Relic Draws

All RelicsChance of drawing: 0.0038% each
CharacterRelicSoul Break / MateriaEffectsWant
Final Fantasy Record Keeper
Fantasy Grimoire Vol. IISAFantasy Grimoire Vol. IIinstant element infuse 25s based on party element infuse, self +10/20/30/40/50% A/D/M/R/MND if 1-2-3-4-5 chars. alive 25s, 1.5x elem dmg 15s, dmg cap +10k 15s
[Support], w/ Anyp3.24/4 or m11.0/4 prism+n rngd, self hi fastcast 1
[Support], w/ Anyelement infuse 25s based on party element infuse, self hi fastcast 1, +180 SB pts
Magika StellaSA2Magika Stellainstant party h55, +50% crit dmg 25s, self instacast 1
[W.Mag], w/ Bard/Dancerinstant h85, Autoheal 2k
[Bard], w/ W.Magparty hi fastcast 1
Magika AnimusSA1Magika Animusinstant party h105, Regenga, hi fastcast 2, self dmg cap +10k 15s
[W.Mag], w/ W.Maginstant h105, self 1.3x W.Mag healing 1 turn
[W.Mag], w/ Bard/Dancerparty h25
+earth dmg
SAPrime Explosionphys 9.0/15 earth+holy+non, earth infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (cmd 2 ⤇ (1.15x PHY dmg 1 turn, dualcast earth/holy 1 turn) / (1.3x PHY dmg 1 turn, triplecast earth/holy 1 turn) / (1.5x PHY dmg 1 turn, quadcast earth/holy 1 turn) / (1.7x PHY dmg 1 turn, hexcast earth/holy 1 turn) @ 1-2-3-4 status lvl), (earth/holy ⤇ reset status lvl)
[Knight], w/ earth/holyp6.0 e+h w/ 99k cap
[Knight], w/ earth/holyinstant self crit =100% 1 turn, status lvl +1
Crescent Knife
+wind dmg
SAFlying Starp9.0/15 or m22.5/15 wind+non rngd, wind infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, party +30% ATK/DEF/MAG 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (2 cmd 1/cmd 2 ⤇ party 1.3x wind dmg 1 turn)
[B.Mag], w/ windp5.4/6 or m18.3/6 wi+n rngd
[Thief], w/ windfast p2.4/3 or m8.1/3 wi+n rngd, +10% wind vuln. 15s per 2 uses, self +10% wind dmg 15s per 2 uses
Dr. Mog
Mage's StaffSARainbow Magicmagic 22.5/15 prism+non, element infuse w/ stacking 25s based on party element infuse, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (3 cmd 1/cmd 2 ⤇ element infuse 25s based on party element infuse)
[B.Mag], w/ Anym16.4 prism+n w/ 99k cap
[B.Mag], w/ Anyinstant self 1.5x elem dmg 1 turn, hi fastcast 1
Final Fantasy I
Warrior of Light
Master Sword
+holy dmg
SA2True Shining Saberphys 9.0/15 holy+non, holy infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, [Warrior of Hope Mode: Increases Holy ability damage by 10%/30%/50% if the user has Buff Holy 10%/40%/60%+, removed if the user hasn't Synchro Mode], 15s: [Radiant Burst: Grants [Radiant Burst 50% Critical Chance]/[Radiant Burst 75% Critical Chance]/[Radiant Burst 100% Critical Chance] to the user after using 2/4/6+2n of Shining Thrust or Lucent Boost, grants [Buff Holy 10% (15s)] to the user after using two of Shining Thrust or Lucent Boost]
[Knight], w/ holy[Shining Thrust: Type: Physical, School: Knight, Element: (Holy,NE), Cast time: 1.65s, Six single attacks (0.90 each) with 20% additional critical damage]
[Knight], w/ holyinstant self fastcast 3
Warrior of Light
Excalibur II
+holy dmg
SA1Photon Wavephys 9.0/15 holy+non, holy infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, PM blink 1, 15s: (next 2 PM blink 1/2 lost ⤇ p5.2 h+n w/ 99k cap Knight, self PM blink 1)
[Knight], w/ holyp5.4/6 h+n @ +100% crit if PM blink 1 or PM blink 2
[Knight], w/ holyp2.7/3 h+n @ +100% crit if PM blink 1 or PM blink 2, self fastcast 3
+dark dmg
SA1Sinister Reincarnationphys 9.0/15 dark+non, dark infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, party 40% Dmg barrier 1, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (Dmg barrier lost ⤇ p1.92/6 d+n Darkness, 1.15-1.3-1.5x dark dmg w/ 1-2-3 uses)
[Darkness], w/ darkp5.4/6 d+n, party 40% Dmg barrier 1 @ 1 status lvl, self status lvl -1
[Darkness], w/ darkp2.7/3 d+n, self fastcast 1, status lvl +1
Guardian FluteSAFar-Reaching Prayerinstant party h105, hi fastcast 2, Last stand, dmg cap +10k 15s, self status lvl +1
[W.Mag], w/ Bard/W.Maginstant party Autoheal 1k/2k/3k @ 1-2-3 status lvl
[Bard], w/ Bard/W.Magparty h25 (NAT), self status lvl +1
Spring BreezeSAFaerie Taleinstant party h105 (NAT), revive @ 100% HP, Haste, +30% A/D/M/R 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, status lvl +1
[Dancer], w/ B.Mag/Dancerinstant party hi fastcast 1
[Dancer], w/ B.Mag/Dancerparty h55 (NAT) @ 1 status lvl, Last stand @ 1 status lvl, h25 (NAT) @ 0 status lvl, self status lvl -1
Master Fist
+fire dmg
SARaging Spiritphys 9.0/15 earth+fire+lgt+non, self dmg cap +10k 15s, status lvl +5, 1 turn: (earth/fire/lgt ⤇ earth/fire/lgt infuse 2 w/ stacking), 15s: [Frenzied Monk Mode: ATK +30%, critical hits deal 50% more damage (additive with the base critical coefficient), casts Ballistic Fist after dealing a critical hit if the user has Martial Will level 1 or higher]
[Monk], w/ Monkp5.4/6 e+f+l+n @ +25 - 50 - 75 - 100% crit w/ 0-1-2-3 uses
[Monk], w/ Monkinstant p0.8 e+f+l+n, self fastcast 3
Wizard's Robes
+fire dmg
