Relic Draws

All RelicsChance of drawing: 14.02% total
CharacterRelicSoul Break / MateriaEffectsChanceWant
Final Fantasy I
Warrior of Light
Ultima BladeC2Crystal WaveI chain 1.5x (max 150), party Haste, +30% ATK/MAG 25s0.00456%
Warrior of Light
RS +holy dmg
C1Shield of Lightholy chain 1.2x (max 99), phys 7.92/11 holy, party Autoheal 2k0.00456%
Warrior of Light
Barbarian's Sword
+holy dmg
ADHoly Chainphys 20.0/20 - 22.0/20 - 24.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 - 12.0 w/ 99k cap, holy+non @ 0-100k-300k dmg dealt0.00456%
Warrior of Light
Master Sword
+holy dmg
SA2True Shining Saberphys 9.0/15 holy+non, holy infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, [Warrior of Hope Mode: Increases Holy ability damage by 10%/30%/50% if the user has Buff Holy 10%/40%/60%+, removed if the user hasn't Synchro Mode], 15s: [Radiant Burst: Grants [Radiant Burst 50% Critical Chance]/[Radiant Burst 75% Critical Chance]/[Radiant Burst 100% Critical Chance] to the user after using 2/4/6+2n of Shining Thrust or Lucent Boost, grants [Buff Holy 10% (15s)] to the user after using two of Shining Thrust or Lucent Boost]0.00456%
[Knight], w/ holy[Shining Thrust: Type: Physical, School: Knight, Element: (Holy,NE), Cast time: 1.65s, Six single attacks (0.90 each) with 20% additional critical damage]
[Knight], w/ holyinstant self fastcast 3
Warrior of Light
Excalibur II
+holy dmg
SA1Photon Wavephys 9.0/15 holy+non, holy infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, PM blink 1, 15s: (next 2 PM blink 1/2 lost ⤇ p5.2 h+n w/ 99k cap Knight, self PM blink 1)0.00456%
[Knight], w/ holyp5.4/6 h+n @ +100% crit if PM blink 1 or PM blink 2
[Knight], w/ holyp2.7/3 h+n @ +100% crit if PM blink 1 or PM blink 2, self fastcast 3
Warrior of Light
+holy dmg
AA1Oversoulphys 9.0/15 holy+non, holy infuse 25s, party +30% holy dmg 15s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: Awoken Holy: holy inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast0.00456%
Warrior of Light
Save the Queen
+holy dmg
AOBright Overloadphys 24.0/3 holy w/ 99k cap0.00456%
Warrior of Light
ApocalypseU3Radiant Bucklerphys 7.2/10 holy, party Reflect Dmg 75% as holy 30s, instacast 10.00456%
Warrior of Light
Warrior of Light's Guise
+holy dmg
U2Hail of Lightphys 7.1/10 holy+non, holy infuse 25s, 15s: EX: 1.05-1.1-1.15-1.2-1.3x Knight dmg @ rank 1-5, Finisher: phys 35% holy w/ 99k cap Knight0.00456%
Warrior of Light
+holy dmg
U1Bitter Endphys 7.1/10 holy+non, holy infuse 25s, 15s: EX: +100% DEF, 1.05x Knight dmg per Knight, max 1.3x @ 6 Knight0.00456%
Warrior of Light
+holy dmg
OShining Saberphys 11.44 holy+non w/ 99k cap, up to p12.93 w/ hits taken0.00456%
Warrior of Light
Dawn of FantasyG+Soul Keeperinstant party Last stand, self instacast 10.00456%
Warrior of Light
Kaiser ShieldLMR+Re-action (Warrior of Light)dualcast holy per 3 uses0.00456%
Warrior of Light
+holy dmg
𝐋𝐎Eternal Swordphys ^5.0/5 holy w/ 99k cap @ +100% crit scaling w/ LB pts and honing0.00456%
Warrior of Light
Genji Glove
+holy dmg
𝐋𝐆Holy Raiment (W. of Light)instant holy infuse 25s0.00456%
Hades ArmorC2Chain of Chaosinstant I chain 1.5x (max 99), party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, instacast 10.00456%
Rune Axe
RS +dark dmg
