant party h55
B2Tender Mercyparty h85, -10% ice vuln. 15s
[W.Mag]instant h80, +30% MND 25s
[W.Mag]party h25
B1Phoenix of Tycoonparty h55, Reraise 40%, self +30% RES/MND 25s
[W.Mag]w10.52/​4 h, self +15% MND 25s
[W.Mag]party h25
S2Pride of Tycoonparty h85, +50% RES 25s
S1“Messianic Rebirth”party h50, Reraise 40%
-Flames of Warparty +30% ATK 25s, Haste
-Princess' Favorparty h50, Regen (hi)
-Royal Devotionrevive @ 100% HP
LMRImpartial Kindness(W.Mag ⤇ 25% for party h25)
LM2Overflowing Love(WHT ⤇ 40% for 1.3x WHT healing 10s)
LM1Princess's Love1.15x WHT healing
DA“Awoken Height of Chivalry”phys 6.3/7 earth+holy+non w/ 19k cap, earth infuse w/ stacking 25s, party 40% Dmg barrier 1, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x Knight dmg 15s, 15s: [Dual Awoken Knight Mode I (Leo): Knight abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Knight abilities, cast speed x2.00 for equipped Knight abilities, casts Dual Solid Blow when any Damage Reduction Barrier is removed (max 2)]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Knight Mode II (Leo): Increases the damage/healing cap by 20000, Knight abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Knight abilities, critical chance =100%, grants [Critical Damage +10% 1] to all allies with any Attach Earth after using Knight abilities, lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Knight Mode I (Leo)] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
AD“Apex Shock”instant earth infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
thenphys 20.0/20 - 22.0/20 - 24.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 - 12.0 w/ 99k cap, earth+holy+non @ 0-100k-300k dmg dealt
SAShattering Highbladephys 9.0/15 earth+holy+non, earth infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, party 40% Dmg barrier 1, crit =50% 15s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (2/4/6 +2n Knight ⤇ party crit =60/80/100% 15s), (2 Knight ⤇ party 40% Dmg barrier 1)
[Knight], w/ Knightp5.4/6 e+h+n
[Knight], w/ Knightp0.9 e+h+n, self hi fastcast 2, 1.3x Knight dmg 2 turns
AA2Fallen Warrior's Bladephys 9.0/15 earth+holy+non, party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, 1.09-1.15-1.3x dmg vs weak if 0-2-4+ VI chars. alive 15s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (2 Knight ⤇ p3.41 e+h+n w/ 99k cap Knight), 15s: Awoken Knight: Knight inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AA1General's Slashphys 9.0/15 earth+holy+non, earth infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (Knight ⤇ party 40% Dmg barrier 1), 15s: Awoken Knight: Knight inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AOShocking Gloryphys 24.0/3 earth+holy w/ 99k cap
U2Second Rebellionphys 7.1/10 earth+holy, earth infuse w/ stacking 25s, party 50% Dmg barrier 1, self fastcast 1, 15s: (earth ⤇ fastcast 1)
U1Shock Imperialphys 7.1/10 earth+holy, party +30% ATK/DEF 25s, self 1.3x Knight dmg 15s, 15s: (Knight ⤇ p1.96/4 e+h+n Knight)
G+3“General's Charge”instant fastcast 3, +250 SB pts
G+2Height of Chivalryinstant phys 3.36 earth w/ 99k cap, or p3.6 vs. weak, earth infuse w/ stacking 25s
G+1Indomitable Purposeinstant party Last stand, self instacast 1
GGeneral's Protectioninstant earth infuse stacking 25s, earth infuse 25s, self Negate dmg 100%
BWarrior's Warriorphys 7.52/8 holy+earth, party +30% ATK/RES 25s
[Knight]p2.4/​2 h+e, self Knight fastcast 2
[Knight]AoE p1.5/​2 h+e, taunt PHY/BLK, +200% DEF 25s
SShockAoE phys 7.74/6 - 6.69/6 - 6.0/6… holy+non rngd vs 1-2-3… foes, +20% holy vuln. 25s
LMR2Born Generalearth infuse 25s at battle start
LMR1In Search of Peace1.2x PHY dmg if using a sword
LM2Noble General35% dualcast Knight
LM1Imperial Conscience1.15x Knight dmg
𝐋𝐎“Rose of Darkness”phys ^5.0/5 dark w/ 99k cap @ +100% crit scaling w/ LB pts and honing
DA“Awoken Darkborn Blade”[Awoken Darkborn Blade: Type: Physical, Element: (Dark,NE), Cast time: 2.5s, Seven single attacks (0.90 each) capped at 19999, grants [Prismatic Ability +30% Boost 3] to all allies if the combined number of FF2 allies and non-FF2 allies with any Attach Dark is 4+, grants [Attach Dark with Stacking], [Damage Cap +10000], [Dual Awoken Darkness Mode I (Leon)] and [Darkness Resonance +5% Boost] to the user]
theninstant party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Darkness Mode II (Leon): Increases the damage/healing cap by 10000, Darkness abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Darkness abilities, cast speed x9999999 for Darkness abilities, grants [40% Damage Reduction Barrier 1] to all allies after using Darkness abilities, causes [Imperil Prismatic 10% (15s)] after using Darkness abilities if the combined number of FF2 allies and non-FF2 allies with any Attach Dark is 4+, lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Darkness Mode I (Leon)] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
AD“Dark Knight's Betrayal”instant dark infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
thenphys 20.0/20 - 22.0/20 - 24.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 - 12.0 w/ 99k cap, dark+non @ 0-100k-300k dmg dealt
SAShadow Forcephys 9.0/15 dark+non, dark infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, Maria 1.3x mag dmg 3 turns, party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, (1.15x PHY dmg 3 turns, hi fastcast 1) / (1.3x PHY dmg 3 turns, instacast 1) if 0-4+ II chars. alive, self dmg cap +10k 15s
[Darkness], w/ darkp5.4/6 d+n