SACauldron Chantmagic 22.5/15 fire+ice+lgt+non, party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, (1.15x fire/ice/lgt dmg 1 turn, dualcast Witch 1 turn) / (1.3x fire/ice/lgt dmg 1 turn, dualcast Witch 1 turn) / (1.3x fire/ice/lgt dmg 3 turns, dualcast Witch 3 turns) if 0-2-4+ I chars. alive, 1 turn: (fire/ice/lgt ⤇ fire/ice/lgt infuse 2 w/ stacking)
[Witch], w/ Witchslow m21.35/7 f+i+l+n
[Witch], w/ Witchm9.15/3 f+i+l+n, self fastcast 2
Avalon Breath
+water dmg
SAPrimal Undinemagic 22.5/15 water+non, water infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (1/2+ water ⤇ 1.25/2x ATB)
[B.Mag], w/ waterm18.3/6 wa+n, self 1.3x water dmg 1 turn
[B.Mag], w/ waterm9.15/3 wa+n, self instacast 1
Thief (I)
Zwill Straightblade
+bio dmg
SACrescent Gale[Crescent Gale: Type: Physical, Element: (Wind,Poison,NE), Cast time: 2.5s, Fifteen single attacks (0.60 each), grants [50% Critical]/[100% Critical (25s)] to all allies if 0-2/3+ allies have any Attach Poison, grants [Synchro Mode], [Damage Cap +10000], [Twin Element Mode III (Wind/Poison)], [Poisoner Thieves Follow-Up] and [Crescent Gale] to the user]
[Thief], w/ Thief[Hollow Edge: Type: Physical, School: Thief, Element: (Wind,Poison,NE), Cast time: 1.2s, Six single attacks (0.80 each), grants [Quick Cast 1] to all FF1 allies]
[Thief], w/ Thieffast p2.4/3 wi+b+n, self 1.3x wind/bio dmg 3 turns
Final Fantasy II
+fire dmg
SA3Weapon Masterphys 9.0/15 holy+fire+non, self dmg cap +10k 15s, status lvl +1, 1 turn: (holy/fire ⤇ holy/fire infuse 2 w/ stacking), 15s: [Twin Master Mode: Grants [Holy/Fire Ability +15% Boost 3] and [75% Critical 3]/[Holy/Fire Ability +30% Boost 3] and [100% Critical 3]/[Holy/Fire Ability +50% Boost 3], [Instant Cast 3] and [100% Critical 3] to the user if the user has greater than or equal to 0%/50%/80% HP after using Saintfire Blade, removes Twin Master Mode after using Saintfire Blade]
[Samurai], w/ holy/fire[Saintfire Sweep: Type: Physical, School: Samurai, Element: (Holy,Fire,NE), Cast time: 1.65s, 6/8 single attacks (0.90 each) if the user has Armaments level 0-1/2, heals the user for 20% of the damage dealt if the user has Armaments level 1, causes Armaments -1 to the user]
[Samurai], w/ holy/fireinstant self fastcast 2, status lvl +2
+ice dmg
SA2Blizzard Lordphys 9.0/15 ice+non, ice infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: dualcast ice, ice instacast, (3 ice ⤇ p5.28 i+n w/ 99k cap Samurai (once only))
[Samurai], w/ icep3.6/4 - 5.4/6 - 7.2/8 i+n w/ 0-1-2 uses
[Samurai], w/ iceinstant self 1.3x ice dmg 3 turns
+holy dmg
SA1Full Masteryphys 9.0/15 holy+ice+fire+non, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (holy/ice/fire ⤇ holy/ice/fire infuse 2 w/ stacking), 15s: (4 Samurai/Knight ⤇ element infuse w/ stacking 25s if element infuse, remove mode), 15s: (2 Samurai/Knight ⤇ crit =100% 1 turn, dmg cap +10k 1 turn, status lvl +1), (2 Samurai/Knight ⤇ +50% crit dmg 1 turn if Hilda alive)
[Knight], w/ Knightp4.5/5 - 6.3/7 h+i+f+n w/o - w/ status lvl, self 1.3x Knight dmg 1 turn if status lvl, reset status lvl
[Samurai], w/ Samuraip4.5/5 - 6.3/7 h+i+f+n w/o - w/ status lvl, self 1.3x Samurai dmg 1 turn if status lvl, reset status lvl
Elfin Bow
+earth dmg
SA2Cosmic Arrow XCIXmagic 22.5/15 earth+non, earth infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: [Stout Archer Mode: Casts Mash VIII after another ally uses an Earth ability, grants [Instant ATB 3] and [Earth Ability +30% Boost 3] to the user after casting Mash VIII six times, removed after casting Mash VIII six times]
[B.Mag], w/ earthm18.3/6 e+n
[B.Mag], w/ earthinstant m2.7 e+n, self fastcast 3
+earth dmg
SA1Armageddon XCIXmagic 22.5/15 earth+non, earth infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
[B.Mag], w/ earthm12.2/4 - 18.3/6 - 24.4/8 e+n w/ 0-1-2 uses
[B.Mag], w/ B.Maginstant self dualcast earth 1 turn, +10% earth dmg 15s
Minwu's Cowl
+holy dmg
SAHoly XCIXwhite 24.0/15 holy+non, holy infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (2 holy ⤇ +20% holy dmg 15s)
[W.Mag], w/ holyw18.6/6 h+n
[W.Mag], w/ holyw9.3/3 h+n, self 1.3x holy dmg 3 turns
+fire dmg
SAHonored Memoryinstant party hi fastcast 3, +30% ATK/MAG/MND 25s, self status lvl +2
[Support], w/ W.Mag(-50% ATK/DEF 15s) / (-50% MAG/RES 15s) @ 1/2 +2n uses
[Support], w/ W.Maginstant +150 SB pts @ 1+ status lvl, party fastcast 1, self status lvl -1
Poison Steel
+bio dmg
SA2Hollow Beautyphys 9.0/15 bio+non, bio infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (bio ⤇ same row fastcast 1)
[Thief], w/ biop3.2/4 - 4.8/6 - 6.4/8 b+n w/ 0-1-2 uses, self 1.3x bio dmg 1 turn
[Thief], w/ bioinstant self dualcast bio 1 turn, +10% bio dmg 15s
+water dmg
SA1Split Edgephys 9.0/15 water+non, water infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (cmd 1/cmd 2 ⤇ p1.95/5 wa+n Thief, +10% water vuln. 15s per 2 uses)
[Thief], w/ waterinstant p4.8/6 wa+n
[Thief], w/ waterp2.4/3 wa+n, self 1.3x water dmg 3 turns
Dragon Whisker
+wind dmg
SAWindbolt Dragoonphys 9.0/15 wind+lgt+water+dark+non jump, party no air time 3 turns, 1.5x Dragoon dmg 3 turns, jump instacast 15s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (wind/lgt/water/dark ⤇ wind/lgt/water/dark infuse 2 w/ stacking)
