All RelicsChance of drawing: 0.00561% each | |||||
Character | Relic | Soul Break / Materia | Effects | ||
Final Fantasy Record Keeper | |||||
Biggs | +earth dmg | AA | Humongous Strike? | phys 9.0/15 earth+holy+non, earth infuse 25s, party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (2 earth ⤇ [Our Bond: Type: Physical, School: Knight, Element: (Earth,Holy,NE), Cast time: 0.01s, One single attack (3.52) capped at 99999, 3.77 multiplier if Tyro, Elarra or Wedge are alive and 2+ Core/Beyond allies are alive, 50%/100% additional critical chance if 0-1/2+ Core/Beyond allies are alive, grants [High Quick Cast 1] to the user if 4+ Core/Beyond allies are alive, 100% hit rate]), 15s: (4 earth ⤇ earth infuse 25s), 15s: Awoken Earth: earth inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Wedge | +wind dmg | AA | Mach Star | p9.0/15 or m22.5/15 wind+non rngd, wind infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, fastcast 15s, 15s: (2 wind ⤇ p1.92/6 or m7.92/6 wi+n rngd B.Mag, +10% wind vuln. 15s, self +10% wind dmg 15s), 15s: Awoken Wind: wind inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Final Fantasy I | |||||
Warrior of Light | +holy dmg | AA1 | Oversoul | phys 9.0/15 holy+non, holy infuse 25s, party +30% holy dmg 15s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: Awoken Holy: holy inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Garland | +dark dmg | AA1 | Soul of Chaos | phys 9.0/15 dark+non, dark infuse 25s, party Reflect Dmg 75% as dark 30s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: Awoken Dark: dark inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Wol | +holy dmg | AA | Rune Saber | phys 9.0/15 earth+holy+non, +20% earth/holy vuln. 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, hi fastcast 15s, 1 turn: (earth/holy ⤇ earth/holy infuse), 15s: Awoken Cosmic Warrior: earth/holy inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Master | ![]() +earth dmg | AA1 | Driving Fist | phys 9.0/15 earth+fire+lgt+non, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (earth/fire/lgt ⤇ earth/fire/lgt infuse), 15s: +50% ATK, -30% DEF/RES, 50% dualcast Monk, 15s: Awoken Monk: Monk inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Thief (I) | +wind dmg | AA2 | Lively Thieves | phys 9.0/15 wind+bio+non, party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, (40% Dmg barrier 2) / (40% Dmg barrier 2, 1.15x dmg vs weak 15s) / (40% Dmg barrier 3, 1.3x dmg vs weak 15s) if 0-2-4+ I chars. alive, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: Awoken Thief: Thief inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Thief (I) | +bio dmg | AA1 | Notorious Thieves | phys 9.0/15 wind+bio+non, self dmg cap +10k 15s, fastcast 2, 1 turn: (wind/bio ⤇ wind/bio infuse), 15s: (2 Thief/Celerity ⤇ p4.0/8 wi+b+n Thief if Haste, same row fastcast 2), 15s: Awoken Rogue: Thief/Celerity inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Final Fantasy II | |||||
Firion | ![]() +ice dmg | AA2 | Crown of Arms | phys 9.0/15 holy+ice+fire+non, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (holy/ice/fire ⤇ holy/ice/fire infuse w/ stacking), 15s: (2 holy/ice/fire ⤇ crit =100% 1 turn, 1.3x PHY dmg 1 turn), 15s: Awoken Mastery: holy/ice/fire inf. hones, 2-3x holy/ice/fire cast @ rank 1-5, (holy/ice/fire ⤇ [Weapon Waltz: Type: Physical, School: Samurai, Element: (Holy,Ice,Fire,NE), Cast time: 0.01s, 4/6/8 single attacks (0.70 each) if the user's HP is greater than or equal to 0/34/67%, 100% hit rate]) | |
Firion | ![]() +holy dmg | AA1 | Ruler of Arms | phys 9.0/15 holy+ice+fire+non, self +30% holy/ice/fire dmg 15s, dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: Finisher: phys 1.92/2 - 2.88/3 - 3.84/4 - 4.8/5 - 5.76/6 - 6.72/7 - 7.68/8 fire+ice+holy+non w/ 19k cap Samurai @ 0-2-4-6-8-10-12 Knight/Samurai used, then phys 5.35 fire+ice+holy+non w/ 99k cap Samurai, 15s: Awoken Retainer: Knight/Samurai inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Guy | ![]() +earth dmg | AA | Heroic Might | phys 9.0/15 earth+non, earth infuse 25s, party +20% earth dmg 15s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (2 earth ⤇ p1.8 e+n Monk, +10% earth vuln. 15s, -70% DEF/RES/MND 8s), 15s: Awoken Earth: earth inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Leon | +dark dmg | AA1 | Knight in the Dark | phys 9.0/15 dark+non, dark infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (Darkness ⤇ party 40% Dmg barrier 1), 15s: Awoken Darkness: Darkness inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Leila | +water dmg | AA1 | Pirate's Cutlass | phys 9.0/15 water+non, water infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, water instacast 15s, 15s: Awoken Water: water inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Ricard | +wind dmg | BAA | Last Dragoon | phys 9.0/15 wind+lgt+non jump, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (wind/lgt ⤇ wind/lgt infuse), 15s: Awoken Deist Dragoon: wind/lgt inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