[Darkness], w/ darkp2.7/3 d+n, self dmg cap +10k 1 turn
AA2“Annihilating Slash”phys 9.0/15 dark+non, dark infuse 25s, party phys fastcast 15s, 50% Dmg barrier 1, self +30% ATK/DEF 25s, dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: Awoken Darkness: Darkness inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AA1Knight in the Darkphys 9.0/15 dark+non, dark infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (Darkness ⤇ party 40% Dmg barrier 1), 15s: Awoken Darkness: Darkness inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AOSoul of Darknessphys 24.0/3 dark w/ 99k cap
U3Darkness Breakerphys 7.1/10 dark+non, dark infuse w/ stacking 25s, party Reflect Dmg 75% as dark 30s, self instacast 1
BUWeapon of Darknessphys 7.2/10 dark, -40% ATK/MAG 25s, self fastcast 15s
[Darkness], +1 on darkp1.92 – 3.85 – 7.7 – 12.0 d, 99k cap at brv.1+, -30% DEF 15s – -30% DEF 15s – -70% DEF/RES 8s & self lose 25% max HP at brv.1+
U1Lord of Darknessphys 6.88/8 dark+non rngd, dark infuse 25s, self Autoheal 6k, 1.3x Darkness dmg 15s
G+Rebellious Strikeinstant phys 3.36 dark w/ 99k cap, or p3.6 vs. d weak, party 40% Dmg barrier 2
GForce of Darknessinstant dark infuse stacking 25s, dark infuse 25s, self Autoheal 6k
BDark Knight's Chargephys 6.56/8 dark, dark infuse 25s
[Darkness]p2.3 d, self heal 20% of dmg
[Darkness]p2.06/​2 d, self +30% ATK, -30% RES 20s
SDarkborn BladeAoE phys 6.0/3 dark rngd, taunt PHY/BLK, +200% DEF 25s
-Hand of the Emperorparty +30% ATK/DEF 25s
LMR2Knight Superiordark infuse 25s at battle start
LMR1Dark Bloom25% dualcast Darkness
LM2Penance+2% ATK (max +50%) per dark PHY hit
LM1Past Sins1.1x dark dmg
𝐋𝐂“Parallel Bond: Lightning”instant [Parallel Bond: Lightning: Type: Physical, Element: (Lightning,NE), Cast time: 0.01s, Ten single attacks (0.80 each) capped at 19999, element of entry damage changes from Lightning/NE to Holy/NE if the user has any Attach Holy, activates XIII Chain (max 150, field +0%) or adds 25 to the current XIII Chain maximum limit, grants [Chain Force Mode (Lightning)] and [Instant ATB 1] to the user]
𝐋𝐆𝐒Guardian Odininstant summon Odin 5s w/ Haste, Protect, Shell, instant ATB 1, +200% DEF/RES 25s, lgt infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, dmg cap +20k 15s, Last stand
[Combat]instant p35.1/6 l+h+n, self status lvl +1
[Combat]instant p19.0 l+h+n w/ 99k cap, self 1.5x lgt/holy dmg 2 turns, dmg cap +10k 2 turns
Finisherinstant p79.8/10, then 23.18 - 24.4 - 25.62 w/ 99k cap, l+h+n @ 0-1-2 status lvl
𝐋𝐎Artemis's Arrowsphys ^5.0/5 lgt rngd w/ 99k cap @ +100% crit scaling w/ LB pts and honing
DA2“Awoken Dangerous Beauty”phys 6.3/7 holy+non w/ 19k cap, holy infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x holy dmg 15s, 15s: [Dual Awoken Holy Mode I (Lightning): Holy abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Holy abilities, critical chance =25%/50%/75%/100% for Holy abilities after casting 1/2/3/4+ Holy abilities]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Holy Mode II (Lightning): Holy abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, cast speed x9999999 for Holy abilities, grants [Quick Cast 3] to the user after using Holy abilities, grants [Buff Holy 30% (15s)] to the user/all allies if there are 0-3/4+ FF13 allies alive, lasts for 1 turn]
DA1Awoken Flourish of Steelphys 6.3/7 lgt+non w/ 19k cap, lgt infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x lgt dmg 15s, 15s: [Dual Awoken Lightning Mode I (Lightning): Lightning abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Lightning abilities, critical chance =50%/100% for Lightning abilities after casting 1/2+ Lightning abilities]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Lightning Mode II (Lightning): Increases the damage/healing cap by 10000, Lightning abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Lightning abilities, cast speed x9999999 for Lightning abilities, increase ATB charge speed by x9999999, lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Lightning Mode I (Lightning)] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
C+Bond (Lightning)instant XIII chain 1.5x (max 150), party +30% ATK/MAG 25s, fastcast 1, self instacast 1, 15s: [Linked Burst Mode XIII: Grants [Buff Prismatic 10% (15s)] to all allies after any FF13 ally uses an elemental attack (excluding non-elemental), can only trigger once per element, removed after triggering three times]
AD2“Apex Elegant Drive”instant holy infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
thenphys 20.0/20 - 22.0/20 - 24.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 - 12.0 w/ 99k cap, holy+non @ 0-100k-300k dmg dealt
AD1Zantetsukeninstant lgt infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
thenphys 20.0/20 - 22.0/20 - 24.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 - 12.0 w/ 99k cap, lgt+non @ 0/5/8 lgt
SA2Centuria of Onephys 9.0/15 holy+non, holy infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
[Knight], w/ holyp3.6/4 - 5.4/6 - 7.2/8 h+n w/ 0-1-2 uses
[Celerity], w/ holyinstant p2.4/3 h+n, front row phys hi fastcast 1
SA1Gestalt Drivephys 9.0/15 lgt+non rngd, lgt infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, instant ATB 1
[Celerity], w/ lgtp4.0/5 - 8.0/10 l+n @ 0-1 status lvl, self instant ATB 1 @ 1 status lvl, reset status lvl
[Celerity], w/ lgtfast p2.4/3 l+n, self status lvl +1