[Dragoon], w/ Dragoonp5.4/6 wi+l+wa+d+n jump, air time 2.50s
[Dragoon], w/ Dragooninstant p0.8 wi+l+wa+d+n jump, self fastcast 3
Hyper Fist
+ice dmg
SA2Hero's Resolvephys 9.0/15 ice+non, ice infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 10% Dmg barrier 1, (Dmg barrier lost ⤇ party Last stand, self +50% ice dmg 5s, reset status lvl)
[Monk], w/ icep4.5/5, then ^4.71, i+n
[Monk], w/ iceinstant self fastcast 3, 1.3x ice dmg 3 turns
Kaiser Knuckles
+ice dmg
SA1Heroic Blowphys 9.0/15 ice+non, ice infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, (cmd 1 ⤇ status lvl +1)
[Monk], w/ Monkp5.4/6 i+n
[Support], w/ Monkself/party/party (instacast 2) / (40% Dmg barrier 2) / (crit =100% 25s) @ 0-1-2 status lvl, self reset status lvl
Empress Kharna
+dark dmg
SAWorld Dominatormagic 22.5/15 dark+earth+wind+non, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (dark/earth/wind ⤇ dark/earth/wind infuse 2 w/ stacking), 15s: (2 cmd 1/cmd 2 ⤇ m11.07 d+e+wi+n w/ 99k cap B.Mag, +10% dark/earth/wind vuln. 15s)
[B.Mag], w/ B.Mag/Darknessm18.3/6 d+e+wi+n
[B.Mag], w/ B.Mag/Darknessm16.4 d+e+wi+n w/ 99k cap, self 1.3x B.Mag dmg 3 turns
Muse's HarpSAWild Rose Bloominstant party h105, Phys blink 2, instacast 1, Last stand, self dmg cap +10k 15s
[Bard], w/ Bard/Dancerinstant party 40% Dmg barrier 1, Autoheal 1k
[W.Mag], w/ Bard/W.Magparty h25
+fire dmg
SAScarlet Pyrobladephys 9.0/15 fire+non, fire infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, party +30% ATK, +25% DEF 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (1/2/3+ Spellblade ⤇ 1.15-1.3-1.5x Spellblade dmg)
[Spellblade], w/ firep5.1/6 - 5.7/6 f+n if 0-1 of Gordon/Hilda alive, party +10% fire dmg 5s
[Spellblade], w/ firep2.7/3 f+n, self fastcast 3
Final Fantasy III
Brave Suit
+wind dmg
SA2Dragon's Tornadophys 9.0/15 wind+non rngd, wind infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, [Dragon's Tornado: Grants [Dragon's Tornado Boost 10%]/[Dragon's Tornado Boost 20%]/[Dragon's Tornado Boost 30%]/[Dragon's Tornado Boost 40%]/[Dragon's Tornado Boost 50%] to the user after any ally uses 1/2/3/4/5+ Dragoon abilities] 15s, [Dragon's Tornado Damage Cap: Grants [Damage Cap +10000 1] to the user after another ally uses a Dragoon ability] 15s
[Dragoon], w/ windslow [Gale Leap: Type: Physical, School: Dragoon, Element: (Wind,NE), Cast time: 3.3s, Seven single ranged jump attacks (0.90 each), 3.30/2.475/1.65 cast time scaling with uses]
[Dragoon], w/ windinstant self instacast 1, crit =100% 1 turn
+wind dmg
SA1Silver Windphys 9.0/15 wind+non jump, wind infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (3 cmd 2 ⤇ 1.3x wind dmg 3 turns, dualcast wind 3 turns, instacast 3, dmg cap +10k 3 turns if ≥2 III chars. alive, remove mode)
[Dragoon], w/ windp5.4/6 wi+n jump
[Celerity], w/ windinstant p2.7/3 wi+n
Herding Staff
+water dmg
SAInvoke Leviathm22.5/15 (SUM) or w24.0/15 holy+water+non, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (holy/water ⤇ holy/water infuse 2 w/ stacking), 15s: (2 cmd 1/cmd 2 ⤇ fastcast 1, 1.3x holy/water dmg 1 turn)
[Summon], w/ waterm18.3/6 or w18.6/6 wa+n, +10% water vuln. 5s
[W.Mag], w/ holym18.3/6 (SUM) or w18.6/6 h+n, +10% holy vuln. 5s
Dual Claw
+fire dmg
SASearing Circlephys 9.0/15 fire+non, fire infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (2 cmd 1/cmd 2 ⤇ p1.95/5 - 3.9/10 - 5.85/15 f+n Monk w/ 0-1-2 uses)
[Monk], w/ firep5.4/6 f+n @ +20% crit dmg
[Monk], w/ fireinstant self crit =100% 2 turns, 1.3x fire dmg 2 turns
Diamond Armor
+earth dmg
SA2Paragon of Chivalryphys 9.0/15 earth+non, earth infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.3x PHY dmg 3 turns, dmg cap +10k 3 turns, (next 3 earth ⤇ p3.52 e+n w/ 99k cap Knight) if ≥4 III chars. alive
[Knight], w/ earthp5.4/6 e+n, self fastcast 1
[Knight], w/ earth[Sasune Guard: Type: Physical, School: Knight, Element: (Earth,NE), Cast time: 1.65s, Three single attacks (0.90 each), grants [Quick Cast 1] to the user, grants [40% Damage Reduction Barrier 1] to all FF3 allies]
Save the Queen
+earth dmg
SA1Knight's Assaultphys 9.0/15 earth+non, earth infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, party 40% Dmg barrier 1, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (next 4 Dmg barrier lost ⤇ heal 1.5k HP, party 40% Dmg barrier 1)
[Knight], w/ earthp5.4/6 e+n
[Knight], w/ earthp2.7/3 e+n, self 1.3x earth dmg 3 turns
+lgt dmg
SALife Sparkmagic 22.5/15 lgt+non, lgt infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, (next 3 1/2/3 cmd 2 ⤇ party 1.1-1.2-1.3x lgt dmg 1 turn), for next lgt: (cmd 2 ⤇ (dualcast lgt 1 turn) / (triplecast lgt 1 turn) / (quadcast lgt 1 turn) @ 1-2-3 status lvl)
[B.Mag], w/ lgt (0 status lvl)m18.3/6 l+n
[B.Mag], w/ lgt (1 status lvl)m18.3/6 l+n, self status lvl -1
[B.Mag], w/ lgt (2 status lvl)m16.4 l+n w/ 99k cap, self fastcast 3, status lvl -1
[B.Mag], w/ lgt (3 status lvl)m16.4 l+n w/ 99k cap, +20% lgt vuln. 15s, self status lvl -1
[B.Mag], w/ lgtinstant self status lvl +1