[Combat], +1 on Dragoon | instant party jump fastcast – fastcast – instacast – instacast 1, 1.15x – 1.15x – 1.3x Dragoon dmg 1 turn at brv.1+, dualcast Dragoon 1 turn at brv.3 | ||||
Josef | +ice dmg | AA2 | Snow Savvy | phys 9.0/15 ice+earth+non, self/party/party (hi fastcast 1) / (hi fastcast 1, 1.15x dmg vs weak 15s) / (hi fastcast 1, 1.3x dmg vs weak 15s) if 0-2-4+ II chars. alive, party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, Last stand, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: Awoken Monk: Monk inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Josef | ![]() +ice dmg | AA1 | Purposeful Journey | phys 9.0/15 ice+non, ice infuse 25s, party PM blink 1, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (2 Monk ⤇ dualcast Monk 1 turn), 15s: Awoken Monk: Monk inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Scott | +fire dmg | AA1 | Kashuan Kingsblade | phys 9.0/15 fire+non, fire infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, fastcast 15s, 15s: (2 Spellblade ⤇ fire infuse 25s, self 1.3-1.5-1.7x fire dmg 1 turn if 0-1-2 of Gordon/Hilda alive), 15s: Awoken Spellblade: Spellblade inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Final Fantasy III | |||||
Luneth | +wind dmg | AA2 | Cloud Runner | phys 9.0/15 wind+non rngd, party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, 1.09-1.15-1.3x dmg vs weak if 0-2-4+ III chars. alive 15s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (2 wind ⤇ p3.46 wi+n rngd w/ 99k cap Dragoon @ +0 - 100 - 100% crit @ +0 - 0 - 20% crit dmg if 0-2-3 of Arc/Refia/Ingus alive), 15s: Awoken Wind: wind inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Luneth | ![]() +wind dmg | AA1 | Wind Chosen | phys 9.0/15 wind+non rngd, wind infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, no air time 15s, 15s: Awoken Wind: wind inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Refia | ![]() +fire dmg | AA1 | Battering Heat | phys 9.0/15 fire+non, party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (fire ⤇ p2.01/3 f+n Monk @ +0 - 0 - 50 - 50 - 100% crit if 0-1-2-3-4+ III chars. alive, self/same row/same row 2/3x cast 1 if 0-3-4+ III chars. alive), 15s: (2 fire ⤇ fire infuse 25s), 15s: Awoken Fire: fire inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Ingus | ![]() +earth dmg | AA2 | Monolith Sword | phys 9.0/15 earth+non, earth infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, fastcast 15s, 15s: (2 earth ⤇ party 1.3x earth dmg 1 turn), 15s: Awoken Earth: earth inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Ingus | +earth dmg | AA1 | Solid Titan | phys 9.0/15 earth+non, earth infuse 25s, party Reflect Dmg 75% as earth 30s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: Awoken Earth: earth inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Onion Knight | ![]() +wind dmg | AA2 | Stalwart Potential | phys 9.0/15 wind+water+fire+earth+non, party crit =100% 25s, phys fastcast 2, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: Awoken Shadow Ninja: Celerity/Support/Ninja inf. hones, 2-3x Celerity/Support/Ninja cast @ rank 1-5, (Celerity/Support/Ninja ⤇ p4.14/6 wi+wa+f+e+n Ninja) | |
Final Fantasy IV | |||||
Cecil (Dark Knight) | +dark dmg | AA | Dark Crescent | phys 9.0/15 dark+non, dmg cap +10k 15s, dark infuse 25s, 15s: (2 Darkness ⤇ p4.16/8 - 4.32/8 - 4.48/8 d+n Darkness @ +0 - 30 - 75% crit @ 2-4-6 Darkness used, self lose 25% max HP), 15s: Awoken Darkness: Darkness inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Cecil (Paladin) | ![]() +holy dmg | AA2 | Trinity Crusade | p9.0/15 or w24.0/15 holy+non, party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, 1.09-1.15-1.3x dmg vs weak if 0-2-4+ IV chars. alive 15s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, fastcast 15s, +20% holy dmg 15s, 15s: Awoken Holy: holy inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Cecil (Paladin) | +holy dmg | AA1 | Shining Crescent | p9.0/15 or w24.0/15 holy+non, holy infuse 25s, party 75% Dmg barrier 3, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: Awoken Holy: holy inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Kain | ![]() +lgt dmg | AA2 | Raging Dragoon | phys 9.0/15 lgt+dark+non jump, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (lgt/dark ⤇ lgt/dark infuse), 15s: +50% crit dmg, (1/2/3/4+ lgt/dark ⤇ crit =25/50/75/100%), 15s: Awoken Dragoon Pride: Dragoon inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Kain | +lgt dmg | AA1 | Lance of the Dragon | phys 9.0/15 lgt+non jump, lgt infuse 25s, self dmg cap +20k 15s, 15s: (3 Dragoon ⤇ p5.2 l+wi+n rngd w/ 99k cap Dragoon), 15s: Awoken Dragoon: Dragoon inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, jump instacast | |