AA3Blinding Requiemphys 9.0/15 lgt+holy+non, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (lgt/holy ⤇ lgt/holy infuse w/ stacking), 15s: fastcast, (lgt/holy ⤇ [Watchful Protector Critical Chance: Critical chance =25%/50%/75%/100% is the user has used 1/2/3/4+ Lightning or Holy abilities, removed if the user hasn't Watchful Protector Mode]), 15s: Awoken Sublime Thunder: [Awoken Sublime Thunder: Lightning and Holy abilities don't consume uses and deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, casts Ascending Presence after using Lightning and Holy abilities]
AA2Elegant Drivephys 9.0/15 holy+non, holy infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, fastcast 15s, 15s: (2 holy ⤇ holy infuse 25s, +10% holy dmg 15s), 15s: Awoken Holy: holy inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AA1Army of One Evolvedphys 9.0/15 lgt+non rngd, lgt infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (2 lgt ⤇ p1.6/5 - 3.2/10 - 6.4/20 l+n rngd Celerity @ 2-4-6 lgt used), 15s: Awoken Lightning: lgt inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AO2Glittering Featherphys 11.0/20, then 8.0 w/ 99k cap, holy rngd
AO1Blaze Slashphys 11.0/20, then 8.0 w/ 99k cap, lgt rngd
U3Dangerous Beautyphys 7.1/10 holy+lgt, holy infuse 25s, 15s: EX: (holy ⤇ front row phys hi fastcast 1), (1/2/3 +3n holy ⤇ p0.3 – p1.5/5 – p4.5/15 h+l+n Knight)
BULightning Blitzphys 7.2/10 lgt, lgt infuse 25s, self 1.3x Celerity/Spellblade dmg 15s
[Celerity], +1 on lgtp1.81 – 3.06 – 6.11 – 9.55 l, 99k cap at brv.1+
U1Army of Onephys 7.1/10 lgt+non, lgt infuse 25s, self hi fastcast 1, 15s: EX: +30% ATK, (lgt ⤇ hi fastcast 1)
OThunderfallphys 11.25 - 12.0 - 12.75 - 13.5 lgt+non w/ 99k cap w/ 0-1-2-3 uses
G+2War God's Resolveinstant holy infuse w/ stacking 25s, self instacast 1
G+1Rending Thunderinstant phys 3.12/6 lgt+non, +20% lgt vuln. 15s
GSeismic Strikeinstant phys 3.12/6 lgt+non, lgt infuse stacking 25s, lgt infuse 25s
B2Focused Boltsphys 7.68/8 lgt+non, +20% lgt vuln. 25s
[Combat]fast p1.88/​4 l+n
[Combat]fast AoE p1.2/​2 l+n
B1Requiem of the Goddessphys 8.05/7
[Combat]p1.84/​4 @ +80% crit, 31% (9% × 4) Stun
[Combat]AoE p1.26/​2 @ +80% crit, 29% (16% × 2) Slow
S2Lightning StrikeAoE phys 4.96/8 lgt+non rngd, lgt infuse 25s
S1Crushing BlowAoE phys 6.5/5 lgt
-Smitephys 5.04/3, self instacast 2
-Stormbornlgt infuse 25s
-Blaze Rushphys 5.1/3 rngd
LMR4Heir of the Goddess25% dualcast holy
LMR3Chosen of Etroholy infuse 25s at battle start
LMR2Stoic Warriorlgt infuse 25s at battle start
LMR1Gleaming Blade25% dualcast lgt
LM2Radiant ChampionHaste, instacast 3 at battle start
LM1Bottled Lightning1.1x lgt dmg
𝐋𝐆𝐒Guardian Lady Lilithinstant summon Lady Lilith 5s w/ Haste, Protect, Shell, instant ATB 1, +200% DEF/RES 25s, lgt infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, dmg cap +20k 15s, Reflect Dmg 700% overstrike 30s, Last stand
[Combat]instant p19.0 l+wi+n w/ 99k cap, -70% DEF/RES/MND 8s, Dispel
[Combat]instant p17.55/3 l+wi+n, +10% prism vuln.
Finisherinstant AoE p76.0/10, then AoE 24.4 w/ 99k cap, l+wi+n
SARousing Sambainstant party Autoheal 3k, +30% A/D/M/R 25s, 15s: [Cheering Mode: Grants [Dualcast Prismatic 1] to all other allies after using Repeating Samba, grants [Dualcast Dancer 1] to the user after using Repeating Samba, removed after using Repeating Samba]
[Dancer], w/ Celerity/Dancer(-50% DEF/RES 15s) / (-50% ATK/MAG 15s) @ 1/2 +2n uses, self fastcast 1
[Dancer], w/ Celerity/Dancerparty heal 1.5k, self fastcast 1
AADesperate Flourishinstant AoE -70% DEF/RES/MND 8s, party +30% A/D/M/R 8s, 15s: [Troupe Mayakov Mode (Dancer/Support): After using two Dancer/Support abilities, causes/grants [DEF, RES and MND -70% (8s)]/[ATK, DEF, MAG and RES +30% (8s)] to all enemies/allies based on triggering ability], 15s: (Celerity ⤇ party 40% Dmg barrier 1), 15s: Awoken Moonshade Butterfly: Support/Celerity/Dancer inf. hones, 2-3x Support/Celerity/Dancer cast @ rank 1-5, (Support/Celerity/Dancer ⤇ party fastcast 1)
USensual DanceAoE -70% ATK/DEF/MAG 8s, +20% lgt vuln. 25s, 15s: (Celerity/Dancer ⤇ p2.0/5 l+wi+n Dancer)
G+Climactic Flourishinstant party Regenga
BVivifying WaltzAoE -40% A/D/M/R 25s, party Autoheal 2k
[Dancer]fast p1.8 l+wi, -50% MAG 15s
[Dancer]party h25 (NAT)
LMR+Hastening (Lilisette)(3 Dancer/Support ⤇ fastcast 3)
LMRBrash Dancer25% dualcast Celerity
LM2Renowned Grace(Dancer ⤇ 35% for party h25)
LM1Best of Both Worlds1.1x PHY dmg
DA“Awoken Dancing Edge (XI)”phys 6.3/7 water+non w/ 19k cap, water infuse w/ stacking 25s, party crit =50% 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, status lvl +2, 1.05x water dmg 15s, 15s: 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x water dmg @ rank 1-5, dualcast water, water fastcast, (2 water ⤇ party crit =60/80/100% 15s @ 2-1-0 status lvl), (2 water ⤇ status lvl -1)
theninstant self instant ATB 1, status lvl +1, [Dual Awoken Water Mode II (Lion): Water abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Water abilities, cast speed x9999999 for Water abilities, grants [Critical Edge 60% Critical (15s)]/[Critical Edge 80% Critical (15s)]/[Critical Edge 100% Critical (15s)] to all allies if the user has Legacy level 2/1/0 after using Water abilities, grants [Weakness +9% Boost 1]/[Weakness +15% Boost 1]/[Weakness +30% Boost 1] to all allies after using Water abilities if the user has Legacy level 2/1/0 and Focus level 1, causes Legacy -1 after using Water abilities, lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Water Mode I (Lion)] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