C1Bent on Destructiondark chain 1.2x (max 99), phys 7.92/22 dark0.00456%
Cross Claymore
+dark dmg
ADApex Soul of Chaosphys 20.0/20 - 22.0/20 - 24.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 - 12.0 w/ 99k cap, dark+non @ 0-100k-300k dmg dealt0.00456%
+dark dmg
SA1Sinister Reincarnationphys 9.0/15 dark+non, dark infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, party 40% Dmg barrier 1, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (Dmg barrier lost ⤇ p1.92/6 d+n Darkness, 1.15-1.3-1.5x dark dmg w/ 1-2-3 uses)0.00456%
[Darkness], w/ darkp5.4/6 d+n, party 40% Dmg barrier 1 @ 1 status lvl, self status lvl -1
[Darkness], w/ darkp2.7/3 d+n, self fastcast 1, status lvl +1
Blood Sword
+dark dmg
AA1Soul of Chaosphys 9.0/15 dark+non, dark infuse 25s, party Reflect Dmg 75% as dark 30s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: Awoken Dark: dark inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast0.00456%
+dark dmg
AOScion of Malicephys 24.0/3 dark w/ 99k cap0.00456%
+dark dmg
U2Chaos Genocidephys 7.1/10 dark+non, dark infuse 25s, self +30% ATK/DEF 25s, 15s: (Heavy ⤇ p1.6/5 - 1.9/5 - 2.2/5 d+n Heavy @ 0/1/2 Hvy Charge)0.00456%
+dark dmg
U1Source of Hatredphys 7.1/10 dark+non, dark infuse 25s, 15s: (Darkness ⤇ fastcast 1), 15s: (Darkness ⤇ p1.82/2 d+n Darkness, self heal 20% of dmg)0.00456%
RS +dark dmg
ODiscord Incarnatephys 11.25 dark+non w/ 99k cap, or p12.75 vs. weak0.00456%
ObeliskG+Love or Loatheinstant dark infuse w/ stacking 25s, self +250 SB pts0.00456%
Giant's GlovesLMR+Onslaught (Garland)(dark dmg ⤇ 35% for p2.16/4 d+n)0.00456%
Balmung𝐋𝐆1Dark Raiment (Garland)instant dark infuse 25s0.00456%
+dark dmg
𝐋𝐆2Dark Flash (Garland)instant phys 3.36 dark+non w/ 99k cap, self +250 LB pts0.00456%
Guardian FluteSAFar-Reaching Prayerinstant party h105, hi fastcast 2, Last stand, dmg cap +10k 15s, self status lvl +10.00456%
[W.Mag], w/ Bard/W.Maginstant party Autoheal 1k/2k/3k @ 1-2-3 status lvl
[Bard], w/ Bard/W.Magparty h25 (NAT), self status lvl +1
Regal GownAAGrandiose Songinstant party h105, revive @ 100% HP, Haste, hi fastcast 2, Last stand, +10% holy/dark dmg 15s, Autoheal 2k if Warrior of Light or Garland in party, +20% holy/dark dmg 15s, Autoheal 2k if Warrior of Light & Garland in party, 15s: Awoken Cornelian Princess: W.Mag/Bard inf. hones, W.Mag/Bard hi fastcast, (W.Mag/Bard ⤇ party h10-15-25-35-45 @ rank 1-5)0.00456%
Feathered CapU4Dawn Songinstant party h55, Regenga, fastcast 30.00456%
Apollo's HarpU3Song of Reunioninstant party h85, Regenga, +10% holy dmg if Warrior of Light in party 15s, +10% dark dmg if Garland in party 15s, +20% holy/dark dmg if Warrior of Light & Garland in party 15s, self fastcast 15s0.00456%
Staff of LightBUCrystal's Gleaminstant party h85, Last stand0.00456%
[W.Mag], +1 on W.Mag/Bardinstant h25 – party h25 – party h55 – party h55, instacast 1 at brv.3
Sage StaffU1Ballad of Lightparty +30% ATK/MAG 25s, Haste, Shell, Autoheal 2k0.00456%
Requiem HarpG+Melody of Lightinstant party Haste, Protect, Shell0.00456%
Twin Viper
+holy dmg
DAAwoken Sudden Smite[Awoken Sudden Smite: Type: Physical, Element: (Earth,Holy,NE), Cast time: 2.5s, Seven single attacks (0.90 each) capped at 19999, grant [Damage Cap +10000], [Dual Awoken Cosmic Warrior Mode I (Wol)], [Twin Element Mode II (Earth/Holy)] and [Earth/Holy Resonance +5% Boost] to the user]0.00456%