Yang | ![]() +earth dmg | AA1 | Kick Fest | phys 9.0/15 earth+non, earth infuse w/ stacking 25s, self crit =100% 25s, dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (2 Monk ⤇ p3.04/4 - 3.28/4 e+n Monk w/o - w/ Ursula alive, Ursula instacast 1, self instacast 1), 15s: Awoken Monk: Monk inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Edge | +water dmg | AA1 | Triune | p9.0/15 or m3337.5/15 water+fire+lgt+non, self dmg cap +10k 15s, Ninja hi fastcast 15s, 15s: (Ninja ⤇ p1.76/4 or m^44.0/2 wa+f+l+n Ninja, +10% water/fire/lgt dmg 15s), 15s: Awoken Ninja: Ninja inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Cid (IV) | ![]() +lgt dmg | BAA | Engineer's Trial | phys 9.0/15 lgt+non rngd, lgt infuse 25s, self lose 99% curr HP, dmg cap +10k 15s, Negate dmg 100%, until Neg. Dmg. lost: crit =100%, 15s: Awoken Lightning: lgt inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
[Machinist], +1 on lgt | p1.92 – 3.2 – 6.4 – 12.8/2 l+n rngd, 99k cap at brv.1+, self instacast 1 at brv.0, self lose 99% curr HP & Negate dmg 100% at brv.3 | ||||
Ceodore | +holy dmg | AA1 | Shimmering Cross | phys 9.0/15 holy+non, holy infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 3 turns: crit =100%, 1.5x holy dmg, instacast, 15s: Awoken Holy: holy inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Ursula | ![]() +earth dmg | AA1 | Fist Flourish | phys 9.0/15 earth+fire+non, earth infuse w/ stacking 25s, self crit =100% 25s, dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (2 Monk ⤇ p3.04/4 - 3.28/4 e+f+n Monk w/o - w/ Yang alive, earth infuse 25s), 15s: Awoken Monk: Monk inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Final Fantasy V | |||||
Galuf | +earth dmg | AA2 | Dawn Combo | phys 9.0/15 earth+non, earth infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (3 earth ⤇ +250 SB pts, remove mode), 15s: (3 earth ⤇ p5.28 e+n w/ 99k cap Monk), 15s: Awoken Earth: earth inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Galuf | ![]() +earth dmg | AA1 | Laws of Nature | phys 9.0/15 earth+non, earth infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, Negate dmg 100%, Last stand, when Neg. Dmg. lost: instacast 15s, Last stand, 15s: Awoken Stalwart: earth inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, (earth ⤇ p4.32/6 e+n Monk) | |
Gilgamesh | ![]() +fire dmg | AA2 | Swordmaster's Bravado | phys 9.0/15 fire+non, fire infuse 25s, party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, Retaliate @p1.2 15s, 15s: [Big Softie Mode: Casts Flaming Soul Slash after another FF5 ally casts an ability or attack, grants [Weakness +30% Boost 3] to all allies when removed, removed after casting Flaming Soul Slash four times], 15s: Awoken Fire: fire inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Gilgamesh | ![]() +fire dmg | AA1 | Faithful Friends | phys 9.0/15 fire+non, fire infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, fastcast 15s, Retaliate @p1.2 15s, 15s: (3 fire ⤇ p4.9/10 f+wi+n Samurai @ +100% crit, +250 SB pts, once only), 15s: Awoken Fire: fire inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Bartz | +fire dmg | AA5 | Flame Awakening | phys 9.0/15 fire+non, fire infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 50% Dmg barrier 1, 15s: (next 2 Dmg barrier lost ⤇ p2.01/3 f+n Spellblade, fire infuse 25s, self 50% Dmg barrier 1), 15s: Awoken Spellblade: Spellblade inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Bartz | ![]() +water dmg | BAA | Rousing Water | phys 9.0/15 water+non, water infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, instacast 1, 15s: Awoken Spellblade: Spellblade inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
[Spellblade], +1 on Spellblade | p1.92 – 3.2 – 6.4 – 10.0 wa+n, 99k cap at brv.1+, self instacast 1 at brv.0, self 50% – 75% Dmg barrier 1 at brv.2+ | ||||