ADApex Walk the Plankinstant water infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
thenphys 20.0/20 - 22.0/20 - 24.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 - 12.0 w/ 99k cap, water+non @ 0/5/8 water
SAMandalic Stabphys 9.0/15 water+non, water infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (<20% HP ⤇ instant ATB 1, instacast 1, crit =100% 1 turn, remove mode)
[Thief], w/ waterp4.8/6 wa+n, +10% water vuln. 15s
[Thief], w/ waterp5.4 wa+n w/ 99k cap, self 1.3x water dmg 2 turns
AA2“True Pirate Pummel”phys 9.0/15 water+non, (-70% DEF/RES/MND 8s) / (+30% prism vuln.) if 0-4+ XI chars. alive, water infuse w/ stacking 25s, party fastcast 1 if ≥4 XI chars. alive, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: Awoken King of Beasts: water inf. hones, 2-3x water cast @ rank 1-5, 100% dualcast, 15s: (water ⤇ p2.0/4 wa+n Thief) if 0 XI chars. alive
AA1Eviscerationphys 9.0/15 water+non, +20% water vuln. 25s, water infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (3 water ⤇ +10% water vuln. 15s, self +10% water dmg 15s), 15s: Awoken Water: water inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AOScatter Shotphys 11.0/20, then 8.0 w/ 99k cap, water
U2Dancing Edge (XI)instant phys 6.3/10 water+non, water infuse 25s, party Reflect Dmg 75% as water 30s, phys hi fastcast 2
U1Pirate Pummelinstant phys 7.02/9, -30% A/D/M/R/MND 25s, self instacast 2
G+2“Intel”instant +20% water vuln. 15s, self +20% water dmg 15s
G+1Shark Biteinstant phys 3.36 water w/ 99k cap, or p3.6 vs. weak, water infuse stacking 25s, water infuse 25s
GPirate's Tutelageinstant water infuse stacking 25s, water infuse 25s, self crit =100% 2 turns
BWalk the Plankinstant phys 7.6/5, -40% ATK/DEF 25s
[Thief]fast p2.0, -40% ATK 15s
[Thief]fast p2.0, -40% DEF 15s
SPowder KegAoE phys 4.95/5 - 5.94/6 - 6.93/7 @ 174-205 SPD, -50% DEF/RES 25s
LMR+Subversion (Lion)(3 water ⤇ +10% water vuln. 15s)
LMRAgent's Expertise1.3x stat debuffs duration
LM2Agent's Barrage35% dualcast Thief
LM1Agent's Shiv1.1x PHY dmg if using a dagger
𝐋𝐂“Entwined Bond: Locke (Fire)”instant [Entwined Bond: Locke (Fire): Type: Physical, Element: (Fire,NE), Cast time: 0.01s, Ten single attacks (0.80 each) capped at 19999, activates Fire Chain (max 150, field +0%) or adds 25 to the current Fire Chain maximum limit, grants [Chain Force Mode (Locke)] and [Instant ATB 1] to the user]
𝐋𝐆𝐒Guardian Phoenixinstant summon Phoenix 5s w/ Haste, Protect, Shell, instant ATB 1, +200% DEF/RES 25s, fire infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, dmg cap +20k 15s
[Combat]instant AoE p12.6/3 f+n, self +10% fire dmg 15s, status lvl +1
[Combat]instant p25.2/6 f+n, self status lvl +1
Finisherinstant AoE p64.6/10 - 68.4/10 - 72.2/10, then AoE 20.74 - 21.96 - 23.18 w/ 99k cap, f+n @ 0-1-2 status lvl, party Autoheal 6k, revive @ 100% HP, Haste
𝐋𝐎“Mirage Passion”phys ^5.0/5 fire w/ 99k cap @ +100% crit scaling w/ LB pts and honing
𝐋𝐆Fire Raiment (Locke)instant fire infuse 25s
DA“Awoken Mirage Dive”phys 6.3/7 fire+non w/ 19k cap, fire infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x fire dmg 15s, 15s: 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x fire dmg @ rank 1-5, triplecast fire, (1/2/3/4+ fire ⤇ crit =25/50/75/100%)
theninstant self instant ATB 1, 1 turn: 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x fire dmg @ rank 1-5, fire instacast, (fire ⤇ +30% fire dmg 5s, instacast 3)
C+Bond (Locke)instant VI chain 1.5x (max 150), party +30% ATK/MAG 25s, fastcast 1, self instacast 1, 15s: [Linked Burst Mode VI: Grants [Buff Prismatic 10% (15s)] to all allies after any FF6 ally uses an elemental attack (excluding non-elemental), can only trigger once per element, removed after triggering three times]
CAtomic Divefire chain 1.2x (max 99), phys 7.92/11 fire, -50% DEF/RES 25s
ADApex Mirage Diveinstant fire infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
thenphys 20.0/20 - 22.0/20 - 24.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 - 12.0 w/ 99k cap, fire+non @ 0/5/8 fire
SA2Shredding Spinphys 9.0/15 fire+non, fire infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 2x ATB
[Thief], w/ firefast p4.8/6 f+n
[Thief], w/ Thieffast p2.4/3 f+n, +10% fire vuln. 15s per 2 uses, self +10% fire dmg 15s per 2 uses
SA1Phoenix Heatphys 9.0/15 fire+non, fire infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
[Thief], w/ fire[Hunter's Grit: Type: Physical, School: Thief, Element: (Fire,NE), Cast time: 1.2s, Six single attacks (0.85/0.90/0.95 each) scaling with Hunter's Edge activations]
[Thief], w/ firep2.7/3 f+n, -50% ATK/DEF @ 1 +2n uses 8s, +10% fire vuln. @ 2 +2n uses 15s
AA2Slash & Soarphys 9.0/15 fire+non, fire infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, fire instacast 15s, 15s: (2 fire ⤇ 1.3x fire dmg 1 turn), 15s: Awoken Fire: fire inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AA1Adventure Awaitsphys 9.0/15 fire+non, fire infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (3 fire ⤇ p5.3/10 f+n Thief), 15s: Awoken Fire: fire inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AOBlade of the Phoenixphys 11.0/20, then 8.0 w/ 99k cap, fire rngd
BUReturners Unitephys 6.9/10 fire, +20% fire vuln. 25s, self 1.3x Thief dmg 15s
[Thief], +1 on Thiefp1.81 – 3.06 – 6.11 – 9.55 f, 99k cap at brv.1+
U2Burning Spiritphys 7.1/10 fire+non rngd, fire infuse 25s, self instacast 1, 15s: EX: +30% ATK, (fire ⤇ p1.4/4 - 1.75/5 - 2.1/6 - 2.45/7 - 2.8/8 f+n rngd Thief @ 100-80-60-40-20% HP)