After Dual Shift:instant -70% DEF/RES/MND 8s, self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Cosmic Warrior Mode II (Wol): Increases the damage/healing cap by 10000, Earth and Holy abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, dualcasts Earth and Holy abilities, cast speed x9999999 for Earth and Holy abilities, casts Dual Heavy Break after using Earth and Holy abilities, lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Cosmic Warrior Mode I (Wol)] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
Soranaki Gear
+holy dmg
ADPurging Steelphys 10.0/10 - 11.0/10 w/ 9k/19k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 w/ 99k cap, earth+holy+non @ 0-100k dmg dealt, party instacast 10.00456%
+holy dmg
SABegrabenphys 9.0/15 earth+holy+non, +20% earth/holy vuln. 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (earth/holy ⤇ earth/holy infuse 2 w/ stacking)0.00456%
[Knight], w/ earth/holyp5.4/6 e+h+n, (-50% ATK/MAG 8s) / (-50% DEF/RES/MND 8s) @ 1/2 +2n uses
[Knight], w/ earth/holyp0.9 e+h+n, self fastcast 3, 1.3x earth/holy dmg 3 turns
Paladin's Regalia
+holy dmg
AARune Saberphys 9.0/15 earth+holy+non, +20% earth/holy vuln. 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, hi fastcast 15s, 1 turn: (earth/holy ⤇ earth/holy infuse), 15s: Awoken Cosmic Warrior: earth/holy inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast0.00456%
Andraste's Nail
+earth dmg
AOTrue Sudden Smitephys 24.0/3 earth+holy w/ 99k cap0.00456%
Knight's RegaliaU3True Arc Slashinstant phys 6.2/10 earth+holy+non, -70% DEF/RES/MND 8s, 1 turn: (earth/holy ⤇ earth/holy infuse w/ stacking)0.00456%
+earth dmg
BUSudden Smiteinstant phys 6.3/10 earth+holy, -30% ATK/MAG/MND 25s, self hi fastcast 15s0.00456%
[Heavy], +1 on Heavyp1.92 – 3.12/3 – 5.94/6 – 8.8/10 e+h, -40% DEF 15s – -40% DEF 15s – -70% ATK/DEF/MAG 8s at brv.1+
OrganyxU1Overkillphys 7.68/8 rngd, -70% DEF/RES 8s, Dispel0.00456%
Ranger GearG+Weakness Weaponinstant +20% holy/earth vuln. 15s, self instacast 10.00456%
Nymurod Kris
+holy dmg
𝐋𝐎Axle Cutterslow phys ^5.0/5 earth+holy w/ 99k cap @ +100% crit scaling w/ LB pts and honing0.00456%
Spring BreezeSAFaerie Taleinstant party h105 (NAT), revive @ 100% HP, Haste, +30% A/D/M/R 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, status lvl +10.00456%
[Dancer], w/ B.Mag/Dancerinstant party hi fastcast 1
[Dancer], w/ B.Mag/Dancerparty h55 (NAT) @ 1 status lvl, Last stand @ 1 status lvl, h25 (NAT) @ 0 status lvl, self status lvl -1
Kitty SuitAAVoice of Lightinstant party h105, Haste, Last stand, 15s: (2 B.Mag/Dancer ⤇ party 1.5x dmg vs weak 1 turn), 15s: Awoken Fickle Faerie: B.Mag/Dancer inf. hones, B.Mag/Dancer hi fastcast, (B.Mag/Dancer ⤇ party Autoheal 1.5k)0.00456%
StaffuarU2Echo Collaborationinstant party h55 (NAT), Regenga, 15s: (2 B.Mag/Dancer ⤇ party h25 (NAT), fastcast 1)0.00456%
Fairy EchoU1Echo Showtimeparty +30% DEF/MAG 25s, Haste, Protect, fastcast 20.00456%
Pink GarbG+Faerie Cryinstant party Haste, Protect, Shell0.00456%
Dual Claw
+earth dmg
DAAwoken Moment of Clarityphys 6.3/7 earth+fire+lgt+non w/ 19k cap, self dmg cap +10k 15s, crit =100% 25s, 1.05x Monk dmg 15s, 1 turn: (earth/fire/lgt ⤇ earth/fire/lgt infuse w/ stacking), 15s: [Dual Awoken Monk Mode I (Master): Monk abilities deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, triplecasts Monk abilities, cast speed x2.00 for equipped Monk abilities]0.00456%
After Dual Shift:instant self instant ATB 1, [Dual Awoken Monk Mode II (Master): Increases the damage/healing cap by 20000, dualcasts Monk abilities, cast speed x9999999, 30% additional critical damage, lasts for 3/3/2/1/0 turns if the user had [Dual Awoken Monk Mode I (Master)] for 1/2/3/4/5+ turns]
Tiger Mask
+lgt dmg
ADCrowning Strikephys 20.0/20 - 22.0/20 w/ 9k/19k cap, then 10.0 - 11.0 w/ 99k cap, earth+fire+lgt+non @ 0-100k dmg dealt0.00456%
Master Fist
+fire dmg
SARaging Spiritphys 9.0/15 earth+fire+lgt+non, self dmg cap +10k 15s, status lvl +5, 1 turn: (earth/fire/lgt ⤇ earth/fire/lgt infuse 2 w/ stacking), 15s: [Frenzied Monk Mode: ATK +30%, critical hits deal 50% more damage (additive with the base critical coefficient), casts Ballistic Fist after dealing a critical hit if the user has Martial Will level 1 or higher]0.00456%
[Monk], w/ Monkp5.4/6 e+f+l+n @ +25 - 50 - 75 - 100% crit w/ 0-1-2-3 uses
[Monk], w/ Monkinstant p0.8 e+f+l+n, self fastcast 3
Dragon Claw
+fire dmg
AA2Skilled Skirmisherphys 9.0/15 earth+fire+lgt+non, self +50% crit dmg 25s, dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (earth/fire/lgt ⤇ earth/fire/lgt infuse), 15s: Awoken Slugfest: [Awoken Slugfest: Monk abilities don't consume uses and deal 5/10/15/20/30% more damage at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, cast speed x2.00/2.25/2.50/2.75/3.00 for Monk abilities at ability rank 1/2/3/4/5, casts Ironfist Combo after using after using Monk abilities]0.00456%
Buster Knuckles
+earth dmg
AA1Driving Fistphys 9.0/15 earth+fire+lgt+non, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (earth/fire/lgt ⤇ earth/fire/lgt infuse), 15s: +50% ATK, -30% DEF/RES, 50% dualcast Monk, 15s: Awoken Monk: Monk inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast0.00456%
Kaiser KnucklesAOPinnacle Pugilistphys 24.0/3 earth+fire+lgt w/ 99k cap0.00456%
+earth dmg
U2Fighting Frenzyphys 6.9/10 earth+fire+lgt+non, self crit =100% 25s, instacast 1, 1 turn: (earth/fire/lgt ⤇ earth/fire/lgt infuse w/ stacking)0.00456%
Power VestU1Empty Fistphys 7.2/10, self +30% ATK/RES 25s, +50% crit dmg 25s, 15s: (crit ⤇ p2.16/4 Monk)0.00456%
Cat ClawsG+2Zealous Spiritinstant fastcast 3, +250 SB pts0.00456%
Inferno ClawsG+1Blazing Speedinstant instacast 30.00456%
Matoya's Staff
+fire dmg
ADMatoya's Mightmagic 63.0/20 - 70.0/20 w/ 9k/19k cap, then 34.6 - 38.06 w/ 99k cap, fire+ice+lgt+non @ 0-100k dmg dealt0.00456%
Wizard's Robes
+fire dmg
SACauldron Chantmagic 22.5/15 fire+ice+lgt+non, party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, (1.15x fire/ice/lgt dmg 1 turn, dualcast Witch 1 turn) / (1.3x fire/ice/lgt dmg 1 turn, dualcast Witch 1 turn) / (1.3x fire/ice/lgt dmg 3 turns, dualcast Witch 3 turns) if 0-2-4+ I chars. alive, 1 turn: (fire/ice/lgt ⤇ fire/ice/lgt infuse 2 w/ stacking)0.00456%
[Witch], w/ Witchslow m21.35/7 f+i+l+n
[Witch], w/ Witchm9.15/3 f+i+l+n, self fastcast 2
Golden Staff
+fire dmg
AAWitch's Awakeningmagic 22.5/15 fire+ice+lgt+non, self Witch fastcast 15s, dmg cap +10k 15s, 1 turn: (fire/ice/lgt ⤇ fire/ice/lgt infuse w/ stacking), 15s: (2 f/i/l Witch ⤇ fire/ice/lgt infuse 25s), 15s: Awoken Witch: Witch inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast0.00456%
Matoya's Robe
+fire dmg
AOCrystal Burstmagic 36.4/20, then 26.5 w/ 99k cap, fire+ice+lgt0.00456%
Gaia Gear
+Petrify res
UCrystal Powermagic 16.8/10 fire+ice+lgt, self +30% MAG/RES 25s, 15s: (Witch ⤇ fastcast 1), 15s: (hit weak ⤇ m8.32/4 f+i+l+n Witch)0.00456%
Judgment StaffG+Witch's Concoctioninstant self instacast 2, 1 turn: (fire/ice/lgt ⤇ fire/ice/lgt infuse)0.00456%
CornucopiaCBlue Water Magicinstant water chain 1.5x (max 99), party +50% MAG 25s, +20% water dmg 15s0.00456%
+water dmg
ADFanatical Dancemagic 63.0/20 - 70.0/20 - 77.0/20 w/ 9k/19k/29k cap, then 34.6 - 38.06 - 41.52 w/ 99k cap, water+non @ 0/5/8 water0.00456%
Avalon Breath
+water dmg
SAPrimal Undinemagic 22.5/15 water+non, water infuse 3 w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: (1/2+ water ⤇ 1.25/2x ATB)0.00456%
[B.Mag], w/ waterm18.3/6 wa+n, self 1.3x water dmg 1 turn
[B.Mag], w/ waterm9.15/3 wa+n, self instacast 1
Lune Noire
+water dmg
AA2Farfall Neramagic 22.5/15 water+non, water infuse w/ stacking 25s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, +30% MAG/RES 25s, 15s: (2 water ⤇ 1.5x water dmg 1 turn), 15s: Awoken Water: water inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast0.00456%
Malicious Revolt
+water dmg
AA1Megido Floodmagic 22.5/15 water+non, water infuse 25s, party Reflect Dmg 75% as water 30s, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: Awoken Water: water inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast0.00456%
+water dmg
AOFata Fioremagic 79.5/3 water w/ 99k cap0.00456%
Mellow Mermaid
+water dmg
USurging Wavemagic 17.0/10 water+non, water infuse 25s, 15s: (water ⤇ m7.95/5 wa+n B.Mag), 15s: (water ⤇ 2-2.5-3x cast)0.00456%
Femme Fatale
RS +water dmg
OPallida Morsmagic 37.2 water+non w/ 99k cap, or m42.8 vs. weak0.00456%
Witch's OriginG+1True Luxinstant water infuse w/ stacking 25s, self instacast 10.00456%
Thief (I)
Zwill Straightblade
+bio dmg
SACrescent Gale[Crescent Gale: Type: Physical, Element: (Wind,Poison,NE), Cast time: 2.5s, Fifteen single attacks (0.60 each), grants [50% Critical]/[100% Critical (25s)] to all allies if 0-2/3+ allies have any Attach Poison, grants [Synchro Mode], [Damage Cap +10000], [Twin Element Mode III (Wind/Poison)], [Poisoner Thieves Follow-Up] and [Crescent Gale] to the user]0.00456%
[Thief], w/ Thief[Hollow Edge: Type: Physical, School: Thief, Element: (Wind,Poison,NE), Cast time: 1.2s, Six single attacks (0.80 each), grants [Quick Cast 1] to all FF1 allies]
[Thief], w/ Thieffast p2.4/3 wi+b+n, self 1.3x wind/bio dmg 3 turns
Thief (I)
Valiant Knife
+wind dmg
AA2Lively Thievesphys 9.0/15 wind+bio+non, party +30% A/D/M/R 25s, (40% Dmg barrier 2) / (40% Dmg barrier 2, 1.15x dmg vs weak 15s) / (40% Dmg barrier 3, 1.3x dmg vs weak 15s) if 0-2-4+ I chars. alive, self dmg cap +10k 15s, 15s: Awoken Thief: Thief inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast0.00456%
Thief (I)
Black Cowl
+bio dmg
AA1Notorious Thievesphys 9.0/15 wind+bio+non, self dmg cap +10k 15s, fastcast 2, 1 turn: (wind/bio ⤇ wind/bio infuse), 15s: (2 Thief/Celerity ⤇ p4.0/8 wi+b+n Thief if Haste, same row fastcast 2), 15s: Awoken Rogue: Thief/Celerity inf. hones, up to 1.3x dmg @ rank 5, 100% dualcast0.00456%