Bartz | +earth dmg | AA3 | Rousing Earth | phys 9.0/15 earth+non, earth infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, (50% dualcast Spellblade 15s) / (50% dualcast Spellblade 15s, Spellblade fastcast 15s) / (dualcast Spellblade 15s, Spellblade hi fastcast 15s) if 1-2-4+ V chars. alive, 15s: Awoken Spellblade: Spellblade inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Bartz | +wind dmg | AA2 | Rousing Winds | phys 9.0/15 wind+non, wind infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (2 wind ⤇ p4.08/4 wi+n Spellblade, self +10% wind dmg 15s), 15s: Awoken Zephyr: wind inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, wind instacast | |
Bartz | +wind dmg | AA1 | Tetra Spellblade | phys 9.0/15 fire+water+wind+earth+non, self +30% fire/water/wind/earth dmg 15s, dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (2 fire/water/wind/earth ⤇ p3.52/8 f+wa+wi+e+n Spellblade), 15s: Awoken Spellblade: Spellblade inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Faris | +fire dmg | AA2 | Flamestorm | phys 9.0/15 wind+fire+non rngd, -30/50% A/D/M/R/MND if 1-2+ V chars. alive 15s, party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, 1.15-1.3x dmg vs weak if 2-4+ V chars. alive 15s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: Awoken Thief: Thief inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Faris | ![]() +wind dmg | AA1 | Pirate's Bravery | phys 9.0/15 wind+fire+non rngd, +20% wind/fire vuln. 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (wind/fire ⤇ wind/fire infuse), 15s: (3 Thief ⤇ +10% wind/fire vuln. 15s), 15s: Awoken Thief: Thief inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Dorgann | ![]() +earth dmg | BAA | Blade Lore | phys 9.0/15 earth+wind+non, party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, fastcast 15s, 15s: Awoken Regolian Warrior: earth inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, (earth ⤇ p4.32/6 e+n Combat, self +10% earth dmg 15s per 2 uses) | |
[Combat], +1 on earth | p1.92 – 3.2 – 6.4 – 10.0 e+n, 99k cap at brv.1+, self dualcast Knight 1 turn at brv.3 | ||||
Dorgann | +earth dmg | AA1 | Passing the Torch | phys 9.0/15 earth+wind+non, earth infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (2 earth ⤇ p3.96/6 e+wi+n Knight, +10% earth vuln. 15s), 15s: Awoken Earth: earth inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Xezat | ![]() +ice dmg | AA1 | Fleet Assault | phys 9.0/15 ice+earth+lgt+non, party crit =50% 25s, (hi fastcast 1) / (hi fastcast 2) / (crit =100% 25s, +50% crit dmg 25s, hi fastcast 2) if 1-2-3 of Kelger/Galuf/Dorgann alive, self +30% ice/earth/lgt dmg 15s, dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: Awoken Spellblade: Spellblade inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Kelger | ![]() +earth dmg | AA2 | Lupine Force | phys 9.0/15 earth+non, earth infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, Phys blink stacking 15s, Phys blink 2, fastcast 2, 15s: Awoken Alpha Wolf: Ninja inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, (Ninja ⤇ p4.48/4 e+n Ninja, +10% earth dmg if Phys blink 2 15s) | |
Kelger | +earth dmg | AA1 | True Lupine Attack | phys 9.0/15 earth+non, earth infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (2 Ninja ⤇ p2.68/4 - 4.02/6 - 5.36/8 e+n Ninja @ 0/1/2 Phys blink), 15s: Awoken Ninja: Ninja inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Final Fantasy VI | |||||
Locke | +fire dmg | AA1 | Adventure Awaits | phys 9.0/15 fire+non, fire infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (3 fire ⤇ p5.3/10 f+n Thief), 15s: Awoken Fire: fire inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Celes | +ice dmg | AA2 | Unflinching Blade | phys 9.0/15 ice+holy+non, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (ice/holy ⤇ ice/holy infuse), 15s: (2 ice/holy ⤇ p3.04/4 i+h+n Spellblade, party 1.3x ice dmg 1 turn or 1.3x holy dmg 1 turn), 15s: Awoken Invincible General: holy/ice inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Celes | +ice dmg | AA1 | Twin Spin | phys 9.0/15 ice+holy+non, party Magic blink 1, self +30% ice/holy dmg 15s, dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (2 ice/holy ⤇ p2.6/5 i+h+n Spellblade @ 1/2 Magic blink, self Magic blink 2), 15s: Awoken Invincible General: holy/ice inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Edgar | +fire dmg | AA1 | Bravo Drill | phys 9.0/15 bio+fire+lgt+non rngd, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (bio/fire/lgt ⤇ bio/fire/lgt infuse), 15s: (2 b/f/l ⤇ +10% bio/fire/lgt vuln. 15s), 15s: Awoken Machinist: Machinist inf. hones, 2-3x Machinist cast @ rank 1-5, 100% dualcast | |