U1Burning Steelphys 6.7/10 fire+non, +20% fire vuln. 25s, 15s: (fire ⤇ p1.2 f+n Thief, 35% for +10% fire vuln. 15s)
OMiracle of Kohlingenfast phys 10.0 fire+holy rngd w/ 99k cap
G+2Heat Spiritinstant fire infuse w/ stacking 25s, self +250 SB pts
G+1Heat Slicerinstant phys 3.12/6 fire+non, +20% fire vuln. 15s
GHeat of Passioninstant fire infuse stacking 25s, fire infuse 25s, self hi fastcast 2
B2On the Huntphys 6.64/8 fire+non rngd, fire infuse 25s
[Thief]fast p1.88/​4 f+n rngd
[Thief]p1.72/​2 f+n rngd, -50% ATK 20s, self +50% ATK 20s
B1Mirage PhoenixAoE phys 5.8/5 fire+holy, +20% fire vuln. 25s
[Thief]p2.0, -20% ATK/MAG 20s, self +20% ATK/MAG 20s
[Thief]p2.16/​4 f+h
S2Southern Crossphys 7.76/8 fire+non rngd, fire infuse 25s
S1Valiant Strikephys 8.0/8, uses +ATK as HP falls
-Phoenix PlunderAoE phys 3.3 fire, party h40
-Mirage DiveAoE phys 3.2 rngd, 100% Slow
LMR2On the Rebound25% dualcast fire
LMR1Burning Desirefire infuse 25s at battle start
LM2Phoenix's Charge(<20% HP ⤇ heal 100% HP, Trance: +35% ATK, fastcast 25s)
LM1Ardent Adventurer1.1x fire dmg
𝐋𝐎Tri-Energymagic ^12.0/4 ice+water+lgt w/ 99k cap scaling w/ LB pts and honing
DAAwoken Triple Trickmagic 21.35/7 ice+water+lgt+non w/ 19k cap, self +50% MAG/MND 25s, dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x ice/water/lgt dmg 15s, 1 turn: (ice/water/lgt ⤇ ice/water/lgt infuse w/ stacking), 15s: [Dual Awoken Wisdom Mode I (Lulu): Ice, Water and Lightning abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Ice, Water and Lightning abilities, cast speed x2.00/x2.50/x3.00 for equipped Ice, Water and Lightning abilities after using 1/2/3+ Ice, Water and Lightning abilities]
theninstant self +30% ice/lgt/water dmg 5s, instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Wisdom Mode II (Lulu): Increases the damage/healing cap by 20000, Ice, Water and Lightning abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Ice, Water and Lightning abilities, lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Wisdom Mode I (Lulu)] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
ADUltima Furyinstant self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (i/wa/l ⤇ ice/water/lgt infuse 25s)
thenmagic 63.0/20 - 70.0/20 w/ 9k/19k cap, then 34.6 - 38.06 w/ 99k cap, ice+water+lgt+non @ 0-100k dmg dealt
SAPlushie Magicmagic 22.5/15 ice+water+lgt+non, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (ice/water/lgt ⤇ ice/water/lgt infuse 2 w/ stacking), 15s: dualcast ice/water/lgt, (3 ice/water/lgt ⤇ m16.4 i+wa+l+n w/ 99k cap Witch, once only)
[Witch], w/ Witch/B.Magm12.2/4 - 18.3/6 - 24.4/8 i+wa+l+n w/ 0-1-2 uses
[Witch], w/ Witch/B.Magm3.05 i+wa+l+n, self 1.3x ice/water/lgt dmg 3 turns, fastcast 3
AA2Voltech Furymagic 22.5/15 ice+water+lgt+non, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (i/wa/l ⤇ ice/water/lgt infuse 25s), 15s: (2 ice/water/lgt ⤇ dualcast ice/water/lgt 1 turn), 15s: Awoken Mage's Smile: ice/water/lgt inf. hones, 2-3x ice/water/lgt cast @ rank 1-5, (ice/water/lgt ⤇ m14.28/6 i+wa+l+n Witch)
AA1The Future Waitsmagic 22.5/15 ice+water+non, self +30% ice/water dmg 15s, dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (2 ice/water ⤇ m12.08/8 i+wa+n B.Mag), 15s: Awoken Wisdom: ice/water inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AOTwin Temptationsmagic 79.5/3 ice+water w/ 99k cap
U3Triple Trickmagic 17.9/10 ice+water+lgt+non, self +30% MAG/RES 25s, instacast 2, 1 turn: (ice/water/lgt ⤇ ice/water/lgt infuse w/ stacking)
U2Blizzard & Water Furymagic 17.0/10 ice+water, self +30% MAG/RES 25s, fastzap 15s, 15s: (ice/water ⤇ m2.7/5 - 4.15/5 - 5.6/5 - 7.1/5 - 8.65/5 i+wa+n B.Mag @ rank 1-5)
U1Abaddon Blizzajamagic 17.44/8 ice+non, ice infuse 25s, self +30% MAG/RES 25s, instacast 2
G+2Witch's Resolveinstant fastcast 3, +250 SB pts
G+1Overlapping Futuresinstant self hi fastcast 1, 1 turn: (ice/water/lgt ⤇ ice/water/lgt infuse w/ stacking)
G2Aqueous Beautyinstant water infuse stacking 25s, water infuse 25s, self hi fastcast 2
G1Icy Beautyinstant ice infuse stacking 25s, ice infuse 25s, self hi fastcast 2
BTriple Threatmagic 17.7/10 ice+fire+water
[B.Mag]m10.48/​4 i+f
[B.Mag]m10.48/​4 i+wa
S2Icy SmileAoE magic 14.4/4 ice, ice infuse 25s
S1March of the Mooglesmagic 17.92/8 ice
-Focusparty +20% MAG, +50% RES 25s
-Firaga Furymagic 10.95/3 fire
LMR3Harshest Judgewater infuse 25s at battle start
LMR2Depths of Knowledgeice infuse 25s at battle start
LMR1Third Pilgrimage+1% MAG (max +20%) per ice BLK hit
LM2Dark Temptation35% dualcast ice
LM1Witching Ways1.1x BLK dmg
𝐋𝐂“Parallel Bond: Lunafreya (Water)”instant [Parallel Bond: Lunafreya (Water): Type: Magical, Element: (Water,NE), Cast time: 0.01s, Ten single attacks (2.60 each) capped at 19999, activates Water Chain (max 150, field +0%) or adds 25 to the current Water Chain maximum limit and increases the current chain count on all enemies by 10, grants [Chain Force Mode (Lunafreya)] and [Instant ATB 1] to the user]
DA“Awoken Hydraean Protection”magic 21.35/7 water+holy+non w/ 19k cap (SUM), -70% DEF/RES/MND 8s, water infuse w/ stacking 25s, self +50% MAG/MND 25s, dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x water dmg 15s, 15s: 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x water dmg @ rank 1-5, dualcast water, (water ⤇ m8.16/3 wa+h+n Summon, +10% water vuln. 5s)
theninstant self refill 2 Summon abil. use, instant ATB 1, 1 turn: water instacast, (water ⤇ party h85, fastcast 1)
SA2Oracle's Decreemagic 22.5/15 water+holy+non (SUM), water infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, status lvl +1, 15s: [Divine Communion Mode: Grants [Oracle's Decree Summoning +15% Boost]/[Oracle's Decree Summoning +30% Boost]/[Oracle's Decree Summoning +50% Boost] to the user after using 1/2/3+ of Hydraean's Mercy or Oath of Covenant, grants [Damage Cap +10000 3] to the user after using three of Hydraean's Mercy or Ceremonial Pledge and causes God Conversation -1 to the user if the user has God Conversation level 1]
[Summon], w/ Summonm18.3/6 wa+h+n, self refill 1 abil. use
[W.Mag], w/ W.Mag/Summoninstant party h25 (NAT), Pain -2 @ 1 status lvl, self fastcast 3, reset status lvl
SA1For the Kingmagic 22.5/15 water+holy+non (SUM), water infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
[Summon], w/ waterm18.0/6 wa+h+n, self hi fastcast 1
[W.Mag], w/ W.Maginstant h105, self refill 1 abil. use
AA2“Power of the Kaminagi”instant magic 19.8/15 water+holy+non (SUM), water infuse 25s, party h85, Regenga, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: Awoken Kindred: Summon inf. hones, 100% dualcast, (Summon ⤇ party h10-15-25-35-45 @ rank 1-5)
AA1Oracle's Benevolenceinstant party h105, revive @ 100% HP, Haste, Last stand, self dmg cap +10k 15s, fastcast 15s, 15s: Awoken Water God: water inf. hones, 100% dualcast, (2 water ⤇ m13.6/5 - 13.85/5 - 14.1/5 - 14.35/5 - 14.6/5 wa+h+n Summon, party h10-15-25-35-45 @ rank 1-5)
AOHydraean Oathmagic 36.4/20, then 26.5 w/ 99k cap, water+holy (SUM)
UHydraean Protectionmagic 16.8/10 water+holy+non (SUM), water infuse 25s, self refill 2 Summon abil. use, 15s: (Summon ⤇ same row fastcast 1), 15s: (2 Summon ⤇ m15.4/10 wa+h+n Summon)
G+Oracle's Missioninstant water infuse stacking 25s, water infuse 25s, self instacast 1
LMRGuide of Kingswater infuse 25s at battle start
LM2Chosen Devotion35% dualcast Summon
LM1Voice of Gods1.1x SUM dmg
𝐋𝐎Tempest Dashphys ^5.0/5 wind rngd w/ 99k cap @ +100% crit scaling w/ LB pts and honing
𝐋𝐆Wind Flash (Luneth)instant phys 3.36 wind+non w/ 99k cap, self +250 LB pts
C+Bond (Luneth)instant III chain 1.5x (max 150), party +30% ATK/MAG 25s, fastcast 1, self instacast 1, 15s: [Linked Burst Mode III: Grants [Buff Prismatic 10% (15s)] to all allies after any FF3 ally uses an elemental attack (excluding non-elemental), can only trigger once per element, removed after triggering three times]
CWinds of Possibilitywind chain 1.5x (max 150), party +50% ATK 25s
ADApex Eternal Windinstant wind infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
thenphys 20.0/20 - 22.0/20 - 24.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 - 12.0 w/ 99k cap, wind+non rngd @ 0-100k-300k dmg dealt
SA2Dragon's Tornadophys 9.0/15 wind+non rngd, wind infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, [Dragon's Tornado: Grants [Dragon's Tornado Boost 10%]/[Dragon's Tornado Boost 20%]/[Dragon's Tornado Boost 30%]/[Dragon's Tornado Boost 40%]/[Dragon's Tornado Boost 50%] to the user after any ally uses 1/2/3/4/5+ Dragoon abilities] 15s, [Dragon's Tornado Damage Cap: Grants [Damage Cap +10000 1] to the user after another ally uses a Dragoon ability] 15s
[Dragoon], w/ windslow [Gale Leap: Type: Physical, School: Dragoon, Element: (Wind,NE), Cast time: 3.3s, Seven single ranged jump attacks (0.90 each), 3.30/2.475/1.65 cast time scaling with uses]
[Dragoon], w/ windinstant self instacast 1, crit =100% 1 turn
SA1Silver Windphys 9.0/15 wind+non jump, wind infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (3 cmd 2 ⤇ 1.3x wind dmg 3 turns, dualcast wind 3 turns, instacast 3, dmg cap +10k 3 turns if ≥2 III chars. alive, remove mode)
[Dragoon], w/ windp5.4/6 wi+n jump
[Celerity], w/ windinstant p2.7/3 wi+n
AA2Cloud Runnerphys 9.0/15 wind+non rngd, party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, 1.09-1.15-1.3x dmg vs weak if 0-2-4+ III chars. alive 15s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (2 wind ⤇ p3.46 wi+n rngd w/ 99k cap Dragoon @ +0 - 100 - 100% crit @ +0 - 0 - 20% crit dmg if 0-2-3 of Arc/Refia/Ingus alive), 15s: Awoken Wind: wind inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AA1Wind Chosenphys 9.0/15 wind+non rngd, wind infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, no air time 15s, 15s: Awoken Wind: wind inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AOStorm of Bladesphys 11.0/20, then 8.0 w/ 99k cap, wind rngd
U2Howling Vortexphys 7.1/10 wind+non, wind infuse 25s, self heal 10% of wind dmg 15s, 15s: (wind ⤇ p1.92/6 wi+n Dragoon)
U1Zephyr Memoriesphys 7.2/10 wind+non, wind infuse 25s, self hi fastcast 1, 15s: EX: +30% ATK, (wind ⤇ hi fastcast 1)
OHeavenly Gustphys 11.2 wind+non jump w/ 99k cap, up to p14.5 w/ wind atks used
G+Master Dragooninstant Dragoon hi fastcast 15s, 1.3x jump dmg 15s
GHowling Windsinstant phys 3.12/6 wind+non, wind infuse stacking 25s, wind infuse 25s
BEternal Windphys 6.24/8 wind+non rngd, 100% Stun, wind infuse 25s
[Combat]p1.96/​4 wi+n rngd, 31% (9% × 4) Stun
[Combat]AoE p1.3/​2 wi+n rngd, self +30% ATK, -30% RES 20s
SSwordshowerphys 7.76/8 wind rngd, party +50% DEF 25s
-Blade Torrentphys 5.12/4, 59% (20% × 4) Stun
-Advanceself +150% ATK, -50% DEF 30s
LMR3Rascal of Ur25% dualcast wind
LMR2Fast and Furious(wind ⤇ 35% for fastcast 1)
LMR1Orphan of Urwind infuse 25s at battle start
LM2Windborn WarriorHaste, instacast 3 at battle start
LM1Unbridled Curiosity1.1x wind dmg