Thief (I)
Thief's Knife
+wind dmg
AODust Devilphys 24.0/3 wind+bio w/ 99k cap0.00456%
Thief (I)
Mirage VestUHollow Blastinstant phys 7.0/10 wind+bio+non, self hi fastcast 1, 1 turn: (wind/bio ⤇ wind/bio infuse w/ stacking), 15s: (wind/bio ⤇ same row fastcast 1)0.00456%
Thief (I)
Mage MasherG+Wind Driveinstant wind infuse w/ stacking 25s, self instacast 10.00456%
Warrior of Light
Ultima WeaponGRadiant Soulinstant holy infuse stacking 25s, holy infuse 25s, self hi fastcast 20.00435%
Warrior of Light
Lustrous Shield
+holy dmg
BUltimate Shieldphys 6.48/8 holy+non, holy infuse 25s0.00435%
[Knight]p0.48 - 0.96/2 - 1.44/3 - 1.92/4 - 2.4/5 h+n @ 327-654-1700-2490 DEF
[Knight]AoE p1.3/2 h+n, self +50% DEF 25s
Warrior of Light
Light AxeLMR4Cycle Breakerfastcast 3 at battle start0.00435%
Warrior of Light
Crystal Shield
+dark res
LMR3Steadfast Warrior(take dmg ⤇ 25% for p1.26/3 h+n, ally heal 1.5k)0.00435%
Warrior of Light
Flame Shield
+fire res
LMR2Absolute Justiceholy infuse 25s at battle start0.00435%
Warrior of Light
Crystal Helm
+Petrify res
LMR1Light Within+3% ATK (max +35%) per hit taken0.00435%
Garland's Helm
+dark dmg
GGlimpse of Chaosinstant +20% dark dmg 15s, hi fastcast 20.00435%
+dark dmg
B2Twin Swordsphys 6.64/8 dark+non, dark infuse 25s0.00435%
[Darkness]p0.8/2 d+n, powers up cmd 2
[Darkness]p2.16/4 - 4.45/5 - 6.3/6 - 8.75/7 d+n @ +0 - 5 - 10 - 25% crit
OgrekillerB1Dark Rebirthphys 6.6/6 dark, dark infuse 25s0.00435%
[Darkness]p2.3 d, self heal 20% of dmg
[Darkness]AoE p1.26/2 d rngd @ +80% crit
Demon Shield
+holy res
LMR3Battlelustdark infuse 25s at battle start0.00435%
Garland's Cloak
+dark res
LMR2Timeless Hatred25% dualcast Darkness0.00435%
Demon MailLMR1Frenzied Warrior(<20% HP ⤇ heal 100% HP, fastcast 25s)0.00435%
Stardust RodG2Light Rondoinstant party Haste, Magic blink 10.00435%
Rune StaffG1Love of Corneliainstant party Haste, Shell, Negate dmg 30%0.00435%
Light Robe
+holy dmg
BAge-old Hymnparty h55, Magic blink 1, self +30% RES/MND 25s0.00435%
[W.Mag]instant h80, Regen (hi)
[W.Mag]party h25
Gold HairpinLMR2Windsong(Bard ⤇ 35% for fastcast 1)0.00435%
Princess Veil
+dark res
LMR1Warriors' Ballad(Bard ⤇ 25% for party h25)0.00435%
LaevateinnGElemental Choiceinstant self hi fastcast 1, 1 turn: (earth/holy ⤇ earth/holy infuse w/ stacking)0.00435%
Rogue Regalia
+earth dmg
B2Howl of Hellparty +50% ATK 25s, Haste0.00435%
[Heavy]p1.95/3 e+h, self Hvy Charge +1
[Heavy]p2.32/4 e+h, -20/30/50% ATK/MAG @ 0/1/2 Hvy Charge 15s, self reset Hvy Charge
Monk's LeathersB1Shijin Spiralphys 7.56/7, -40% A/D/M/R 25s0.00435%
[Combat]p2.6/4, 31% (9% × 4) Stun
[Support]AoE p2.4/2, -20% ATK/DEF 15s
Durga's FirangiLMR2Aspirant of Light(earth ⤇ 20% for +10% earth vuln. 15s)0.00435%
SiriusLMR1Breaker of Laws(<20% HP ⤇ 1.25x elem dmg 25s)0.00435%
Angel's BellB2Echoing MischiefAoE magic 13.92/6 holy+non, -30% A/D/M/R/MND 25s0.00435%
[B.Mag]m4.9 h+n, -40% ATK 15s
[B.Mag]m4.9 h+n, -50% MAG 15s
Cane of WisdomB1Echo's Prizeparty heal 40% HP, +30% MAG/RES 25s0.00435%
[B.Mag]m10.48/4 l+n
[Special]20% Stop, AoE -40% MAG 15s
Yggdrasil StaffLMR3Faerie Helper25% dualcast Dancer0.00435%
NirvanaLMR2Fabled SpiritHaste, instacast 1 at battle start0.00435%