Sabin | ![]() +fire dmg | AA1 | Firewyrm Barrage | phys 9.0/15 fire+non, fire infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, Phys blink 3, until Phys blink lost: crit =100%, fastcast, (3 Monk ⤇ p6.12/6 f+n Monk, self Phys blink 3), 15s: Awoken Fire: fire inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Shadow | ![]() +dark dmg | AA1 | Assassin Lord | phys 9.0/15 dark+non, dark infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (2 dark ⤇ p2.68/4 - 4.02/6 - 5.36/8 d+n Ninja @ 0/1/2 Phys blink), 15s: Awoken Dark: dark inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Cyan | ![]() +fire dmg | AA1 | Bushido Flash | phys 9.0/15 fire+non, fire infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (0/1/2 Samurai ⤇ 1.15-1.3-1.5x Samurai dmg), (4 Samurai ⤇ p6.9 - 6.9 - 7.0/2 f+n w/ 99k cap Samurai @ +0 - 50 - 100% crit @ 0-500-1000 SB pts, remove mode), 15s: Awoken Samurai: Samurai inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Gau | +lgt dmg | AA2 | Plunging Claws | phys 9.0/15 wind+lgt+non, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (wind/lgt ⤇ wind/lgt infuse w/ stacking), 15s: (3 wi/l ⤇ wind/lgt infuse 25s), 15s: Awoken Bestial Power: Celerity/Combat inf. hones, 100% dualcast, (Celerity/Combat ⤇ p1.44/6 - 2.22/6 - 2.7/6 - 3.78/6 - 4.56/6 wi+l+n Celerity @ rank 1-5) | |
Gau | ![]() +wind dmg | AA1 | On the Rampage | phys 9.0/15 wind+lgt+non, wind infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, Combat instacast 15s, Celerity instacast 15s, 15s: Awoken Beast: Combat/Celerity inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Setzer | +dark dmg | AA | Peaceful Requiem | phys 9.0/15 dark+non rngd, -70% DEF/RES/MND 8s, dark infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: Awoken Gambler: Sharpshooter/Support inf. hones, Sharpshooter/Support hi fastcast, (Sharpshooter/Support ⤇ p4.32/6 d+n rngd Sharpshooter, +10% dark vuln. 15s per 2 uses) | |
Umaro | ![]() +ice dmg | AA1 | Clobbering Blow | phys 9.0/15 ice+non, ice infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, Abil. berserk 15s, 15s: fastcast, 1.3x ice dmg, (5 ice ⤇ AoE p7.4 i+n w/ 99k cap Monk, once only), 15s: Awoken Ice: ice inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Leo | +holy dmg | AA2 | Fallen Warrior's Blade | phys 9.0/15 earth+holy+non, party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, 1.09-1.15-1.3x dmg vs weak if 0-2-4+ VI chars. alive 15s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (2 Knight ⤇ p3.41 e+h+n w/ 99k cap Knight), 15s: Awoken Knight: Knight inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Leo | +earth dmg | AA1 | General's Slash | phys 9.0/15 earth+holy+non, earth infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (Knight ⤇ party 40% Dmg barrier 1), 15s: Awoken Knight: Knight inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Final Fantasy VII | |||||
Cloud | +dark dmg | AA3 | Dark Side Braver | phys 9.0/15 wind+dark+non, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (wind/dark ⤇ wind/dark infuse w/ stacking), 15s: fastcast, (wind/dark ⤇ [Deathblow Materia Mode Critical: Critical chance =25%/50%/75%/100% if the user has used 1/2/3/4+ Wind or Dark abilities while under Deathblow Materia Mode, removed if the user hasn't Deathblow Materia Mode]), 15s: Awoken Ex-SOLDIER: wind/dark inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, (wind/dark ⤇ p4.26/6 wi+d+n Combat, self dmg cap +10k 1 turn per 2 uses) | |
Cloud | +dark dmg | AA2 | Sephiroth Cell Quickening | phys 9.0/15 dark+non, dark infuse 25s, self crit =100% 25s, dmg cap +20k 15s, 15s: Awoken Heavy Physical: Heavy inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, (Heavy ⤇ Hvy Charge +1) | |
Cloud | +wind dmg | AA1 | Angelic Synergy | phys 9.0/15 wind+non, wind infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, crit =100% 25s, hi fastcast 15s, 15s: (3 wind ⤇ instacast 1, +250 SB pts (once only)), 15s: Awoken Wind: wind inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Barret | +fire dmg | AA2 | Uncontrolled Beam | phys 9.0/15 fire+wind+non rngd, self/party/party (instacast 1) / (instacast 1, 1.15x dmg vs weak 15s) / (instacast 1, 1.3x dmg vs weak 15s) if 1-2-4+ VII chars. alive, party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: Awoken Fire: fire inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Barret | +fire dmg | AA1 | AVALANCHE Scheme | phys 9.0/15 fire+wind+non rngd, fire infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (0/1/2/3 fire ⤇ 1.15-1.3-1.5-1.75x fire dmg), (4 fire ⤇ p7.5/15 f+n rngd Machinist, once only), 15s: Awoken Fire: fire inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Tifa | +earth dmg | AA1 | Meteor Arts | phys 9.0/15 earth+non, earth infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (3 Monk ⤇ p5.28 e+n w/ 99k cap Monk), 15s: Awoken Monk: Monk inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Yuffie | +earth dmg | AA2 | Sublime Landscaper | phys 9.0/15 earth+non rngd, earth infuse 25s, party Phys blink 1, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (3 earth ⤇ +10% earth vuln. 15s, self +10% earth dmg 15s), 15s: Awoken Primordial: earth inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, earth instacast | |