DA2“Awoken Awakening”phys 6.3/7 earth+dark+non w/ 19k cap, earth infuse w/ stacking 25s, party crit =50% 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x earth dmg 15s, 15s: 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x earth dmg @ rank 1-5, dualcast earth, earth fastcast, (2 earth ⤇ [Dual Rush Blade: Type: Physical, School: Spellblade, Element: (Earth,Dark,NE), Cast time: 0.01s, Six single attacks (0.67 each), grants [60% Critical (15s)]/[80% Critical (15s)]/[100% Critical (15s)] to all allies after casting Dual Rush Blade 2/4/6+2n times])
theninstant party instacast 1, self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Earth Mode II (Machina): Increases the damage/healing cap by 20000, Earth abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Earth abilities, cast speed x9999999, casts Dual Assault Rapier after using Earth attacks, lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Earth Mode I (Machina)] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
DA1Awoken Cyclone Drivephys 6.3/7 earth+dark+non w/ 19k cap, earth infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x earth dmg 15s, 15s: [Dual Awoken Earth Mode I (Machina): Earth abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Earth abilities, cast speed x2.00, critical chance =50%/75%/100% for equipped Earth abilities after casting 1/2/3+ Earth abilities]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Earth Mode II (Machina): Increases the damage/healing cap by 20000, Earth abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Earth abilities, cast speed x9999999, casts Dual Assault Rapier after using Earth attacks, lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Earth Mode I (Machina)] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
C2Vermilion Fieldinstant Type-0 chain 1.5x (max 99), party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, instacast 1
C1Might of the l'Cieearth chain 1.5x (max 150), party +50% ATK 25s
ADApex Guardian Bladesinstant earth infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
thenphys 20.0/20 - 22.0/20 - 24.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 - 12.0 w/ 99k cap, earth+dark+non @ 0-100k-300k dmg dealt
SA2Siphon Swordphys 9.0/15 earth+dark+non, earth infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, party (Negate dmg 50% (lgt only)) / (crit =50% 25s) if 0-4+ Type-0 chars. alive, self dmg cap +10k 15s, fastcast 1, status lvl +1, (15s: (Spellblade ⤇ same row fastcast 1)) / (15s: (1-5+ Spellblade ⤇ party crit =60/70/80/90/100% 15s) if 0-4+ Type-0 chars. alive
[Spellblade], w/ Spellbladep5.1/6 - 5.7/6 e+d+n w/o - w/ mode
[Spellblade], w/ Spellbladep6.0 e+d+n w/ 99k cap, self status lvl -1, [Thirst for Power Mode: Increases the damage/healing cap by 10000, forces a random action (Ability Berserk), Spellblade abilities deal 30% more damage, using Spellblade abilities deals 500 PHY damage to all allies (ignores physical blinks), removed after using four Spellblade abilities, cast speed x2.00, removed if the user hasn't Synchro Mode] @ 1 status lvl
SA1Power of Fearphys 9.0/15 earth+dark+non, earth infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (cmd 1/cmd 2 ⤇ 30-40-30% p1.6/4-2.0/5-2.4/6 e+d+n Spellblade)
[Spellblade], w/ earthp5.4/6 e+d+n, self 1.3x earth dmg 1 turn
[Spellblade], w/ earthp5.4/6 e+d+n, self hi fastcast 1
AA2“Darkside Guardian Blades”phys 9.0/15 earth+dark+non, earth infuse 25s, party +50% crit dmg 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: fastcast, (1/2/3/4+ earth ⤇ crit =25/50/75/100%), 15s: Awoken Earth: earth inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AA1Guardian Bladesphys 9.0/15 earth+dark+non, earth infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, Reflect Dmg 75% as overstrike earth 30s, 15s: (4 earth ⤇ p5.2 e+d+n w/ 99k cap Spellblade, self instacast 1), 15s: (1/2/3+ earth ⤇ Reflect Dmg 125/200/300% as overstrike earth 30s), 15s: Awoken Earth: earth inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AOGrand Cascadephys 24.0/3 earth+dark w/ 99k cap
UAwakeningphys 7.1/10 earth+dark, earth infuse 25s, self PM blink 2, until take dmg: fastcast, (Spellblade ⤇ 30-40-30% p1.6/4-2.0/5-2.4/6 e+d+n Spellblade)
OStunning Slashphys 10.5 earth+dark w/ 99k cap, up to p14.5 w/ Spellblade used
G+2Dual-Wield Flairinstant +500 SB pts
G+1Quake Rushinstant phys 3.12/6 earth+non, earth infuse stacking 25s, earth infuse 25s
BCyclone Drivephys 6.64/8 earth+dark, party Negate dmg 30%
[Spellblade]p1.95/​3 e+d, self 1.15x Spellblade dmg 3 turns
[W.Mag]self Negate dmg 30%
SSlayer of Fearparty +100% RES 25s, Haste, +50% crit dmg 25s
LMR+Swiftness (Machina)fastcast 15s, (Spellblade ⤇ p1.96/4 e+d+n Spellblade) 15s at battle start
LMR2Chichiri's Godfather25% dualcast Spellblade
LMR1Power Hungryearth infuse 25s at battle start
LM2Keeper of Fear(Spellblade ⤇ 35% for Negate dmg 30%)
LM1Still Blade1.15x Spellblade dmg
AABeastly Wrathmagic 22.5/15 lgt+dark+non, +20% lgt vuln. 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, lgt instacast 15s, 15s: Awoken Lightning: lgt inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
UKhamja Collusioninstant magic 16.56/8 lgt+non, -40% A/D/M/R 25s, party Magic blink 1
G+Way of the Khamjainstant magic 7.5/6 lgt+non, +20% lgt vuln. 15s
BHell's Wrathmagic 17.04/8 lgt+dark, -40% MAG/RES 25s
[B.Mag]fast m9.0/​4 l+d
[B.Mag]fast AoE m6.88/​2 l+d
SNether AshuraAoE magic 14.22/6 fire+dark, -50% ATK/RES 25s
LMR2Blood of Galthena(lgt ⤇ 20% for +10% lgt vuln. 15s)
LMR1Sower of Doubtlgt infuse 25s at battle start
LM2Nether Mantra Secrets35% dualcast lgt
LM1Netherseer Mystique1.1x lgt dmg
AASeiken Combophys 9.0/15 holy+non, holy infuse 25s, party 50% Dmg barrier 1, self dmg cap +10k 15s, hi fastcast 1, 15s: (Knight ⤇ front row phys hi fastcast 1), 15s: Awoken Knight: Knight inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AOSaintly Combophys 11.0/20, then 8.0 w/ 99k cap, holy
UDivine Combophys 7.1/10 holy+non, holy infuse 25s, 15s: EX: +30% ATK, (Knight ⤇ front row phys hi fastcast 1)
G+Modest Virtueinstant holy infuse w/ stacking 25s, self instacast 1
GFirst Aid (FFT)instant party heal 2k, Esuna
BKnight Combophys 7.52/8 holy+non, party +30% ATK/MND 25s
[Knight]p1.95/​3 h+n, self 1.15x Knight dmg 3 turns
[Knight]p2.5/​2 h+n, taunt PHY/BLK, +200% DEF 25s
SNurseparty heal 40% HP, Esuna, +100% DEF 25s
LMRDeepest Wish1.25x Knight dmg if using a sword
LM2Inescapable Might35% dualcast Knight
LM1Indomitable Hope1.1x holy dmg
𝐋𝐎Turbulent Venomslow phys ^5.0/5 wind+bio w/ 99k cap @ +100% crit scaling w/ LB pts and honing
𝐋𝐆Spiraling Flash (Marcus)instant +40% wind/bio vuln. 5s, party fastcast 2
DAAwoken Tantalus Breakphys 6.3/7 wind+bio+non w/ 19k cap, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x wind/bio dmg 15s, 1 turn: (wind/bio ⤇ wind/bio infuse w/ stacking), 15s: [Dual Awoken Tantalus Mode I (Marcus): Wind and Poison abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Wind and Poison abilities, critical chance =50/100% for Wind and Poison abilities after casting 1/2+ Wind and Poison abilities]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Tantalus Mode II (Marcus): Increases the damage/healing cap by 10000, Wind and Poison abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Wind and Poison abilities, grants [Wind Ability +10% Boost 1]/[Wind Ability +20% Boost 1]/[Wind Ability +30% Boost 1] to all allies after using 1/2/3+ abilities that deal Wind damage, grants [Poison Ability +10% Boost 1]/[Poison Ability +20% Boost 1]/[Poison Ability +30% Boost 1] to all allies after using 1/2/3+ abilities that deal Poison damage, grants [Buff Prismatic 10% (5s)] to all FF9 allies after using Wind or Poison abilities, lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Tantalus Mode I (Marcus)] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
ADTantalus Bladeinstant self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (wind/bio ⤇ wind/bio infuse)
thenphys 20.0/20 - 22.0/20 w/ 9k/19k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 w/ 99k cap, wind+bio+non @ 0-100k dmg dealt
SAThere You Go!phys 9.0/15 wind+bio+non, party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (wind/bio ⤇ wind/bio infuse 2 w/ stacking)
[Thief], w/ Thieffast p4.8/6 wi+b+n, +10% wind/bio vuln. 5s
[Thief], w/ Thieffast p0.8 wi+b+n, self fastcast 2, 1.3x wind/bio dmg 2 turns
AABlade Gambitphys 9.0/15 wind+bio+non, (+10% wind/bio vuln. 15s) / (+20% wind/bio vuln. 25s) if 1-2+ IX chars. alive, party (instacast 1) / (instacast 1, 1.3x dmg vs weak 15s) if 3-4+ IX chars. alive, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (wind/bio ⤇ wind/bio infuse), 15s: Awoken Tantalus: wind/bio inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast
AOTriple Twisterphys 24.0/3 wind+bio w/ 99k cap
U2Moment of Vengeancephys 7.0/10 wind+bio+non, self hi fastcast 1, 1 turn: (wind/bio ⤇ wind/bio infuse w/ stacking), 15s: (2 Thief ⤇ +10% wind/bio vuln. 15s, self +10% wind/bio dmg 15s)
U1Phantom Hazardinstant phys 6.3/10 wind+bio, +20% wind vuln. 25s, 15s: (Thief ⤇ p1.76/4 wi+b+n Thief)
GLeave it to Meinstant self hi fastcast 1, 1 turn: (wind/bio ⤇ wind/bio infuse w/ stacking)
BPoison ImpulseAoE phys 6.0/6 wind+bio, -40% DEF/MAG 25s
[Thief]fast p1.8/​2 wi+b, -50% MAG 15s
[Thief]fast p1.8/​2 wi+b, -40% DEF 15s
STantalus BreakAoE phys 5.64/6 wind+bio, -30% A/D/M/R/MND 25s
LMRGrim Grin(Thief ⤇ 20% for +10% wind vuln. 15s)
LM2In the Shadows35% dualcast Thief
LM1Tantalus Stalwart1.15x Thief dmg
𝐋𝐂“Parallel Bond: Maria”instant [Parallel Bond: Maria: Type: Magical, Element: (Earth,NE), Cast time: 0.01s, Ten single attacks (2.60 each) capped at 19999, activates II Chain (max 150, field +0%) or adds 25 to the current II Chain maximum limit, grants [Chain Force Mode (Maria)] and [Instant ATB 1] to the user]
DAAwoken Sagittarius LXIVmagic 21.35/7 earth+non w/ 19k cap, earth infuse w/ stacking 25s, self +50% MAG/MND 25s, dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.05x earth dmg 15s, 15s: [Dual Awoken Earth Mode I (Maria): Earth abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Earth abilities, cast speed x2.00/x2.50/x3.00 for equipped Earth abilities after casting 1/2/3+ Earth abilities]
theninstant self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Earth Mode II (Maria): Increases the damage/healing cap by 20000, Earth abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Earth abilities, casts Dual Shattering Meteor after casting Earth abilities, lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Earth Mode I (Maria)] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
C+Earth Bond (Maria)instant earth chain 1.5x (max 150), party (+10% earth dmg 5s) / (+20% earth dmg 5s) / (+30% earth dmg 5s) if 0-2-4+ Earth infused chars., +50% MAG 25s, self instacast 1
ADGalaxia XCIXinstant earth infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s