Onion Knight
Sage's Hat
+wind dmg
SA3Channel Windmagic 22.5/15 wind+non, wind infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, (next 3 2 cmd 1/cmd 2 ⤇ [Onion Soul: Wind: Type: Magical, School: Black Magic, Element: (Wind,NE), Cast time: 0.01s, 5/10 single attacks (0.95 each) if Onion Soul: Wind has been cast 0-1/2 times, followed by one single attack (6.32) capped at 99999])
[B.Mag], w/ windm18.3/6 wi+n
[B.Mag], w/ windinstant self fastcast 3, 1.5x wind dmg 3 turns
Onion Knight
Gaia Rod
+earth dmg
SA2Channel Earthmagic 22.5/15 earth+non, earth infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, party +30% MAG/RES/MND 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, [Magus of Earth: Grants Magus of Earth +1 to the user after using three of Synchrospell Earth or Breachspell Earth, removed after three of Synchrospell Earth or Breachspell Earth, removed if the user hasn't Synchro Mode]
[B.Mag], w/ earthm18.3/6 e+n, self fastcast 1
[B.Mag], w/ earthinstant party 1.3x earth dmg 3 turns, hi fastcast 1 @ 1 status lvl, self 1.3x earth dmg 3 turns @ 0 status lvl, status lvl -1
Onion Knight
Nimbus Rod
+water dmg
SA1Channel Watermagic 22.5/15 water+non, water infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self hi fastcast 1, dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (water ⤇ hi fastcast 1)
[B.Mag], w/ waterm18.3/6 wa+n
[B.Mag], w/ waterm16.4 wa+n w/ 99k cap, self 1.3x water dmg 3 turns
Cloud of Darkness
Voracious Tentacles
+dark dmg
SA1Diffusion Particle Beammagic 22.5/15 dark+non, dark infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, status lvl +1, 15s: (2 cmd 1/cmd 2 ⤇ party 1.3x dark dmg 1 turn)
[Darkness], w/ darkm18.3/6 d+n, self fastcast 1
[Darkness], w/ darkm16.4 d+n w/ 99k cap, -70% DEF/RES/MND @ 1 status lvl 8s, self status lvl -1
Ballad CrownSA2Rainbow Prayerinstant water infuse 25s, party h105, revive @ 100% HP, water fastcast 4, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (next 4 cmd 1/cmd 2 ⤇ [Maiden's Protection: Type: Magical, School: White Magic, Cast time: 0.01s, One single attack that deals 99999 damage, grants [HP Stock (2000)] to a random ally])
[W.Mag], w/ Bard/W.Mag[Maiden's Wonder: Type: Magical, School: White Magic, Element: (Water,NE), Cast time: 1.65s, Three single attacks (3.10 each), restores HP (17.50/20.00/25.00) to all allies if 0-1/2-3/4+ allies have any Attach Water]
[W.Mag], w/ Bard/W.Maginstant h55, fastcast 1, Pain -1
Mermaid's HarpSA1Ephemeral Maideninstant party h105, instacast 1, Negate dmg 100%, self dmg cap +10k 15s
[W.Mag], w/ Bard/W.Maginstant h55 w/o Neg. Dmg., Negate dmg 50/100% w/o - w/ Neg. Dmg.
[W.Mag], w/ Bard/W.Magparty h25
Final Fantasy IV
Cecil (Dark Knight)
+dark dmg
SA2Tenebrous Blastphys 9.0/15 dark+non, dark infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, instant ATB 3, instacast 3, status lvl +1
[Darkness], w/ Darknessp5.16/6 - 5.34/6 - 5.52/6 - 5.7/6 d+n w/ 0-1-2-3 uses, self lose 25-15-5-5% max HP w/ uses
[Darkness], w/ Darknessp2.7/3 d+n, self 1.3x Darkness dmg 1 turn @ 0 status lvl, +30% ATK/DEF 8s, 1.3x Darkness dmg 3 turns @ 1 status lvl, status lvl -1
Cecil (Dark Knight)
Cimmerian Edge
+dark dmg
SA1Shadow Blazerphys 9.0/15 dark+non, dark infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, status lvl +2, (cmd 2 ⤇ p4.0 d+n w/ 99k cap Darkness, up to p7.0 @ 1% HP, self heal 20% of dmg @ 1-2 status lvl, status lvl -1)
[Darkness], w/ Darknessp5.4/6 d+n, self 1.3x Darkness dmg 1 turn
[Darkness], w/ Darknessp2.7/3 d+n, self HP to 1, fastcast 1
Cecil (Paladin)
Ultima Weapon
+holy dmg
SAShine Braverp9.0/15 or w24.0/15 holy+non, holy infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (cmd 1 ⤇ p1.52/2 or w6.72/2 h Knight, party +10% holy dmg 15s), (cmd 2 ⤇ p1.52/2 or w6.72/2 h Knight, party 40% Dmg barrier 1)
[Knight], w/ holyp5.4/6 or w18.6/6 h+n, self 1.3x holy dmg 1 turn
[W.Mag], w/ holyparty h25
Calamity Spear
+dark dmg
SA2Cross Javelinphys 9.0/15 lgt+dark+non jump, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (lgt/dark ⤇ lgt/dark infuse 2 w/ stacking)
[Dragoon], w/ lgt/darkp3.6/4 - 7.2/8 l+d+n jump @ 0/1 status lvl, self dmg cap +10k 1 turn, status lvl -1
[Dragoon], w/ Dragoonp2.7/3 l+d+n jump, self crit =100% 2 turns, 1.3x Dragoon dmg 2 turns, status lvl +2
Gae Bolg
+lgt dmg
SA1Blood Dragoonphys 9.0/15 lgt+non jump, lgt infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (3 lgt ⤇ p5.28 l+n rngd w/ 99k cap Dragoon)
[Dragoon], w/ lgtp6.4 l+n jump w/ 99k cap, air time 2.50s
[Dragoon], w/ lgtp2.7/3 l+n rngd, self jump hi fastcast 2
Chanter's Djellaba
+holy dmg
SA3Holy Burstmagic 22.5/15 holy+non (SUM), holy infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: [True Summoner Mode: Casts Divine Breeze after another ally uses an ability, removed after casting Divine Breeze three times]
[Summon], w/ holym18.3/6 h+n
[Summon], w/ holyinstant self 1.5x holy dmg 3 turns
Aqua Whip
+water dmg
SA2Broken Heartmagic 22.5/15 water+non (SUM), water infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, Autoheal 10k, status lvl +1
[Summon], w/ waterm18.3/6 wa+n
[Summon], w/ waterAoE m12.2/4 wa+n, self 50% Dmg barrier 4 @ 1 status lvl, status lvl -1
Gaia Whip
+earth dmg
SA1Eidolon Zantetsukenmagic 22.5/15 earth+non (SUM), earth infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
[Summon], w/ earthm18.3/6 e+n, self fastcast 1
[Summon], w/ earthm9.15/3 e+n, self 1.3x earth dmg 3 turns, refill 1 abil. use
Regal GownSA1Theme of Loveinstant party h105, Magic blink 1, hi fastcast 2, Last stand, self dmg cap +10k 15s
[W.Mag], w/ W.Magparty h25
[W.Mag], w/ W.Maginstant party Magic blink 1
Edward's HarpSAKings' Quadinstant party +30% ATK/MAG/MND 25s, instacast 1, 2x ATB 1, self status lvl +1
[Bard], w/ Bardh55 (NAT), instacast 1, 2x ATB 1 @ 1 status lvl, self status lvl -1
[Bard], w/ Bardparty 20% Dmg barrier 1, Autoheal 1k
Tiger Fang
+earth dmg
SAOboro Strike[Oboro Strike: Type: Physical, Element: (Earth,NE), Cast time: 2.5s, Fifteen single attacks (0.60 each), grants [PHY +15% Boost 3]/[PHY +30% Boost 3]/[PHY +30% Boost 3] and [Critical Damage +50%] to all allies if 0-1/2-3/4+ FF4 allies are alive, grants [Attach Earth 3 with Stacking], [Synchro Mode] and [Damage Cap +10000] to the user, grants Frying Pan +2 to the user if 4+ FF4 allies and Ursula are alive]
[Monk], w/ Monkp5.4/6 e+n @ +100% crit @ 1+ status lvl, self status lvl -1
[Combat], w/ Monkinstant self dmg cap +10k 2 turns, status lvl +2 (max 4)
Sage's Mantle
+ice dmg
SACoordinated Twin Meteormagic 22.5/15 lgt+fire+ice+non, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (lgt/fire/ice ⤇ lgt/fire/ice infuse 2 w/ stacking), 15s: (2 cmd 1/cmd 2 ⤇ 1.5x B.Mag dmg 1 turn, status lvl +1), (2 cmd 1/cmd 2 ⤇ +10% lgt/fire/ice dmg 15s if Porom alive)
[B.Mag], w/ B.Magm16.2/6, then 12.0 w/ 99k cap, l+f+i+n @ 1 status lvl, self status lvl -1
[B.Mag], w/ B.Maginstant m2.7 l+f+i+n, self fastcast 3
Bountiful VestmentSA1Sync Renewinstant party h105, hi fastzap 3, Regenga, dmg cap +10k 15s, self status lvl +1
[W.Mag], w/ W.Maginstant h85, Autoheal 3k
[W.Mag], w/ W.Magparty h25-85 @ 0-1 status lvl, instacast 1 @ 1 status lvl, self status lvl -1
Lufenian Staff
+earth dmg
SASage's Remembrancemagic 22.5/15 earth+non, earth infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, status lvl +1
[B.Mag], w/ earthm21.35/7 e, self lose 25-15-5% max HP w/ uses
[B.Mag], w/ earthinstant self 1.3x earth dmg 1 turn @ 0 status lvl, 1.5x earth dmg 3 turns, dmg cap +10k 3 turns @ 1 status lvl, status lvl -1
Art of War
+water dmg
SAEblan Harmonyp9.0/15 or m3337.5/15 water+fire+lgt+non, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (water/fire/lgt ⤇ water/fire/lgt infuse 2 w/ stacking), 15s: (3 cmd 1/cmd 2 ⤇ element infuse 25s if element infuse)
[Ninja], w/ Ninjafast p4.8/6 or m2470.5/6 wa+f+l+n
[Ninja], w/ Ninjafast p2.4/3 or m1235.25/3 wa+f+l+n, self +10% water/fire/lgt dmg 15s
Lunar Armlet
+holy dmg
SALunar Lineagewhite 24.0/15 holy+non, holy infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: [Moonlight Mode: Casts Lunar Power when another ally uses a Holy ability, removed after casting Lunar Power three times]
[W.Mag], w/ holyw18.6/6 h+n, party +10% holy dmg 15s per 3 uses, self fastcast 1
[W.Mag], w/ holyw9.3/3 h+n, self 1.3x holy dmg 3 turns
Blackwyrm Rod
+dark dmg
SA1Dark Meteormagic 22.5/15 dark+non, dark infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (2 dark ⤇ self +20% dark dmg 15s)
[Darkness], w/ darkm18.3/6 d+n, self 1.3x dark dmg 1 turn
[Darkness], w/ darkm16.4 d+n w/ 99k cap
Lufenian Saber
+holy dmg
SAAdvanced Bladephys 9.0/15 holy+non, holy infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, Magic blink 2, 15s: (3 cmd 1/cmd 2 ⤇ p5.19 h+n w/ 99k cap Knight, self Magic blink 1)
[Knight], w/ holyp4.5/5 - 6.3/7 h+n w/o - w/ Magic blink, self 1.3x holy dmg 1 turn
[Knight], w/ holyinstant self fastcast 2, crit =100% 2 turns
Heavy Knuckles
+fire dmg
SAFlamespire Warriormagic 22.5/15 fire+non, fire infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, Magic blink 1, (cmd 1/cmd 2 ⤇ 1.3x fire dmg 1 turn if Magic blink), (next 3 Magic blink lost ⤇ m^37.28/2 f+n B.Mag, self Magic blink 1)
[B.Mag], w/ firem18.3/6 f+n, +10% fire vuln. 5s
[B.Mag], w/ fireinstant self fastcast 1, dualcast fire 1 turn
Tiger Fang U
+earth dmg
SATwin Wing Frenzy[Twin Wing Frenzy: Type: Physical, Element: (Earth,Fire,NE), Cast time: 2.5s, Fifteen single attacks (0.60 each), causes [Imperil Prismatic 10% (15s)]/[Imperil Prismatic 30% (15s)] if 0-3/4+ FF4 allies are alive, grants [ATK and DEF +30% (25s)]/[ATK, DEF, MAG and RES +30% (25s)] to all allies if 0-3/4+ FF4 allies are alive, grants [Attach Earth 3 with Stacking], [Synchro Mode] and [Damage Cap +10000] to the user, grants Ladle +2 to the user if 4+ FF4 allies and Yang are alive]
[Monk], w/ Monkp5.4/6 e+n @ +100% crit @ 1+ status lvl, self status lvl -1
[Combat], w/ Monkinstant self 1.3x earth dmg 2 turns, status lvl +2 (max 4)
Dancing Queen
+wind dmg
SARaging Windmagic 22.5/15 wind+non, wind infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, party 40% Dmg barrier 3, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (cmd 1/cmd 2 ⤇ 2x ATB 1 if Dmg barrier)
[B.Mag], w/ windm18.3/6 wi+n
[B.Mag], w/ B.Maginstant self hi fastcast 2, 30% Dmg barrier 4
Final Fantasy V
Rainbow DressSA1White Magic Masteryinstant party h105, hi fastcast 2, +30% healing recv 15s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
[W.Mag], w/ W.Maginstant h105
[W.Mag], w/ W.Mag/Dancerparty h25
Killer Knuckles
+earth dmg
SA2Dawn Unityphys 9.0/15 earth+non, earth infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, (fastcast 2) / (fastcast 3) if 0-4+ V chars. alive, self dmg cap +10k 15s, [Veteran's Resolve Mode: Casts Dawn Onslaught or Dawn Onslaught (Imperil) after using Indomitable Strike or Immortal Strike, removed if the user has triggered Indomitable Strike or Immortal Strike a combined three times, removed if the user hasn't Synchro Mode] if ≥4 V chars. alive
[Monk], w/ earthp5.16/6 - 5.34/6 - 5.52/6 - 5.7/6 e+n @ +25 - 50 - 75 - 100% crit w/ 0-1-2-3 uses
[Monk], w/ earthp2.7/3 e+n, self 1.3x earth dmg 1 turn
Monk Galuf's Guise
+earth dmg
SA1Soul Successorphys 9.0/15 earth+non, earth infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, (cmd 1 ⤇ status lvl +1)
[Monk], w/ earthp5.4/6 e+n
[Support], w/ earthself/party/party (instacast 2) / (+50% crit dmg 2 turns) / (crit =100% 25s) @ 0-1-2 status lvl, self reset status lvl
Gogo (V)
El Dorado
+water dmg
SASubmarine Whirlpoolmagic 22.5/15 water+non, water infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: [Deep Impersonation Mode: Mimicked abilities deal 50% more damage, casts the last ability used by any ally when another ally casts a Water ability, removed after triggering three times]
[B.Mag], w/ waterm18.3/6 wa+n, +10% water vuln. 5s
[B.Mag], w/ B.Mag/Bardinstant m2.7 wa+n, self 1.3x water dmg 3 turns
+fire dmg
SAFuture Allyphys 9.0/15 fire+non, fire infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, Retaliate @p1.2 15s, status lvl +2
[Samurai], w/ firep5.4/6 f+n, self 1.3x Samurai dmg 1 turn
[Samurai], w/ fireinstant p2.7/3 f+n if status lvl, then p0.2/20, then 5.28 w/ 99k cap, f+n no miss if status lvl, self status lvl -1
+fire dmg
SA4Flaming Bondphys 9.0/15 fire+non, fire infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: [Flame Resolve Mode: Casts Blade of Embers when another ally uses a Fire ability, removed after casting Blade of Embers four times, grants [Quadcast Spellblade 1] to the user when removed]
[Spellblade], w/ firep4.98/6 - 5.16/6 - 5.34/6 - 5.52/6 - 5.7/6 f+n w/ 1…5 uses, self fastcast 1
[Spellblade], w/ firep6.0 f+n w/ 99k cap, self instacast 1
+water dmg
SA3Aqueous Bondphys 9.0/15 water+non, water infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, -10% fire vuln. 15s, 15s: (3 cmd 1/cmd 2 ⤇ -10% fire vuln. 15s), [Sympathy Mode: Water abilities deal 10/20/30% more damage under Resist Fire 10/20/30+%, cast speed x1.50/x2.00/x3.00 for Water abilities under Resist Fire 10/20/30+%, removed if the user hasn't Synchro Mode]
[Spellblade], w/ waterp5.4/6 wa+n
[Combat], w/ waterinstant self dualcast Spellblade 1 turn, +10% water dmg 15s
+earth dmg
SA2Earthen Bondphys 9.0/15 earth+non, earth infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (3 earth ⤇ earth infuse 25s)
[Spellblade], w/ earthp5.1/6 - 5.4/6 - 5.7/6 e+n w/ 0-1-2 uses
[Spellblade], w/ earthp2.7/3 e+n, self crit =100% 1 turn, fastcast 2 if ≥1 V chars. alive, +50% crit dmg 1 turn if ≥2 V chars. alive
Mirage Sword
+wind dmg
SA1Ethereal Bondphys 9.0/15 wind+non, wind infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (3 cmd 1/cmd 2 ⤇ wind infuse 25s)
[Spellblade], w/ windp5.1/6 - 5.4/6 - 5.7/6 wi+n w/ 0-1-2 uses
[Combat], w/ windp0.9 wi+n, self fastcast 2, dualcast Spellblade 1 turn
Rune Bow
+wind dmg
SA1Precious Friendphys 9.0/15 wind+fire+non rngd, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (wind/fire ⤇ wind/fire infuse 2 w/ stacking), 15s: (4 cmd 1/cmd 2 ⤇ p6.92 wi+f+n rngd w/ 99k cap Thief, self instacast 1)
[Thief], w/ windfast p4.8/6 wi+n rngd, +10% wind vuln. 5s
[Thief], w/ firefast p4.8/6 f+n rngd, +10% fire vuln. 5s
Ancient Sword
+earth dmg
SAResolute Flashing Blade[Resolute Flashing Blade: Type: Physical, Element: (Earth,Wind,NE), Cast time: 2.5s, Fifteen single attacks (0.60 each), causes [Imperil Earth 10% (15s)]/[Imperil Earth 20% (15s)]/[Imperil Earth 30% (15s)] if 1/2/3+ of Galuf, Kelger and Xexat are alive and three or more FF5 allies are alive, grants [Attach Earth 3 with Stacking], [Synchro Mode], and [Damage Cap +10000] to the user, grants [50% Damage Reduction Barrier 1] to all allies, grants [Crystal Warden Mode] to the user if 3+ FF5 allies are alive]
[Knight], w/ earthp5.4/6 e+n
[Knight], w/ earthinstant self fastcast 3, 1.3x earth dmg 3 turns
Moore Blade
+dark dmg
SA2Almagestmagic 22.5/15 dark+non, dark infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, (3 cmd 1/cmd 2 ⤇ instant ATB 3, instacast 3, status lvl +3 (once only)), (6 cmd 1/cmd 2 ⤇ status lvl +1 (once only))
[Darkness], w/ darkm9.15/3 - 24.4/8 d+n @ 0-1 status lvl, self fastcast 1 @ 0 status lvl, status lvl -1
[B.Mag], w/ darkm9.15/3 d+n @ 0 status lvl, then m16.4 d+n w/ 99k cap @ 1 status lvl, self fastcast 1 @ 0 status lvl
Necromancer's Cane
+dark dmg
SA1Space Disordermagic 22.5/15 dark+holy+non, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (dark/holy ⤇ dark/holy infuse 2 w/ stacking), 15s: (3 dark/holy ⤇ m12.0 - 24.0/2 - 24.0/2, then 0.0 - 0.0 - 10.6/5, d+h+n w/ 99k cap Darkness @ 0-72k-240k dmg dealt, once only)
[Darkness], w/ darkm18.3/6 d+n, self 1.3x dark dmg 1 turn
[W.Mag], w/ holyw18.6/6 h+n, self 1.3x holy dmg 1 turn
Wyvern Tail
+fire dmg
SA1Baldesion Attackmagic 22.5/15 fire+earth+non, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (fire/earth ⤇ fire/earth infuse 2 w/ stacking), 15s: (fire ⤇ +10% fire dmg 15s), (earth ⤇ +10% earth dmg 15s)
[B.Mag], w/ fire/earthm17.4/6 - 18.3/6 - 19.2/6 f+e+n w/ 0-1-2 uses
[B.Mag], w/ fire/earthm9.15/3 - 18.3/6 f+e+n w/o - w/ Galuf alive, self fastcast 2
Seiryu Scimitar
+ice dmg
SASpellskill Frostbreakerphys 9.0/15 earth+ice+lgt+non, earth infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, party (phys fastcast 1, 1.3x earth dmg 1 turn) / (phys fastcast 2, 1.3x earth dmg 2 turns) / (2x ATB 1, phys fastcast 15s, 1.3x earth dmg 15s) if 1-2-3 of Kelger/Galuf/Dorgann alive, self dmg cap +10k 15s
[Spellblade], w/ Spellbladep5.4/6 e+i+l+n
[Spellblade], w/ Spellbladep6.0 e+i+l+n w/ 99k cap, self +10% ice/earth/lgt dmg 15s per 2 uses
Wolf's Emblem
+earth dmg
SAFerocious Alphaphys 9.0/15 earth+non, earth infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, instant ATB 3, instacast 3
[Ninja], w/ Ninjafast p4.8/6 e+n
[Ninja], w/ Ninjafast p2.4/3 e+n, self 1.3x Ninja dmg 3 turns
Final Fantasy VI
Mythical Sword
+wind dmg
SA2Riot Stormmagic 22.5/15 wind+non, wind infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 25s: Trance: +20% A/D/M/R/MND/ACC/EVA, fastcast
[B.Mag], w/ windm18.3/6 wi+n
[B.Mag], w/ windself triplecast wind 1 turn
Wizard Sword
+fire dmg
SA1Inferno Crossmagic 22.5/15 fire+non, fire infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
[B.Mag], w/ firem15.25/5 f+n, +10% fire dmg 15s, 1.3x fire dmg 1 turn
[Summon], w/ fireAoE m13.8 f+n w/ 99k cap
Survival Vest
+fire dmg
SA2Shredding Spinphys 9.0/15 fire+non, fire infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 2x ATB
[Thief], w/ firefast p4.8/6 f+n
[Thief], w/ Thieffast p2.4/3 f+n, +10% fire vuln. 15s per 2 uses, self +10% fire dmg 15s per 2 uses
+fire dmg
SA1Phoenix Heatphys 9.0/15 fire+non, fire infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
[Thief], w/ fire[Hunter's Grit: Type: Physical, School: Thief, Element: (Fire,NE), Cast time: 1.2s, Six single attacks (0.85/0.90/0.95 each) scaling with Hunter's Edge activations]
[Thief], w/ firep2.7/3 f+n, -50% ATK/DEF @ 1 +2n uses 8s, +10% fire vuln. @ 2 +2n uses 15s
+ice dmg
SA3Virtuous Bladephys 9.0/15 ice+holy+non, self dmg cap +10k 15s, status lvl +1, 1 turn: (ice/holy ⤇ ice/holy infuse 2 w/ stacking), (1/2/3/4+ ice/holy ⤇ crit =25/50/75/100%), (2 +2n ice/holy ⤇ 1.5x ice/holy dmg 1 turn)
[Spellblade], w/ ice/holyp5.4/6 i+h+n, self fastcast 1
[Spellblade], w/ ice/holyp6.0 i+h+n w/ 99k cap, party Magic blink 1 @ 1 status lvl, self status lvl -1, cast time 0.825s if Magic blink
Excalibur II
+holy dmg
SA2Proud Bladephys 9.0/15 holy+non, holy infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (4 Spellblade ⤇ instant ATB 2 (once only)), 15s: (cmd 2 ⤇ p6.0 h+n w/ 99k cap Spellblade, self fastcast 1 @ 750-999 SB pts, instacast 1, dualcast Spellblade 1 turn, -500 SB pts @ 1000+ SB pts (once only))
[Spellblade], w/ holyp5.4/6 h+n, self 1.3x Spellblade dmg 1 turn
[Spellblade], w/ holyp6.0 h+n w/ 99k cap
Knight Sword
+ice dmg
SA1Mystical Snowphys 9.0/15 ice+non, ice infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, party Magic blink 1, self dmg cap +10k 15s, Magic blink 2, 15s: (3 cmd 1/cmd 2 ⤇ party Magic blink 1, self Magic blink 2, hi fastcast 1)
[Spellblade], w/ icep5.22/6 - 5.58/6 i+n @ 0/1 Magic blink
[Spellblade], w/ icep2.7/3 i+n, self 1.3x Spellblade dmg 3 turns
Blessed BellSASnow Ensembleinstant party +50% MAG/MND 25s, 15s: (next 3 cmd 1 ⤇ party 1.7x mag dmg 1 turn)
[Dancer], w/ W.Mag/DancerAoE -50% ATK/MAG 8s, party heal 1.5k
[Dancer], w/ W.Mag/Dancerparty fastcast 1
Steel Breastplate
+bio dmg
SA2Bio Boostphys 9.0/15 bio+non rngd, bio infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, party 1.5x dmg vs weak 1 turn, self dmg cap +10k 15s
[Machinist], w/ Machinist/Supportp5.4/6 b+n rngd, +10% bio vuln. 15s
[Machinist], w/ Machinist/Supportfast p5.34 b+n rngd w/ 99k cap, self 1.3x bio dmg 3 turns
Modified Chainsaw
+fire dmg
SA1Trinity Boostphys 9.0/15 bio+fire+lgt+non rngd, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (bio/fire/lgt ⤇ bio/fire/lgt infuse 2 w/ stacking), 15s: (3 cmd 1/cmd 2 ⤇ p^12.96/2 b+f+l+n rngd Machinist)
[Machinist], w/ Machinistp5.4/6 b+f+l+n rngd, self 1.3x Machinist dmg 1 turn