Yuffie | +water dmg | AA1 | Sublime Doom | phys 9.0/15 water+earth+non rngd, water infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (2 Ninja ⤇ p2.76/6 - 3.68/8 - 4.6/10 wa+e+n rngd Ninja @ 0/1/2 Phys blink), 15s: Awoken Ninja: Ninja inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Vincent | +fire dmg | AA2 | Galian Saber | p9.0/15 or m22.5/15 fire+non rngd, fire infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, fastcast 15s, 15s: (2 fire ⤇ 1.5x fire dmg 1 turn), 15s: Awoken Fire: fire inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Vincent | +fire dmg | AA1 | Chthonian Blaze | p9.0/15 or m22.5/15 fire+non rngd, fire infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 25s: Trance: +20% A/D/M/R/MND/ACC/EVA, fastcast, 15s: Awoken Fire: fire inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Zack | ![]() +wind dmg | AA2 | Road to Heroism | phys 9.0/15 wind+dark+non, wind infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (1/2/3/4+ wind ⤇ crit =25/50/75/100%), 15s: (2 wind ⤇ +10% wind vuln. 15s, +10% dark vuln. if Sephiroth alive 15s), 15s: Awoken Wind: wind inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Zack | +wind dmg | AA1 | Proud Heritage | phys 9.0/15 wind+non, party +50% crit dmg 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (3 wind ⤇ p3.0/6 wi+n Celerity, +10% wind vuln. 15s), 15s: Awoken Wind: wind inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Sephiroth | +fire dmg | AA3 | Flames of Nibelheim | phys 9.0/15 dark+fire+non, self +50% crit dmg 25s, dmg cap +10k 15s, fastcast 1, 1 turn: (dark/fire ⤇ dark/fire infuse w/ stacking), 15s: Awoken Chosen One: dark/fire inf. hones, 2-3x dark/fire cast @ rank 1-5, (dark/fire ⤇ p4.26/6 d+f+n Samurai) | |
Sephiroth | ![]() +fire dmg | AA2 | Underworld Guardian | phys 9.0/15 fire+non, fire infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, crit =100% 25s, for next 3 fire: (fire ⤇ p4.5 f+n w/ 99k cap Samurai), 15s: Awoken Fire: fire inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Sephiroth | ![]() +dark dmg | AA1 | Stigma | phys 9.0/15 dark+non, dark infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, +500 SB pts, 15s: Awoken Darkness: Darkness inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Cid (VII) | +wind dmg | AA1 | Dreams of Space | phys 9.0/15 wind+non jump, wind infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (4 wind ⤇ p6.0 wi+f+n rngd w/ 99k cap Dragoon @ +100% crit), 15s: (Dragoon ⤇ same row 1.3x Dragoon dmg 1 turn), 15s: Awoken Wind: wind inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Reno | +lgt dmg | AA1 | Electro Rod Mark II | p9.0/15 or m22.5/15 lgt+non rngd, lgt infuse 25s, self Reflect Dmg 75% as overstrike lgt 30s, dmg cap +10k 15s, fastcast 15s, 15s: (1/2/3+ lgt ⤇ Reflect Dmg 125/200/300% as overstrike lgt 30s), 15s: Awoken Lightning: lgt inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Angeal | +wind dmg | AA2 | Burden of Pride | phys 9.0/15 wind+holy+non, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (wind/holy ⤇ wind/holy infuse), 15s: (1/2/3+ wind ⤇ 1.15-1.3-1.5x wind dmg), or (1/2/3+ holy ⤇ 1.15-1.3-1.5x holy dmg), fastcast, +50% crit dmg, 15s: Awoken Pride: wind/holy inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Angeal | +wind dmg | AA1 | Pride and Ambition | phys 9.0/15 wind+holy+non, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.3x PHY dmg if Cloud or Zack alive 15s, 1 turn: (wind/holy ⤇ wind/holy infuse), 15s: (wind/holy ⤇ party 40% Dmg barrier 1), 15s: Awoken Pride: wind/holy inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Rufus | +dark dmg | AA1 | Recreant Son | phys 9.0/15 dark+non rngd, dark infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (2 dark ⤇ p3.68/8 d+n rngd Sharpshooter), 15s: Awoken Dark: dark inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Shelke | +lgt dmg | AA1 | Transparent Bolt | phys 9.0/15 lgt+non, lgt infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (Celerity/Support ⤇ party 40% Dmg barrier 1), 15s: Awoken Stormborn: Celerity/Support inf. hones, 2-3x Celerity/Support cast @ rank 1-5, (Celerity/Support ⤇ p4.32/6 l+n Celerity) | |
Rude | ![]() +lgt dmg | AA | Earthwalker Conduction | p9.0/15 or m22.5/15 earth+lgt+non rngd, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (e/l ⤇ earth/lgt infuse w/ stacking 25s), 15s: (2 e/l ⤇ earth/lgt infuse 25s, self 1.3-1.5x PHY dmg 1 turn or 1.3-1.5x BLK dmg 1 turn w/o - w/ Reno or Elena or Tifa alive), 15s: Awoken Stoic Sunglasses: earth/lgt inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Elena | +lgt dmg | AA1 | Exemplary Turks | phys 9.0/15 fire+lgt+non rngd, self dmg cap +10k 15s, instacast 1, 1 turn: (fire/lgt ⤇ fire/lgt infuse), 15s: [Rookie Mode: Casts Turks Flurry after another ally uses a Fire or Lightning ability, removed after casting Turks Flurry six times], 15s: Awoken Turks Recruit: fire/lgt inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Genesis | +fire dmg | BAA | Genesis Rhapsody | phys 9.0/15 fire+non, fire infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, instacast 1, 15s: Awoken Fire: fire inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
[Spellblade], +1 on fire | p1.92 – 1.92 – 6.4 – 10.0 f+n, 99k cap at brv.1+, instacast 1 at brv.0, +10% – 20% – 40% fire dmg 15s at brv.1+ | ||||
Final Fantasy VIII | |||||
Squall | +ice dmg | AA3 | Blasting Draw | phys 9.0/15 ice+fire+non, self +30% ATK/DEF 25s, 1.3x Spellblade dmg 15s, 1 turn: (ice/fire ⤇ ice/fire infuse w/ stacking), 15s: Awoken Lion: ice/fire inf. hones, 2-3x ice/fire cast @ rank 1-5, (2 ice/fire ⤇ p3.94 i+f+n w/ 99k cap Spellblade, self +10% ice/fire dmg 15s) | |
Squall | +fire dmg | AA2 | End of Flame | phys 9.0/15 fire+non, fire infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, fastcast 15s, +30% fire dmg 15s, Finisher: phys 6.7/10, then AoE 5.7 w/ 99k cap, fire+non Spellblade, 15s: Awoken Fire: fire inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Squall | +ice dmg | AA1 | Fatal Frost | phys 9.0/15 ice+non, ice infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, fastcast 15s, Finisher: phys 9.6/10 ice+non Spellblade @ +10 - 30 - 50% crit @ 0-5-9 ice used, then phys 6.4 ice+non w/ 99k cap Spellblade @ 9 ice used, 15s: Awoken Ice: ice inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Zell | ![]() +fire dmg | AA | My Final Punch | phys 9.0/15 fire+non, fire infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, crit =75% 15s, 3 turns: instacast, 1.25x SB gauge from Monk, 15s: Awoken Monk: Monk inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Irvine | +fire dmg | AA2 | Armor Shot | phys 9.0/15 fire+non rngd, party instacast 1, +50% crit dmg 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (fire ⤇ p2.0/4 f+n rngd Sharpshooter, (-50% ATK/DEF 8s) / (-50% MAG/RES 8s) @ 1/2 +2n uses), 15s: Awoken Fire: fire inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Irvine | +fire dmg | AA1 | Witch-Hunt Snipe | phys 9.0/15 fire+non rngd, +10/20% fire vuln. if 1-2 females alive 15s, fire infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, fastcast 15s, 15s: (1-5+ fire ⤇ party 1.1-1.2-1.3-1.4-1.5x fire dmg 1 turn), 15s: Awoken Fire: fire inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Seifer | +fire dmg | AA2 | Forbidden Shadowflame Strike | phys 9.0/15 dark+fire+non, Edea fastcast 15s, party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, fastcast 15s, (crit =100% 1 turn, dualcast dark/fire 1 turn) / (crit =100% 2 turns, dualcast dark/fire 2 turns) / (crit =100% 3 turns, dualcast dark/fire 3 turns) if 0-2-4+ VIII chars. alive, 15s: Awoken Sorceress's Knight: dark/fire inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Seifer | +dark dmg | AA1 | Carnage Cut | phys 9.0/15 dark+fire+non rngd, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (fire/dark ⤇ fire/dark infuse), 15s: (2 dark/fire ⤇ p3.68/8 d+f+n rngd Darkness), 15s: Awoken Sorceress's Knight: dark/fire inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Laguna | +ice dmg | AA2 | Parallel Desperado | phys 9.0/15 ice+non rngd, party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, 1.09-1.15-1.3x dmg vs weak if 0-2-4+ VIII chars. alive 15s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (2 ice ⤇ p2.56/8 i+n rngd Machinist @ +100% crit if Kiros or Ward alive), 15s: Awoken Ice: ice inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Laguna | +ice dmg | AA1 | Tactical Attack | phys 9.0/15 ice+non rngd, +20% ice vuln. 25s, ice infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (3 ice ⤇ +10% ice vuln. 15s), 15s: Awoken Ice: ice inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Raijin | ![]() +lgt dmg | AA | Stormcall | phys 9.0/15 lgt+non, lgt infuse 25s, party +50% crit dmg 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (2 lgt ⤇ party +10% lgt dmg 15s), 15s: Awoken Lightning: lgt inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Kiros | ![]() +dark dmg | AA1 | Repeated Exsanguination | phys 9.0/15 dark+ice+non, +20% ice/dark vuln. 