[Machinist], w/ Machinistp2.7/3 b+f+l+n rngd, +10% bio/fire/lgt vuln. w/o Sabin or Relm alive 15s per 2 uses, +10% prism vuln. if Sabin or Relm alive per 2 uses, self fastcast 1
Master Fist
+fire dmg
SAFiery Bondphys 9.0/15 fire+non, fire infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, Phys blink stacking 15s, Phys blink 2, [Figaro Firebrand Mode: Casts Lethal Punch (Righteous)/Lethal Punch (Support)/Lethal Punch (Mixed) after using two of Solemn Fist or Phantom Resolve if the user has Pillar of Justice level 2/Pillar of Support level 2/Pillar of Justice and Pillar of Support level less than 2, removed if user hasn't Synchro Mode]
[Monk], w/ Monkp5.4/6 f+n, self 1.3x Monk dmg 1 turn, status lvl +1
[Monk], w/ fireinstant self fastcast 2, Phys blink 1, status lvl +1
+dark dmg
SADevastating Carnagephys 9.0/15 dark+non, dark infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, Phys blink stacking 15s, 40% Dmg barrier 1, 15s: (next 5 Dmg barrier lost ⤇ p^8.9/2 d+n Ninja, self 40% Dmg barrier 1)
[Ninja], w/ darkfast p0.8 - 3.2/4 - 6.4/8 d+n @ 0/1/2 Phys blink, self Phys blink 1
[Ninja], w/ darkfast p2.4/3 d+n, self 1.3x Ninja dmg 3 turns
+fire dmg
SABushido Tigerphys 9.0/15 fire+non, fire infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, crit =100% 25s, instacast 3, dmg cap +10k 3 turns, [Faithful Samurai Mode: Casts Martial Strike three times after using Fire abilities, removed after casting Martial Strike three times, removed if the user hasn't Synchro Mode] if ≥4 VI chars. alive
[Samurai], w/ Samuraip5.4/6 f+n, self 1.3x fire dmg 1 turn
[Samurai], w/ Samuraip6.0 f+n w/ 99k cap, self 1.3x fire dmg 1 turn
Wyvern Claws
+wind dmg
SAX-Cutter Ragephys 9.0/15 wind+lgt+non, self dmg cap +10k 15s, Abil. berserk 15s, 1 turn: (wind/lgt ⤇ wind/lgt infuse 2 w/ stacking), 15s: (1/2/3+ wind ⤇ 1.15-1.3-1.5x wind dmg), or (1/2/3+ lgt ⤇ 1.15-1.3-1.5x lgt dmg)
[Celerity], w/ Celerity/Combat (0 status lvl)p4.8/6 wi+l+n, self status lvl +1
[Celerity], w/ Celerity/Combat (1 status lvl)p8.0/10 wi+l+n @ +100% crit, self status lvl -1
[Celerity], w/ Celerity/Combat (0 status lvl)p5.4 wi+l+n w/ 99k cap, self status lvl +1
[Celerity], w/ Celerity/Combat (1 status lvl)p5.4 wi+l+n w/ 99k cap, self instacast 1, status lvl -1
Stacked Deck
+dark dmg
SADealer Shufflephys 9.0/15 dark+non rngd, party 1.3x dark dmg 2 turns, 15s: (cmd 1/cmd 2 ⤇ [Dark Trick: Type: Physical, School: Sharpshooter, Element: (Dark,NE), Cast time: 0.01s, Four single ranged attacks (0.50 each), causes [ATK and DEF -50% (8s)]/[MAG and RES -50% (8s)]/[DEF, RES and MND -50% (8s)] after casting Dark Trick 1+3n/2+3n/3+3n times])
[Support], w/ Sharpshooter/Supportno SB pts, [Black Solitaire: School: Support, Cast time: 1.65s, Causes [Imperil Dark 10% (5s)], grant [Soul Break Gauge +180] to the user]
[Support], w/ Supportinstant [Rigged Coin: School: Support, Cast time: 0.01s, Transfers the user's Soul Break points to the target, grants [Instant Cast 1] to the same target]
+wind dmg
SA2Bubble Tornadomagic 22.5/15 water+wind+non, self dmg cap +10k 15s, instacast 1, 1 turn: (water/wind ⤇ water/wind infuse 2 w/ stacking), 15s: (4 wa/wi ⤇ water/wind infuse 25s (once only))
[B.Mag], w/ wind/waterm18.3/6 wa+wi+n, self 1.3x B.Mag dmg 1 turn
[B.Mag], w/ wind/waterm16.4 wa+wi+n w/ 99k cap, self instacast 1
Sage's Staff
+water dmg
SA1Tsunamimagic 22.5/15 water+non, water infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
[B.Mag], w/ waterm18.3/6 wa+n, party 40% Dmg barrier 1
[B.Mag], w/ waterm16.4 wa+n w/ 99k cap, self 1.3x water dmg 3 turns
Moogle BrushSAGalaxy Prisminstant party h105, hi fastcast 2, Phys blink stacking 15s, self dmg cap +10k 15s
[W.Mag], w/ W.Magparty h25
[Support], w/ W.Maginstant party Phys blink 1
Gogo (VI)
Dark HatSATrue Punishing Meteorinstant self +10/20/30/40/50% A/D/M/R/MND if 1-2-3-4-5 chars. alive 25s, dmg cap +10k 15s, status lvl +1, 1 turn: (fire/ice/wind/earth ⤇ fire/ice/wind/earth infuse 2 w/ stacking)
[B.Mag], w/ Combat/B.Magp5.4/6 or m18.3/6 f+i+wi+e+n
[B.Mag], w/ Combat/B.Maginstant p0.8 or m2.7 f+i+wi+e+n, self fastcast 2 @ 0 status lvl, 1.3x fire/ice/wind/earth dmg 2 turns, dmg cap +10k 2 turns, status lvl -1, 15s: [Impersonation Mode: Casts the last ability used by any ally after another ally uses a Fire, Ice, Wind or Earth ability, removed after triggering three times] @ 1 status lvl
+ice dmg
SASnowfall Strikephys 9.0/15 ice+non, ice infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, Abil. berserk 15s, status lvl +1, status lvl +1, (2 cmd 1/cmd 2 ⤇ (crit =50%, dualcast ice, fastcast 2 turns) / (crit =75/100%, dualcast ice, 2/3x cast 3 turns) @ 0-1-2 status lvl (once only)), 15s: [Intense Cold Follow-Up: Casts Intense Cold after using three of Big Avalanche]
[Monk], w/ icep0.6 i+n w/ 99k cap, self status lvl +1, [Green Cherry Glutton Mode: DEF -50%, ATK +150%, critical chance =100%, critical hits deal 50% more damage (additive with the base critical coefficient), removed if the user hasn't Synchro Mode] per 5 uses
[Monk], w/ icep6.0 i+n w/ 99k cap