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (dark/ice ⤇ dark/ice infuse), 15s: (2 dark/ice ⤇ p3.96/6 d+i+n Ninja @ +100% crit if Laguna or Ward alive), 15s: Awoken Laguna Mania: dark/ice inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Ward | +water dmg | AA1 | Anchor Crush | phys 9.0/15 water+ice+earth+non jump, self crit =100% 25s, dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (water/ice/earth ⤇ water/ice/earth infuse), 15s: (3 water/ice/earth ⤇ p5.12 wa+i+e+n rngd w/ 99k cap Dragoon @ +50% crit dmg if Laguna or Kiros alive), 15s: Awoken Laguna Freak: water/ice/earth inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Final Fantasy IX | |||||
Zidane | +wind dmg | AA1 | Reverse Gaia | phys 9.0/15 wind+non, wind infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1.25x SB gauge from Thief 15s, 15s: Awoken Thief: Thief inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Steiner | ![]() +fire dmg | AA2 | Triple Minus Strike | phys 12.6/15 fire+lgt+ice+non, up to p14.4 @ 1% HP, party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, (dualcast Spellblade 1 turn) / (dualcast Spellblade 2 turns) / (dualcast Spellblade 3 turns) if 0-2-4+ IX chars. alive, 15s: [Combine Mode: After using two Fire/Lightning/Ice abilities, grants [Attach Fire]/[Attach Lightning]/[Attach Ice] if the triggering ability deals Fire/Lightning/Ice damage, grants Vivi the same status if he is alive], 15s: Awoken Spellblade: Spellblade inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Steiner | +fire dmg | AA1 | Double Climhazzard | phys 9.0/15 fire+lgt+ice+non, self instacast 1, dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (fire/lgt/ice ⤇ fire/lgt/ice infuse w/ stacking), 15s: (2 f/l/i Spellblade ⤇ fire/lgt/ice infuse 25s), 15s: Awoken Spellblade: Spellblade inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Freya | ![]() +wind dmg | AA2 | Homeland's Honor | phys 9.0/15 wind+non jump, wind infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, jump fastcast 15s, 25s: Trance: +30% ATK/RES, (Dragoon jump ⤇ p1.11/3 wi+n rngd Dragoon), 15s: Awoken Dragon: Dragoon/Dancer inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, (Dragoon/Dancer ⤇ p4.53/3 wi+n rngd Dragoon, party heal 1k per 2 uses) | |
Freya | +wind dmg | AA1 | Dragon Cross | phys 9.0/15 wind+non rngd, wind infuse 25s, party Reflect Dmg 75% as wind 30s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: Awoken Leap: Dragoon/Dancer inf. hones, 2-3x Dragoon/Dancer cast @ rank 1-5, 100% dualcast | |
Amarant | +fire dmg | AA2 | Blazing Godfist | phys 9.0/15 fire+non, fire infuse w/ stacking 25s, self crit =100% 25s, dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: Awoken Power Throw: fire inf. hones, 2-3x fire cast @ rank 1-5, (fire ⤇ p4.32/6 f+n rngd Monk) | |
Amarant | ![]() +fire dmg | AA1 | Hidden Vocation | phys 9.0/15 fire+non, fire infuse 25s, self Reflect Dmg 75% as overstrike fire 30s, +50% crit dmg 25s, dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (1/2/3+ fire ⤇ Reflect Dmg 125/200/300% as overstrike fire 30s), 15s: Awoken Fire: fire inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Beatrix | +holy dmg, % Slow | AA1 | Seiken Climcross | phys 9.0/15 holy+non, +20% holy vuln. 25s, holy infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (3 holy ⤇ p6.0 h+n w/ 99k cap Knight @ +50 - 75 - 100% crit @ 0-72k-240k dmg dealt, once only), 15s: Awoken Knight: Knight inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Marcus | +bio dmg | AA | Blade Gambit | phys 9.0/15 wind+bio+non, (+10% wind/bio vuln. 15s) / (+20% wind/bio vuln. 25s) if 1-2+ IX chars. alive, party (instacast 1) / (instacast 1, 1.3x dmg vs weak 15s) if 3-4+ IX chars. alive, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (wind/bio ⤇ wind/bio infuse), 15s: Awoken Tantalus: wind/bio inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Final Fantasy X | |||||
Tidus | +water dmg | AA1 | Rising Dream | phys 9.0/15 water+non rngd, water infuse 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (3 Sharpshooter ⤇ p5.28 wa+n rngd w/ 99k cap Sharpshooter), 15s: Awoken Sharpshooter: Sharpshooter inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast | |
Wakka | +water dmg | AA2 | Last Blitz | phys 9.0/15 water+non rngd, -30/50/70% DEF/RES/MND if 0-2-4+ X chars. alive 8s, water infuse 25s, party +50% crit dmg 25s, (hi fastcast 1) / (instacast 1) if 2-4+ X chars. alive, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: Awoken Sharpshooter: Sharpshooter inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast |